Arizona: Boycotts have consequences [Reader Post]


Poor reporting also should have consequences.

Recently the City Council of Los Angeles, eager to prove itself as ignorant as the President of the United States, the Attorney General of the US and the Director of Homeland Insecurity, directed city heads to refrain from doing business with the state of Arizona for passing an immigration law that is congruous with Federal Law.

In return, Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce responded with a suggestion to the Mayor of Los Angeles. It was widely reported that Pierce threatened to shut off electricity to the city of Los Angeles. These outlets were lightening quick there to point out that Arizona can’t do that.

But that’s not what Pierce said.

Pierce wrote

“If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation.”

Pierce does not threaten to cut off electricity to Los Angeles. He invites the city of Los Angeles to renegotiate its contract for power so Los Angeles can find it elsewhere if Arizona has become so repulsive.

Yes boycotts have consequences, but it sure would be nice if they were properly reported. The left-wing media always whines about bloggers not being journalists but incidents like this hardly cultivate confidence in those whose full-time job it is to provide the facts.

But wouldn’t it be cool if Arizona could cut off power to Los Angeles?

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Add Haiti to the list of failed Social experiments.

@ ilovebeeswarzone, Please Mademoiselle, for now, consider FA to be a ‘virtual campfire’ and we can all sit comfortably here and chew the fat until I finish my tasking and get back to the land of the Big Sky.

My Daughter sent me this You Tube clip. “Disregard the RAF business Dad and be more careful,
Or Else! You don’t need another darn ribbon that bad!” I just became a Vera Lynn fan today. She is on Summer Internship at Cannon AFB in NM and going to be a Second Year Cadet at USAFA in the fall. NM, one of Our 57 States that needs some Leadership and to be reminded of the Rule of Law.

OLD TROOPER: do you beleive that i am also a fan of her, i play a audio cassette of her sometimes and i always enjoy it: your daughter will follow your life of bravery and courage,as i see, and she has the gutt to succeed her future too; some proud you are of her; and some proud she is of her DAD. bye 🙄

OT: thank your daughter for that video: i had never seen it before, it’s very good surprising coming from so long ago; i saw an ant on my keyboard and my killer instinct made me wack her and the keyboard almost flew out, and my coffee was airborne to, just to say, you don’t have to be big to cause trouble. bye 🙄

@ ilovebeeswarzone, “Killer Instinct” ??? !!!
I would appoint you the Minister Of Defence if I was the PM of Canada! 😀

That stupid Perryman paper got it’s numbers by comparing the cheap, illegal wages with legal ones, one-for-one, and by assuming (read; wildly guessing) that the costs of compliance would never go down, after the initial (possible) spike. He also failed to take into account the HUGE costs of educating and providing healthcare.

IOW It’s bullshit.

He’s supported open borders for years, and is the go-to group for many Progressive causes. He’s a guy who thinks “the arts” in Texas actually makes money for the state, so the state should continue to subsidize it…

Ummm…. ????

In other news, Phoenix is not only the world capitol for kidnappings, it also has over 57,000 cars stolen per year.

We have 50 States and each have Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

The “General Welfare” and Commerce Clauses are the most abused by the Congress, DOJ and the Senate. Team Obama ignores the Limits to Federal Authority and “We Won” does not circumvent the 10th Amendment by any Legal stretch of the imagination.

Quote Gov. Brewer, “We will see You in Court”. Bring it. A Constitutional Crisis at the least and Impeachable Offenses at best. The Economy is swirling the bowl, We are at War and those that host magnificent parties for Corrupt Calderone and Fools appluading his disregard for US Laws on the Floor of Congress, shoot hoops, play golf, go white water rafting, fly to Timbuktu on Govt. Aircraft for no clear purpose, offer jobs in violation of the Hatch Act and generally act as Elites need a comeuppance and Due Process.

If the Courts fail, the “governed” just may take other options and that will be very ugly. Then the gloves come off. I can see it from here but not my front porch swing or my cattle grazing in Montana. As sure as winter bring snow at my place, there is trouble brewing in the USA. I have never observed a peaceful Regime Change and Taxation, Broken Laws, Corruption and Malfeasance in Office have consequences and lip service does not resolve a damn thing. Appointing Czars is reminiscent of Royalty in Russia. You remember what happened to those guys…Lets get beyond that and stop meddling in things that are not relevant and fix things that are broken because the alternative will suck Big Time.

Kandahar Omlettes for morning grub. I want steak, fresh eggs, hashed browns, diced Vidalia Onions and Georgia Peaches with toast. At least the coffee is good…

OLD TROOPER: the coffee is good?, that must come from ALASKA who name a special coffee SKOOKUM, did you say steak for breakfast with eggs and hash browns onions, peaches? that’s 🙄 quite a breakfast. mium yumy. bye

We need to take back our USA. USA should be only for European Whites, all others need to go back to their place of origin peacefully. We need a pure white society that has almost no crime and drama, where our kids can walk safely on our street and our money is safe is in the banks without the foreigners and the Gov’t stealing it. Legal and illegal immigration should be totally stopped unless the visitors are from Europe and are pure white, no one else should be allowed. We have no place for Jews and Arabs. Support FAIR, the tea party and our Republican leaders. They are bringing the law into our hands finally. Arizona is a start, we have more ways to go.
Thanks, we need all your votes.

You aren’t fooling anyone RichardFL. Your bigoted post has no support by any variation of Republican. It’s classic white supremest neo-Nazi drivel, and everyone who understands anything about that movement knows full well that they came from a despicable branch of racist, fascist, Democratic Socialists. Or else you are a typical liberal sock-puppet, who posts such excrement in a pathetic attempt to discredit sites such as this. Either way your effort is wasted here. Crawl back to your KKK inspired cesspool and rot.

From having told neo-nazis and white supremacists where to go, that post doesn’t ring true. It sounds like someone trying to imitate one. Perhaps Richard is a leftist moby? It sure sounds like what mentally ill lefties believe Conservatives think. Plus it links a racist post to a Conservative site. Then the same lefties turn around and publicize/gloat over finding such a post which they use to prove how racist we are.

It’s become clear that the true racists are dems.


Yeah, it’s hard to tell with these Democratic fanatics. Some of the genuine Nazi garbage I’ve run into are so stupid, they don’t even get their own conspiracy propaganda correct. And the far-left racist posers only copy enough of the cray rhetoric to try to sell themselves, and hope will make them sound like the KKK or Aryan Nation nut-case. Either way they are pathetic losers.

OLD TROOPER: hi, how time flye,2nd july 2010 just came today rushing us to a still cold summer: I was looking at YOUR YOUTUBE of VERA LYNN; and her songs are still appropriated for today’s world, likesome of theses specialy: WE’LL MEET AGAIN; and, I’LL be seing you, and please phone home, andI’LL pray for you, and there will be blue birds, and You’ll never know, and many more
to listen to and appreciate. bye take care 😉