Pa Primary Update – So Long Specter!


Very briefly:

Toomey is in. Specter is out. Tomorrow is a good day to hit the ground running campaigning for Pat Toomey. His democrat challenger, Joe Sestak, will not go down with out a dust up.

Toomey is The Clear Choice:

The Clear Choice from Pat Toomey on Vimeo.

    In other PA races:

  • Dee Adcock won his primary challenge in CD-13 – that translates into victory for Allyson Schwartz come November.
  • Tim Burns failed in his bid to defeat Murtha’s replacement, Mark Critz, in the PA-12 special election. The voters chose the politician who would continue to bring the pork home.
  • Tom Corbett is the Republican candidate for Governor.

Last but not least, I won a committee seat in the 57th Ward, 10th Division of CD-13.

Message sent by electorate in Pennsylvania: Dear GOP – don’t count your eggs till they’ve hatched in November.

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This is a mixed bag. I love seeing Specter having his head handed to him but Sestak is a formidable candidate, albeit a left winger. The guy is a retired admiral and you have to respect that. Yet I cannot fathom 😉 why an admiral would be a leftie, unless rising to the admiralty is just the same as left wing politics.

the RnCC spent 1 million 10% of their cash on hand in PA 12 and still lost in a district that McCain carried in 2008

As a proud citizen of the Commonwealth of PA, I was gratified to see Specter get the boot. He has long outlived his usefulness. Even Sestak has to be better, but I am going to work for Toomey! The Burns loss was sad, but he has another chance this fall. The biggest disappointment was Corbett’s win. He is a politician and looking out for himself – his record as AG is less than stellar. Oh well, Sam Rohrer has 4 years to get name recognition and he is worth it!

Now, back on my head…

PA will never be a Republican state again. Too many of its citizens enjoy the public dole or have left wing beliefs. Was a long time resident of PA, got tired of the winters and politics. Then I got smart and moved to TX. Still support Toomey from down here. He should do OK. Sestak is a left wing loon. Am retired military and cannot for the life of me see how a military officer can support a Marxist administration. Only conclusion is that Sestak is a Marxist also. That would also make him a traitor in my eyes.

@John ryan…Was it Your Money?

Burns could not win because the special election was held on the same day as the primary.

“In primary elections, voters go to the polls and are asked their party affiliation. They are then given a ballot which corresponds to that affiliation. Independents are given a separate ballot. Nearly 35,000 more voters filled out Democrat ballots than Republican ballots. For Burns to have won, he would have had to overcome those 35,000 votes by a combination of Independents and ticket splitters. Independents, of course, are not known for their high levels of participation in primary elections…quite the opposite in fact.

Ticket splitting is fairly common in general elections but not in primaries as Rendell, a product of the Philadelphia Democrat machine, undoubtedly knows. It’s difficult to imagine significant numbers of Democrat voters asking for a Democrat ballot upon arrival at the polls, then voting simultaneously for Critz in the primary and Burns in the special. Partisans, by definition, show up on primary day, not squishy ticket-splitters. Undoubtedly there were a few ticket-splitters, but to expect a sufficient number to swing the election to Burns was pure fantasy. That Burns was able to close that huge gap from 35,000 to 10,000 with Independents and ticket splitters on a primary election day is actually quite impressive. (About 7700 more votes were cast in the special election than in the two primaries combined.)”

PA 12 is 2-1 Democratic in registrations.

Arlen Spector? Good riddance. In any other context he would be considered a traitor. And, what is worst: Spector was doing everything to help himself to re-election; no matter what! He struck a deal with Obama and the PA democrats to let him win. However Sestak had other plans for Spector.

Never forget, Spector did not have the gall to keep to his guns and instead took sides with radical leftists such as Obama and this is his reward; Spector is OUT.

It matters very little that he’s a lame “quacked” senator now. He has demonstrated only one thing: Spector does not care one iota about the people he should have been representing. Good riddance!

Pleased to see that Spectre removed from my home state.

‘lil Lying johnnie ryan must be pissed.

Dear GOP – don’t count your eggs till they’ve hatched in November.

It’s OK to count the Eggs because that will be an accurate number of Eggs no matter what as long as you count correctly…’s the chickens that you want to wait and count once the hatching has finished

Gee, mindless drones that voted for a blatantly corrupt, unintelligent, war record falsifying, military trashing, leftist did so again. Next you’ll tell me Ted Kennedy spent decades in office too.

Asking liberals to think is like trying to make elephants fly. Even IF you get one airborne through herculean efforts, the landing won’t be pretty.

“His democrat challenger, Joe Sestak, will not go down with out a dust up.”

We will see…..

Naval career?

In the summer of 2005, Sestak was administratively reassigned from his position as DCNO effectively ending his naval career.[13] His removal was one of the first changes made by Admiral Michael Mullen when he took over as the new Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) in July, 2005, according to Navy Times.

Sestak has a 100% rating from NARAL and has stated his support for Roe v. Wade.[12]

Gun rights
Sestak supports gun control and has a 100% rating from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence [17] and an F rating from the National Rifle Association[18]

Congressman Sestak is an original co-sponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act and supports the original version that includes card check.

Congressman Sestak credits his support for health care reform


Congrats, Skye. Schwartz probably was in anyway as our GOP dimwits did the last apportionment so stupidly that the district is locked in D. Trully a self-inflicted wound. Actually, PA-12 is really in the same category of locked in D from the stupidity of a prior apportionment; Burns lost 60K to 70K, so the real problem is the GOP spent a fortune without a get out the vote focus for Burns on “National” GOP issues totally irrelevant to, as you very, very correctly noted, the economic issues of the district. What we call “pork Barrel” is, in that district, survival.