WTF! Pennsylvania State Police Ticket for Cursing


Seriously, when did Pennsylvania become the model nanny state? Oh yeah, when we started voting exclusively Democrat. Well, we’ll fix that problem come November. posts an AP report on free speech lawsuits filed against Pennsylvania State Police who ticketed people for cursing.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) – Free-speech lawsuits being filed Wednesday accuse Pennsylvania State Police of wrongly charging hundreds of people with disorderly conduct for swearing.

American Civil Liberties Union lawyers say they reviewed 770 such citations issued by state police in a recent one-year span and found that most of them involve profanities and other legal, nonobscene speech.

The ACLU plaintiffs are a pizza delivery driver cited for cursing at an officer over a parking ticket and a Luzerne County woman cited for hurling a derogatory name at a motorcyclist who swerved at her.

The statute carries a possible 90-day jail term and $300 fine. The woman says she paid $1,500 to fight the ticket.

A state police spokeswoman says the agency had no immediate response.


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Pennsylvania is broke. It’s not the only state going after creative taxation and yes states are getting more creative.

Pennsylvania is broke? How can that be? The state eagerly held out its hands for stimulus dollars – I am shocked to read how much of a dismal failure it has become [/sarcasm]

The ACLU is looking for a conservative crowd-pleaser so we don’t notice all the times they’ve stuck up for the opposition. On total, they have been more on the liberal side.

“….wrongly charging hundreds of people with disorderly conduct for swearing.”

Is there such a thing as “rightly” charging hundreds of people with swearing?

Why don’t we just wash their mouths out with soup, spank their naughty behinds, and assign them to wash the chalkboard?

Just when you thought you’d heard and seen it all…… 🙄

Pa is broke, go dig up the traitor Murtha, he must have took billions with him. If it’s not with his rotten corpse go slap his criminal family around until they caugh up the billions.

PA isn’t as broke as some other states. By which I mean that the budget could actually be balanced without reneging on any serious obligations. Not like CA and AZ where there is no way to make the numbers add up without either getting bailed out or successfully stiffing some creditor in court.

“A state police spokeswoman says the agency had no immediate response.” Why open their mouths and prove themselves even more stupid?

PA is just plain DUMB.

It was long-ago settled case-law that there’s a 1st Amendment right to curse the police, as long as you don’t obstruct them in their duties.

I have a 1st Amendment right to tell a police officer to go fuck himself if he gives me a ticket. It’s not smart, but I have the Freedom of Speech to do so.

PSP will lose on these.

I’ve always considered it pretty dumb to curse at police. Why give them motivation to consider what else they can think to charge you with. However, 1st Amendment clearly gives you the right to do so. Nor is it proper for law enforcement to violate that right through arbitrary censorship of said speech. Nor can there be a law that empowers police to give you a ticket because you said something that they don’t like, as that would be contrary to the Constitution. (So long as you don’t slander the police officers or use “fighting words” )

“A state police spokeswoman says the agency had no immediate response.”

And off the record said “What the F@CK are you talking about, quit yer biatchin!”

DITTO:hi,i do’nt blame the officer to do what he did;is the DEMOCRATS in power now,follow the CONSTITUTION with theirs laws?; so they give exemple to others, do’nt they?. 🙄

LARRY THE STABLE GUY: on your 4, that’s a great idea, but like my idea of tatoo, it probably wont pass; because it’s too cruel. 🙄 bye

Aye Carumba! I wonder if they will stop illegals who curse in Spanish? You know they won’t be checking their papers to see if they are here legally!

Does this meant he police can longer curse during arrest ? Or when they order some one to get the F ont he ground or raise there f’ing arms !!!!!!!!

The state of Pa sucks royal c*ck. Yes they do give fines i was fined for say wtf when i was crossing the street the cop stopped me for jay walking because i was not in a cross walk and i got another fine for swearing. The words that are not suppose to be said i was told this
i’ll kill you. Mother f*cker , what the f*ck , eat sh*t, f*ck off a**hole, Bend over and take in the tail pipe, pound sand , donkey sh*t, bite me, f*ck off, Jesus Chr*st, Sh*t and other forms of bad words along with the word fire and bom.

The state of pa is so stricked when you go to court instead of yes sir or no sir. They make you say yes your honor or no your royalness. My a** am i calling anyone my royalness. I lived in this state since i was a baby born and raised here and never like this gotten out of hand until now i am 31 years old and i lived in the tarded state for more then half my life the taxes here suck, the govenor bites the fatty.
The state workers are useless and the state police and local police are as worse.

They think by stricting us what and how we present our selves will help us be better people wtf are we in f*cking school. we learned to watch our mouths in school never landed us a fine or jail time that is bullsh*t.

I can see maybe a ticket for a foul word at a cop but walking down the street is bullsh*t in its self , what about the a**holes that can not drive their cars and run ya off the road because they think their crown victorian or a truck is bigger on the vechile chain, Or how about the racist arseholes that say hilter out in the middle of a busy intersection, keeping peace they want no they are to F8cking lazy to do their f*cking jobs , Hey Coppers lay off the dunkin donuts and get to what you need to do , solving crimes and helping people that need it.

From death threats from neighbors to gun shots the cops claim they have no time to deal with the problem i had a lawyer tell me already cops don’t like to get involved in neighborly disputes but when their is voilence that is a different story got to have a witness or witnesses to back up your story.

Oh they say this lets calm down and relax or i’ll run ya in for disorderly conduct.

State police suck royal C*ck to . they know nothing the only reason they sit in there cars is to wait for texters and speeders, Reading , lebanon , harrisburg, pittsburg, philly . scranton , pottstown and erie pa are the most high populated and nastiest cities it is filthy and it smells and in the mean time you get caught cussing in these cities the old fat tarded cops will run you in not arrest ya the first time but give ya a warning then a whopping fine of 300 the next they jail ya for disorderly conduct and probation is cleaning up trash along side the road called the trash pick up bagang. they wear orange jump suits and embrass them in the public.

The state of pa sucks and so does ed rendell what a waste of a good vote. any one that is becoming govenor like tom corbin dude it will suck for you to clean the mess in harrisburg, Wtf getting fined for cussing that is F8cking Bullsh*t no doubt sheesh f*ck this cities in pa and F8ck this state it is bull sh*t . overly populated and high ciggerette tax and high taxes in general ,

STATE OF PA SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
campain messege for the voters of Pa

Power to the people and down with the pigs…………….

Pennsylvania police wrongly charged hundreds of people with disorderly conduct for swearing, the American Civil Liberties Union said in a pair of free-speech lawsuits filed on 19 may 2010

If you don’t like it move to one of the other states. Better yet move to another country. Then you’ll see how much cussing you can do in public. Some countries will execute you for it. Get a life and learn how to spell too. You must have gone to clown school cause you sure are a freaking clown

BACON…. BACON…. BACON…. Too much bacon can be hazardous to your freedoms.

😆 Laughing yes your right to much bacon can be hazardous to any one freedom. lmao that was a good line that was said i will have to remember that in the future when i pass a cop scarfing down dunkin donuts and cofee. lmao that was a good one.

To lawman about his comment from before:

The Pot calling the kettle black. Calling some one a clown and telling them to learn how to spell. Wow what a piece of work you are.The ignorance and the moronic way you exsplain things wow i say you are tops in my book. Um not. Cops are cops , judges are judges and civilians have nothing.

The poorer class your are the more shitter the law gets in this state. The more higher class you are the law slaps you on the wrists and says nothing.But the poorer you are you are jailed and fined to death.

Yes you are right in most countries you would be killed or torchered. But we are in the land of freedom. Freedom of speech and freedom of exspression. This is a crappy state. We flock in vistors to this state to make money but the budget and the state is going to hell. Who gives a flying rats ass if some on swears or not . The cops need to worry about other things of more importance.
You were saying clown school that is what some one says who is mentally ill or a child them selves. The mentality of a wanna be who is trying to hard to fit in. Double check your ass at the front door before anymore words come out of your mouth. This is to the ones that think swearing is wrong that is a bunch of bull shit and you all know that. We are adults and we have the right to exspress our selves in our own way. Not have little preppy wanna be’s think they know more then us. I am sure lawman you were a geek in school that gotten his ass kicked on a regular basis hoping one day to get back at some one as revenge to be cool one day.

Lmao people like you crack me up.You know shit about the world around you and you type some sentences to make your self respected. Lmao you need to graduate your self from clown school because you are a straight out clown. You get a life and you get a grip. And telling some one their spelling sucks check yours out genius your no rocket scientist your dam self. I am sure you are a geek that carries a dictionary around with you so if you fuck up you can look at the words to be sure your right. Oh please give me a break what a idiot and a fucking loser you are…………..

Oh, wait look right here are quite a few

I’m not a real teacher but I played one on TV once.
FYI the words there and their are not the same word and not interchangeable, same with your and you’re they mean 2 different things. oh and to, too and two all are used for different reasons. Ignorance and ignorant means two different things. The words themselves and ourselves are words, if you put a space in between they don’t mean anything.
Master the basic grammar and spelling before you post something on a blog. It makes you look a little more credible when you’re ranting and raving.

Hazardous to anyone freedom?????
That was a good line that was said????
These statements don’t make sense.

kristy’s: hi, ON your 16, that was very funny, but they dont have the sense of humor,
SO you can save yourself time by not saying thoses to the police.
DONT even bother to get angry, because you have a real talent for comedy,
just keep that in mind, and get a book and write your thoughts, and I bet you you will
SELL your book, you are what they call, a genuine comedian, bye

I got a ticket in pennsylvania for telling a officer to fuck off as well. He wrote it up as obsene language/gesture and cost me 400 bucks. FUCK Pennsylvania


That sucks it could be alot worse ! Just think of it this way the law in the state of Pa bites right imagine your self in another country some peeps get their tongues cut off.

I agree they do punish alittle harsher then some state but it is better to be fined then go to prison for cursing. That is alot 400.00 you will need to make those payments or they will come after you for not paying your fine!

I hope it gets better for ya. It is a live and learn situation and you will learn next time not to curse in the state of pa! That sucks for you reall i do hope you can fight that ticket in court !
Aparently they do not think it is comedy or humorous. I wish ya the best! And i agree with your comment at the end! 😯 🙄 😆 👿 😉 😳

Thanks but I am not sure i would be called a genuine comedian, but i would agree it was funny i am a honest straight forward person. Sometimes it gets me into trouble but you live and learn with me i learned.

Yes i agree with your comment about it not being funny or humorous telling the police that but hey when your a kid you don’t know better right ,wrong .

I lived and learned and i feel for the peeps that swore and got a fine. I wish for the peeps the best of luck and ilovebeeswarzone that was a nice thing ya said but i would not sell any books my comments are to rare for anyone to stomach loll thanks though made me smile. 😉 🙂

kristy: hi, I am not budging from what I said, AND I hope you START to write your thoughts,
I see your youth, so IT’S even more why you can surprise yourself to find the richness that is wittin you. AND the best way is writting what you feel inside, it should not be a chore, but some kind of relating to the other YOU, try it for fun, to begin. bye

That was nice to say that and i may do it but like i said i am who i am and it may not reflect on others but thanks i will look into it!

kristy, yes, good, stick around, we love fighter like you, and NOVEMBER is so close,
we must stay united. bye thank you also.

@Larry The Stable Guy: I had to pay a f****** fine of $165.96, because my neighbor accused me of giving her the finger.