Open Season, Despite Barack’s Pleas For Mercy [Reader Post]



Politico is proudly announcing a new repackaged Michelle will be campaigning for the Democrats this fall; apparently President Obama has become a pariah to the nervous congressional incumbents who see the chances of victory this November as wallowing between dismal and forlorn. Rather than further insuring defeat with a recommendation from an administration that is suffering dramatic setbacks in approval ratings, Michelle the professional Black mother is being promoted as the next American Icon equivalent to apple pie. Politico is quick to stress her insistence on balancing the requirements of motherhood and serving tea and crumpets to foreign dignitaries with her secondary duties of Democrat Party shill.

First and foremost, she has to prioritize the interests of her two young children, then she’s the first lady of the United States,” said a senior administration official. “Then, if she has the time, she would help the president support good Democrats.

Of course Desperate Democrats, like California’s Barbara Boxer, are hoping the public will be quick to forget the back handed insult Michelle handed out to all Americans while displaying the true depth of her patriotism during a campaign rally in Wisconsin after her husband became the Democrat nominee, “For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country.” American veterans and their families will be slow to forget just how much importance this woman attaches to the sacrifices American heroes have made in the defense of this country, not to mention her ignorance of America’s advancements in medicine and science.

turkee005-004It is understandable that Michelle isn’t oriented toward national pride or patriotism; she was literally raised in the matrix of the Chicago Machine politics, the most corrupt political culture in the United States. The concept of an American Republic is inconsequential compared to endorsed thuggery and the idea of promotion of self through the corruption of the Chicago Machine; for it is the Machine that holds the key to all public advancement in Illinois and especially Chicago. A concept that Michelle used to her advantage in the acquisition of a no show job with the University Hospital for over a quarter million a year while her husband was elected to the state senate, a public relations job that didn’t exist before he was elected and didn’t exist after she left.

From Michelle Malkin’s book, Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies:

“Her father, Fraser Robinson, was a volunteer precinct captain for the Democrat Party. Washington Post writer Liza Mundy called him “an essential member of the powerful machine run by [Richard J.] Daly, who in addition to being mayor, was the chairman of the Cook County Democratic Central Committee, meaning he controlled both the government and the political party, and he could use one to do the other’s bidding.” Former alderman Leon Despres bluntly told Mundy that it was “overwhelmingly likely” that Robinson’s job at the city water department was a reward for his loyalty. “The water department, where Fraser worked, was a renowned repository of patronage jobs.”

Michelle Obama, a target-rich environment:

Michelle went to a local magnet school, an elite institution of the kind she recently complained that parents now had to “finagle” their children into.

From there she won a place at Princeton University in New Jersey, a campus of daunting gothic aspect, much favoured by old moneyed, East Coast WASP families, and it was as a working-class black girl in a stronghold of privilege that she appears to have first caught a first whiff of radicalism.

She produced a now-controversial final year paper, “Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community”, written in such dense academese that the journalist Christopher Hitchens noted: “To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be ‘read’ at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language.”

Loosely translated, however, it complains that even clever blacks like her get a raw deal in top US colleges, partly because the system fails to recognise “the problems which face black officials who must persuade the white community that they are above the issues of race and that they are representing all people and not just black people”.

imnytk8cd9xcThus the concept of Chicago Cronyism was instilled in Michelle from early childhood and then tempered with radicalism during her university years, the concept that was further nurtured by Valerie Jarret, another hereditary Chicago hack that rescued her from her job at Sidley Austin, the law firm where she spent two years with an attitude described as “perennially Dissatisfied” by the partner that was responsible for hiring her. Jarrett, whose keen sense of Cronyism has found a place on the White House Staff, later gained the confidence of BHO and became known as “the other side of Barrack’s brain.” Jarrett and Michelle traversed the underbelly of the corrupt Chicago machine awarding each other positions on boards and positions that didn’t exist. Michelle’s sense of Entitlement and Cronyism was honed to a fine edge while being ever so quick to defend herself against criticism with charges of racial oppression; thus these Political Blacks expected Affirmative Action to be a blanket of immunity and protection regardless of the depth of their corruption.

From Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies, Chapter 2, The Bitter Half:

Senator Obama: It’s infuriating, but it’s not surprising, because let’s face it: What happened was the conservative press- Fox News and the National Review and columnists of every ilk- went deliberately at her in a pretty systematic way… and treated her as the candidate in a way that you just rarely see the Democrats try to do against Republicans. And I’ve said this before: I would never have my campaign engage in a concerted effort to make Cindy McCain an issue, and I would not expect the Democratic National Committee or people allied with me to do it. Because essentially, spouses are civilians. They didn’t sign up for this.

The quote above was in Glamour, July 17, 2008, an interview by Mikki Halpin, titled “Barack Obama tells Glamour: ‘Debate me, not Michelle.” The most striking character of this quote is Obama’s willingness to stand up in such a cavalier manner for Michelle’s honor and dignity in such a powder puff magazine: presumably to pull at the heart strings of the American women who desperately yearn for the chauvinistic knight who will protect them and their honor against the cruel world. It was a calculated political gambit like most of Obama’s declarations; however, judging by the disjointed syntax, I’d argue that this quote is original Obama and done without the benefit of a teleprompter and a professional speechwriter.

Malkin’s work “Culture of Corruption” contains an incriminating case of corruption against Michelle; thus BHO has cried out the scrutiny and persecution of his wife, claiming that his wife and family are to be off limits to criticism, an assertion that is fair enough; however, when a spouse steps beyond the kitchen or garden and onto the bloody sands of the political arena to energize the political debate, there is no longer a question of political immunity, they and their corruption, past and present are now fair game and it will soon be open season.

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Once you enter the arena as a Campaigner, you have shed the wife and mother protective species bubble. Mrs. “O” deserves the exact same treatment as Gov. Palin’s Family received. The Media treated Gov. Palin’s Family despicably and with no respect or dignity whatsoever. If Mrs. “O” wants to enter the ring, let her be prepared for whatever is thrown her way.

Politics is an ugly, dirty and brutal business these days. Participation in politics is a bold endeavor but no one involved in a Political Campaign is off limits to the vultures in the press. If you don’t want to be bloodied or get your hands dirty stay home.

Robbins, with all due respect, I must take exception to your post: are you absolutely sure she shops at thrift stores?

It is imperative that we strive for accuracy in all our posts!

The libs apparently believe that Mama Doc is popular. Not.

Check out the “love” at ( or She’ll have criticism at every turn…of course not the slobbering sites such as HuffPo but otherwise she is not liked or admired.

OT, unfortunately, I forgot the evisceration of the Palin family while writing my post. Thank you for jogging my memory. The games will be all that much sweeter, let us not forget the past.

Michelle Obama is a fraud in every way…just like her husband. He must know about the disgust expressed on so many blogs…no doubt the reason the thin-skinned one is telling graduates not to get wrapped up in new technology for their information…hahahaha. Too late.

Could it be that FINALLY everybody is discovering Obama’s ineligibility? We got no more use for Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama is NOT an American

CNN places eligibility in primetime spotlight:

Perhaps the MSM is finally getting the drift that what barack, steve, barry or whatever his name is wants to do is shut down freedom of speech, including the press. They will be forced to print only what he wants regardless whether they have been liberal or conservative.

Skookum. thanks for the chuckle. You could put a million dollar dress on that woman and it would look like a piece of cr%p. Perhaps being a woman myself I get catty at times, but she has a horrible figure, is not proportioned and always looks like she is going to bite your head off. She is a hard woman. – and by the way I would like to know why she lost her law license. I know she did relinquish it however for what reason I wonder. Perhaps it was the same reason barack, steve, barry or whatever his name is lost his – for lying.

I am guessing that if the rumor about her husband cheating is true, she will get her revenge. She has nothing to lose by dropping hints about his nationality (as if we didn’t know). She gets the house (the one in Chicago), the kids and money and had the fame.

May I say it elevates the discourse to stick to substantives, like stated policy, for debate: and conversely, while it may be cathartic to speak in colorful ad hominem terms, it lowers the intellectual tone. Speaking to you, Robbins. This sort of talk borders on the things certain trolls do to make a site look bad and racist. And, there’s the soft bigotry of saying that people who shop at thrift stores are unworthy.

Patter, Robbins comment was deleted after I noticed it…probably stayed up for 30-45 mins max.

I wonder how they define “Good Democrats”..Would that be far lefties like Boxer or middle of the road Demonrats?….Some how I doubt she will be helping out any of them that didn’t vote for the HC bill.. just a hunch.

Yes Robert, that term ‘Good Democrats’ kind of stuck out like a sore thumb. Does a good Democrat have election problems?

Is a good Democrat one who follows instructions through Reid and Pelosi?

Does a good Democrat throw away his career by voting the Obama Line rather than voting the will of an electorate?

Perhaps a good Democrat has a chance at being elected in spite of Obama?

We shall soon see, whom the Obamas or at least Michelle considers a good Democrat; unless, the cheating rumors or true, lately the supermarket rags have been better at journalism than the MSM; but that really isn’t much to brag about. As much as I despise the man, I’d like to see his family make it until the girls are grown.

Yes, disenchanted, there is the little incident of relinquishing the Law Licenses; that was another omission of relevance, good point, thank you.

Hopefully, the enigmas known as the Obamas will be exposed before long, at that point the MSM will surely have reached the state of complete irrelevance along with their imaginary heroes the Obamas.

Great! Boob belts meets the campaign trail…

Antics, I think the belt is a fashion statement based on the old web belt or cartridge belt the military used to wear, it is just a fancier model, designed to show solidarity with our troops. Like all fashion statements, they can be overdone, some fashion critics have complained that it is ‘just too to’. Since I acquire most of my clothes from the hardware store, I don’t consider myself a knowledgeable fashion critic and will refrain from passing judgement; however, she does wear it a little high, who knows, she might be packing big canteens and a lot of ammo. A gal can never be too careful while working the garden during the summer heat and humidity of DC.

Patter. I shop at thrift stores and did not take offense. If you put yourself in the public light, you are open for anything. The woman has no style and does not wear clothes the accentuate the positive.

Not everyone takes offense to every little itty bitty thing – well that is unless you are PC. – and that is what has gotten us into this mess.

DISENCHANTED:i love to go to thrift stores,we have a good choice of them,where i live,she might have pick her pantsuit in one of them i remember that person i recongnize had a big clothing store,was picking clothes at one of thoses;my niece would pay $600.FOR SOME CLOTHES,WELL I CAN FIND SOME BIG DESIGNER NAMES FOR $10.AND THERE IS ALWAYS THE UNIQUE ITEM THAT YOU FIND NOWHERE ELSE. 🙄 BYE

I stand by my assumption that Robbins was a troll, because of his/her use of dialect. And I’ve found plenty of treasures in thrift stores too, but Robbins was saying that she was trash and her clothes were thrift store trash. To equate thrift stores with trash is to say that people who shop there have no taste and are trash, which goes way beyond PC and into nasty snobbery. That doesn’t mean that I think MO picks clothes that look good on her, sometimes she really needs someone to say that she is not considering the overall effect. And she is definitely fair game, she attacked others on the campaign trail and if she doesn’t know about karma, time she learned.

The boyz at have a series going on who’s dressed better that is VERY amusing–especially when they put MO up against various drag queens. . .the comments are priceless. . .

Dr. Utopia would be better off keeping MO under wraps!

Barry is already hurting with the Man vote… and this will only make things worse. Being LECTURED at by the WIFE of someone is a quick way to tick off any Real Man (although some Nancyboy Libs seem to like it…guess they like Mommy telling them what to do…)

Talk about the Nanny State…

Thank God that Michelle’s dress designer has gone out of business.

Lib-Stain/marxists & abusive narcissists: six & 1/2 dozen or the other.

They surely can dish it out, but squeal like a stuck frikkin’ pig when you nail their ass to the wall.

You will never see Palin squirt a few tears like Ol’ Kankles Clinton did.

But then again, Hillary’s kankles can’t fill Sarah’s pumps.


@John Cooper: Unfortunately, that designer was one of the few who made the more acceptable sheath dresses which were not like a second skin on her. She prefers to accentuate her avacado shaped figure, evidently liking the vulgar references to her “sexy” bottom half, than appearing appropriate, sophisticated and mainstream. First time in history a woman has flaunted a vulgar image as FLOTUS…or FLINO (First Lady in Name Only).

She is one hot tempered, ugly looking woman. I think that there is a pretty good chance that she will fly off the handle and say some very damaging things, so this could be very, very interesting. I doubt very much that she is very good in the self control department. Just as barry is pretty short in this area, I think she is even more lacking, so stay tuned!

@Skookum…I hear ya. But she is the boob belt queen, IMHO. 🙄

@Dr.D….You said:

She is one hot tempered, ugly looking woman.

I submit this pic for inspection…

Angry Michelle

I always said MO dresses like a thrift store reject. She has lots of class (LOW CLASS, that is). She does not know how to put together an ensemble, and she walks like a man……is her real name Michael? She insults people by wearing $500 shoes to a gathering to talk to poor people. This wooman(?) needs to go to finishing school. Ms. Palin was attacked because she buys her clothes at a consignment shop, and when designer clothes were LOANED to her, the MSM went crazy about how she was spending so much money on clothes. Sarah Palin could be wearing her fishing/hunting/gardening garb, and still outshine MO in the class department.


As Ann Coulter said, regarding the branding of Tea Party activists: “There are lots of bad Republicans. There are NO good Democrats.” Surely the O’Bummers believe there is such a thing as a good Democrat, but it’s scary to consider what that might be from their perspective.

With all her Corruptocrat baggage, it’s hard to imagine what the administration hopes to gain by allowing her to “help” other candidates. The best thing they (Mr. & Mrs. O’Bummer) had going for them was their obscurity and perceived harmlessness. Every move they make in plain sight helps expose the threat they represent to America.

They think Barry is the kiss of death. Just wait till Michelle start “campaigning” for candidates and frightening voters. That will really be a hoot! It will be a real toss up as to which Obama can drive voters away the faster.

The Obamas=The gift that just keeps giving.