Take Back Congress – Independence Hall Tea Party


Do to work commitments, I was unable to attend a Tax Day Tea Party in Love Park. However, I had the opportunity cover a Tea Party on Saturday hosted by the Independence Hall Tea Party Association PAC. With Independence Hall as a backdrop, it was the perfect venue to host a ‘Take Back Congress Tea Party’.

I have to admit I thoroughly enjoy covering Tea Party rallies, it is good for my activist soul. Also, I enjoy spending time with energized, like minded people. There is an energy infused in the Tea Party crowds that I’ve not seen at other political rallies.

These rallies are great place to meet up with local and national grassroot activists/bloggers. I was delighted to meet up with Lisa Mossie, contributing author at PaWatercooler. Her sign was one of my favorites from the rally:

Philly Blogger

Eric Odom and Steve Foley from Patriot Caucus were in attendance at this rally. I managed to video tape Eric’s speech at the rally:

Mike Fitzpatrick PA-8 Congressional candidate and Joey Vento were happy to pose for photo.

Joey Vento’s speech was his typical barn burning speech guaranteed to twist the knickers of any liberal in earshot of him.

It is not a Tea Party without home made signs:

A reminder that our first amendment right to free speech is still applicable, regardless of who occupies the White House.

Some signs sport a Philly twist:

While Philly is plagued by teenage flash mobs, the city is hell bent on kicking out the Boy Scouts:

Mariann Davies is a wise latina I’ve known since the days of Joey Vento’s Philadelphia Human Rights Commission trial in 2007:

Wise Latina

Here she is taking on local race baiters – Daryle Lamont Jenkins and Ricardo Diaz outside a Friends meeting house prior to Joey’s trial in 2007:

Despite the Democrat stranglehold on Philly, there are numerous conservative activists making real progress in the acidic political environment permeating Philadelphia. The Tea Party movement is bringing these people into the same orbit like nothing before has. That is the real power of the Tea Party movement – no wonder why the Dems are terrified. They are reduced to making ‘shite’ up about the Tea Party and showing up with obvious signage in that vein.

This particular infiltrator was interviewed by a reporter from Philly’s Fox News where he was quoted as describing rally participants as being ‘a-holes’. Yes, I’ve access to a video of the exchange and will post it ASAP.

You can view my collection of videos from the rally on YouTube

One more video – Pastor Bill Devlin takes on Bill Clinton:

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TEAPARTY:geez,you’r good at what your doing:nobody can touch you’all bye

I have seen quite a few posts on the blogs that state the Tea Party gatherings are not as populous as a year ago. The posts tend to cite that as a fact the Tea Parties are losing strength. Here in Colorado, it is true that there are not as many people attending the tea party rallies In El Paso County, we are too busy writing letters and emails to congress. We are busy reading and trying to decipher proposed legislation. (Somebody needs to read the bills!)

If you wanted to see the Tea Party people in action, one only needed to attend the county assemblies on April 10th. I have never seen so many people trying to learn the system before. They made incumbents defend their record before the assembly. They made candidates detail their plan for changes.

When I was in Iraq those three years, I wrote several articles that were published in local news papers. When Murtha was calling US murderers, John Kerry described our motivations for serving as a last resort and when Harry Reid deemed the war lost, I predicted that all of us vote. Some of us will run for local and national offices. Some of us will win. The Tea Party support to candidates and issues will make a major difference in the coming years. To quote Yamamoto Isoroku after the bombing of Pearl Harbor:
“all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant”. The tea Party movement is like an ice berg. Most is unseen!


Serious about taking Congress back?

This Guy is:


Mid afternoon here in the land that God forgot but morning for most of you in CONUS.
This was on a flat screen in Ops this morning before sunrise here as I caught my first
cup of coffee. A little inspiration for you and on topic about taking Congress back from
the rogues that have kidnapped the Republic and need a lesson in Leadership, Humility
and Service to those that they falsely claim to represent.

Take Care All.

Old Trooper,

I think that most of us who have been in Iraq wonder if we would do the right thing when the situation called for it. I am not sure if I would have been as forceful as LTC West, but his action saved the lives of his men. I am sure if LTC West wins this election and goes to Washington, he will not be a sit and watch freshman!


OT: Hand Salute! For a minute there, I forgot that LtC West was former military. 😉

Want to know how bad it is for the Dems this year? This is the best indication of the electoral landscape, and of the Dem’s understanding of it that I have seen to date.

Lee Fisher, Democrat candidate for the Ohio Senate seat, is running an ad where he claims to be the anti incumbant candidate. The only problem, he does not mention his affiliation, which happens to be Democrat. His ad actually tries to intomate that he is from the other side of the aisle. He is also currently the Ohio Lt. Govenor, and probably looking forward to losing that gig in this year’s election. Even the Dems can see the backlash which is on the way, and they are either in denial, or in a panic which has them paralyzed.

They decided to double down on stupid and plant their flag in Zero-Care. They listened to the goofy rhetoric that passing the monster would help them in November, and they are shocked to see that this was as goofy a strategy as it sounded.

Enjoy the Sunday shows this year, watch the spin meisters try to convince Americans that the illusion of Centrist Democrats is actually real.

I’ve been wanting to say this for days, and haven’t because I know I can’t verbally communicate it as strongly as I feel it in my heart, but here goes. I am SO, SO PROUD of the American people across this country!! They (we) always pull together when our countries’ survival is on the line, and I just want to say THANK YOU, AMERICA, for standing up and making your voices be heard!! 😀

Ha, Randy; I too am an El Paso county citizen! Cool to see, and I agree with you about the activism here. The democrats really finagled their hold on colorado, but i have a feeling things will change in a hurry.

And on a side note, I am seriously wondering if Michael Bennett is a robot. Its like he got appointed, rubber stamped everything he was supposed to, and now the poor robot is left to run a re-election campaign on its own. I almost feel bad for him. For those that don’t live in CO, here is a quote from one of his t.v. ads (pretty much word for word):
“zzzzzzz-whiiirrrrllll-zzzz I am Michael Bennett, I propose zzzzzzz-whiiirrrlll to suspend health care for everyone in congress until zzzzzzzz-whiiiirrrrlllll-zzzzzz–glitch-glitch-glitch-glitch-glitch”

I think my Roomba has a better chance of winning.. maybe that would be a fun election to watch. Here is how I imagine it…

Michael Bennett: [spewing garbage] “zzzzzzz-whiiirrrrllll-zzzz I am Michael Bennett, I propose zzzzzzz-whiiirrrlll to suspend health care for everyone in congress until zzzzzzzz-whiiiirrrrlllll-zzzzzz–glitch-glitch-glitch-glitch-glitch”

Roomba: “vvvvvvvvvvooooo-click-oooooooo-click-oooooommmmmmmmm-crackle-crackle-mmmmmm-crackle”

Michael Bennett: [spewing more garbage] “zzzzzzz-whiiirrrrllll-zzzz I am Michael Bennett, I propose zzzzzzz-whiiirrrlll to suspend health care for everyone in congress until zzzzzzzz-whiiiirrrrlllll-zzzzzz–glitch-glitch-glitch-glitch-glitch”

Roomba: “vvvvvvvvvvooooo-click-oooooooo-click-oooooommmmmmmmm-crackle-crackle-mmmmmm-crackle”

Audience: clap clap clap

I have been following the Tea Party – and have to say I go back and forth. Wouldn’t it be more honest of them to admit that they are basically Republicans who want to see their party win?

The Independence Tea Party Patriots claim to be bi-partisan, and local,,,, yet THEY endorsed Runyan in New Jersey while the Jersey Tea Party endorsed Murphy. The claim their bi-partisanship on the fact that they endorsed two opposing candidates in Democratically held primaries – (One in Hazleton (Barletta also of English only fame and Pittsburgh whose Republican candidate is of the Barletta Mold) and when they lost both endorsed the Republican for Congress. How Grassroots is a party that does that….. –

Perhaps a little research into the Green for Senate Win in South Carolina may be “same fingerprints,,,,, different State”.

I understand Politics is not an honest game, but do they really think the rest of us don’t get it????

Does the Independence Tea Party who endorses and is supporting Glenn Becks “I want my Lincoln Memorial Steps Back” Parade of 8-29-10 think we can’t figure out who really is running the Republican Party??

I am sorry for the Tea Party People who are sincere,,,,,,but the extremes have hi-hacked your club. – Take it back before it’s too late.

JANE: dont be so shock; it’s normal for teaparty to support republicans and conservatives they think to be the best, they make a power play but are not the one who decide at the end, it’s
still a free country, and there is lots of others things to be outrage of from the DEMOCRATs. bye 🙄

Love3y, I am not shocked in the least,,,,, this isn’t a new pattern for Republicans…….I just wonder what it is about the party that so many of its mebers are ashamed to say they are Republicans. – Right now – Dick Army and the Tea Party are to the Republicans what George Soros and the “Progressives” are to the Democratic Party —- a wacky off-shoot afraid to say who they really are. It’s a free country, do whatever you want,,,,, Try not to shoot the Messenger in the process. Chill with some Ided Tea today

JANE: hi, why do you think the tea party shy away from talking about republicans?. you are right
there is no reason to. bye

Hi -LoveBees – You are correct, ,, We agree, Republicans have nothing to offer and shame on them ,,,,,what is it about them that should be mentioned??? The Tea Party are Apologists for the Republican party, and will do anything,,,, as they already have,,,,, to go back to their good ol’ days. You have to admit, Republicans Controlled Congress for how long???? Nothing like a Democratic Congress for a Republican to find their conscience. Chill – It will be hot again today,,,,,, Keep your powder dry.

JANE: hi, YOU know the politic game has drasticly change focus, and the opposite party must unite to become strong to counter bad laws that AMERICANS in a majority dont want, so we must focus more on uniting than disrupt : FOCUSING on a few will hurt the whole party to work on
stopping the train going out of control to at the end of the line, will hurt the BEAUTIFUL
AMERICA that the centurys old LEADERS have been fighting to keep it FREE for generations to come, and for this generation, read the CONSTITUTION again and again. bye 🙄