The Importance of Maintaining Conservative Principles [Reader Post]


mammoths-mastadons-388The Democrats are committing political suicide through arrogance, incompetence, a disconnect with constituencies and a Socialist agenda; logically, Republicans should sweep the midterm elections, except for one potential problem, a problem that can devastate the political advantage. When Republicans lose the bearings on their Conservative compass, the GOP will fragment into a myriad of political tangents and hare brained ideologies that will destroy our natural advantage.

Never before has such an opportunity been available to Republicans, our president humiliates himself and the country by continually flaunting his foreign policy naivete and incompetence with our enemies and surprisingly with our allies. Americans are rapidly deserting this pretentious fool with his statism and Socialist ideology that is so foreign to the American Psyche in numbers that are approaching exponential rates.

The Republican Party must now resist the giddiness of an impending victory and any pretense of taking the situation for granted; we must concentrate on nominating Conservative candidates who have integrity and a willingness to listen to their base. To nominate charismatic candidates from the fringe without a Conservative pedigree will squander a tremendous advantage and will possibly repeat our most recent national tragedy; the election of an incompetent who has ulterior motives that have nothing to do with caring for the welfare of the US and its people.

Opportunists like Ron Paul will try to manipulate the general public’s dissatisfaction and distrust the country has with the two political parties; this necessitates an even greater commitment to Conservative principles, because the apparent vacuum of leadership leaves the back door open for Faux Republicans and bizarre ideologies that are doomed to failure, but can draw many independent swing votes and those of disillusioned Republicans. Many Conservatives are apprehensive over the future direction of the party and unscrupulous Progressives are more than ready to insert Faux Republicans and other unqualified and unknown entities into Repubican positions of power. Ron Paul will try to hijack the momentum and make his play for the nomination; if Conservatives maintain their principles, the Ron Paul’s will be swept away with the flotsam and jetsam of insignificance.

The possibility of a third party candidate like Ross Perot, who accomplished nothing except for draining away enough Republican votes, 19%, to set up the Clinton victory of 92. Clinton won the popular vote by a margin of 43% to 37% for Bush, of course the electoral college is the sole determinant, these figures made the Bush run a forlorn hope. To prevent this type of political travesty we must educate the base on the importance of Constitutional adherence and Conservative principles; otherwise we risk having a Rino wrecking our party’s great opportunity and causing our country to sink ever deeper into the abyss of Socialism.

Another real danger to the party and to victory is for the runner up in the nomination to be unwilling to concede defeat graciously and leaving his supporters free to wander to the other side of the aisle. Hopefully when we select the final candidates, at a certain point, one of them will realize it is best to accept defeat and maintain party unity by conceding defeat graciously and with dignity.

There are two and a half years until the presidential election; our immediate concern is the mid-term elections; from these elections the front runners for the top nomination will emerge. Performance under pressure is a great way to judge a candidates suitability. Conservative principles and a thorough knowledge of Constitutional principles will guide us through this preliminary stage of the Presidential election of 2012, the country and the world can ill-afford the continuation of the present administration, it is imperative for a Conservative Statesman to be elected in the next presidential election.

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Even if the Republican Party sweeps the 2010 election, based on past performance, they will let the RINO’s take the leadership and things will be “statis quo”. Look how badly they did the last time they held control of the House and Senate. They let the democrats run the show and took all the blame for all the failures. We need new leadership in the Party, the sooner the better. Just look at what they are bringing out for the 2012 elections, all of the candidates are the losers of the 2008 primaries. Not very impressing is it?

Opportunists like Ron Paul’

Is that really the word you’re looking for? Paul’s dedication to his beliefs seems pretty solid to me; I think a real opportunist would have made a few concessions to make himself more acceptable to the conservative mainstream. Just looking at actions it would be easier to call Palin an opportunist, for example (depending on how you view her stepping down as Alaska governor).
Anyway you illustrate the problem without addressing it: we don’t even agree on what it means to be conservative. Thus, there is conflict.

‘Another real danger to the party and to victory is for the runner up in the nomination to be unwilling to concede defeat graciously’

One of the only practical arguments that real conservatives have against the ‘pragmatist’ claim that ‘we need a *centrist* to capture swing voters!’ is a credible precommitment to staying home on election day (or voting for a third party conservative) if someone too moderate is the candidate. Of course the candidates should concede graciously, but to the extent that you’re talking about voters and factions rather than the candidates I don’t think it makes strategic sense to say ‘I’ll support even the biggest loser as long as there’s an (R) next to the name’.

bbart: Paul’s dedication to his beliefs seems pretty solid to me; I think a real opportunist would have made a few concessions to make himself more acceptable to the conservative mainstream. Just looking at actions it would be easier to call Palin an opportunist, for example (depending on how you view her stepping down as Alaska governor).

Surely you aren’t discussing Houston’s king of pork and “dedication to his beliefs” in the same sentence, are you??

“Opportunist”? You mean like taking the “opportunity” to consult with Teddy Kennedy before sponsoring the domestic pilot version of Obamacare back in Mass?

As for McCain, how do you say “opportunist” in Spanish????

So much for the article’s claim that victory should not be taken for granted and “conservative principles” should be held on to. Since when have state run healthcare, open borders, and an elitist arrogance toward decent been considered “conservative principles?”

The GOP has yet to bring forward a candidate worth supporting. Inhofe is a possibility, but apparently the party big wigs are only interested in re-cycling their inside guys.

If Bush had been a better candidate there would not have been a Perot run. If the GOP is so scared of the 3rd party specter, they need to pull their collective head out and find a suitable candidate.

As for Obamacare, the GOP had better take note before picking Romeny, “It’s REPEAL, or it’s NO DEAL”.

Sorry guys, but I must go to work. I will address your concerns later this evening, its part of that ‘personal responsibility’ thing we talk about. It looks you have valid points and I look forward to the debate. Skook

Just Al…

I have nothing but total admiration for Inhofe, have for so many years I’ve lost count…I pray we have somebody like him with conviction and fire in their belly in ’12…midterms first indeed…we have time yet before we get some candidate crammed down our throats via the media or the behind the scenes big-wigs, who so far I despise that last decades.

Diamond Girl,
I hope the tea party movement works as planned and gives us candidates we can get behind. Like you I’m tired of the big shots telling me that’s only rain on my back.

The timing is very important here. If the right candidate comes to light too soon the media will have plenty of time to hatchet him/her to pieces before the truth can get out. While I don’t agree with Gov. Palin on everything, I think she is much better than the media has allowed her to be.

We just have to keep on, keepin’ on. I hope the rain doesn’t keep us from gathering in Dallas this evening.

I quote this from another blog . . . and it is a perfect discription of what I feel about the world right now . . . I think Skookum may find this particularly easy to associate with . . .

“I sense an encroaching…what? Not quite sure, like a beast heard in the forest what is unseen, but its lumbering noises and your instincts put you on heightened alert. It could be nothing, or a harmless deer, but it sounds like something much worse, something with teeth…

I know history repeats itself, but it does not fit into neat cycles by the calender. However, I can’t help feeling like its the dawn of the 20th century again when high hopes and euphoria over a new technological and economic boom era was met by ever-increasing shocks and horror. Things unravaled slowly, then quickly, and when it looked like it had stopped, it grew worse. Spanish flu, Titanic, WWI, Depression, Fascism, Communism, WWII, Holocaust… ”

The French define this as being “Fin de siècle”

Here we set . . . looking at or hoping to soon see the end of “Obamanation” . . . yet we know not what to expect. We all have our perspectives and do I personally think that mine or any of them are perfectly clairvoyant? Of course not.

What I think is our political infrastructure is like a dysfunctional Internet Service Provider and we are all trying to send the dysfunctional ISP an e-mail informing the provider that our e-mail does not work. (this also paraphrased from another blog).

Will the Republican candidate be any better than the Democrat candidate? (since I think there will be a bunch of new candidates and very few democrat incumbants left after the primaries) . . . well it depends on who gets their IPS working again.

Will the whole shooting match deteriorate in chaos? Well . . . “like gravity all chaos needs is a little push!”

; interesting to think about. The brink of something. I hope we’re not replaying 1913 nor 1938. But it is clear ( and facinating ) to be living political history and to be aware of it. This is what history looks like and it’s all around us. What happens over the next few years will be pivotal in our nation and dwarfs the political battles of the last 30 years.

And if you lump the last 100 years together, there is an obvious assault on the American political makeup and relationship with the Federal Government that is coming full circle. The Democrat party is deconstructing out country, with help from RINO’s and constitution-light GOP.

I think things are about to tip. I hope it’s manageable, without violence , and resolute.

It seems to me the formula is pretty simple:

1. Support the most conservative candidate in the primary.

2. Vote in the general for any candidate with an (R) after their name over any candidate that shows a (D).

3. Repeat in every election cycle.

If there is no conservative running in the primary then find one and nominate him/her. The RINOs must face opposition even if only minimal in order to remind them that they do NOT have a free hand and must never feel they are safe.

The key is commitment and persistence. The hard core left never loses focus while the center-right exhibits only occasional spasms of concern when the left pushes too far, too fast. This is why we are where we are today. If the citizens of this republic want to keep it they had better do more than “throw the bastards out” every 20 years or so while allowing those same “bastards” to do pretty much whatever they want between eruptions of anger so long as it is acceptably incremental.

Personally I am not particularly hopeful. I do not believe that the moral underpinnings necessary to sustain the effort that will be required to defeat the left and restore the republic exists in a majority of the electorate. Maybe the leftists will suffer a major setback this year but will the Tea Party people maintain the pressure thru 2012 and beyond? I hope so but I also doubt it.

do you know this quote from CANADA: when the AMERICANS ARE itching,,we in CANADA scratch ;or when AMERICANS sneeze,,we have a flue in CANADA :so i hope y’all get in the same groove to pick the best who deserve the top job. 🙄

In 2010 we must rid ourselves of the McCain-Crist Moderates.It matters not if we gain the majority if the RINO Wing is a ready ally for the Dems.To win victory in 2012 we must destroy the RINOS in 2010……and boot the Paulbots who are liberal Dems as well!!!!