Quote of the Day


The man who is our president:

Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower, and when conflicts break out, one way or another we get pulled into them; and that ends up costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure.”
President Obama yesterday at Nuclear Security Summit

The man who would have been:

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., slammed the leader of the free world Thursday, calling the remark a “direct contradiction to everything America believes in.”

“That’s one of the more incredible statements I’ve ever heard a president of the United States make in modern times,” McCain, a Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war, told Fox News. “We are the dominant superpower, and we’re the greatest force for good in the history of this country, and I thank God every day that we are a dominant superpower.”

The president we do have considers our military dominance a moral burden and a bad thing, apparently. And he is doing everything within his power to fundamentally transform America…I suppose this includes reduction of our military dominance and presence in the world.

I feel so much safer, already…

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Thank you John:
“That’s one of the more incredible statements I’ve ever heard a president of the United States make in modern times,” McCain, a Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war, told Fox News. “We are the dominant superpower, and we’re the greatest force for good in the history of this country, and I thank God every day that we are a dominant superpower.”

This man’s overuse of the term treasure seems to be connected to his view of himself as royalty; pirates and royalty are the ones who always referred to money as treasure.

I am sure he resents the use of ‘his’ personal treasure to conduct the wars in the Middle East more than he worries over the blood. If the treasure wasn’t being directed to those wars, he could direct untold fortunes to his corporate friends and the downtrodden and insure his election for life, President for life of another Third World Nation.

Interestingly I find the text you put in italics (which you and John McCain, I guess, found to be the most objectionable part of this quote) to be unremarkable; to my mind it just acknowledges that this position comes with considerable costs as well as benefits and that some people might not like it. More bizarre (and irritating) to me is the passive voice that follows:

‘when conflicts break out, one way or another we get pulled into them’

What are you, a hapless peasant or a goddamned marionette? We just get pulled into stuff, things just kind of happen? You’re the President of the USA, maybe you could at least phrase things in terms of us doing stuff and making choices rather than imagining the world’s remaining superpower as some sort of pawn of forces beyond its control.
I’m also getting tired of ‘blood and treasure’. Nice archaic turn of phrase, once or maybe twice. Sounds stupid as a standard way of putting things. WTB new speechwriter.

Here’s a good article from the American Thinker pertaining to this~


The point of being a military super power is to be the masters of own fate, that is, to stay out of conflicts, to prevent attack by deterrence. It goes hand in glove with being an “economic” super power. Politicians of all stripes use our resources to strut the world’s stage and stroke their own egos by either playing world police, or world charity. But, most of “we the people” just want to be left the hell alone. Many of us have voted many times for politicians who promise to keep our military strong. . . none of us voted to become the world’s policeman.

The fault isn’t in the power, the fault is in those who wield it, and the present example is not only not up to the task, but making excuses, essentially “well gee, it’s not my fault our military is so great, I’m doing all I can to bring it down you know.”

The more this poser opens his mouth the more of his evil intent is revealed. As a life long Scoop Jackson Democrat from the state of Washington I have to say say that at this point I now thoroughly despise Barack Obama. As soon as a qualified challenger to Patty Murray is named and until the 2012 election is over and there is a NON_DEMOCRAT in the White House I dedicate every bit of my free time to defeating any and all who have collaborated with the ANTI-AMERICAN OBAMA ADMINISTRATION!!!

Obama is working very hard right now to make sure we won’t be the ‘dominant military superpower’ much longer……

What is this moron talking about with this “We” and “Us”shit. Liberals don’t pay much if anything into the tax base and they damn sure don’t support or join the military. I wish this guy would STFU!

This blood and “treasure” wording I first noticed it from Pelosi,,, They hate the military so they use the word treasure…. I just dislike this bunch! He hates this country… No other way around it!

JUSTAL your are absolutly right;it is right also to keep a strong military in AMERICA;why whould they have to go to war without being able to win that that war is being prolonged purpously; just get the ennemies know of the power is enough to scare them and keep them under..bye 🙄

If anyone here hasn’t YET been convinced that this guy is an enemy infiltrator behind our friendly lines, then surely now you’d get it. There’s no way in hell he is working for or even WITH us… but against us. His less than enthusiastic attitude towards our military, which he supposedly commands at the highest level (Ha-Ha) is such a slap in the face to all of those who serve / served. What a friggin’ disgrace.

Whether we like it or not we have a marxist douchebag as President for the next three years.
See, what a neutral statement that ‘whether we like it or not’ is (as some libtard columnists have also tried to water down and explain away Obama’s anti americanist sentiments). We should thank God every day that we are the dominant superpower. How about the lamestream media asking Obama, what country he believes would make a better dominant superpower than the US? And how about, does Obama not like the fact that we are the dominant superpower, since he phrased the question that way. I know that silly unconstitutional expenses like national defense get in the way of paying for constitutionally mandated budget items like universal health care/insurance. Yes, Mr. Obama we feel your pain, and will feel it ever more deeply and joyously on November 6, 2010.