Caption this Photo of the Day- Fighter, not a Lover!


(Photo source undertermined)

What do you suppose this third place trophy is for?

The Army National Guard 2010 Combatives Tournament at Fort Benning, Ga, on March 28th.

Why…What did you think the third place trophy was for?

I asked, you tell.

That triangle choke probably isn’t the best emblematic representation of the sport to put on a trophy.

Hat tip: Black Five

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Oh, wait, that’s Navy. Nevermind.

“I asked, you tell”


Barney Frank has one just like it sitting on his desk.

I fully expect to see that trophy at


I mean, really? Someone thought that was a good idea?


@Mel Alvord:

Barney Frank has one just like it in his home, ….and at the club, and in the motels on the road, and at his friends’ houses, and……

This was the third choice to represent the medivac’s slogan, “The louder you scream, the faster we come.”

The request for an award for bush diving (the act of diving into a bush) got lost in the translation with a San Francisco contractor.

Obama’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” award.

Third place in, “Win at all costs.”

Third place in the double head lock.

😳 Somewhere, there’s a government contract with detailed preliminary drawings and a lot of sign-offs. It isn’t like castings grow on trees and random strangeness is the norm. Where is this artist today?

3rd place for teabagging?

It’s lonely at the top, but you eat better said Barney Frank to the new intern.

OK, I shouldn’t, but…

What you get for coming in third after “Win” and “Place” – and it Rhymes with “Show”

A poor choice for a trophy, the artist must be as clueless as our president or else he is light in the loafers. As funny as it looks, it isn’t nearly as funny when you have a couple of seconds to escape or concede defeat before you pass out. In the MMA ranks, no one laughs at this stage.

The knee should be tighter against the ankle: the match would be over in the next second.

I could’ve lived the rest of my life without ever having to see that trophy picture. Is Flopping Aces resorting to porn now?? I’ve noticed it more in a couple of new ads on the website as well…not a good choice, imho. I guess I’ll be accused of being a prude, but had to say it.

GREGORY DITMAN,,did you ever try ,,bush diving ,,[the art of diving into a bush]? it sound cruely funny bye 🙄

Having done army combatives, the trophy not correct. Kinda embarassing…lol


The I-Survived-a-Date-With-Ted Kennedy award?

Ben Roethlisberger’s idea of consensual sex?

Gaffa, I’m 99.9% certain you know how to teabag. You are English after all.

@Hard Right…LOL

Gaffa, I’m 99.9% certain you know how to teabag. You are English after all.


Obama had this statue commissioned to preserve the moment that Biden was chosen to be Veep.

ilovebeeswarzone, I was thinking about very old school military training and wondered if it actually exists as “bush diving.” I looked it up, and yes bush diving is a real event, both the way they do it in porn and diving into bushes.
Here are civilians jumping into large plants. You will notice on the right that this isn’t the only video of civilians doing it just to do it. I never had the urge to pounce large plants with my body.

1. It’s the annual Chris Mathews “Tingle up my leg award.” to be given out to the MSM Anchor who best pleases the Democratic leadership.

2. The new, revered Totally Gay Awards. To be presented next year in San Fransisco. Get your nominations in soon! (Who will get the “Brucie” this year?)

3. It’s the little known Al Queda dufus award given to the recruit who is most clueless on how to “blow an enemy to bits.”

@Skookum: I agree with you on moral grounds. I ain’t a church goer, but I’ll put my moral values up against any church goer.

I would’t want my young or teenage kids seeing stuff like that, or reading the comments about it, than asking me to explain them.

I am guessing whoever made the trophy is laughing each time he sees it. Maybe the inspiration came from personal experience.

I thought that was Obama bowing to another asian or middle eastern foreign dignitary or head of state.

There is an MMA studio next to a great little Tex-Mex restaurant I sometimes go to, and yes, when they are practicing in the guard it can look pretty gay. When you see them actually fighting, not so much. Right about now, the guy between the legs is losing consciousness. Didn’t know the Guard taught the guard though.

GREGORY DITMAN,thank’s for the video we cannot call those guys,,nature boys,,they hate plant enough to crash it,it takes their anger away i guess,it’s better than jumping on people,bye 🙄 climate change

I think I’d prefer not to know.

First place for the Annual Belly Button Diving Award!! :mrgreen:

“Mr. President – we honor you”

‘I REALLY like Ike’ award

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