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Man I love her speeches.

She digs her heels into Obama but always with a smile. 8)

You know he is pissed every time she gives a speech. Even if she never runs for President, she is a thorn in his side already!

She is the Whore of Babble on



The above commentator accuses Gov. Palin of being unintelligent by leaving an unintelligent, sexist remark. Hypocrite.

The above commentator could have issued a coherent reason why he/she does not like Gov. Palin but instead took a shit on the lovely site known as Flopping Aces.

You know what else takes a shit on other people’s property? Pigeons.

Obots and pigeons. Match made in heaven.

” She is the Whore of Babble on”

AWWW poor baby Mooseburger; what’s the matter sweetie your pot and porn no longer satisfy your flaccid self?

MOOSEBURGER you have a dirty mouth,,go wash it right away with soap

Long article in the National Journal warns the Washington elite and others that they have misjudged Sarah Palin as well as past presidents. Lot of Reagan comparisons as well as a bit of inside history, snippets of events from Washington on up to Palin.

Couple of excerpts:

Palin’s ability to select wisely from the ranks of those who seek to guide her also poses a kind of intelligence test — the sort at which all talented politicians, if not necessarily Ph.D. physicists, excel. Reagan, again, is an inviting parallel. In suggesting that Reagan possessed a high “interpersonal intelligence,” biographer Cannon was drawing on a theory of “multiple intelligences” developed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner as a counter to the debatable idea that human beings have a single, general intelligence quotient, or IQ. There are probably many successful politicians who never excelled at academic work but who qualify as highly intelligent under Gardner’s terms, just as there are prize athletes, such as basketball great Larry Bird, the “Hick from French Lick,” who define what it means to have a high “bodily-kinesthetic” aptitude, as Gardner puts it.

As an adept political tactician, not to mention an accomplished point guard for the high school team that won Alaska’s state championship in 1982, “Sarah Barracuda” conceivably ranks high on at least three of Gardner’s intelligence types: body smart (the bodily-kinesthetic dimension); people smart (interpersonal intelligence); and self smart (intrapersonal intelligence). She may not outrank other possible Republican contenders for the nomination — such as Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Mike Huckabee — on a Gardner-style, multiple-intelligence test, but there is nothing to suggest that she is at the back of the pack, either.

Beware The Caricature
Evidently, there is something about Palin that drives her critics crazy. But if they can pause for breath, they might take a lesson from history as to the wisdom of mocking a political figure for a supposed lack of intelligence. The caricature of Eisenhower as Donald Duck did not stop him from twice defeating, in Electoral College landslides, the cerebral Adlai Stevenson, the darling of the intellectual crowd. The Georgetown set’s view of Reagan as “an amiable dunce” did not keep voters from giving the Gipper landslide wins over Jimmy Carter, a nuclear engineer known for his propensity to micromanage, in 1980, and Walter Mondale in 1984. And Bush won re-election over John Kerry in 2004 despite being pilloried as Cheney’s puppet.

Whereas Democrats tend to criticize GOP figures as dolts, Republicans tend to criticize prominent Democratic politicians, from Gore to Kerry to Obama, not as dummies but as reincarnated Stevensons — elite, egghead types out of touch with mainstream America.

As results suggest, this is not an exchange with an obvious payoff for Democrats. Palin’s critics would be wise to marshal the best assault they can on the basis of her convictions — on the substance of her vision of America and her policies for fulfilling that vision. This is unimpeachable ground for an inquest. So what if she scribbles crib notes on the palm of her hand: She’s doing the scribbling, and the only really interesting question concerns what she is writing down.

“Washington elite and others that they have misjudged Sarah Palin”

well, when George Will’s ‘highly educated WHITES’ find their arrogant Ivy-Inbred position of power threatened they will often insist the ‘not highly educated Whites’ leave the room.

Over the last several years I have struggled with this question, since Conservatism is full of great American wisdom why is it that only once in the past one hundred years has Conservatism been allowed to thrive only for a period of ten years?

Or rather; if the majority of Americans hold Conservative values and Conservatism is the foundation of the Republican Party why then does Republican Party it always lose?

Then George Will wrote three words which explained why Republicans lose: “Highly Educated Whites”

I argue that the reason why Conservatism is not allowed to thrive in the Republican Party is due to the 30% Highly Educated Whites who rule the Republican Party.

Example; the GOP Highly Educated Whites endorsed Charlie Crist while Conservatives endorse Marco Rubio. I am delighted to see Marco Rubio crush the GOP’s candidate.

Fascinating historical comparison; the GOP’s Highly Educated Whites were not fond of Ronald Reagan yet they drool over ‘Highly Educated White’ Barack Obama.

One other observation; not one Highly Educated White on the Left said nary a word when George Will wrote his highly racist comment about the GOP’s 30% Highly Educated Whites; does not George Will know the existence of Dr Sowell, Ward Connerly, Shelby Steele?

Just something to ponder; perhaps the GOP’s Highly educated Whites are as tyrannically Statist as the Left’s Highly Educated Whites?

Ah, Moosebaby.
An iconic and typical lefty response–a brainless insult.
We’re grateful to you for representing your side so perfectly and accurately.

GEE i love this blog and the commenters,so much intelligence to compare with ingnorance LEBRON STEINMAN,,you are in my box with all my friends bye 🙄

When people think of the qualities for a leader in a generic sense, pure, book-type intelligence is rarely at the top of the list.

Honesty, integrity, consistency, leadership, past successes, wit, communication skills…all the things Obama does not have.

-The funniest thing is how easily the so-memed “not smart” Sarah can get within Obama and the rest of the NeoFascist’s craw…to the point of actually witnessing a standing president both respond to the pretty pundit, and modify his actions because of her….even better is how all of the heads of Obama’s tea-baggees explode. They are exposed for the sputtering, unthinking zombies they truely are. “Moose-dung” up there, being only ONE of the examples.

This “stupid” person nails them to the wall with a sentence or two, and smiles while doing it:

“Community organizer, part-time senator, and full time campaigner.”

That, my friends is subtle genius.

Even better is how during the election, no Lefty EVER compared her to Biden…always to Obama. Why is that? Well, we on the right know the answer the Left dare not answer…They deep-down know Biden is not worthy of anything more than being the Senate doorman’s go-fer, so why bother, but mostly they know that Obama needed defending.

In boxing, we compare fighters using the “Tale of the Tape”… Let’s review, shall we?

If there were only one reason to like Sarah it would be that just by existing, she gets the lefts panties in a wad. But there IS more. When she speaks, eloquently, I might add, about the return to basic AMERICAN values which annoys the left even more and to top it all off, she’s right about everything she espouses which sends the left into total apoplexy.

That “The Won” felt it necessary to respond to her “getting out there on a playground……. go ahead, punch me in the face and I’m not going to retaliate” comment after saying “I really have no response” is a perfect example of his hypocricy. On the one hand he says we won’t respond with nukes in certain instances but on the other hand he reacts to her with his smarmy remarks about her not being “much of an expert on nuclear issues”.

President “fights with girls” is nothing more than a whiny little punk trying to be the playground bully that just got his ass kicked by a girl, who pointed out HIS “vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a ‘community organizer and as a part-time senator, and as a full-time candidate.”

Mr. “Messiah”, you’d better learn to pick your battles better. Tangle with the “Barracuda” Mr. Zero and you’re going to get your ass tore up. You don’t have your congress and SEIU thugs to back you up going one on one with her. You may need a bit more experience when it comes to dealing with real American patriots.

@Rides…Well said.

I would love nothing more than to see her ride on a white horse (or a moose in her case), and save America from the Abyss she’s headed.

But I’m afraid, the Chicago mob with their hands on $13 trillion and an army of radical leftist thugs leave no room for such a noble vision.

Oh God, please tell me I’m wrong.

She may not have the degrees from “first tier” universities, but then neither did Washington, Lincoln, Truman or Reagan, all of whom had more capability in their nail clippings than Childe Teleprompter has in its entire repertoire. She can chop every one of these sniveling leftist drones into quivering piles of liver-flavored yellow Jello-o without breaking a sweat, using reason, logic and a smile. It’s no wonder she makes the loons angry! There’s no doubt in my mind she could do more for this country on a bad hair day than bambi soetoro will ever accomplish in its life. It is very likely she will be our first female President, an idea which causes the hiladyke and its fellow femNazis to froth at the mouth (more than usual, that is) and tear out their skanky hair.


Here ya go…….(ok it ain’t perfect but waddya want for a 10 minute photoshop?) LOL!!

Mooseburger like all leftist tools Hitler, Stalin. Pol Pot, Castro, and Mao leave behind death, wreackage and steaming stinking heaps of scat.

It’s just pure joy to see Sarah cut 0zer0 off at the knees without even trying. 😆

The problem with the RNC’s primary which ended in the nomination of McCain, was not just that he was/is NOT by real stretch of the imagination a “conservative”. It’s in the logical analysis of how he succeeded in getting the nomination.

So, how did that “old man” get the nomination? Very simple. there were far too many quasi-conservative candidates. These “conservatives” had the total possible number of conservative Republican voters that were divided amongst them, while the “moderate” McCain received the lion’s share of moderate Republican votes. It’s clear simple statistical odds that insured that a moderate would get the nomination.

The clear logical solution, for the RNC is to next time make damn certain that there are at least as many or more moderate Republicans nominated, versus conservative Republican candidates. (Say 3 or 4 moderates to 1 or 2 conservatives.) That stacking of the deck will tend to ensure a numerical bias in favor of a conservative nomination.

RIDES A PALE HORSE wow this must come back on lots of occasions and election time it’s a killer for the opponent,,keep that in your box on top ,you will need it again,,bye,someday soon people will frame that and SARAH PALIN will love it 🙄

@ditto…It also helped that Huckabee stayed in the race long enough to help McCain defeat Romney.


Also primary cross-over voters. some deliberately trying to influence the Repub primary, some probably did support McCain, but, he had help from democrats.

States such as Illinois was denied the opportunity for a primary vote, it was over before we had our say.

Sarah thanks for sticking up for America.

As the manchild was busy attempting his war on words with the “not much of an expert on nuclear issues,” Sarah Palin. Russia was busy with other things, but, he got a photo op with Medeved, that’s all that’s important. 🙄

Reuters was reporting this Friday, today Putin is wanting us out of Kyrgyzstan. They played Obama like a fiddle.

Russia eyes U.S. air base in Kyrgyz turmoil
Guy Faulconbridge and Robin Paxton – Analysis
Fri Apr 9, 2010 1:29pm EDTMOSCOW (Reuters) – Russian-backed coup or not, the uprising in Kyrgyzstan means the United States may have to bargain hard to keep its last military base in Central Asia.

“In Kyrgyzstan there should be only one base — Russian,” a senior Russian official told reporters in Prague after Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signed a landmark treaty to reduce vast Cold War arsenals of nuclear weapons.

Wow did Palin get TROUNCED at SRLC! 😈

She’s a nice woman, but has no business being in politics.

Right now I’d say Paul is the choice. :mrgreen:

Ditto the only way to stop a moderate McCain is close off the primaries to ONLY Republicans.I wish we could close it off to ONLY conservatives.I hate to break it to the Sarah haters out there but she is the future.Ron Paul,John McCain and other Liberals need to be handed their walking papers.

Nailin Palin did get trounced. Bill Kristol may be her handler, but even a genius like Bill Kristol cannot get her elected, she simply does not have the intellectual capacity. When you spray shit gold, it is still shit.

The field is shaping up before our eyes. It looks like as of right now Romney or Gingrich will be the establishment wank(Neo Con, Globalist) while Paul will represent the Grass Roots(Constitutional, Libertarian, right wing populist, America first) crowd. Another person will enter the fray before 2012, maybe one of the southern governors, but I just haven’t seen it yet. I think it would be good if there were less people in the primaries. So each person could have more time and Ron Paul can look like a Golden Boy. He is clearly the most intelligent, credible and knowledgeable of the bunch.

“well, when George Will’s ‘highly educated WHITES’ find their arrogant Ivy-Inbred position of power threatened they will often insist the ‘not highly educated Whites’ leave the room.”

I may be a grassroots guy, but we need white men of privilege and high education to bring this country back to it’s greatness. White trash just won’t cut it. Not every rich smart, white guy is bad. And anti intellectualism is dangerous and is used by tyrants too secure more power. They just play off people like Palin as the average joe to appeal to the lowest common denominator, but she would just be a figurehead while people like Bill Kristol would be the puppet master

we have to include the TEAM they will choose and this is the winning game if they carefully get the ones to supply what the vulnerable top guy miss,,and also make sure that the team stay behind the first,not try to outsmart him or her,,that will be a power to win

@Missy…I hear you, I live in Illinois too and am often frustrated at the political spectrum here.

@Curt…Well said.

@Ivan…Drink some more Kool-Aid and shut up and sit down. You remind me of that old saying, ‘Tis better to keep your mouth shut and let them think you a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

@Lindbergh…You said:

Bill Kristol may be her handler, but even a genius like Bill Kristol cannot get her elected, she simply does not have the intellectual capacity. When you spray shit gold, it is still shit.

My, you have a way with words. Not. Rhetoric aside, tell us, what can you point to that you think demonstrates Palin “does not have the intellectual capacity?” I would like to see from where you draw that conclusion.

Palin has an impeccable record as a strong, fiscal, common sense conservative. It has been pointed out many times, especially on FA that during the election, Palin kept getting compared – by the left – to Obama and not to Biden. She is Presidential material and this country would be much better off under a Palin administration than the Obama regime we are suffering through now.

You further blessed us with this little nugget of your wisdom:

I may be a grassroots guy, but we need white men of privilege and high education to bring this country back to it’s greatness. White trash just won’t cut it.

There is no place for racism on this board.

I am not even going to respond to the race card, or the racism charge. Just absurd. People who throw out the race card are intellectual lightweights and are part of the lowest common denominator. All I am going to say is, if you think the problem is that there are too many educated white people in government, you just haven’t looked seriously into the issues. You sound a lot like an Obama supporter. Obama supporters(since they have no knowledge on the issues), ground their arguments in saying that those who oppose socialism are just racist greedy white people. But if you want white trash as opposed to educated and successful white people(or just people in general) than go ahead. We need educated and intelligent people with an in depth understanding of economics(Ron Paul, the Austrian School and Peter Schiff come to mind) to address complex economic issues and the consequences thereof like Monetary Policy, Taxation, and looming debt obligations which threaten our credit rating and could slide us into a default.

As for Palin, I won’t support her because she is a ditzy evangelical hockey mom who has no intellectual depth. She just throws out simplistic campaign slogans and has a nice body, which attracts the lowest types of voters(who in reality shouldn’t be voting at all). Here are several glaring examples of her stupidity.

You claim she is a “fiscal conservative” with leadership capabilities. But all she has done is led a town of 9,000 and after two years as governor of Alaska, she quit cause it was too hard for her.

She increased spending 63% and grew the deficit and raised taxes while Mayor of Wasilla
She increased windfall profits taxes on oil companies while Governor so Alaskans could collect a bigger welfare check
Alaska had the highest debt burden in the United States after she left office

when you are running a company big or small you probably don’t know how to operate the equipments so even if you are super smart you will humble yourself in front of the expert or ingeneer and so and so,,the same logic goes for any leader specialy of a nation even more specialy of a superpower of the world,the right team is the secret,,that is why some government fail,in a short time and don’t understand what hit them ,, 🙄

“White men of privilege and high education”? Am I reading this correctly? Maybe Lincoln was a man of privilege and high education, I missed that one.

That is the attitude that has minorities hiding under the Democrat’s umbrella of entitlement and welfare that is run by White men of privilege and high education. That attitude started to become obsolete with the Declaration of Independence.

Palin is the candidate to win in 2012. How do we know that. She is driving liberals bat scat crazy, Obama is soiling himself with buffonish near delerious attacks on her, and the country club blue blood Ivy League republicana are lapsing into purple faced apoplexy. When the elites and especially the liberals are driven to insanity by a potential presidential candidate the republicans have a sure winner and that winner is Palin.
The nation’s political elites, its media harlots, and the democorrupts for over a century have ranted & railed that conservatives candidates such as Coolidge Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and W were stupid cowboys from out west and were unelectable as they trumpeted at their moderate republican useful idiots rino statists losers such as Dewey, Taft, Rockefeller, Scranton, the Romneys, & Mc Cain were the candidates to ride to victory. Those picked by the political elites and the nefarious press all proved to be the losing nags and plugs. If liberals scream an republican candidate is dumb and a sure loser we know the opposite is true.

OLD ONE you sure have a point there,that nobody think of but it makes sense for sure thank you ,bye 🙄

White MEN of privilege?! Pfft. Excuse me while I metaphorically spit in the direction of this metaphor.
Why does everyone think of Palin in terms of being president? They also serve who make it possible to have a reasonable election. Not everyone can whip up such a defeated, self-defeating, lost group as the GOP have become, in fact being a cheerleader is very risky in the long run; but after looking at Mr. Cain’s SLRC speech, she fits right into his narrative. We need to stick together, number one. And she is the sheepdog running around getting everyone together. This alone would be enough to give the libs fits if they understood the significance. All they understand is that there is a competing product to the new Obamacola. Whether she herself runs is not as important as reorganizing a party that can compete. And I think that is her strategy.
McCain won’t run again for president. Romney is a goner, eventually, over Romneycare and flipflopping. Pawlenty is milquetoast. Paul is a joke, he’s like Kuchenic, he ought to go home too. No point in thinking too much about any of them. We do not know now who will be the best presidential candidate, two years is a long time. Sufficient unto the day is the job of getting to 2012.

@Lindbergh…You said:

I am not even going to respond to the race card, or the racism charge. Just absurd.

Hmmm, you aren’t going to respond, yet as we read your rant, what do you do? You respond by saying:

People who throw out the race card are intellectual lightweights and are part of the lowest common denominator. All I am going to say is, if you think the problem is that there are too many educated white people in government, you just haven’t looked seriously into the issues.

First of all, don’t be so hard on yourself, unless you really ARE an intellectual lightweight. And you “defend” your racist comments by making a racist comment… “…too many educated white people in government…”. Wow! By your logic, only white people can be educated and you must not think there are “too many” of them in the government.

Nahhh, that’s not a racist slant at all.

As for Palin, I think you have her record all wrong.

In her role as Mayor of Wasilla, she made her political name first known. Now Wasilla, with around 10,000 residents as of 2007, is the fifth largest city in Alaska and is located in the south central part of the state. Upon winning the mayoral race in 1998, Sarah set to work. She reduced her own salary by 10%, consolidated some city departments and created the position of city administrator.
She cut property taxes by a whopping 75% by using a 2% sales tax increase that was enacted before she took office. She also eliminated business inventory and personal property taxes. She made improvements to city streets and sewers using municipal bonds and increased Police Department funding. When Sarah ran for re-election against the man she beat to win her first term, she got 75% of the vote. The Boston Globe ran a story that quoted a local business owner who credited Sarah with making the town “more of a community … It’s no longer a little strip town that you can blow through in a heartbeat.”

And all this was only as mayor of a small town and only her first term. One can begin to see why the left fears Sarah Palin. Her second term as Mayor of Wasilla was also successful, seeing her bring to fruition the Wasilla Multi-Use Sports Complex. An eminent domain issue had to be dealt with; however, it was built on time and under budget and for only a half percent sales tax increase. Due to term limits, she was limited to running for only two consecutive terms as Mayor of Wasilla. So she set her sights on the state capitol.


As for why she quit – well that horse has been just about beaten to death, but since you are a johnny-come-lately in the Palin bashing arena, I will educate you. Pay attention.

Palin left office because there were 20 some ethics charges filed against her. Charges like the fact that a picture of her holding a fish was taken while she had on a jacket with a private company’s logo on it. Talk about your scandal! The problem is that in Alaska, ANYONE can file bogus ethics charges with absolutely no cost to them. The Alaskan taxpayers then have to foot the bill for the ensuing investigation and/or court hearings. The person named in the ethics charges has to pay for their own defense counsel. When Palin chose to leave office, the taxpayers of Alaska – those people she swore to represent to the best of her ability – were on the hook for millions of dollars. Palin had nearly a half a million dollars in legal fees as well.

But one thing you might want to consider – NONE of the ethics charges were found to be true. NONE of them stuck, and that is because they were all bogus.

Oh yeah, and during her tenure as Gov. of Alaska – she DOUBLED her state’s revenues.

I would say she is a strong fiscal conservative, and I would further say you are a Kool-Aid drinker who just hates her because of what she represents. That, and you are told what to think by the main stream media, rather than do any real investigating of your own. It is far easier for you to find a few left wing blogs, left wing media stories, and some cleverly edited youtube vids and let them form your opinion for you.

Nice, she lost 82% of the Republican vote yet the delusional continue to proclaim her the winner.

Newt Gingrich 18% (321)
Mike Huckabee 4%
Gary Johnson 1%
Sarah Palin 18% (330)
Ron Paul 24% (438)
Tim Pawlenty 3%
Mike Pence 3%
Mitt Romney 24% (439)
Rick Santorum 2%

Of course Paul’s victory means nothing to these zombies.

Have a good Sunday nite people.

@Ivan…You might want to read comment number 27. Curt explains that straw poll vote. If there are words that are too big just raise your hand and someone will come along and help you with them.

@Ivan…You might want to read comment number 27. Curt explains that straw poll vote. If there are words that are too big just raise your hand and someone will come along and help you with them

Yeah, I’d spin it that way too if my candidate came in an embarrassing third place, especially losing to Ron Paul. 😆

Man watching you guys with a case of the ass is beyond enjoyable. Really, there are no words to express my enjoyment that the majority of Republicans at the SLRC rejected the fertility goddess. 😈

I see many Paul supporters here, trashing Sarah Palin. Have you noticed? Only the Obama morons and the Paul nuts do that. Concidence you say? No.

Paul is another Obama – in many ways: both, they and their followers, have no moral compass, as both draw from the same subculture: drugs, prostitution, pedophilia, homosexuality, all darlings to their base, the radical college kids.

Their only difference is that one (Paul) wants complete anarchy and isolation, the other (BHO) wants a global government controlling every aspect of society. Both are loons on the economic and political fronts, and both are scum on the social front.

@Ivan… First of all, I never said who MY candidate is.

Secondly, there is no presidential election this year, so the straw poll and this conference really was more about the mid terms coming up this November.

And thirdly, if anyone is spinning things it is you, Ivan. Ron Paul brought a delegate of 900 to the SLRC, and since only about 1900 voted; for him to still not win should really say something. But of course you conveniently fail to mention that.

Typically what we here at FA have come to expect from you. I’ll give you one thing, at least you’re consistent.

Paul is another Obama – in many ways: both, they and their followers, have no moral compass, as both draw from the same subculture: drugs, prostitution, pedophilia, homosexuality, all darlings to their base, the radical college kids.

Given that Palin supported TARP as well as Obama and Paul opposed it, that is quite a stretch on your part.

Palin = more power to central government 😳

Paul = restrict power of the federal government. 😉

But Paul, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good demagogic rant like you just gave. 👿

Pat Buchanan 2012.

Just how do you get that Palin wants bigger government?? You obviously know nothing of her record as mayor and Governor of Alaska.

It is funny how you didn’t address the windfall profits taxes(used to increase Alaskan welfare checks, which is socialist), or mention the fact she raised the spending while the mayor of a small and insignificant town by 63%(and raised the debt from ZERO dollars to 19 million). You also failed to defend the fact that she has left Alaska with the largest debt burden of any state. So basically she is a ditzy hockey mom who couldn’t take the heat and ran up the credit card like some rich house wife. It is kind of funny that Palin supposedly cared about the burden the taxpayers had to shoulder for legal proceedings yet she didn”t mind making Alaska the state with the largest debt burden.

Ivan wants and says only what his Soros backed masters tell him he wants and thinks.

“By your logic, only white people can be educated and you must not think there are “too many” of them in the government.’

There aren’t.

I thought the blame whitey attitude was an Obama thing. Though I am not surprised, Palin supports citizenship for those illegals who wish to create the nation of Atzlan in the Southwest United States. She and Obama are birds of the same feather on that one.

You can take your marxist cultural diversity crap and shove it for all I care.

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