Tom & Geraldine, The Ultimate Dedication [Reader Post]



I have been a fair hand with a horse since I was a small boy. Horses trust me, so everything with horses has been much easier for me, everything except driving.

A teamster deserves respect in my book, there is much more than a horse and rider to be aware of when you are driving a team. To begin, when the designation for horsepower was designated, I can guarantee you that man had never seen a 36 inch log forty feet long pulled through two feet of snow with one horse. The sense of pure power of one horse compared to a twenty horse lawn tractor or lawn tiller is laughable. In reality it would take a tractor with at least a hundred horse power just to pull it without stopping, yet one horse will lean into the traces and you better have the way ahead clear of snags because that log is coming out of the forest, if it hits a frozen root or stump, it will bounce in the air like it is made of rubber and destroys whatever it lands upon. The teamster never rides the log, he walks forward of the log and to the side to avoid that possibility. Logging has been considered one of the most dangerous professions and logging with horses is just a little more complicated.

I have only skidded a few logs in my life and I was nervous about making a mistake. My job was usually loading a few logs onto a bobsleigh and driving them to another deck or to the saw mill at home. A team would be used and you would drive on an ice road. It took a steady hand with excellent coordination to keep the load in the center of the road and out of the ditch.

I was lucky, I had the best team in the world to make up for my lack of confidence, Tom and Geraldine. They weighed over 1800 pounds each and knew the job much better than I did. They were gentle and loving with each other and with me. Their breeding was typical Peace River Breeding, you could see the Percheron and Clydesdale features, but the early pioneers bred for ability rather than special effects and we still followed the old-timers recipe for breeding a good horse: ‘breed a good one to a good one and hope for the best.’ They were old when I started driving them, but I felt proud to be pulling a bobsleigh or a wagon with them, they were willing to work hard and they were so smart; they often stopped if I misjudged a turn or wasn’t quite driving them through the center of a gate. They would stop rather than take out a fence post and I would ask them to back up, so as I could take another try: acting disgusted with me they would eventually back up until they could make the correction and then drive through, pretty well ignoring me for the rest of the day. If I’d have stuck with it, I’d be a pretty good teamster by now.


We had a wet fall with unseasonably warm temperatures during the early 60’s, and the roads were solid mud. There was no way the trucks could come in to haul our weaned calves and culled cows to town, so we were driving our cattle to the stockyards. I would be driving the chuck wagon and be the cook for the crew. There were six of us all together, including a couple of stock dogs. We would plan to make 15 to 20 miles a day, depending on the depth of the mud, so the trip would only be 3 or 4 days. I spent a lot of time in the saddle, so there was no problem with me taking the team. I tried to stay in front and scout the best areas to drive the cattle, walking through boggy mud and pulling their legs out of the sucking mud pulled weight off of them, so I was always looking for higher ground. Dallas my saddle horse was tied on to the back of the wagon in case I needed to tell my dad something important, other than that, I tried to stay at least a mile in front of the cattle. It was my job to make sure we had good feed and water that night, because if the cattle turned for home it would be a disaster.

Other than that, I watched the moose, elk, deer, and occasional bear; for me it was the trip of a lifetime, like stepping back into history. At night I would cook the best meal I could, the men were always hungry after twelve hours in the saddle. My dad always hired veterans if they wanted the work, they were often itinerant cowboys who drifted from job to job until they seemed to disappear. My favorite was Earl, he’d lost his right arm in World War II; but he could rope and ride better than any man North of the Peace. Jimmy, the man who petted coyotes, was with us on this trip. He was a World War I vet, he had graduated from some big University back East and his dad expected him to take over one of the biggest farm-ranches in the Peace river Country. Of course that was way before I was born. The war broke out right after his graduation and Jimmy was commissioned as a lieutenant in one of the Canadian Infantry Battalions. In Europe, he lost his platoon, he was the sole survivor: I don’t think he ever forgave himself.

He came back from the war and lost interest in his father’s ranch and just wandered from ranch to ranch. All things lost their value to Jimmy, he would wander off one day and leave his money on his bunk and just show up at another ranch. He never talked, his facial muscles had lost all their tone and just hung loose, his pale blue eyes stared at you with a complete blankness; but the animals loved him and he loved them. If a bull was thinking of charging me, I could walk behind Jimmy and I would be safe. Once, I was taking some baby teeth out of a draft horse colt and had Jimmy holding the colt because of his calming nature; I was talking away when a rivulet of blood ran down my forearm from an infected tooth I was cutting out, I was talking away like a teenager who has only a few friends in life, when I looked at Jimmy and he had big tears running down his face. I turned him around and led him into the tack room and told him to sit down, while I finished a messy, but necessary job.

Now as a rule, I wouldn’t refer to a hero by his first name; but Jimmy had to be told to eat, like a child. Oh, he could do cowboy work alright, easier than most, although, he wouldn’t be around for castrating or calving, Jimmy was strictly a pacifist type cowboy. I never asked him about the war, I never asked the vets about any of the three wars, I’d listen if they wanted to tell me something, and that was enough to last me a lifetime.

I knew Jimmy for years and never heard him utter a sound, he often stood out alone at sundown staring off into the trees, believe it or not, there were many times when a coyote would come up and sit next to him and stare in the same direction. Sometimes you could see Jimmy reach down and pet the coyote’s head.

In my way of thinking this is almost impossible and if I had not have seen it myself, I couldn‘t believe it. I have an almost uncanny way with the Northern Coyote, the natives would say that the coyote is my totem, and if they are right, I am in big trouble in the after life: because I took advantage of their fascination with me, and I snared hundreds, if not thousands of the buggers during my trapping days. Most trappers make all types of preparations to trap coyotes, I made none: I could spill oil and gas on my snares, I never hung my clothes outside, I never boiled my snare wires in special mixtures, I just went out there and caught as many coyotes in a night as most trappers caught in a year. Actually, I found tracks from coyotes that had been following me and getting caught within an hour of setting a snare. I still find it hard to believe that Jimmy would have coyotes sit next to him. But there are many strange tales in the land of 40 below.

Most people think that being a cook would be an easy job, but my crew needed good healthy grub. I had to get up at least two hours ahead of the men and at night I was still cleaning up while they were snoring. Many times a day, I would fall asleep behind Tom and Geraldine, they didn’t really need me, they could do the job of finding the driest ground better than me; but they couldn’t cook.

We made it to town after several days and my dad sent me to get supplies at the Farm & Ranch. I’d seen enough of this crop of calves since I helped pull some of them from the mother cows the last winter. After teaching range cows to be milk cows, range cows that had dealt with Grizzly, Mountain Lions, and wolves, the glamour of cows and calves had worn away, a long time ago.

7367-1947-studebaker-truck-1On my way to the Farm & Ranch, I passed the upscale Motor Hotel and there was one of the most bizarre sights I had ever seen. It was a warm fall day and the sun was out, too cold to swim, but if you wanted a suntan, you could get one. There by the pool were 30 or 40 teenage girls in swimming suits getting a suntan. Sweet Jesus, I had never seen such a sight. They all came to the fence and started waving at me and screaming. I swear, I stood up and waved back like Ben Hur wearing a toga. Tom and Geraldine broke into a trot when I waved the buggy whip I had never used previously, the affect must have been overwhelming to the girls, because they screamed even louder. Now, I was driving through downtown traffic with a team that was a little scared of my antics. The cars and trucks were pulling over like I was the fire engine, so I decided to make another run by the Motor Hotel. We went around the block and I was ready to make another appearance. This time there were even more girls standing and waving at the fence; I was thinking this must be what heaven is like. I put the reins in my left hand and stood on the seat to look more like the famous cavalry Generals Nathan Bedford Forrest or Jeb Stuart, the girls were screaming and I failed to notice that Tom and Geraldine were drifting into the oncoming traffic, until I heard a screeching noise just as the rear hub of the wagon caught the rear fender of a ‘47 Studebaker Pickup. When the horses heard the terrible sound of steel being ripped apart they took off like race horses with the Studebaker along for the ride, traveling in reverse at thirty miles an hour, hooked to my rear hub and I couldn’t begin to slow down my team. Thankfully, people saw us coming and drove up unto sidewalks to avoid my runaways. I pulled into the Farm & Ranch parking lot and the Studebaker jumped three feet in the air when it hit the curb and finally let go of my wagon.

I ran back to see if the truck driver was okay, he had hit his head on the roof of the truck when he hit the curb, he was bleeding a bit, but he had a sense of humor. I asked him to drive us down to the stockyards to speak to my dad.

He told my dad the story and thank goodness left out the part about me standing up like Ben Hur at the Hippodrome and waving to the girls. Never the less, my dad was disgusted and I was humiliated. Arrangements were made and the truck driver winked at me as he walked away. I think that traffic incident made a good driver out of me, in over 50 years of driving, I’ve only had one fender bender.

Thankfully, I didn’t hurt the horses. In the Peace River Country, friendships are cherished; Tom and Geraldine were two of my dearest friends. Many a pleasant hour was spent driving Tom and Geraldine while my dog Tiger was sitting beside me on the wagon seat.

It’s the way of all flesh, a debt applied and yet to be paid upon birth; we all face death. One day Tom and Geraldine stopped under an old apple tree where they spent many days picking up the fallen apples after a windstorm. Geraldine took sick, they stood together while she wasted away. I brought the best feed and the cleanest water I could find, they would eat, but Geraldine lost weight by the hour. In a few days, she was nothing more than a rack of bones.

My dad told me it was time, he asked if I wanted him to do the deed: it is an unwritten code, in the Peace River Country, that a man should put his own animals down. I didn’t want to put Geraldine down, but a horse can suffer a long time before giving up the ghost. We as humans must face up to the fact that at a certain point it is hopeless and to expect more is a forlorn hope.

I took a quart of oats and my old 8 MM Mauser and walked down to the old faithful team under the apple tree. The walk ended way too soon, I put the oats on the ground and Geraldine bent down slowly to eat as if she knew what was next. I have killed many animals, this was the hardest. Geraldine quit eating when she felt the barrel touch at the base of her skull where it connects to the spinal cord. She rolled her big brown eyes up at me and I pulled the trigger. It was instantaneous, she fell like a tree and Tom looked at me like I was a monster. I tried to lead Tom back to the barn, but they had never been apart and he wasn’t leaving now. I walked to the equipment shed and started the back hoe, I dug a grave 12 foot deep, to discourage the lions and bears, while Tom watched. I thought burying Geraldine under the apple tree was nice since she and Tom had spent so many hours under the shade, eating apples.

ti0135555After I put the tractor away, I tried once again to lead Tom away, but he wasn’t moving. I figured he was grieving and would eventually join the rest of the horses: Tom never ate nor drank again. Four days later, I put Tom down and buried him next to Geraldine.

For you non-horse types, Tom was a gelding: a castrated male horse, he and Geraldine were not a breeding pair, they were just a dedicated pair or team. The dedication they showed was a life lesson I carry with me to this day. Unfortunately, I have often fallen short of the dedication and or love of Tom and Geraldine, now after nearly 50 years, I realize how important dedication is; especially, the dedication to principles and to Freedom. It would have been so easy for Tom to walk away from the love of his life, just as it would be easy for us to walk away from the sacrifices of those who have gone before and let our country be consumed by Socialism with only a whimper of protest from us. The sweat, tears, and blood that have been sacrificed for us to be born into freedom is impossible to estimate; yet, some of us are now ready to toss it all aside to please the dubious dreams of a man who can’t or wont show us the records of his life, a man who was raised in a Godless cesspool of Marxist radicals, a man who shuns our allies while reaching out with the open hand of appeasement to our enemies, enemies who want nothing more than to kill us, a man who weakens America and compromises our economy with every policy.

The Freedoms that we walk away from now, may be impossible to win back and who knows where the road will lead, once we forsake those precious Freedoms that have been paid for in blood and tears by patriots in the past; Patriots with a dedication to an ideal, the ideal of Freedom and Liberty, those precious commodities that are so easily squandered, yet so hard to attain.

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Another good one Skooks.

Brought tears to my eyes… job well done.

Skookum, I shouldn’t have read that, but I’m glad I did. Being an animal lover like I am, it is hard hearing about things such as you describe, even as I know it is necessary at times in life. That’s why I can’t volunteer at the animal shelter where my wife works, and am amazed that she can handle the sometimes necessary putting down of animals. But that’s also why I try to be as nice as I can when she comes home after a particularly stressful and bad day of work.

An excellent piece of work and well done as usual. Life has it’s moments of cruelty as well as it’s great joys. Life is full of realities that cannot be sugar coated nor should they ever be. Accepting those realities as we do the rising and setting of the sun and moon are natural events in a lifetime. Those things that we can influence and change take the measure of your acquired wisdom, courage and values. The things we cannot will take the measure of your patience and faith, in my life’s experience. A full life embraces both honestly and truthfully.

Well done Skookum and thanks!

Thanks for the kind words my cyber friends, it means a lot when the words come from people you respect so much.

I don’t think the 47 Studebakers looked that good on the showroom floors.

Thank you kind Sir.

There is a worthiness and substance to words from sweat, tears, dirt and blood, they carry with them an honest beauty and harsh goodness that elevates and edifies. Those who work understand value, and those who speak truth give life. Thank you, and may G-d be with you.

Best regards, Peter Warner.

What a touching read!!!! I am a 5th generation logger and grew up with Belgian Draft horses, the same bloodline my great-great-great grandfather used horse logging. The team I grew up with was Tommy and Bell. I was hitchin them and drivin them mostly by myself at 8 yrs old. This story brought back so many happy memories..and the twinge of sadness when we lost Tommy and Bell…Both slipped off a 60 foot cliff one night in a really bad rainstorm. Thank you for writing this. It really pulled me “Back Home”

To this day I still miss my team

Thank You Peter Warner, I am afraid I would find it hard to be worthy of your kind words. However, you have given me a new perspective about life, work, and our relationship with G-d.

Hillbilly, someday, I would like to watch you and your family work. We weren’t pros, we just got the job done. Who would have thought a horse logger would have joined us, please stick around, we have some interesting people that hang out here.

Tom and Geraldine a team of bygone days, when life was different and special in oh so many ways, when love meant more than simply wasting away and the future was a matter of where tonight we stay. When a trip to see the doctor meant a chat of healthy ways and the time it took to get there was measured in time by days.

Tallgrass, in my humble opinion, you are the Bard of FA: there is a message and a lyric quality to your words that is comforting in these stressful days.

Hamlet’s Soliloquy

To be, or not to be; that is the question;
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die; to sleep:
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to; ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die; to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: aye, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despis’d love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes
When he himself might his quitus make
With a bare bodkin? Who wold fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death-
The undiscover’d country from whose bourn
No traveler returns-puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than to fly to others that we know not of

Thus conscience makes cowards of us all, Emphasis mine

And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sickled o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
and lose the name of action.

I typed this today as a present to you, but I actually gain from it while typing or reading it each and every time. My son learned this soliloquy as a lad and loved to recite to people in diners and other impromptu crowds, I laughed and laughed along with the crowd, for it was so outrageous to have a small boy delivering such serious lines.

However, the reason I show you these lines is to show a faint similarity in thought and method in your style; obviously the Bard was possessed and produced a prodigious quantity of work, but there is a trace of the Bard’s DNA coursing through your blood. Don’t wait too long my friend.

SKOOKUM such another treasure not to be missed..i also made connection with OUR PIPER we lost lately,i loved that old horse,and when we got JEDIE a clydale ,he had fell in love with PIPER,always with her, he kept away the 2 other young horse that where not to nice,to her ,,thank you for being so talented,we can visualyse your story each time , 🙄 bye

Bees, your love of animals shines through. i hoe you enjoy this poem by Service

The Outlaw

A wild and woeful race he ran
Of lust and sin by land and sea;
Until, abhorred of God and man,
They swung him from the gallows-tree.
And then he climbed the Starry Stair,
And dumb and naked and alone,
With head unbowed and brazen glare,
He stood before the Judgment Throne.

The Keeper of the Records spoke:
“This man, O Lord, has mocked Thy Name.
The weak have wept beneath his yoke,
The strong have fled before his flame.
The blood of babes is on his sword;
His life is evil to the brim:
Look down, decree his doom, O Lord!
Lo! there is none will speak for him.”

The golden trumpets blew a blast
That echoed in the crypts of Hell,
For there was Judgment to be passed,
And lips were hushed and silence fell.
The man was mute; he made no stir,
Erect before the Judgment Seat . . .
When all at once a mongrel cur
Crept out and cowered and licked his feet.

It licked his feet with whining cry.
Come Heav’n, come Hell, what did it care?
It leapt, it tried to catch his eye;
Its master, yea, its God was there.
Then, as a thrill of wonder sped
Through throngs of shining seraphim,
The Judge of All looked down and said:
“Lo! here is ONE who pleads for him.

“And who shall love of these the least,
And who by word or look or deed
Shall pity show to bird or beast,
By Me shall have a friend in need.
Aye, though his sin be black as night,
And though he stand ‘mid men alone,
He shall be softened in My sight,
And find a pleader by My Throne.

“So let this man to glory win;
From life to life salvation glean;
By pain and sacrifice and sin,
Until he stand before Me — clean.
For he who loves the least of these
(And here I say and here repeat)
Shall win himself an angel’s pleas
For Mercy at My Judgment Seat.”

Robert William Service

SKOOKUM yes i do love it so thank you,your memry is shining thru always bye 🙄

LOL…thanks Skookum. Unfortinuatly i haven’t run a team in years. Can still hear my pop’s hollarin “WATCH THAT SINGLETREE!!!” lol. I haven’t skidded log’s with horses since I was around 15……32 now. Them log’s will get a mind of their own when they get cozy with a stump and the team’s a’ pullin hard. I still work in the woods, I am a CAT skinner and Delimber operator. My grandmother has a picture of me when I was about 9-10 yrs old drivin Tommy and Bell. Have been trying for years to get that picture from her to no avail. I just found the site last night and am in love. It’s good to see honest AMERICANS standing up for the freedom’s my grandfather suffered 14 months in Stalag 17B for. Glad to know i’m not alone. Would love to show off a pic of my 2 horses I have now. They are what keeps me and my wife sane in these troubling time’s. Keep the powder dry my friend

P.S. The poem you posted above really stuck a chord with me…in more than one way. gonna pick up my banjo and put a lil bluegrass to it

Hillbilly, how nice to be able to play music and to put a poem like that to music, I am envious, bluegrass is my favorite. Once you get it worked out, why don’t you record it and post it in one of my articles or on the open thread; I would love to hear the composition. I have been fortunate to travel in my profession and I have listened to the folk music in pubs in Ireland and if that isn’t the Celtic DNA of Bluegrass then I am in an alternative universe. I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but I love to listen.

You can get old photos reproduced for a few bucks and that might be the best thing to do in your particular situation. Time eventually takes everything but memories.

I built a log house when I was your age, two and a half stories, skidded and logged with everything from horses to a D8 because of having straight trees in three different locations. I will not try that one again, my rafters were 8 X 12 ‘s with 20 foot 8 X12 collar ties. I used a 1960 grain dump truck with a 60 foot log extended out over the cab, crossbucked and boomered with 6 X 6’s for my crane, worked damn good. I had a 5 ton hand winch on the end and rode the logs and rafters up while working the chain. My neighbor an old faller from the old school of crosscut saws watched me work and suggested I wear a hard hat. Some guys are funny without even trying. I hope to find some old pictures and post them with an article in the future. I made most of my own heavy equipment and nothing broke and I didn’t get killed.

You can punch on my name and read stories of the mountains and the trapline; my logging is experience is limited, but I have fond memories.

Glad you like the site, there are a few guys who know the outdoor life and it is reassuring to have another! I will look for another poem that might be suitable for a song, poetry is like a vice for me; but at least you wont get arrested for reading poetry, at least not yet.