Humiliating Our Closest Allies, Courting Our Worst Enemies


Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama casts a shadow on the Israeli and American flags while speaking at an event to honor the 60th anniversary of Israel’s independence in Washington.
Mark Wilson – Getty Images

“Jerusalem is not a settlement; it’s our capital,”
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The area in question in the city of Jerusalem is a historically Jewish neighborhood that is today overwhelmingly Jewish. How is this “an assault on America” (Axelrod) and “insult” (Sec of State Clinton) to us?

There are 7 parts to the decision-making process of gaining authorization to build these new houses (they are in the 4th stage). We’re not talking about a “settlement”. This is a Jewish neighborhood, in Jerusalem, Jewish before there even was a state of Israel. Over 80% currently living there are religious Jews. There never was a Palestinian village there, no Palestinians were ever relocated…So why does Israel need a U.S. stamp of approval to build new housing within its own capital city? What business is it for President Obama/America to involve in Israeli housing policy?

David J. Kramer at Shadow Government asks the question, Friend or Foe: Does the Obama administration know the difference?

Some are calling Congressman Mike Pence, “unpatriotic” for “undermining” the President on foreign policy (like Democrats never did or said anything that undermined the 43rd president). Pence is acknowledging what the American people believe: That Israel is one of our most cherished allies. Is it Pence or Obama, then, who is undermining American foreign policy?

Michael Medved:

During Joe Biden’s Middle East visit, American media focused on Israeli plans to build 1,600 housing units in a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem but a simultaneous Palestinian provocation received no attention. In its administrative center of Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority dedicated a traffic circle, and promised an heroic statue, to honor Dalal Mughrabi—a notorious terrorist. In 1978, this nineteen-year-old militant led a gang of eleven in the “Coastal Road Massacre”—seizing two passenger buses and a taxi, and butchering 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children. Mughrabi died in a gun battle with police, but she’s revered as a Palestinian heroine.

A decision by America’s ally to build new homes in its own capital city drew Washington’s condemnation, but Americans made little complaint about formal honors for a killer who slaughtered more than three dozen innocent Jews some thirty years ago.

According to a Jerusalem Post polling, most Israelis seem to regard President Obama as being more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israel.

Well, I can’t even begin to imagine why:

The Americans made every effort to downplay the visit. As during his last visit in November, Netanyahu was invited to the White House at a late hour, without media coverage or a press conference. If that were not enough, the White House spokesman challenged Netanyahu’s observation at AIPAC that “Jerusalem is not a settlement.”

The Americans didn’t even wait for him to leave Washington to make their disagreement known. It was not the behavior Washington shows an ally, but the kind it shows an annoyance.

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36 @DJS

BOLLOCKS. They were NOT Mossad agents, as is fairly obvious to anyone with a scintilla of knowledge about their expertise. As is shown by the so-called “passport photographs”.

The HAMAS degenerate was killed by someone. Just not Mossad using so-called “British” passports.

Let me guess what your “comeback will be. Oh yeah, well Mossad did mistakenly cap a Palestinian entity waiter by mistake in Norway 30 years ago whom they thought was one of the degenerates who perpetrated the Munich massacre.

Well old boy, to paraphrase a famous movie: nobody id perfect.


How does the passport photo prove they were not Mossad agents? Mossad are not perfect and have bungled several hits – and not just Lillehammer. I’m glad the HAMAS guy is dead but really thinking it was anyone but MOSSAD – seems naive. In this hit – they got away with it – the guy is dead and the agents are back in Israel. And Israel doesn’t comment on such activities by MOSSAD which are legally confirmed internally to protect their agents. The passports have been identified as coming from real people who have passed through Israel.

So according to you – who did it?


Based on the details of the whole incident, I’m telling you who DIDN’T do it. You tell me who did.

The so-called “passport” photographs were amateur night out; and they look like they could have been lifted from facebook. and don’t get ME wrong. I would have had NO problem, at all, if it was the Israelis.

But I don’t believe for ONE SECOND they would have passed any EU control. I suggest you compare them to the official UK government website to see how many of the supposed ELEVEN PERSON HIT TEAM (HUH??) could not have gotten on any EU airport plane with those photos — scanned electronically aren’t they?? They were when I just went to Paris.

Nor would they have passed MOSSAD’s forgery control either. Get real pal.

The whole “story” is some sort of fiction cooked up by the extremist Dubai authorities to fool gullible Jew haters everywhere. They “produced” the supposed “copies” they had of the passports.

Maybe the Hamas guy was a double agent for Mossad? Maybe they just wanted to get rid of a nuisance and create a wedge bewteen Britain and Israel. Not that the arabist (I suppose that’s now Islamist) British foreign office needs any excuse to rev up their fine old tradition of latent Jew hate.

That goes for the Islamo suck-ups in Oirland as well.

I guess it’s just an AMAZING coincidence this all blows up just when the most ourageous anti-Jew President in the history of the US is throwing his childish weight around trying to humiliate Netanyahu.

GAFFAUK hi,why the one who did it not be one of their own hamas? they have quarel among themself too you know 🙄 bye

I have to double-check for the details, but it seems 2 or 3 of the assassins went to Iran after the hit. Jewish spys running to Iran?!?

I find it perfectly plausible that Iran whacked one of their own puppets, and since Israel and her population is hated by all except 40% of America, the remainder of the planet will easily accept the ruse that the Mossad did it…no matter the evidence.

(Added) Here it is:

“PATVANN .. the remainder of the planet will easily accept the ruse that the Mossad did it…no matter the evidence.”

And you might ask “What evidence?” THERE IS NONE… except that provided by frackin’ DUBAI.

A country currently holding a married British couple in jail awaiting sentence for the heinous crime of… er, kissing each other in a restaurant in front of others.

You can’t make this shit up. But you can make up the laughable “evidence” offered by the medieval rulers of Dubai…

1. CCTV footage the DUBAI crypto-fascist authorities claim is of “Mossad” agents.

2. Photocopies of “passports” the crypto-fascist authorities claim belong to the people in the CCTV.

This is really compelling stuff. No doubt about it. Yeah. right.

Pull the other one about Dubai: a country an Indian mate of mine just returned from, to tell me of the disgustly inhuman SLAVE conditions and treatment handed out to poor migrant Indian workers.

I wouldn’t trust a member of the Dubai authorities if he told me the sky was blue.

The House passed around a letter supporting Israel. It got 327 signatories in 3 days.

-Need more proof as to out of touch Obama is? Didn’t think so..


You got that right…


An amusing take (comedy skit) on why not Mossad…

Here’s one from a guy at least as clueless as GaffaUK

Oh, and here we have Dubai now saying there were 26 members of the hit team, none of whom was found to have fake passports by the crack Dubai investigative team.
And, if Mossad, none of whom can ever work abroad again.

Wow, I wish in high-school they had given us such interesting team projects to work on.

Oh, and this mass murdering ghoul they killled WAS traveling under a false passport, presumably on Hamas business. Why aren’t world governments screaming about Hamas use of phony passports by international terrorists? The blatant hypocrisy is staggering, but not surprising, given the priorities of those involved.


I know you are saying who DIDNT do it – but I’m asking you think DID do it. And your answer seems pretty weak. I suppose there maybe people within Hamas who may have wanted their own guy killed, and I suppose there maybe an longshot that they would of obtained British, Australian, German & Irish passport info from Israel, and they may have got together the 29 or so non-arab hit people together and paid for them to take out their Hamas guy in Dubai (despite it been far easier and cheaper to take him out in Gaza) and I suppose if such an event happened purposefully to frame Israel there is a bizzare chance that Israel may decide to say absolutely nothing about such an incident despite being wholly innocent and not take any action when the UK boots out one of their diplomats. lol right….and no doubt Nicole Simpson wasn’t murdered by OJ

The doctored passports were based on real passports and they didn’t need to get past EU border controls – all they needed to do was to get in and out of Dubai. And guess what – it worked.

Check out occam’s razor.

@Tom suggests: this is all about a diplomatic dance, to entice Palestinian supporters away and propagate peace.

I agree with you that, in a vacuum, certainly America chooses Israel over the Iran or any other aggressive neighbor, for that matter. Our commitment to their defense is unwavering and has been reiterated unambiguously time and again, recently by Biden in Israel. But we’re not dealing with a vacuum. We’re embroiled in two wars and American lives and treasure are affected by the political climate in the region. So is it not possible that the administrations’ stance has more to do with an attempt to move the peace process forward and pull moderate Arab states over to our side, away from Iran, something they can’t publicly do as long as the contentious Palestinian issue is front page news?

‘Tis sad you pay little attention to decades of peace talks, and diplomatic strategy. Creating bonds with those who do not share our ideals… i.e. Taliban, AQ, etal… do not result in a softened, kinder, gentler diplomatic approach. You obviously know little of the Muslim extremist enemy that dominates control over these areas because they have the larger arsenal and bottomless black market funding.

Me thinks you might believe the Easter Bunny delivers chocolates and colored eggs to your house as well, if I thought you may even acknowledge Easter in even the commercial sense.

There are many moderate Israelis who feel the same way and don’t want the Israeli government kowtowing to the Settlement movement.

Let’s try another reality of that claim, shall we? Considering that is what Obama believes, one would have to conclude they believe Obama isn’t pro-Palestinian. However Israeli polls show the opposite, with views of faith in Obama in single digits.

You’re making this stuff up, guy. Not acceptable here on FA.


Iran has a long history of offing ANYONE who crosses them. They have NO PROBLEM offing their own if they are even suspected of not towing the line. They also have no problem contracting it out to Westerners. (honest.. some of my “friends” have been asked)

The Mossad sure as hell don’t need 22 assassins to do what they need done, and this dood was NOT at the top of any list.

Why do you think those passport came from Israel? Like no other country has the means? Iran can’t do a forge?

I’ve been to Gaza. Dubai is MUCH easier to “do” things to people at.

The Arabs ( in a general sense) love a good conspiracy, especially when it involves Israel, and the UK along with the rest of Europe has no trouble playing right along. After all, they have a long history of blaming Jews for every bad thing that’s ever happened.

Your own SAS helped Egypt attack her in 1948, and other than Thatcher, the UK has shat on her at every opportunity. Howd that deal with Kadaffi work out for ya’ll?


And how did Mahmoud al-Mabhouh upset Iran – he was building communication between Hamas & Iran. No country needs 22+ assassins to do this job but as we know MOSSAD have messed up before and not always the perfect outfit as some seem to make out. In this occasion they got their man. And does MOSSAD publish it’s hit list? As reported in an Israeli news site, by a British journalist who has researched Israeli intelligence – believed Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was at the top of MOSSAD’s hit list and the hit showed ‘a classic example of how Mossad goes about its work’.,7340,L-3850586,00.html

Of course another country can do a forgeru – but here’s the point they were forges of real people who had passed through Israel passport controls and not as far as I can gather places like Iran.

As for the UK – well the modern country of Israel wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the British. If the British hated the Jews so much why did the elected a Jewish Prime Minister? How many Jewish Presidents have there been? The last leader of the opposition was Jewish. The UK foreign office is hardly anti-jewish when the foreign secretary is Jewish. lol

And in regards to the US – what a great ally the US was to Britain & Israel during the Suez Crisis. Stuck up for the socialist Nasser who grabbed the canal. Seems Ike was put out because no one got permission from him so he brought all the economic pressure he could muster upon Britain & Israel to pull out. Still at least Egypt gets billions from the US taxpayers each year – to help them prop up the one party state & regime of Mubarak.


I believe Ike was a freakin ignorant ass. That 2 billion a year we pay Egypt is more accurately called “Jizya”. It’s a bribe we pay the Islamic savages to not attack Israel…per the Koran.

Mata wrote:

‘Tis sad you pay little attention to decades of peace talks, and diplomatic strategy. Creating bonds with those who do not share our ideals… i.e. Taliban, AQ, etal… do not result in a softened, kinder, gentler diplomatic approach. You obviously know little of the Muslim extremist enemy that dominates control over these areas because they have the larger arsenal and bottomless black market funding.

I wrote “moderate Arab states” and you seem to have interpreted that as “Taliban, AQ, etc.”. Statehood is a rather generous designation you’ve bestowed upon them. Perhaps ‘moderate’ was generous of me, but do you deny the US has strategic relationships with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Jordan, to name a few? If that’s the case, do you believe their perception of the United States is of no consequence to us? And what do you believe is the number one driver of that perception is in the Middle East? The US military certainly feels it’s of great importance:

On Jan. 16, two days after a killer earthquake hit Haiti, a team of senior military officers from the U.S. Central Command (responsible for overseeing American security interests in the Middle East), arrived at the Pentagon to brief Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The team had been dispatched by CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus to underline his growing worries at the lack of progress in resolving the issue. The 33-slide, 45-minute PowerPoint briefing stunned Mullen. The briefers reported that there was a growing perception among Arab leaders that the U.S. was incapable of standing up to Israel, that CENTCOM’s mostly Arab constituency was losing faith in American promises, that Israeli intransigence on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was jeopardizing U.S. standing in the region, and that Mitchell himself was (as a senior Pentagon officer later bluntly described it) “too old, too slow … and too late.”
The Mullen briefing and Petraeus’s request hit the White House like a bombshell. While Petraeus’s request that CENTCOM be expanded to include the Palestinians was denied (“it was dead on arrival,” a Pentagon officer confirms), the Obama administration decided it would redouble its efforts — pressing Israel once again on the settlements issue, sending Mitchell on a visit to a number of Arab capitals and dispatching Mullen for a carefully arranged meeting with the chief of the Israeli General Staff, Lt. General Gabi Ashkenazi.

Mata also wrote:

Let’s try another reality of that claim, shall we? Considering that is what Obama believes, one would have to conclude they believe Obama isn’t pro-Palestinian. However Israeli polls show the opposite, with views of faith in Obama in single digits.

I’m not certain your logic is sound: Because (we assume) Israelis who support the settlement movement think Obama is pro-Palestine, that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone who thinks Obama is pro-Palestine supports the settlement movement. I think you will find that support for settlements polls a slight majority, so what I wrote isn’t misleading, considering I even modified it with “moderate Israelis”.

Israel has every right to do what’s best for Israel. But whose interests do you feel the President of the United States should have primarily in mind?

You’re making this stuff up, guy. Not acceptable here on FA.

I will try to do better next time. Thanks for showing me the ropes.

where are you, now on your number 50, did you mean it for this year too?
how did you see so far in the future?
get back here on the double, we need you, now