Sunday Funnies

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they said they know we don’t want it but are passing it anyway….we’ll like it once it’s passed.


lmao x 100, great week for the cartoonists…

Here’s my dozen for a Gran Finale… and a couple surprises

We will amend a law that doesn’t exist by passing a bill without voting on it and to save money, we will form denture co-operatives, we will recycle used dentures! Yippeee!

And they said Democrats couldn’t figure out how to save money.

Skookum, factually speaking, it is actually more like

“We will have majority vote passage of a bill that was drafted from March 2009 through November 2009 and passed by a 60-40 margin in December 2009. We will then tweak said bill (which was passed three months ago, long enough for anyone who had any interest to read the fraking bill) using a ‘majority rules’ voting procedure that is more than 30 years old and has been used 22 times on the same and similar subjects.”

That, skookum, is why you cons will lose this: your opposition now rests on an argument that a majority rules vote is “unfair.” That, buddy boy, is a loser of an argument no matter how you slice it.


Can you say Cog na tive diss o nance?

WTF do they TEACH in Chicago law schools?!?!

Yes the Bill passed the Senate, NOW IT HAS TO PASS THE FUCKING HOUSE!!!

But Pelosi and neofasicist’s like you want to BYPASS the house vote and hand it directly to Obama to sign, pretending it was never amended, and to also pretend it was RECONCILED with with A DIFFERENT Bill passed by the House last year, when it hasn’t.


Although a similar thing DID happen in 1933…It worked great for 12 years…

good Lord BRob, is that the best you can do or have you simply lost your mind? Regardless of how they pass it and what procedure they are using, it doesn’t change the fact that 76% of Americans want them to can this bill. It’s going to be a financial drain on our economy and they are being blatantly dishonest about not only the cost but about the # of uninsured in this country. Out of 30+ million without insurance, only 5 million want it and can’t get it. The rest are either wealthy and pay out of pocket, people who can afford premiums but don’t want coverage and then there are those pesky illegals who crossed the border illegally and are mooching off of hardworking Americans. Any way you slice it, that’s a winning argument to kill this bill.

Read the history of the “Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854” and it’s aftermath. Democrats have a history of this, all the while trying to make all of Ameri8ca their slaves.

Here is a clue, the Act enabled slavery in the USA. In 1860 Lincoln and America said no. The rest is history.

Wow, what a nice reminder that righties have little to no sense of humor.

Please dig Flopping Aces here on

nobody, your posting name indicates your relevance here.


That, buddy boy, is a loser of an argument no matter how you slice it.

And it’s a shame that the poor lady’s dentures wouldn’t be covered by obamacare either.

We’re talking reconciliation. I believe it can only be used for deficit reduction on bills already signed into law. It’s been used before, true, but for the reason I stated, deficit reduction on existing laws. What the dems are trying to do is not about majority rules, it’s about circumventing the constitution to reconcile a law that isn’t a law.


Patvann —

Please show me a quote from ANY DEM saying anything about any plan to NOT vote on the Senate bill. Give me the fraking quote! You can’t because no one ever proposed any such thing. Didn’t you just hear Pelosi and Jim Clyburn say that the vote on the Senate bill will probably be Friday or Saturday? Then where the hell do you get all the frothing at the mouth about some “secret plan” (known only to cons) about bypassing a vote? You are delusional.

AFSarge —

“I believe it can only be used for deficit reduction on bills already signed into law. It’s been used before, true, but for the reason I stated, deficit reduction on existing laws. What the dems are trying to do is not about majority rules, it’s about circumventing the constitution to reconcile a law that isn’t a law.”

You are simply flat out 100% wrong. Reconciliation has, in the past, been used to do welfare reform, change Medicare, pass tax cuts (which increased the deficit), and an assortment of other things. It is simply false to say it has never been used on health care, it is false to say it has never been used on non-spending related items, and it is false to say that it is rarely used. It was used three times during the Bush administration, including one time where Dick Cheney cast the tie-breaking vote on a 50-50 tie.


As my wonderful 17 year-old foster-daughter Vanessa, just said when I presented your posit:

He is literally too stupid to insult, let alone discuss this any further with.

Patvann —

You remind me of Gerry Smetana, a Chicago attorney opposed on a case. Gerry would say stuff like “The judge said that you have to compile all those documents for us.”

I’d say: “Gerry, please show me the order where the judge said that.”

“Well, I’m not going to get into all that right now . . . .”

You feign contempt. But in reality, you have nothing to add because I just exposed you as a liar.

Translation: “I have nothing to say because BRob just punked me.”

No, Pat, if you actually had any proof what you said was even plausibly true, you would post it. Hell, you post responses to me all the time . . . mostly nonsensical and counterfactual, but responses nonetheless. But because you pulled that last claim out your hairly a$$, and I challenged you to prove it was true, you now hide behind a 17 year olds skirts? Please . . . there is nothing supporting your claim. You know it, I know it and Vanessa knows it, too.

In addition, it looks like House Democrats won’t have to vote directly on a Senate bill they really don’t like. The speaker hasn’t made a final decision, but she told her rank-and-file during the meeting that the plan now is to craft a rule that would “deem” the Senate bill passed once they approve the package of fixes.

That means they would vote on the rule and the so-called reconciliation package, which would make changes to the Senate bill and only requires 51 votes to pass in the Upper Chamber.

Why would they have to “craft a rule” for something that has already been used 22 times Brob? Or are you accusing Politico of lying? Strange how they are telling the exact same “lie” as every other source that I have seen report on the “Slaughter Rule”.

Lightbringer —

Are you really that much of a fool, or do you just play one on FA? Have you been paying attention . . . at all?

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told her members Friday to brace themselves for a climatic health care vote as early as next week, warning them to clear their schedules for next weekend and promising to stay in session until the landmark vote, people present said afterwards.”

The vote will be this week, doofus! You can do procedurally whatever the hell you want to, but in the end there will be a majority wins vote in the House on the health care bill. Indeed, it’s in the opening paragraph of the thing you linked to! A vote . . . got that? A put your name in the yea or nea column vote.

Did I mention that it is going to be a vote?

They, you try to mix in the reconciliation part which is addressed in another paragraph of the same damn article you linked to:

“Once the bill is passed, the Senate bill will go to the president for his signature, and the Senate will take up the package of changes, the speaker told her members on Friday. That lag has caused significant heartburn among House Democrats who are worried the changes will get stuck in the Senate.”

Reconciliation is what has been done 22 times, 16 of them by the majority GOPer if I recall correctly.

I really don’t know what the con obsession with procedures is. Maybe because substantively you have shot your wad . . . .

Hey did you know that to be a ‘natural born citizen’ not only must you be born in the USA, but both your parents must also be natural born citizens? And did you know that to be president of the USA you must be a ‘natural born citizen’?

And how about this part from the Constitution, all bills that contain new taxes and new spending must originate in the House to be valid. Aww man, that means the Senate bill isn’t going to make it past the Constitutional test. That’s the big problem with short circuiting the process and trying to pass a bill that was supposed to go to committee for refinement and then back to both House for final passage.

Democrats lie cheat and steal, all you need know about them.

bill-tb —


Good one! Throwing out that crackpot novel and never-been-uttered-before-Obama theory of “natural born citizen.” I love it! Black man gets elected president by a 10 million vote majority, so you try to change the rules, after the fact, for who is and is not eligible to be president!

Are you a liberal plant trying, like Glenn Beck claimed, to bring up the birther b.s. to make it appear that all conservatives are wackjobs? You are a plant’ aren’t you!

Obama’s citizenship, medical, school and work records-NONE MADE PUBLIC.

Gee, wonder why. Obama’s supposed Dad was a British Citizen at the time of Obama’s birth.

He also traveled to Indonesia as a student without a passport. Only a citizen of Indonesia would have been allowed to do that. Obama didn’t write one single paper while president of the harvard law review. No one in college remembers him.

HE’S A LIAR AND A FRAUD. And an article in US News gave him an A. Good lord, I didn’t know that many stupid people existed.

BRob, you were irrelevant to begin with because you obviously have no brains by supporting Obama. But you are a nasty, vulgar person too.

“shot your wad”
“because you pulled that last claim out your hairly a$$,”

removed vile comment from cockroach human… mata

I saw it in my inbox. Another Saul Alinsky recruit.

I love the “OBAMA AKBAR” cartoon 🙂


I watch Jeopardy all the time and last friday they had a question related to Obama’s place of birth. I forget what the answer was, but Trebek made a comment that it was “as his birth records showed”, and I started laughing. My wife gave me a funny look, so I explained to her that Trebek was wrong and that no records have been produced of his birth, let alone anything else in his life that has a record. Obama has been in a habit of voting “present” for much longer than just his US senate career.

PS – I had to add in the SNL parody line “Suck it Trebek!” after that comment by Trebek.

PPS – I am not a “birther”, as the left would like to label me as, I just think that if he is in fact an american citizen by birth, then the intelligent thing would be to produce the record, at a much cheaper cost than all the legal bills preventing it from seeing the light of day. That alone should tell most people that Obama is not very intelligent, or is a big liar, or both. I vote both.