If the Health Care Bill and Adjustment Bill pass, these are the items the Republicans will have to convince the American people are bad:
Eliminating caps: If you buy a policy, a health care company will not be able to place a lifetime — or annual — cap on how much they will cover.
Pre-existing conditions: The Senate bill includes $5 billion in immediate support to provide temporary coverage to uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions. The money would help you until the new health care exchanges in the Senate bill are put into effect in 2014.,
Children and pre-existing conditions: no exclusion of children with pre-existing conditions.
Dependent children: Your children will be covered until the age of 26,
Small business tax credits: Tax credits of up to 50 percent of premiums will be available to firms that offer coverage
Preventive care: free preventive care in order to “catch preventable illnesses and diseases on the front end.”
Help for seniors: If you fall into the Medicare Part D Drug Benefit coverage gap, dubbed the “donut hole,” you will receive $250 to help pay for prescriptions.
Key Provisions in the President’s Proposal:
The President’s Proposal builds off of the legislation that passed the Senate and improves on it by bridging key differences between the House and the Senate as well as by incorporating Republican provisions that strengthen the proposal.
One key improvement, for example, is eliminating the Nebraska FMAP provision and providing significant additional Federal financing to all States for the expansion of Medicaid.
For America’s seniors, the proposal completely closes the Medicare prescription drug “donut hole” coverage gap.
It strengthens the Senate bill’s provisions that make insurance affordable for individuals and families, while also strengthening the provisions to fight fraud, waste, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid to save taxpayer dollars.
The threshold for the excise tax on the most expensive health plans will be raised from $23,000 for a family plan to $27,500 and will start in 2018 for all such plans.
And another important idea included is improving insurance protections for consumers and creating a new Health Insurance Rate Authority to review and rein in unreasonable rate increases and other unfair practices of insurance plans.
@Chuck, I’ve been listening to this ‘scare’ drivel for 50 years. It doesn’t impress me any more now than it did when McCarthy was screaming the Sky is Falling. We didn’t change the national slogan from “In God We Trust” to ‘In Pope We Hope’ when Kennedy got elected. No President lied more than Nixon when he declared we had no troops in Cambodia or Laos. No President has put the Constitution under higher attack than G. W. Bush when he authorized the tapping of YOUR phone without a court approval. @johngalt: you keep trying to take the paragraph apart to suit your needs. The entire paragraph deals with the Veto and the process of overturning it. The paragraph deals with that subject alone. It’s rule doesn’t extend beyond it’s subject, the Veto.
14 years ago
All the Republicans have to say if this bill is passed is to say, hey America, look at
the Socialist Democrats in Washington and the Socialist muslim leadership in the white
house. it is pretty obvious that this BILL IS BAD, BAD, BAD! and no amount of discourse
from the Socialist leaders will change Amerca’s mind on what this administration and
the Socialist Democrats are trying to do, and that is to gut America and make it totally
No President has put the Constitution under higher attack than G. W. Bush when he authorized the tapping of YOUR phone without a court approval.
Are you saying that Chuck has been using his phone to carry on conversations with terrorists?
14 years ago
G. W. told the truth. He was a great President! He told the truth! He liked America!
He was a true American citizen. That is more than I can say about the current leader
that is in the oval office.
14 years ago
You’re presuming all they listen to is terrorist talk. It’s well documented they listened to the private conversations between husbands and wives in the military talking to their spouses in the states.
As one analyst observed, some of those calls got pretty ‘steamy’.
They can and do listen to what ever they want to. Have you ever talked to a computer tech who you KNEW was in a foreign country. I have. If that person is taking part of their pay and supporting terrorist activities, your call is probably monitored.
It would appear, Chuck, not ALL Americans agree with you.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2010
Question: For each element of health care reform I name, please tell me how important it is that this be passed into law. (percentage saying extremely or very important.)
1. Reforming the way health insurance works (ie, guaranteed issue, eliminating lifetime benefit caps) … all adults 76%; Democrats 85%; independents 79%; Republicans 64%
2. Providing tax credits to small businesses … all adults 72%; Democrats 77%; independents 70%; Republicans 67%
3. Creating a health insurance exchange or marketplace … all adults 71%; Democrats 78%; independents 71%; Republicans 67%
4. Helping close the Medicare “donut hole” … all adults 71%; Democrats 78%; independents 70%; Republicans 66%
@johngalt: you keep trying to take the paragraph apart to suit your needs. The entire paragraph deals with the Veto and the process of overturning it. The paragraph deals with that subject alone. It’s rule doesn’t extend beyond it’s subject, the Veto.
No. The entire paragraph deals with how a bill is passed and sent through congress AND actions taken when a veto is presented by the president. It really is easy reading and comprehension. If you don’t comprehend it, then I really can’t help you, but it does explain why so many lefties feel the way they do about the Constitution. Is it that it is so hard to read and comprehend for them that they just make stuff up they think sounds good?
14 years ago
John, after reading a few more sources, I have to agree with your interpretation.
BTW, don’t lump me in with lefties. I didn’t see you when I was campaigning for Nixon, Goldwater, Nixon again, or Reagan.
I could NOT, in good conscience, support G. W. Besides being a Coke Head and drunk, he wormed his way out of serving in Viet Nam. For political gain, he besmirched the military record of an officer who didn’t hide behind his Daddy’s coat tails. The Swiftboat lies were later documented, but the election was over by then.
He lied to support his war in Iraq. That’s not precedent setting. Eisenhower did it in ’54 and LBJ did it in ’65. You’d think we would have learned something about politicians since ’65.
Worse, while we went trotting off to Iraq, we lost sight of the true enemy, al Quaeda, and now we have to go fight for the same ground in Afghanistan we had already won in ’02 against a reconstituted Taliban.
That defies Patton’s 1st Rule of combat.
He allowed the troops at Abu Ghraib to be tried and imprisoned all the while KNOWING they were following the orders of their commanding officers. You ever had a boss ‘throw you under the bus’?
I won’t even go in to his assault on the Constitution. We probably won’t know the depth of that for another 20 years.
You’re presuming all they listen to is terrorist talk.
And you’re presuming that they listen to things beyond terrorist talk. A presumptuous assumption which, by the way, is based in nothing but the paranoid delusional fantasies which occupy the otherwise vacuous space betwixt your ears.
It’s well documented they listened to the private conversations between husbands and wives in the military talking to their spouses in the states.
As one analyst observed, some of those calls got pretty ’steamy’.
I do believe that listening in on the conversations of military personnel serving overseas, if that really happened, would fall under the definitions of OPSEC.
Military personnel, more likely than not, are informed that their conversations while on deployment should not be considered private.
The concept of protecting information during wartime goes all the way back to George Washington. It was widely known that the US concentrated on keeping secrets secret in WWII.
Perhaps one or more of the multiple military vets here at FA can chime in on this issue.
They can and do listen to what ever they want to.
And your evidence of this is?
Have you ever talked to a computer tech who you KNEW was in a foreign country. I have. If that person is taking part of their pay and supporting terrorist activities, your call is probably monitored.
Hmmmm…presumptuous assumption on your part at best.
Calls to and from known terror suspects are monitored…with court approval…and, quite frankly, I doubt the tech geeks I’ve had on the line for various issues would even be smart enough to blow themselves up much less participate in a terror network.
Finally, let’s address the accusation that you leveled about Bush:
No President has put the Constitution under higher attack than G. W. Bush when he authorized the tapping of YOUR phone without a court approval.
Furthermore, Obie’s Justice Dept recently took the position that:
warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no “reasonable expectation of privacy” in their–or at least their cell phones’–whereabouts. U.S. Department of Justice lawyers say that “a customer’s Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records” that show where a mobile device placed and received calls.
Now remember…what is being referred to above is the tracking of US citizens on US soil without a warrant.
Got that? Warrantless tracking on US soil…no “reasonable expectation of privacy”…
You wanna whine, cry, and bellyache about Bush listening in on the conversations of known terrorists…with Court approval…when your boy at 1600 is doing much, much worse right here in the homeland.
Basically your boy-prez Obie equals Bush2 so your complaints about W ring hollow with me. Especially since the actions of President Bush have been upheld by the Courts multiple times.
My blogging partner just emailed me this marked as “URGENT” … I’m searching for something solid on this, but thought I’d throw a cut-off to second base to you guys so you can look into it as well:
***keep an eye out. breaking news on my local channel. Iowa government passed bill to make secretary general sue the federal government if it passes healthcare reform. cant find the story anywhere yet but its coming ***
is based in nothing but the paranoid delusional fantasies which occupy the otherwise vacuous space betwixt your ears
She knows she has a problem, tis why she desparately pines for Obamacare, anyway she can get it, Constitutional or not, it’s how they are, to hell with all that died defending a piece of paper. Then the stupid thing whines about GW. pfftt!
Note that your cited opinion refers to cell phones. It still takes a warrant to tap my land line. If it makes you feel any better, I have repeatedly written my Congressman and Senators to fight this DNA sampling method.
The assault on the 4th Amendment is pervasive and ongoing. Gerry Spence wrote a very good book detailing the assaults. 90% of all judges are former Prosecutors and their trial motion rulings reveal their bias.
If a cop sneezes before breaking in a door, it’s called a ‘Good Faith Exception’. That was one of the reasons O.J. was acquitted in California. The Judge ruled the search was legal. The jury said ‘No, it wasn’t.’
When the NSA taps were 1st revealed there were NO court orders authorizing it. Bush acknowledged they didn’t present it for FISA Review. His reasoning: if a President does it, it’s legal. Deja Vue. That’s the same reasoning Nixon tried.
If the telephone companies were on such strong legal turf, why was Bush insisting their cooperation be covered under new law? Because the existing law said it was illegal.
There needs to be an Amendment that bars lawyers from elected office. Currently, they write the law, interpret the law, and enforce the law. That’s too much power left to one group of people. ‘PATRIOT’ should be allowed to ‘sunset’. It’s bad law, passed in the heat of passion, on a par with the internment law that rounded up the Japanese-Americans post Pearl Harbor. I don’t care if Holder an Obama support it, it needs to go. Ben Franklin said it best: They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
BTW, your tech geek may not be able to fix your computer, but I bet he can field strip an AK-47 faster than you.
One final return to your efforts to smear Sarah Palin due to her father choosing to use Canadian health care when she was a little girl.
You failed to properly define the “We” in Sarah’s comment. She was, of course, referring to her parents and her siblings. She was not referring to herself and her husband Todd as you stated.
You failed to properly identify the Canadian province in question. You stated that Whitehorse was in Saskatchewan. In reality, it’s in Yukon.
And what year did socialized medicine reach Yukon? That would be 1972…which is after the Heaths used the Canadian system.
Finally, this whole Canadian health care thing is a non-issue. Mr. Heath, Sarah’s father, did what any parent would do for a child who was sick or injured:
Palin’s father said Monday they had little choice, given their location in Skagway.
Palin’s health care history, even when she was a child, is of interest because of her criticism of Obama and other Democrats working on U.S. health care.
Palin has been a frequent critic of big government and socialized health care, a seeming contradiction for someone whose family once took advantage of it in Whitehorse.
Palin in August called Obama’s health plan “downright evil” in a Facebook posting and said he would create a “death panel” that would deny care to the neediest Americans. Democrats including Obama have dismissed that as a distortion.
Palin’s father said his family probably boarded the train for the Whitehorse hospital only twice – once when a daughter had rheumatic fever, and once when his son, also named Chuck, severely burned his leg and an infection set in.
“We much preferred to use our facilities because my insurance didn’t cover anything in Whitehorse. And even though they have socialized medicine, I still had to pay the bill, being an American citizen,” Heath said.
….The legislation, cosponsored by Representatives Jim Clark, Lynn Luker and Raul Labrador, attempts to prohibit the federal government from requiring people to carry health insurance — with the intent being to oppose any type of proposed federal health care legislation. AARP stands in strong opposition to the Idaho bill, which could cost Idaho its federal match for Medicaid — $1.26 billion — and the Children’s Health Insurance Program — $36 million — along with thousands of state health care jobs.
The Idaho measure is part of a national initiative to challenge health care reform underway in several states. The cookie-cutter legislation, similar to bills being introduced in other states, contradicts existing Idaho policy requiring students at state colleges and universities to carry health insurance (without it they can’t enroll). While the bill has been amended so as not to negate the state policy, it allows Idaho to mandate coverage while attempting to forbid the federal government from doing the same thing…..
14 years ago
Politico notes that federal health insurance was not put into effect until 1972, although Yukon, the territory Palin admitted to sneaking into for health insurance, did have a government-subsidized plan beginning in 1960. Talking Points Memo claims Canadian Medicare was implemented in 1966 on a national level. The Canadian health care system, as it exists today, began to take shape in the 1980s with the Canada Health Act becoming more explicit in how health care funds should be distributed.
My reference to Saskatchewan
In 1964, Justice Hall recommended the nationwide adoption of Saskatchewan’s model of public health insurance
had only to do with the model the federal government used. I KNEW Whitehorse was in YT. I ASSUMED you knew it. My bad.
He was partly correct, Iowa has filed legislation, Utah has legislation that has passed both Houses and Virginia’s law went into effect this month.
There are 36 states in total that have begun the process of rejecting mandates, here is a good site to bookmark and watch as they progress.
State Legislation Opposing Certain Health Reforms, 2009-2010
As part of state-based responses to federal health reform legislation, individual members of at least 36 state legislatures are using the legislative process to seek to limit, alter or oppose selected state or federal actions, including single-payer provisions and mandates that would require purchase of insurance. In general the measures seek to make or keep health insurance optional, and allow people to purchase any type of coverage they may choose. The individual state language varies.
You’ll notice that link is from…wait for it…the Canadian Health System. They would be the people who would know about when things happened, eh?
So, let me get this straight now:
First, it was Sarah and Todd who went to Canada for health care….PROVEN FALSE.
Now Palin sneaked over the border for health care…that they paid for out of pocket….
In our back and forth exchanges I almost missed this one:
When Congress declared war in 1941, it was a voice vote with one dissenter, a lady from New Hampshire.
Uh-oh. Another FAIL for you:
Also immediately after the President’s address, the House acted by considering and agreeing to Representative McCormack’s motion to suspend the rules and pass H.J.Res. 254, which Representative McCormack introduced at that time. December 8 being a Monday, suspension motions were in order on that day. Immediately after the House passed H.J.Res. 254 by a roll call vote of 388-1, the House received a message from the Senate that it already had passed its joint resolution, now numbered S.J. Res. 116. The House then agreed to Representative McCormack’s unanimous consent request that the House take the Senate joint resolution from the Speaker’s table and agree to it. This action was necessary in order for both houses to pass the same measure, making it eligible to be presented to the President for his signature.
14 years ago
@Aye Chihuahua
Sarah’s DAD and family members had to “sneak” because there was word that a strange and dangerous trapper was in the area. Prone to prose, and one with nature, his legend grew to mythical status in those parts.
He was the famed and feared creature known among the natives as “Susskookums”. (Roughly translates into: Big Funny-talking White Hunter.)
It was wise for Mr. Palin to tread lightly in his quest across the wildlands.
For some did not heed the warnings, and while details are sketchy, and the rumors rampant, it is said that only small parts of one particular rude and liberal interloper from Seattle has ever been found, and even then, parts were found hundreds of miles apart.
The only evidence so far is a small caligraphic “S” artfully pressed into each part. The Mounties thinks it’s a guy named Stanley from Quebec, but only the natives know for sure, and they ain’t talkin.
14 years ago
Nephew PV, the Mad Trapper of Rat River was shot down on a frozen river in a hail of gunfire. In his pockets he had a Canadian Jay (a bird not a baseball player) a roll of birch bark (for starting a fire, not good for tp) and a few matches. He out ran several dog teams and an airplane for hundreds of miles.
This new Mad Trapper has never been caught or seen, he travels as well under river ice as he does upon it. He has been known to take Mounties on a 50 mile ride at a trot and within a few hours leave them as veritable cripples and then tell them they had to ride back out the next day. He can drive an old truck or a new Mercedes equally well on ice mountain roads while listening to some of the most colorful characters that have ever worn snowshoes.
He swears never to be captured alive, and I believe him.
14 years ago
Oh, Skagway to Whitehorse, Saskatchewan? If such a place existed, would have been at least 2500 miles by the roads that existed back then, a pretty good sneak, even for the the Mad Trapper of Rat River. Of course putting Whitehorse in the Yukon Territories ( not Terrorists) blunts the effect of the story quite a bit. Being one of the most experienced with the Canadian medical system at least that of BC, I will write an article on the efficiency of said system after I eat dinner and have another glass of Cabernet. It may surprise you, not that my articles don’t surprise you all that much.
I will title it, A Conservative in A Socialist Quagmire, you can guess on how it will read.
“If the Health Care Bill and Adjustment Bill pass, these are the items the Republicans will have to convince the American people are bad:”
Things like the fact that taxes go up immediately and the vast, vast majority of the benefits don’t kick in for four years?
Hmmm, tell you what StageRt. I got a bridge I’ll sell you. You have to start paying me for it NOW, but I won’t give it to you for four more years…
I’m done with this drone. No matter how many of us throw facts at him/her, they just keep coming back with crap and trying to pass it off as fact. You can polish a turd, but its still a turd.
I could NOT, in good conscience, support G. W. Besides being a Coke Head and drunk, he wormed his way out of serving in Viet Nam. For political gain, he besmirched the military record of an officer who didn’t hide behind his Daddy’s coat tails. The Swiftboat lies were later documented, but the election was over by then.
Wow…talk about so much BDS in one paragraph. It’s always interesting when it comes from someone on the right-side of the political aisle (lemmee guess: Ron Paul Reverist?).
90% of young Americans of the time, never served in Vietnam. If one wanted guaranteed avoidance of serving in combat, joining the Air National Guard as a fighter pilot would hardly be a smart move. W. Bush joined the Guard for a 6-year term. If you are drafted, you only had to serve 2 years. Pilots from the unit that he joined were being sent to Vietnam.
Letter by Col. William Campenni Ret. published in the Washington Times:
There was one big exception to this abusive use of the Guard to avoid the draft, and that was for those who wanted to fly, as pilots or crew members. Because of the training required, signing up for this duty meant up to 2½ years of active duty for training alone, plus a high probability of mobilization. A fighter-pilot candidate selected by the Guard (such as Lt. Bush and I) would be spending the next two years on active duty going through basic training (six weeks), flight training (one year), survival training (two weeks) and combat crew training for his aircraft (six to nine months), followed by local checkout (up to three more months) before he was even deemed combat-ready. Because the draft was just two years, you sure weren’t getting out of duty being an Air Guard pilot. If the unit to which you were going back was an F-100, you were mobilized for Vietnam. Avoiding service? Yeah, tell that to those guys. The Bush critics do not comprehend the dangers of fighter aviation at any time or place, in Vietnam or at home, when they say other such pilots were risking their lives or even dying while Lt. Bush was in Texas. Our Texas ANG unit lost several planes right there in Houston during Lt. Bush’s tenure, with fatalities. Just strapping on one of those obsolescing F-102s was risking one’s life.
we have established that the F-102 was serving in combat in Vietnam at the time Bush enlisted to become an F-102 pilot. In fact, pilots from the 147th FIG of the Texas ANG were routinely rotated to Vietnam for combat duty under a program called ”Palace Alert” from 1968 to 1970. Palace Alert was an Air Force program that sent qualified F-102 pilots from the ANG to bases in Europe or southeast Asia for periods of three to six months for frontline duty.
Fred Bradley, a friend of Bush’s who was also serving in the Texas ANG, reported that he and Bush inquired about participating in the Palace Alert program. However, the two were told by a superior, MAJ Maurice Udell, that they were not yet qualified since they were still in training and did not have the 500 hours of flight experience required. Furthermore, ANG veteran COL William Campenni, who was a fellow pilot in the 111th FIS at the time, told the Washington Times that Palace Alert was winding down and not accepting new applicants.
As he was completing training and being certified as a qualified F-102 pilot, Bush’s squadron was a likely candidate to be rotated to Vietnam. However, the F-102 was built for a type of air combat that wasn’t seen during that conflict, and the plane was withdrawn from southeast Asia in December 1969. The F-102 was instead returned to its primary role of providing air defense for the United States. In addition, the mission of Ellington AFB, where Bush was stationed, was also changing from air defense alert to training all F-102 pilots in the US for Air National Guard duty. Lt. Bush remained in the ANG as a certified F-102 pilot who participated in frequent drills and alerts through April of 1972. … By this time, the 147th Fighter Wing was also beginning to transition from the F-102 to the F-101F, an updated version of the F-101B used primarily for air defense patrols. Furthermore, the war in Vietnam was nearing its end and the US was withdrawing its forces from the theater. Air Force personnel returning to the US created a glut of active-duty pilots, and there were not enough aircraft available to accommodate all of the qualified USAF and ANG pilots. Since USAF personnel had priority for the billets available, many of the Air National Guard pilots whose enlistments were nearly complete requested early release. The ANG was eager to fulfill these requests because there was not enough time to retrain F-102 pilots to operate new aircraft before their enlistments were up anyway. Bush was one of those forced out by the transition, and he was honorably discharged as a first lieutenant in October 1973, eight months before his six-year enlistment was complete. Bush had approximately 600 flight hours by the time he completed his military service.
While Bush did not see combat in Vietnam, it is also obvious that he was not seeking a way to avoid the risk of being sent to Vietnam. At the time he was training to be an F102 pilot, ANG units and that aircraft type were based in Vietnam.
More BDS:
He lied to support his war in Iraq.
What specifically, did he lie about?
Worse, while we went trotting off to Iraq, we lost sight of the true enemy, al Quaeda,
If it’s just al Qaeda who is the enemy, what prompted Bush to say the following:
“Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”
-President Bush in an address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People, United States Capitol, Washington D.C., September 20, 2001.
Were KSM and Zubaydah part of al Qaeda before 9/11? Was Zarqawi?
and now we have to go fight for the same ground in Afghanistan we had already won in ‘02 against a reconstituted Taliban.
Waah, waah, waah. Does NATO share any of the blame? Or is it just “Bush took his eyes off the ball” blame-handing? Guess what?
“The going is likely to get harder before it gets easy… the enemy will fight back.“
Setbacks are a part of life. The Taliban aren’t going to just roll over for us. Wars are messy and sometimes protracted.
That defies Patton’s 1st Rule of combat.
He allowed the troops at Abu Ghraib to be tried and imprisoned all the while KNOWING they were following the orders of their commanding officers. You ever had a boss ‘throw you under the bus’?
Admiral T. Church III, Navy Inspector General, conducted an independent investigation and said: “the vast majority of detainees held by the U.S. forces during the Global War on Terror have been treated humanely.”
Going into the investigation, he had expected to find a policy of abuse that went up the chain of command. What he found was: “none of the pictured abuses…bear any resemblance to approved policies at any level, in any theater.”
An early focus of our investigation was to determine whether DoD had promulgated interrogation policies or guidance that directed, sanctioned or encouraged the abuse of detainees. We found that this was not the case.
Also from an Independent Panel led by James Schlesinger and Harold Brown, along with Congresswoman Tillie Fowler and Air Force General Charles Horner: “The events that took place at Abu Ghraib were an aberration when compared to the situation at other detention operations….No approved procedures called for or allowed the kinds of abuse that in fact occurred.”
I won’t even go in to his assault on the Constitution. We probably won’t know the depth of that for another 20 years.
Given Yoo’s strong conservatism, it would be easy for liberals to dismiss “Crisis and Command” as one more venture in a hackneyed debate. That would be a big mistake. True to form, Yoo does use his two brief final chapters to defend the George W. Bush legacy and drive progressives nuts with the idea that President Obama has some strangely reactionary ideas struggling to control his brain. But the heart of the book is the highly favorable treatment that Yoo extends to five great presidents — all of whom should rank high on any liberal’s list of admirable leaders: Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt — followed by a broad survey of the Cold War presidents from Truman through Reagan.
This is a deeply serious history of the presidency, sometimes selective in its emphasis, but always provocative and thoughtful. The recurring theme is how well the republic was served by the initiatives these leaders took.
In two early chapters, Yoo briefly surveys the origins of the presidency, tracking historians (such as myself) who have explained how the anti-executive biases of the first constitutionalists of 1776 gave way to the fresh thinking of 1787. These chapters could have been better argued. There are some errors of fact and, more important, Yoo owes readers a better account of the ambivalence about executive power that still surrounded the presidency after its establishment. It was the least republican office in the new government, and the one position that most of the Constitution’s framers, with the exception of Alexander Hamilton, struggled to comprehend. How it would operate once Washington served a term or two was a mystery that no one in 1789 could decipher.
Going through past presidents, beginning with the first “GW”, there’s nothing at all “unprecedented” about the 43rd president’s exercise of executive authority.
It tells how John Adams jailed a congressman for criticizing his “continual grasp for power.” How Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and had the army arrest up to 38,000 civilians suspected of undermining the Union cause. How Woodrow Wilson imprisoned Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs for opposing U.S. entry into World War I. And how Franklin D. Roosevelt consigned 120,000 Japanese Americans to detention camps.
You can also read about how presidents from FDR to Richard Nixon used the FBI to spy on, and occasionally blackmail and harass, their political opponents. The Senate’s Church Committee in 1976 blew the whistle on decades of misconduct, including FBI investigations of such nefarious characters as Eleanor Roosevelt, William O. Douglas, Barry Goldwater and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
All you have to do is recite this litany of excess to realize the absurdity of the cries of impeachment coming from the loonier precincts of the left. Muttering about “slippery slopes” isn’t enough to convince most people that fascism is descending. If the president’s critics want that part of the nation that doesn’t read the Nation to believe that he’s a threat to our freedom, they’d better do more than turn up the level of vituperation. They’d better find some real victims — the Eugene Debses and Martin Luther Kings of the war on terror.
Civil libertarians thought they were in luck when a college student in Massachusetts claimed that two FBI agents had shown up to interview him after he had requested a copy of Mao Tse-tung’s Little Red Book. Ted Kennedy cited this incident to warn of the Patriot Act’s “chilling effect on free speech and academic freedom.” Relax, Senator. Free speech is safe. The student lied.
The anti-Bush brigade hasn’t had any luck in turning up actual instances of abuse, despite no end of effort. The ACLU compiled a list of supposed victims of the Patriot Act. After examining each case, however, Sen. Dianne Feinstein — no friend of the administration — said “it does not appear that these charges rose to the level of ‘abuse.’ “
I bought Sarah’s book about a month ago but haven’t started it yet, been saving it for springtime on the deck.
Leafed through it yesterday to see if the trip to the doctor was mentioned, didn’t find what I was looking for, but I did see in one of the chapters that she has a friend named……………….Skookum! That name just lept off the page.
Hmmmmm, the plot thickens, eh? Fess up Skooks!
14 years ago
I contacted the Congressional Democrats and told them to vote against the
Health Care bill that this president is still lying about. Who is going to pay
the Cadillac tax? Why did the administration want to take away military coverage?
Why is there so many taxes in this bill? The big lie that the president is telling that
it is not for him? Well, hell, it must be, for he is lying awake at night trying to
figure out the next lie to tell the American people. He wants this bill for it was
a Socialist democrat campaign issue, and he continues to hide behind the desk
of the presidency and thinks that it is enough sway for the american people to
PEOLOSI, OR THE CHIEF OF STAFF! The Socialist democrats in the congress have
been thrown to the fear mongers of not being re-elected, and not receiving money
for their campaigns. These people have no idea that the States of these United States
of America has something to say in this manner, and Idaho and several other
western states have already stepped up to the plate and NO- to the Socialists
and a Muslim in the white house.
Incidentally, November 10, 2010 is not that far away. So, Democrats, pack your
bags, for you are going away, and I don’t care where, maybe Mexico.
Also, the white house wants to approve illegals! Hell, the illegals already get Social
Security and other benefits that is costing us taxpayers a hell of a lot of money that
these Socialist democrats want to spend foolishly in bankrupting our country.
Therefore, America let us strike a blow for freedom and democracy and say NO to
all proposals that this administration is proposing. TEA PARTIES- LET’S SPEAK OUT NOW
REED, CHIEF OF STAFF AND THE Muslim president who is not serving the USA but
the devil!
14 years ago
Chuck–I think you’re one of the tea party folks that would like to see us back in the middle ages. It was Reagan who started this immigration catastrophe!! He gave amnesty to millions of illegals and then proceeded to bring millions of their families in as well as a way to swamp the middle class and get rid of them. As a so called pro lifer he also started the flooding of no abortions, no birth control which with all the amnesty gave us Catholics with children they couldn’t afford giving the tax payers more parasites to ruin this country. George Bush came in with a surplus and he proceeded with 2 wars that he wanted–Phil Graham of Texas got rid of the regulations on banks and wall street and now we have the melt down killing more middle class tax payers. The bushes bankrupted us with $90 billion a month for 7 years now and that’s a big chunck of change from the middle classes. Now we have millions more illegals demanding citizenship and all the perks costing tax payers billions of dollars. Hopefully Chuck you have millions of dollars because you’re going to need them to stay alive what with millions of people (formally illegal) wanting your dollars to have millions of kids they can’t afford. It was also Reagan who started the shipping and subsidizing corps. to ship jobs over seas and now we have very little manufacturing and China ownes us. Good luck Chuck for helping to kill the USA as we grew up in!!!!
14 years ago
It’s a good thing for you that hate and stupidity don’t hurt, or you’d be writhing on the floor screaming.
14 years ago
It is so nice to be called a Reagan supporter. I believe that his policies should be
strengthened. I do not believe that the illegals be granted amnesty and citizenship
that the obamaites wish to do. If illegals are approved by the Socialist Democrats,
we can kiss Democracy good bye. I don’t prescribe to the current obamaite philosophy
to be nice to the Al Queda people either as several European countries do. I do not
like to say that the Muslims are nice people for THEY ARE NOT! That is why we are in
Iraq and Afghanistan. Hell, Iran is creating all the IED’s and training terrorists to kill
Jews and Americans and NATO troops. Vote NO on Health Care. I have never seen
the ruthlessness in the current administration. It is much worse than Clinton, and
they have a clinton in the State department, and she bashes jews all the time following
obama philosophy which is anti-American.
@Flo…you need to brush up on your history. You can thank the late Teddy Kennedy for the change in our immigration policies from that of numerical quotas and immigration based on what trade skills were possessed to chain immigration that literally opened the floodgates of immigrants.
“# The 1965 revamp of the entire immigration system. It ended 40 years of low immigration, got rid of solid numerical caps and opened up chain migration into every overpopulated country in the world, exploding annual immigration numbers
# Massive expansion of the refugee programs in the late 1970s, opening up massive loopholes and encouraging a domestic resettlement industry that became a major lobby for more and more overall immigration.”
“It begins with one immigrant legally bringing a spouse and minor children � keep in mind that Mexicans average four children per family � and, within a few years, after they’ve been naturalized, parents and siblings; the same process is then repeated by their relatives, ad infinitum.”
Thank you Ted Kennedy, still screwing America from beyond the grave.
If the Health Care Bill and Adjustment Bill pass, these are the items the Republicans will have to convince the American people are bad:
Eliminating caps: If you buy a policy, a health care company will not be able to place a lifetime — or annual — cap on how much they will cover.
Pre-existing conditions: The Senate bill includes $5 billion in immediate support to provide temporary coverage to uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions. The money would help you until the new health care exchanges in the Senate bill are put into effect in 2014.,
Children and pre-existing conditions: no exclusion of children with pre-existing conditions.
Dependent children: Your children will be covered until the age of 26,
Small business tax credits: Tax credits of up to 50 percent of premiums will be available to firms that offer coverage
Preventive care: free preventive care in order to “catch preventable illnesses and diseases on the front end.”
Help for seniors: If you fall into the Medicare Part D Drug Benefit coverage gap, dubbed the “donut hole,” you will receive $250 to help pay for prescriptions.
Key Provisions in the President’s Proposal:
The President’s Proposal builds off of the legislation that passed the Senate and improves on it by bridging key differences between the House and the Senate as well as by incorporating Republican provisions that strengthen the proposal.
One key improvement, for example, is eliminating the Nebraska FMAP provision and providing significant additional Federal financing to all States for the expansion of Medicaid.
For America’s seniors, the proposal completely closes the Medicare prescription drug “donut hole” coverage gap.
It strengthens the Senate bill’s provisions that make insurance affordable for individuals and families, while also strengthening the provisions to fight fraud, waste, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid to save taxpayer dollars.
The threshold for the excise tax on the most expensive health plans will be raised from $23,000 for a family plan to $27,500 and will start in 2018 for all such plans.
And another important idea included is improving insurance protections for consumers and creating a new Health Insurance Rate Authority to review and rein in unreasonable rate increases and other unfair practices of insurance plans.
@Chuck, I’ve been listening to this ‘scare’ drivel for 50 years. It doesn’t impress me any more now than it did when McCarthy was screaming the Sky is Falling. We didn’t change the national slogan from “In God We Trust” to ‘In Pope We Hope’ when Kennedy got elected. No President lied more than Nixon when he declared we had no troops in Cambodia or Laos. No President has put the Constitution under higher attack than G. W. Bush when he authorized the tapping of YOUR phone without a court approval.
@johngalt: you keep trying to take the paragraph apart to suit your needs. The entire paragraph deals with the Veto and the process of overturning it. The paragraph deals with that subject alone. It’s rule doesn’t extend beyond it’s subject, the Veto.
All the Republicans have to say if this bill is passed is to say, hey America, look at
the Socialist Democrats in Washington and the Socialist muslim leadership in the white
house. it is pretty obvious that this BILL IS BAD, BAD, BAD! and no amount of discourse
from the Socialist leaders will change Amerca’s mind on what this administration and
the Socialist Democrats are trying to do, and that is to gut America and make it totally
Are you saying that Chuck has been using his phone to carry on conversations with terrorists?
G. W. told the truth. He was a great President! He told the truth! He liked America!
He was a true American citizen. That is more than I can say about the current leader
that is in the oval office.
You’re presuming all they listen to is terrorist talk. It’s well documented they listened to the private conversations between husbands and wives in the military talking to their spouses in the states.
As one analyst observed, some of those calls got pretty ‘steamy’.
They can and do listen to what ever they want to. Have you ever talked to a computer tech who you KNEW was in a foreign country. I have. If that person is taking part of their pay and supporting terrorist activities, your call is probably monitored.
It would appear, Chuck, not ALL Americans agree with you.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2010
Question: For each element of health care reform I name, please tell me how important it is that this be passed into law. (percentage saying extremely or very important.)
1. Reforming the way health insurance works (ie, guaranteed issue, eliminating lifetime benefit caps) … all adults 76%; Democrats 85%; independents 79%; Republicans 64%
2. Providing tax credits to small businesses … all adults 72%; Democrats 77%; independents 70%; Republicans 67%
3. Creating a health insurance exchange or marketplace … all adults 71%; Democrats 78%; independents 71%; Republicans 67%
4. Helping close the Medicare “donut hole” … all adults 71%; Democrats 78%; independents 70%; Republicans 66%
5. Expanding high-risk insurance pools … all adults 70%; Democrats 79%; independents 67%; Republicans 61%
Chuck Socialists and Muslims in the White House,impeachment,secession,GWB a great president.DAMN, you been hanging with Massa?
No. The entire paragraph deals with how a bill is passed and sent through congress AND actions taken when a veto is presented by the president. It really is easy reading and comprehension. If you don’t comprehend it, then I really can’t help you, but it does explain why so many lefties feel the way they do about the Constitution. Is it that it is so hard to read and comprehend for them that they just make stuff up they think sounds good?
John, after reading a few more sources, I have to agree with your interpretation.
BTW, don’t lump me in with lefties. I didn’t see you when I was campaigning for Nixon, Goldwater, Nixon again, or Reagan.
I could NOT, in good conscience, support G. W. Besides being a Coke Head and drunk, he wormed his way out of serving in Viet Nam. For political gain, he besmirched the military record of an officer who didn’t hide behind his Daddy’s coat tails. The Swiftboat lies were later documented, but the election was over by then.
He lied to support his war in Iraq. That’s not precedent setting. Eisenhower did it in ’54 and LBJ did it in ’65. You’d think we would have learned something about politicians since ’65.
Worse, while we went trotting off to Iraq, we lost sight of the true enemy, al Quaeda, and now we have to go fight for the same ground in Afghanistan we had already won in ’02 against a reconstituted Taliban.
That defies Patton’s 1st Rule of combat.
He allowed the troops at Abu Ghraib to be tried and imprisoned all the while KNOWING they were following the orders of their commanding officers. You ever had a boss ‘throw you under the bus’?
I won’t even go in to his assault on the Constitution. We probably won’t know the depth of that for another 20 years.
And you’re presuming that they listen to things beyond terrorist talk. A presumptuous assumption which, by the way, is based in nothing but the paranoid delusional fantasies which occupy the otherwise vacuous space betwixt your ears.
I do believe that listening in on the conversations of military personnel serving overseas, if that really happened, would fall under the definitions of OPSEC.
Military personnel, more likely than not, are informed that their conversations while on deployment should not be considered private.
The concept of protecting information during wartime goes all the way back to George Washington. It was widely known that the US concentrated on keeping secrets secret in WWII.
Perhaps one or more of the multiple military vets here at FA can chime in on this issue.
And your evidence of this is?
Hmmmm…presumptuous assumption on your part at best.
Calls to and from known terror suspects are monitored…with court approval…and, quite frankly, I doubt the tech geeks I’ve had on the line for various issues would even be smart enough to blow themselves up much less participate in a terror network.
Finally, let’s address the accusation that you leveled about Bush:
Clearly you are out of your element here.
The truth is that Obie’s Justice Dept has simply carried over the very same Bush policies…even expanding on them here and there.
Furthermore, Obie’s Justice Dept recently took the position that:
Now remember…what is being referred to above is the tracking of US citizens on US soil without a warrant.
Got that? Warrantless tracking on US soil…no “reasonable expectation of privacy”…
Most recently we have Obie’s advocating for the collection of DNA samples from every person arrested. Not every person convicted…every person arrested.
Did that make you soil your pretty pink panties?
It should.
You wanna whine, cry, and bellyache about Bush listening in on the conversations of known terrorists…with Court approval…when your boy at 1600 is doing much, much worse right here in the homeland.
Basically your boy-prez Obie equals Bush2 so your complaints about W ring hollow with me. Especially since the actions of President Bush have been upheld by the Courts multiple times.
Hey, Flopping Aces blogging cousins:
My blogging partner just emailed me this marked as “URGENT” … I’m searching for something solid on this, but thought I’d throw a cut-off to second base to you guys so you can look into it as well:
***keep an eye out. breaking news on my local channel. Iowa government passed bill to make secretary general sue the federal government if it passes healthcare reform. cant find the story anywhere yet but its coming ***
@Aye Chihuahua:
She knows she has a problem, tis why she desparately pines for Obamacare, anyway she can get it, Constitutional or not, it’s how they are, to hell with all that died defending a piece of paper. Then the stupid thing whines about GW. pfftt!
Heads up:
He just emailed again it’s NOT Iowa but Idaho.
Still searching …
Note that your cited opinion refers to cell phones. It still takes a warrant to tap my land line. If it makes you feel any better, I have repeatedly written my Congressman and Senators to fight this DNA sampling method.
The assault on the 4th Amendment is pervasive and ongoing. Gerry Spence wrote a very good book detailing the assaults. 90% of all judges are former Prosecutors and their trial motion rulings reveal their bias.
If a cop sneezes before breaking in a door, it’s called a ‘Good Faith Exception’. That was one of the reasons O.J. was acquitted in California. The Judge ruled the search was legal. The jury said ‘No, it wasn’t.’
When the NSA taps were 1st revealed there were NO court orders authorizing it. Bush acknowledged they didn’t present it for FISA Review. His reasoning: if a President does it, it’s legal. Deja Vue. That’s the same reasoning Nixon tried.
If the telephone companies were on such strong legal turf, why was Bush insisting their cooperation be covered under new law? Because the existing law said it was illegal.
There needs to be an Amendment that bars lawyers from elected office. Currently, they write the law, interpret the law, and enforce the law. That’s too much power left to one group of people. ‘PATRIOT’ should be allowed to ‘sunset’. It’s bad law, passed in the heat of passion, on a par with the internment law that rounded up the Japanese-Americans post Pearl Harbor. I don’t care if Holder an Obama support it, it needs to go. Ben Franklin said it best: They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
BTW, your tech geek may not be able to fix your computer, but I bet he can field strip an AK-47 faster than you.
One final return to your efforts to smear Sarah Palin due to her father choosing to use Canadian health care when she was a little girl.
You failed to properly define the “We” in Sarah’s comment. She was, of course, referring to her parents and her siblings. She was not referring to herself and her husband Todd as you stated.
You failed to properly identify the Canadian province in question. You stated that Whitehorse was in Saskatchewan. In reality, it’s in Yukon.
And what year did socialized medicine reach Yukon? That would be 1972…which is after the Heaths used the Canadian system.
Finally, this whole Canadian health care thing is a non-issue. Mr. Heath, Sarah’s father, did what any parent would do for a child who was sick or injured:
….The legislation, cosponsored by Representatives Jim Clark, Lynn Luker and Raul Labrador, attempts to prohibit the federal government from requiring people to carry health insurance — with the intent being to oppose any type of proposed federal health care legislation. AARP stands in strong opposition to the Idaho bill, which could cost Idaho its federal match for Medicaid — $1.26 billion — and the Children’s Health Insurance Program — $36 million — along with thousands of state health care jobs.
The Idaho measure is part of a national initiative to challenge health care reform underway in several states. The cookie-cutter legislation, similar to bills being introduced in other states, contradicts existing Idaho policy requiring students at state colleges and universities to carry health insurance (without it they can’t enroll). While the bill has been amended so as not to negate the state policy, it allows Idaho to mandate coverage while attempting to forbid the federal government from doing the same thing…..
Politico notes that federal health insurance was not put into effect until 1972, although Yukon, the territory Palin admitted to sneaking into for health insurance, did have a government-subsidized plan beginning in 1960. Talking Points Memo claims Canadian Medicare was implemented in 1966 on a national level. The Canadian health care system, as it exists today, began to take shape in the 1980s with the Canada Health Act becoming more explicit in how health care funds should be distributed.
My reference to Saskatchewan
had only to do with the model the federal government used. I KNEW Whitehorse was in YT. I ASSUMED you knew it. My bad.
He was partly correct, Iowa has filed legislation, Utah has legislation that has passed both Houses and Virginia’s law went into effect this month.
There are 36 states in total that have begun the process of rejecting mandates, here is a good site to bookmark and watch as they progress.
You’re not really the brightest crayon in the box now are you?
Here’s the time line on when the Canadian system was socialized.
You’ll notice that Yukon transitioned in 1972.
You’ll notice that link is from…wait for it…the Canadian Health System. They would be the people who would know about when things happened, eh?
So, let me get this straight now:
First, it was Sarah and Todd who went to Canada for health care….PROVEN FALSE.
Now Palin sneaked over the border for health care…that they paid for out of pocket….
Yeah…makes perfect sense to me.
Where’s the “sneaking” part in this story?
In our back and forth exchanges I almost missed this one:
Uh-oh. Another FAIL for you:
@Aye Chihuahua
Sarah’s DAD and family members had to “sneak” because there was word that a strange and dangerous trapper was in the area. Prone to prose, and one with nature, his legend grew to mythical status in those parts.
He was the famed and feared creature known among the natives as “Susskookums”. (Roughly translates into: Big Funny-talking White Hunter.)
It was wise for Mr. Palin to tread lightly in his quest across the wildlands.
For some did not heed the warnings, and while details are sketchy, and the rumors rampant, it is said that only small parts of one particular rude and liberal interloper from Seattle has ever been found, and even then, parts were found hundreds of miles apart.
The only evidence so far is a small caligraphic “S” artfully pressed into each part. The Mounties thinks it’s a guy named Stanley from Quebec, but only the natives know for sure, and they ain’t talkin.
Nephew PV, the Mad Trapper of Rat River was shot down on a frozen river in a hail of gunfire. In his pockets he had a Canadian Jay (a bird not a baseball player) a roll of birch bark (for starting a fire, not good for tp) and a few matches. He out ran several dog teams and an airplane for hundreds of miles.
This new Mad Trapper has never been caught or seen, he travels as well under river ice as he does upon it. He has been known to take Mounties on a 50 mile ride at a trot and within a few hours leave them as veritable cripples and then tell them they had to ride back out the next day. He can drive an old truck or a new Mercedes equally well on ice mountain roads while listening to some of the most colorful characters that have ever worn snowshoes.
He swears never to be captured alive, and I believe him.
Oh, Skagway to Whitehorse, Saskatchewan? If such a place existed, would have been at least 2500 miles by the roads that existed back then, a pretty good sneak, even for the the Mad Trapper of Rat River. Of course putting Whitehorse in the Yukon Territories ( not Terrorists) blunts the effect of the story quite a bit. Being one of the most experienced with the Canadian medical system at least that of BC, I will write an article on the efficiency of said system after I eat dinner and have another glass of Cabernet. It may surprise you, not that my articles don’t surprise you all that much.
I will title it, A Conservative in A Socialist Quagmire, you can guess on how it will read.
@StageRt…you said:
“If the Health Care Bill and Adjustment Bill pass, these are the items the Republicans will have to convince the American people are bad:”
Things like the fact that taxes go up immediately and the vast, vast majority of the benefits don’t kick in for four years?
Hmmm, tell you what StageRt. I got a bridge I’ll sell you. You have to start paying me for it NOW, but I won’t give it to you for four more years…
I’m done with this drone. No matter how many of us throw facts at him/her, they just keep coming back with crap and trying to pass it off as fact. You can polish a turd, but its still a turd.
@StageRt #59:
Wow…talk about so much BDS in one paragraph. It’s always interesting when it comes from someone on the right-side of the political aisle (lemmee guess: Ron Paul Reverist?).
My own cut-and-paste:
More BDS:
What specifically, did he lie about?
If it’s just al Qaeda who is the enemy, what prompted Bush to say the following:
“Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”
-President Bush in an address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People, United States Capitol, Washington D.C., September 20, 2001.
Were KSM and Zubaydah part of al Qaeda before 9/11? Was Zarqawi?
Waah, waah, waah. Does NATO share any of the blame? Or is it just “Bush took his eyes off the ball” blame-handing? Guess what?
Setbacks are a part of life. The Taliban aren’t going to just roll over for us. Wars are messy and sometimes protracted.
Admiral T. Church III, Navy Inspector General, conducted an independent investigation and said: “the vast majority of detainees held by the U.S. forces during the Global War on Terror have been treated humanely.”
Going into the investigation, he had expected to find a policy of abuse that went up the chain of command. What he found was: “none of the pictured abuses…bear any resemblance to approved policies at any level, in any theater.”
An early focus of our investigation was to determine whether DoD had promulgated interrogation policies or guidance that directed, sanctioned or encouraged the abuse of detainees. We found that this was not the case.
Also from an Independent Panel led by James Schlesinger and Harold Brown, along with Congresswoman Tillie Fowler and Air Force General Charles Horner: “The events that took place at Abu Ghraib were an aberration when compared to the situation at other detention operations….No approved procedures called for or allowed the kinds of abuse that in fact occurred.”
@StageRt #52:
Two book recommendations: John Yoo’s Crisis and Command: A History of Executive Power from George Washington to George W. Bush (Yes, THAT John Yoo):
Going through past presidents, beginning with the first “GW”, there’s nothing at all “unprecedented” about the 43rd president’s exercise of executive authority.
and then there’s Geoffrey R. Stone’s “Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism.”
Max Boot:
C’mon…Bush is a saint. 😉
I bought Sarah’s book about a month ago but haven’t started it yet, been saving it for springtime on the deck.
Leafed through it yesterday to see if the trip to the doctor was mentioned, didn’t find what I was looking for, but I did see in one of the chapters that she has a friend named……………….Skookum! That name just lept off the page.
Hmmmmm, the plot thickens, eh? Fess up Skooks!
I contacted the Congressional Democrats and told them to vote against the
Health Care bill that this president is still lying about. Who is going to pay
the Cadillac tax? Why did the administration want to take away military coverage?
Why is there so many taxes in this bill? The big lie that the president is telling that
it is not for him? Well, hell, it must be, for he is lying awake at night trying to
figure out the next lie to tell the American people. He wants this bill for it was
a Socialist democrat campaign issue, and he continues to hide behind the desk
of the presidency and thinks that it is enough sway for the american people to
PEOLOSI, OR THE CHIEF OF STAFF! The Socialist democrats in the congress have
been thrown to the fear mongers of not being re-elected, and not receiving money
for their campaigns. These people have no idea that the States of these United States
of America has something to say in this manner, and Idaho and several other
western states have already stepped up to the plate and NO- to the Socialists
and a Muslim in the white house.
Incidentally, November 10, 2010 is not that far away. So, Democrats, pack your
bags, for you are going away, and I don’t care where, maybe Mexico.
Also, the white house wants to approve illegals! Hell, the illegals already get Social
Security and other benefits that is costing us taxpayers a hell of a lot of money that
these Socialist democrats want to spend foolishly in bankrupting our country.
Therefore, America let us strike a blow for freedom and democracy and say NO to
all proposals that this administration is proposing. TEA PARTIES- LET’S SPEAK OUT NOW
REED, CHIEF OF STAFF AND THE Muslim president who is not serving the USA but
the devil!
Chuck–I think you’re one of the tea party folks that would like to see us back in the middle ages. It was Reagan who started this immigration catastrophe!! He gave amnesty to millions of illegals and then proceeded to bring millions of their families in as well as a way to swamp the middle class and get rid of them. As a so called pro lifer he also started the flooding of no abortions, no birth control which with all the amnesty gave us Catholics with children they couldn’t afford giving the tax payers more parasites to ruin this country. George Bush came in with a surplus and he proceeded with 2 wars that he wanted–Phil Graham of Texas got rid of the regulations on banks and wall street and now we have the melt down killing more middle class tax payers. The bushes bankrupted us with $90 billion a month for 7 years now and that’s a big chunck of change from the middle classes. Now we have millions more illegals demanding citizenship and all the perks costing tax payers billions of dollars. Hopefully Chuck you have millions of dollars because you’re going to need them to stay alive what with millions of people (formally illegal) wanting your dollars to have millions of kids they can’t afford. It was also Reagan who started the shipping and subsidizing corps. to ship jobs over seas and now we have very little manufacturing and China ownes us. Good luck Chuck for helping to kill the USA as we grew up in!!!!
It’s a good thing for you that hate and stupidity don’t hurt, or you’d be writhing on the floor screaming.
It is so nice to be called a Reagan supporter. I believe that his policies should be
strengthened. I do not believe that the illegals be granted amnesty and citizenship
that the obamaites wish to do. If illegals are approved by the Socialist Democrats,
we can kiss Democracy good bye. I don’t prescribe to the current obamaite philosophy
to be nice to the Al Queda people either as several European countries do. I do not
like to say that the Muslims are nice people for THEY ARE NOT! That is why we are in
Iraq and Afghanistan. Hell, Iran is creating all the IED’s and training terrorists to kill
Jews and Americans and NATO troops. Vote NO on Health Care. I have never seen
the ruthlessness in the current administration. It is much worse than Clinton, and
they have a clinton in the State department, and she bashes jews all the time following
obama philosophy which is anti-American.
@Flo…you need to brush up on your history. You can thank the late Teddy Kennedy for the change in our immigration policies from that of numerical quotas and immigration based on what trade skills were possessed to chain immigration that literally opened the floodgates of immigrants.
“# The 1965 revamp of the entire immigration system. It ended 40 years of low immigration, got rid of solid numerical caps and opened up chain migration into every overpopulated country in the world, exploding annual immigration numbers
# Massive expansion of the refugee programs in the late 1970s, opening up massive loopholes and encouraging a domestic resettlement industry that became a major lobby for more and more overall immigration.”
And what is chain immigration?
“It begins with one immigrant legally bringing a spouse and minor children � keep in mind that Mexicans average four children per family � and, within a few years, after they’ve been naturalized, parents and siblings; the same process is then repeated by their relatives, ad infinitum.”
Thank you Ted Kennedy, still screwing America from beyond the grave.
Why are all the O’faithful so math challenged? ahem, Flo….
now in 2016 we see that most Americans want a Federal healthcare plan that covers ALL Americans