A.C. Exactly.He’ll be voting with BHO more than against so he can get re-elected in 2 years.They’ll be shooting hoops together.I applaud him for supporting Mac a man who supported him. You can expect him to support Mitt in 2012.
Brown campaigned on, and made it very, very well known that he would be the 41st vote against ObamaCare which would be, of course, Obie’s crown jewel accomplishment.
Don’t bet on Brown being a sure vote for the Dims by any means especially since he’s simply returning a favor to JSM.
MIKE Thanks for reminding me how supportive F.A.’s been of Mac, the Sen. who stood with his good friend Uncle Teddy in support of comprehensive immigration reform.Right wing looney Hayworth calls Mac a “Fake Conservative”.What say you?
14 years ago
Little dog —
This is what is so silly about the con drooling over Brown. It is not as if they refuse to elect GOPers statewide there. They had a solid run of GOPer governors of varying levels of competence before Obama’s buddy Deval Patrick won. And Bill Weld gave John Kerry a good run a few years back on the Senate side, too. So it is not out the ordinary that a liberal or moderate R. can win in Massachusetts . . . just ask Mitt Romney!
But one thing is clear: Massachusetts is not Mississippi. For one thing, it is a heck of a lot better educated and a lot wealthier and a lot more liberal. If Scotty boy thinks he can vote like Strom Thurmond (without the child rape thingey) and get re-elected, he will be shown the door in a laugher. If he wants to keep the seat, he will need to vote like the ladies from Maine. It can be done, but he should not be, as Richard Pryor would say, “smellin’ himself” and thinking he is all that. He has a choice — if he wants to be a conservative darling, then he needs to be prepared to pull a Mitt and be getting ready to leave immediately. But if he wants to actually be a Senator. he will need to vote like a moderate. Voting the right way on the reconciliation would be a good start.
14 years ago
vote the right way on health care? why the only way is against it. period paragraph. discussion clossed!
Reconciliation? That must be one of the worst euphemisms one could possibly use to make the effort of ramming socialized medicine down Americas throat look less deplorable than it truly is, because the majority of America isn’t going to buy into it. The summit you’re referring to was supposed to be used to find common grounds on the issue of health care reform, but the only thing that happened was an effort to silence the members who preferred the finance committees version of the bill, rather than the Administration backed Baucus version.
Also, nobody ever claimed that conservatives were banned from the state of Massachusetts, we said; that fewer Republicans held a senate seat in that state when compared to Democrats, and this is a fact. We also speculated that electing a Republican in a seat long held by a Democrat was indication that the problems will start mounting up on the Obama Administrations shoulders, which is also true, since this means they will have more resistance against the policies that they are pushing for.
14 years ago
Ryan —
The ranting against “socialized medicine” by the teabaggers is proof that some people have not the foggiest idea what they are talking about. Consider:
My sister is a doc. She used to live in Massachusett. That state has socialized medicine. She is now working for the VA in DC. She works in a socialized medicine hospital.
My sister-in-law had surgery at Ohio State University Hospital. That, too, is socialized medicine.
Anyone covered by Medicare and any doc who takes Medicare is part of a socialized medicine system.
My understanding is that, in some states (Pennsylvania may be one of them), the poor people are in an HMO that is run by the private sector but paid for by the state. Socialized medicine. Much of the medical care in West Virginia comes from federally run clinics. Socialized medicine.
The US military hospital system, the Indian reservations, the National Health Corps — all socialized medical providers.
You would think that cons would get a clue about how empty the phrase “socialized medicine” is, but it is apparent to me that that is not so. The reason we have Medicare and Medicaid is NOT because things were so great before those programs came along; its because things were rotten!
Not a single one of our main comparators in the industrialised West has a pure private system. They are all socialised to some greater or lesser extent. So to rail against Obamacare as if it is the introduction of “socialized medicine” in the US, especially given the present scope and efficacy of those programs, is tantamount to ranting about “government control” as evidenced by the 65 mile per hour speed limit. Unless and until you cons come up with a proven workable model that is better than the socialized system we have now, no one who is serious will listen to you.
Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF
14 years ago
This push to “socialize” medicine in America isn’t about medical care for anyone and if you believe otherwise your willfully deluding yourself. It’s about the progressive movement and control over the economy and people’s lives. mr wonderful doesn’t give two shits about the poor or uninsured. It’s about POWER and MONEY, nothing more. Besides, NO ONE in this country is turned down for medical care. Not even illegal’s who are such a drain on public hospitals many are going under. And if you think forcing hospitals to give abortions on demand isn’t going to back fire, you’re dumber than you sound. The Catholic Church has the most extensive “free” hospital system in this country which provides medical care for the poor. They will close down before they provide the federally mandated abortions prescribed by this farce of a “bill” to individuals who haven’t got the common sense to get FREE birth control. or keep their fucking legs closed. mr wonderful is a socialist who believes in redistribution of OTHER people’s money to buy the cult like loyalty of those who CHOSE not to work or produce. You know, the leeches who believe they get their welfare money from obama’s “stash”. The middle class who pay all the bills for you liberal douchebags is straining under the burden of supporting so many party faithful and does have a breaking point. We are getting there very quickly under the “leadership” of mr wonderful and his super majority congress of whores who haven’t done shit in the last year but raise the national debt and weakened our security. November 2010 will, God willing, be a turning point in our history when hard working, PATRIOTIC, taxpaying Americans rise up and tell the federal government and you liberal hypocrites’ to fuck off and stop this embarassement of a “President” from destroying the greatest nation on the planet.
We aren’t against Obamacare because it is an “introduction” to socialized medicine in this country. We all, despite your contrary opinion, realize that certain aspects of life in the US is already socialized. We are against Obamacare because we see it as another attack against freedom in our country. If enacted, Obamacare promises to be far more reaching than your little mind seems to want to admit, and places greater burdens on many of us who do not desire it. In short, it is nothing more than outright thievery from hard working americans, including yourself, though you are too blind to see it. You can repeat all of the lefts talking points you want but it still doesn’t change the fact that Obamacare will destroy the quality AND quantity of healthcare in the US. As you don’t seem to want to listen to the opposition against it, I recommend that you look into Canada’s or GB’s healthcare and see what we will actually be getting. I don’t really expect that you will though, since you seem to be similar in your thinking to Obama himself in that you both KNOW what is best for all of us.
Can we make it 36001 and get rid of this moron?
Make it 36002 and include Pelosi in the mix as well.
How bout #41 Scott Brown campaigning in Ariz. today for Mac.You Cons. gotta love that.
And your point mr. wheeler?
@rich wheeler:
Yeah, the REPUBLICAN who just won Uncle Teddy’s seat in MA after 50 years or so of Dim control is campaigning for JSM.
So what.
Brown is doing exactly what a Rep from MA would be expected to do.
Oh my! When he said big day, I thought Barry was resigning.
@rich wheeler: McCain was one of the first who helped Scott Brown when no one else would. The story here would be if he did NOT campaign for McCain.
Stop trying to manipulate conservatives Wheelie. We’re not stupid enough to fall for it.
The stupidity of arrogance.
A.C. Exactly.He’ll be voting with BHO more than against so he can get re-elected in 2 years.They’ll be shooting hoops together.I applaud him for supporting Mac a man who supported him. You can expect him to support Mitt in 2012.
@rich wheeler:
Presumptuous assumption much?
Brown campaigned on, and made it very, very well known that he would be the 41st vote against ObamaCare which would be, of course, Obie’s crown jewel accomplishment.
Don’t bet on Brown being a sure vote for the Dims by any means especially since he’s simply returning a favor to JSM.
MIKE Thanks for reminding me how supportive F.A.’s been of Mac, the Sen. who stood with his good friend Uncle Teddy in support of comprehensive immigration reform.Right wing looney Hayworth calls Mac a “Fake Conservative”.What say you?
Little dog —
This is what is so silly about the con drooling over Brown. It is not as if they refuse to elect GOPers statewide there. They had a solid run of GOPer governors of varying levels of competence before Obama’s buddy Deval Patrick won. And Bill Weld gave John Kerry a good run a few years back on the Senate side, too. So it is not out the ordinary that a liberal or moderate R. can win in Massachusetts . . . just ask Mitt Romney!
But one thing is clear: Massachusetts is not Mississippi. For one thing, it is a heck of a lot better educated and a lot wealthier and a lot more liberal. If Scotty boy thinks he can vote like Strom Thurmond (without the child rape thingey) and get re-elected, he will be shown the door in a laugher. If he wants to keep the seat, he will need to vote like the ladies from Maine. It can be done, but he should not be, as Richard Pryor would say, “smellin’ himself” and thinking he is all that. He has a choice — if he wants to be a conservative darling, then he needs to be prepared to pull a Mitt and be getting ready to leave immediately. But if he wants to actually be a Senator. he will need to vote like a moderate. Voting the right way on the reconciliation would be a good start.
vote the right way on health care? why the only way is against it. period paragraph. discussion clossed!
Yeah, you focus on getting to reconciliation [snicker] and we’ll focus on getting Brown to vote “NO” which is, indeed, the “right” way.
@ BRob,
Reconciliation? That must be one of the worst euphemisms one could possibly use to make the effort of ramming socialized medicine down Americas throat look less deplorable than it truly is, because the majority of America isn’t going to buy into it. The summit you’re referring to was supposed to be used to find common grounds on the issue of health care reform, but the only thing that happened was an effort to silence the members who preferred the finance committees version of the bill, rather than the Administration backed Baucus version.
Also, nobody ever claimed that conservatives were banned from the state of Massachusetts, we said; that fewer Republicans held a senate seat in that state when compared to Democrats, and this is a fact. We also speculated that electing a Republican in a seat long held by a Democrat was indication that the problems will start mounting up on the Obama Administrations shoulders, which is also true, since this means they will have more resistance against the policies that they are pushing for.
Ryan —
The ranting against “socialized medicine” by the teabaggers is proof that some people have not the foggiest idea what they are talking about. Consider:
My sister is a doc. She used to live in Massachusett. That state has socialized medicine. She is now working for the VA in DC. She works in a socialized medicine hospital.
My sister-in-law had surgery at Ohio State University Hospital. That, too, is socialized medicine.
Anyone covered by Medicare and any doc who takes Medicare is part of a socialized medicine system.
My understanding is that, in some states (Pennsylvania may be one of them), the poor people are in an HMO that is run by the private sector but paid for by the state. Socialized medicine. Much of the medical care in West Virginia comes from federally run clinics. Socialized medicine.
The US military hospital system, the Indian reservations, the National Health Corps — all socialized medical providers.
You would think that cons would get a clue about how empty the phrase “socialized medicine” is, but it is apparent to me that that is not so. The reason we have Medicare and Medicaid is NOT because things were so great before those programs came along; its because things were rotten!
Not a single one of our main comparators in the industrialised West has a pure private system. They are all socialised to some greater or lesser extent. So to rail against Obamacare as if it is the introduction of “socialized medicine” in the US, especially given the present scope and efficacy of those programs, is tantamount to ranting about “government control” as evidenced by the 65 mile per hour speed limit. Unless and until you cons come up with a proven workable model that is better than the socialized system we have now, no one who is serious will listen to you.
This push to “socialize” medicine in America isn’t about medical care for anyone and if you believe otherwise your willfully deluding yourself. It’s about the progressive movement and control over the economy and people’s lives. mr wonderful doesn’t give two shits about the poor or uninsured. It’s about POWER and MONEY, nothing more. Besides, NO ONE in this country is turned down for medical care. Not even illegal’s who are such a drain on public hospitals many are going under. And if you think forcing hospitals to give abortions on demand isn’t going to back fire, you’re dumber than you sound. The Catholic Church has the most extensive “free” hospital system in this country which provides medical care for the poor. They will close down before they provide the federally mandated abortions prescribed by this farce of a “bill” to individuals who haven’t got the common sense to get FREE birth control. or keep their fucking legs closed. mr wonderful is a socialist who believes in redistribution of OTHER people’s money to buy the cult like loyalty of those who CHOSE not to work or produce. You know, the leeches who believe they get their welfare money from obama’s “stash”. The middle class who pay all the bills for you liberal douchebags is straining under the burden of supporting so many party faithful and does have a breaking point. We are getting there very quickly under the “leadership” of mr wonderful and his super majority congress of whores who haven’t done shit in the last year but raise the national debt and weakened our security. November 2010 will, God willing, be a turning point in our history when hard working, PATRIOTIC, taxpaying Americans rise up and tell the federal government and you liberal hypocrites’ to fuck off and stop this embarassement of a “President” from destroying the greatest nation on the planet.
We aren’t against Obamacare because it is an “introduction” to socialized medicine in this country. We all, despite your contrary opinion, realize that certain aspects of life in the US is already socialized. We are against Obamacare because we see it as another attack against freedom in our country. If enacted, Obamacare promises to be far more reaching than your little mind seems to want to admit, and places greater burdens on many of us who do not desire it. In short, it is nothing more than outright thievery from hard working americans, including yourself, though you are too blind to see it. You can repeat all of the lefts talking points you want but it still doesn’t change the fact that Obamacare will destroy the quality AND quantity of healthcare in the US. As you don’t seem to want to listen to the opposition against it, I recommend that you look into Canada’s or GB’s healthcare and see what we will actually be getting. I don’t really expect that you will though, since you seem to be similar in your thinking to Obama himself in that you both KNOW what is best for all of us.