Another by-product of the Obama nanny government. The city of Pasadena in California is exploring the possibility to ban a legal substance inside your home:
City council members will consider next month the possibility of an outright ban on smoking in city limits.
On Monday, the council’s Public Safety Committee discussed a long-proposed ban on smoking in apartment buildings, and Councilman Steve Haderlein asked the staff to find out whether the city has the legal authority to put a full smoking ban into place.
Pasadena passed a ban on outdoor smoking in most public areas in 2008, and at the time pledged to consider the apartment restrictions within the next year.
Haderlein, who is the chair of the committee, said he wasn’t sure he would support an outright ban, but said he would like to know if it is an option.
“Something that broad and dramatic, we’d really have to go to our citizens and see if it is what they wanted,” said Haderlein.
Not a smoker and I sure don’t enjoy it when someone smokes near me but I never agreed that the government should tell a business owner that they need to ban it but this? Complete insanity.

See author page
ROBERT: IS NT IT the GOVERNMENT that demand conservatives books banned ,
it’s surely dangerous to use indoctrination for the youngs in school,
IT would be agaisnt the LAWS of the LAND, ARE they allowed to do it?
yes those students are prevented from learning other sides of the teaching,
that would help their critical mind grow their capacity to judge any subjects,
again it’s control total.
Right. A bogus “study” done by one retired guy. It’s nothing more than 13 pages of largely irrelevant charts and graphs pulled from existing public records. He manages to loosely interpret these in a manner that seems to support his own personal opinion. No actual research was involved. It’s not even an example of sound analysis.
You can download the “study” here as a compressed .PDF file, if you wish to open and examine it for yourself. Don’t blame me if you choose to waste your time.
I didn’t say conservative books, I said books banned by conservatives and some of these books have been burned by conservatives and the, oh so tolerant Christians:
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Blubber by Judy Blume
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
Carrie by Stephen King
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Christine by Stephen King
Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Cujo by Stephen King
Curses, Hexes, and Spells by Daniel Cohen
Daddy’s Roommate by Michael Willhoite
Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Peck
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
Decameron by Boccaccio
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Fallen Angels by Walter Myers
Fanny Hill (Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure) by John Cleland
Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Forever by Judy Blume
Grendel by John Champlin Gardner
Halloween ABC by Eve Merriam
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
Have to Go by Robert Munsch
Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman
How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Impressions edited by Jack Booth
In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak
It’s Okay if You Don’t Love Me by Norma Klein
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Little Red Riding Hood by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Love is One of the Choices by Norma Klein
Lysistrata by Aristophanes
More Scary Stories in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz
My Brother Sam Is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
My House by Nikki Giovanni
My Friend Flicka by Mary O’Hara
Night Chills by Dean Koontz
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer
One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Ordinary People by Judith Guest
Our Bodies, Ourselves by Boston Women’s Health Collective
Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy
Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl
Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones by Alvin Schwartz
Scary Stories in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz
Separate Peace by John Knowles
Silas Marner by George Eliot
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Bastard by John Jakes
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Devil’s Alternative by Frederick Forsyth
The Figure in the Shadows by John Bellairs
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Paterson
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Headless Cupid by Zilpha Snyder
The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks
The Living Bible by William C. Bower
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
The New Teenage Body Book by Kathy McCoy and Charles Wibbelsman
The Pigman by Paul Zindel
The Seduction of Peter S. by Lawrence Sanders
The Shining by Stephen King
The Witches by Roald Dahl
The Witches of Worm by Zilpha Snyder
Then Again, Maybe I Won’t by Judy Blume
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary by the Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff
Witches, Pumpkins, and Grinning Ghosts: The Story of the Halloween Symbols by Edna Barth
ROBERT, that is a lot of books, I reconnise some that where in movies.
that too bad to loose books, for the next generation. bye
Geez, I thought this thread was done 6 months ago. Arguing with trolls is an endless endeavor. For every argument you rebut, Robert will twist it back around with illogical arguments. Just ignore the troll and let him go back to moveon, kos, or where ever he appeared from.
PB you are right arguing with inservative religious trolls like you is illogical and I should stop because I am wasting my time!!!!
At the last book burning I attended my good friend Adolf was there, I can assure you he was a good Liberal Socialist.
Now, where the heck do you get the dumb$hit idea that Conservatives have actually burned books. In say the last …. 50 years? Next thing, document it instead of wasting our time reading your drivel. OH btw did a google search for ‘conseratives burning books’ seems to be a resounding lack of information of it. Gotta love the internet.
look up Kern County California
BTW I am a Republican and I hate what the GOP has done to the party during the last 16 years!!!
ROBERT: hi, I must say that we have another ROBERT who come some times, and now I know it
YOU had me puzzule for a while, but the other ROBERT is positive on issues, and you are not on any issues, you hate republicans, for your job lost, and you hate BUSH for a vague reason,
and CHRISTIANS, and now CONSERVATIVES accusing them of burning books,
BUT you like nothing
Well, I did ‘ahem’ wasted a bit of time, wondering if you did and doubt you wasted your time reading the following article in the LA Time I provided up thread.,0,5131241.story
Bit of my history. In the 90’s I helped develop an organization…Parent Action Network, for our school system, it’s a nationwide organization, it’s not always called PAN in some states, but it’s the same thing. After getting it going, my task was working with five high schools establishing leadership councils with students in each of the schools. Then I provided transportation to seminars conducted by the Illinois State Police, IDOT and DEA in Springfield, a weekend trip in the fall and at Wesleyan College, a seven day trip and also many local events throughout the year. I also had to take the same classes the students took while at these events, repetitively, did it for four years. The main focus was providing the students with the tools they needed to combat drug and alcohol abuse in their schools, they were also given abuse related stats, taught how drugs and alcohol affected their bodies, etc. in the many classes through out the days we spent there. Local events were usually for brainstorming and discussing what ideas were working and not working within the schools.
We would then bring all the information back, then my job was to guide the students as they solicited volunteers in their schools, taught the volunteers the information provided, planned drug free events through out the city, etc. it was a big, busy project. And, BTW, Dick Durbin-D took credit for one of the activities hatched in my living room when he did a campaign stop in town. So as far back as the 90’s I personally knew he was a liar, he had nothing to do with any of it.
From what we learned, way back then, I could easily understand that should the CA folks be allowed to grow 25 square feet of pot in their own back yards, use would expand dramatically and fatalities would increase beyond the 100% increase CA experienced in the 5 year span mentioned in your source. Also, not forgetting that Marijuana is still a gateway drug.
Per my source:
Other societal problems:
When my daughter worked for her county Sheriff’s department she was involved with Child Abuse cases. Sexual abuse, neglect and physical abuse. All cases involved drugs and/or alcohol, marijuana use/neglect, hand in hand. Her husband, a deputy sheriff, has been at the scene of fatalities that involved marijuana, sadly, people he knew from families he knows.
Now back to your source, am typing from notes, so perhaps you may have to read the thing after all:
Several quotes and stats jumped off the page.
So, per your source, we know the effects of Marijuana use in fatalities is “not well documented,” the data in the study involved, “crashes where the use was known” and, “there are a high percentage of drivers that were not tested.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if fatalities would increase 300% because, back to my original point, they obviously, do not stay in their living rooms.
Why is marijuana considered a gateway drug? Perhaps because it is illegal. When you go to the local drug dealer to get your pot… odds are that they are selling other illegal substances. Well hell, you’re already a criminal and you’re there… why not give the other stuff a shot.
If people drive while under the influence, of anything… throw the book at them… but do not impose laws that denigrate the individual’s right to do as he pleases in his own home, harming no one.
Prohibition didn’t work… the war on drugs will never be won. The penalties for use are often far more damaging than the actual use itself. How many drug kingpins and their violence would simply go away if drugs were cheap and available through regulated outlets. Then it would be a matter of people looking at the destroyed lives of heroin and crack addicts and deciding that it was no way to live. And if they die… oh well… just hope that they do so before breeding.
Well, I looked up Kern County and found that there was a book burning there in…wait for it…in 1939.
The guy’s name was Clell Pruett. He was a farm worker in California:
The book was Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath.”
Is that what you’re yammering on and on about?
Come on Dood!
August 24, 1939?
You’re gonna have to do better than that.
Oh, and that list you posted…where is the source citation?
Exit question: What was the political affiliation/philosophy of those who burned Steinbeck’s novel? Cite sources for your answer please.
@ Donald Bly, Based upon that logic, gun smuggling and human trafficking, if made LEGAL, would break the backs of the Mexican Drug Cartels. 😉
@ Old Trooper…
Let’s not stop there, let’s use Missy’s criteria and make the manufacture of cell phones a felony, after all we know that cell phone users can’t be trusted to only take/make calls from the privacy of their own homes. Perhaps we should also outlaw automobiles, that would kill several birds with one stone (pun intended)… no one would be able to drive drunk, no one would be able to drive high, no one would be able to text while driving, dumb asses wouldn’t be able huff gasoline…. think of the public safety issues no automobiles would solve. Outlaw cars today! Do it for the children!
Oh yeah.. if drugs were legal then they wouldn’t be “drug” kingpins anymore… they’d be “coyote” kingpins or “arms smuggler” kingpins.
Personally I think overdosing on hard drugs serves a noble purpose… it does a terrific job of purging the gene pool of dumb asses.
63 ROBERT: hi, I must say that we have another ROBERT who come some times, and now I know it
YOU had me puzzule for a while, but the other ROBERT is positive on issues, and you are not on any issues, you hate republicans, for your job lost, and you hate BUSH for a vague reason,
and CHRISTIANS, and now CONSERVATIVES accusing them of burning books,
BUT you like nothing”
Actually, I like annoying people like you. Your buttons are so easily pushed. lol
ROBERT: I see, well good luck
You seem to be ignoring #66…. could it be that it’s just too difficult for you?
@Missy, #64:
I’m not sure “increased availability” really is a likely outcome of decrimininalization. Cannabis is evidently available on an enormous scale already. Consider:
It’s unlikely that those who are buying it are refraining from using it. Consequently, to whatever extent it actually affects the accident rate, it is probably doing so already. Studies have repeatedly suggest that, when compared with alcohol, the extent of that effect is negligible.
Obviously one shouldn’t drive under the influence of anything that distracts or impairs one’s abilities. If someone drives under the influence of alcohol or marijuana, either one, I’d cut them no slack whatsoever. I’d make prompt blood tests mandatory after any accident involving injuries to determine the “under the influence” factor with certainty. I’d also cut no slack for idiots who don’t seem to realize they can’t really drive safely while yapping on their cell phones. I’m not at all understanding, when it comes to people whose irresponsible behavior endangers others.
I feel the same about under-age marijuana use as I do about under-age drinking. Kids have no business doing either.
Aye Chihuahua,
No, I just don’t care.
Well, looky looky.
Robert cannot answer questions about his claims so now he’s feigning disinterest.
Stick around Robbie…so we can continue to point and laugh at you.
Ok, let’s simply this discussion. Let’s legalize all drugs (a Libertarians dream). Let’s legalize LOC (Loaded Open Carry). Let’s say you are stoned, loaded, texting ..whatever and driving, you run into me. You’re obviously under the influence using a deadly weapon (car) to attack me. I get to shoot you once in self-defense. I’ll even make it fair, I won’t get within 7 yards. How’s that work for you? Anybody that says that Weed doesn’t effect them is delusional so we just need to up the ante a little. 8)
Oh I can hear it now … but, but, but, guns kill people. Wrong answer, people kill people, generally by being really really really stupid, like driving under the influence.
Maybe this will have an influence on all those book burning conservatives too. 😆
I don’t believe anyone should be carrying a gun while loaded, either. We should all take a lesson from Dick Cheney.
GREG: hi, yes I agree, specialy with what’s going on, easy to kill when loaded. bye
An unloaded gun is a paper weight. I’m going to guess that by your comments you’re not for weapons. As an extension of that you’re not for the 2nd Amendment.
Just a couple of things. Verifiable on the FBI website. The number of crimes committed by licensed weapons is very very very small. It’s not whether or not a gun is loaded, it’s the person with the gun. Some people should, under no circumstances have a gun, or a car.
Great Britain has disarmed their citizens, their incidence of home burglaries is up over three times ours. Guns make a great deterrent, as someone once said, ‘an armed society is a polite society’.
Back to the topic of the original subject. The Liberal/Socialist/Progressives here in the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia are overstepping their legal authority, by a bunch.
Peace, Love, Brotherhood and the right to Keep and Arm Bears.
UpChuck.Liberals: hi, PERSONALY, I favor carrying weapon on the everyday life ,mingle with people, with not loaded weapon,if you want to carry it,let it be so no one know or see it,
unless you’r a police officer or fbi or ranger or the same security position,
AND if some event happen, where you are involve, it give you a thinking moment while you are loading, unless you put yourself in a situation where you are sure of the danger to be,
would I be wrong to think that way?. bye
Ms Bees Conjures up images of Annie Oakley or maybe Dale Evans.
What would you be packing?
Semper Fi
rich wheeler: hi, I dont know those people, so I would be packing my own stuff.
@ Greg, Dick Cheney has been at my spread several times hunting quail and no negligent discharges occurred. Hunting accidents do happen. I have carried firearms now since I was 12 years old, hunting, in the Military and for personal protection. I have a Federal Concealed Carry License and do carry any time that I go to large cities for business.
I would trust Dick over Bill Ayres that used to build bombs in his “earlier career” as a terrorist.
You know Bill, the guy that was Obama’s pal in Chicago?
@UpChuck.Liberals, #78:
That was meant as humor, suggesting that one shouldn’t be packing while loaded on six-packs. A good general rule, IMHO.
I’m not too big on promoting personal firearms, actually, as I’ve noted quite a few people can’t be entirely trusted with car keys, power tools, and in some cases pointy-end sissors. However, I support the right for all responsible individuals. I was proficient with an M14 and and M16, back in the day. I’ve met few tools that I can’t use effectively as soon as I’ve figured them out.
Greg: We are in a type of agreement for once. While attending college, my neighbor (off campus private housing) who had two teenage daughters knocked on my door, late one evening. I opened the door and he told me there had been a prowler looking in his windows. He pulled out a small caliber auto pistol that looked like something a pimp would carry. He was so nervous that I thought he might accidentally shoot me. I told him to put the pistol back in his pocket and I would watch his house from inside my parked car. If the prowler came back, I would ‘disable’ him and hold him for the police.
He looked relieved and went back home, with his pistol that he couldn’t even hold in his hand he was shaking so much. I don’t blame the guy for being scared, but there is a point at which you can be a menace to everyone with your good intentions and thoughts of self-protection, especially if you aren’t proficient with a weapon.
Now in my absence, Canada has passed all kinds of laws for buying ammunition and weapons, and for carrying sporting rifles out in the field; consequently, I must now take a battery of courses in weapons safety. Upon my retirement and return to Canada, it will take weeks to go back to school and take courses that I should be teaching, but I will be so much better at handling a weapon or processing game.
Unfortunately, the prowler didn’t return; perhaps he saw me waiting in my car and went on to easier and safer victims. I love a confrontation when I am in the right and someone has given me the express permission to beat them half to death, by commission of an illegal act; otherwise, I am a very gentle man.
@ Greg, Dick Cheney has been at my spread several times hunting quail and no negligent discharges occurred. Hunting accidents do happen. I have carried firearms now since I was 12 years old, hunting, in the Military and for personal protection. I have a Federal Concealed Carry License and do carry any time that I go to large cities for business.
I would trust Dick over Bill Ayres that used to build bombs in his “earlier career” as a terrorist.
You know Bill, the guy that was Obama’s pal in Chicago?
Up yours. Republicans are Sore losers and Bullys its the only way they can win at anything.
@ Were You bullied here, Jocko?
It appears from your offering here that you feel intimidated in some fashion.
Your problem, not mine. And by the way, I am neither a Republican, a Democrat or an angry little turd like you. You got your 2 cents worth in here. I gave you mine. It is abundantly clear that you don’t know me and I really don’t need to get to know you.
I have a neighbor that has a team of mules. Any time I want to talk with a jackass, I can go over to his place. They like me. I bring them apples and carrots. Maybe ACORN will show up and get them registered to Vote…
Obamasmychoice: I try to avoid insulting people, but as far as the general pool of thought is concerned: this is not the wading pool, you are in the deep water and silly thoughtless attacks on our readers is a serious waste of time and space.
If you can’t contribute meaningful material and support it with research, you are as useless here, as teats on a boar hog. The Huffington Post and most other Liberal Blogs will be glad to listen to such inane and witless remarks.
Your time might be better spent with those of a much less cerebral ability. For us it is a waste of time and energy to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Since OBC wants to play the victim role, I shall oblige.
Awww, you went and hurt widdle Obama’s my Bad Touch Daddy’s feelings.
Really OMC, project much? Just wake up after a 40 year coma? What are you 16?
Google SEIU violence. Then Google AFL-CIO violence. Those would be good starts for you, ya hypocrite.
Anyone else smell socks?
I do….
Hey “Robert” why are you now posting as “Obamasmychoice”?
Were the questions I posed for you so difficult and cumbersome they scared you into a new screen name persona?
Here at FA we don’t allow sock puppetry…pick a screen name and stick with it…this will be your only warning.
By the way, it’s amusing to see you claim under one screen name to be a life long Republican and then turn around and bash Republicans as “Sore losers and Bullys” under your other screen name.
@ Aye , a clear case of identity crisis from some bad Kool Aid. The remedy is a half gallon of castor oil and half a bar of good old lye laundry soap for a chaser. “Bobert” should be back on his feet in no time with better smelling socks. 😉
AYE CHIHUAHUA: hi,YOU never miss one; IS it a feeling, A hunch, A scent, OR an electric charge,?
would be nice to know, bye
OLD TROOPER, THAT would be quite slippery socks with holes in it from the lye. bye