OMG! Even Michael Moore Sees it!?!

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There’s going to be another crash. The commercial real estate bubble hasn’t burst yet. That’s going to burst. The credit card debt is so huge right now, it will never be repaid. That’s a house of cards waiting to fall. So the crash of ’08 is going to look like coming attractions. And we’re in for a much, much worse time.

When even Michael Moore sees that the Dems are fubarin’, that the economy has NOT BEEN ADDRESSED by The One, and that we’re likely headed for another, bigger recession/depression, ya gotta at least ask, WHY? Why has this fatass/walking advertisement for birth control given up on his years of 100% pure propaganda and lies aimed at nothing more than getting Dems to power? Why did he lose his undying, unchallenged, and unethical love for the Democratic Party? Sadly, it’s not ’cause he’s seen the light. He’s always known the reality of the capitalist America that made him rich and well-fed. He’s just denied it in favor of talking tough to power rather than truth to power. Now, it seems he’s just frustrated that the Dems haven’t picked up his anything-for-a-win attitude.

You know, I tell you, these Democrats are disgusting. Wimps and wusses and weasels. You know, get some spine. This is why I have to admire the Republicans. They at least stand for something. They at least have the courage of their convictions. They get elected to office, they come into town, and they go “Get outta my way, there’s a new sheriff in town. This is the way we’re doing things. Get outta here.” And then they do it. You know. I mean what they do is crazy. But dammit, they are good at it. We should take a page out of their book.

What the gasbag doesn’t realize is that the partisan, anything-for-a-win/power attitude is exactly what’s screwed this nation into a soundbite contest rather than a political dance of capable people trying to do more for the country than for their party’s quest for power. Moore’s got a lot to learn, and I expect he’ll learn it when-as he predicts-the market bursts its next bubble, and he loses everything but his last twinkie.

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Nope, he’s wrong, rebar Brob says the stimulus really works. And there you have it. End of story, move along.

So Reuters reports today that ADP has announced the private sector lost 20,000 jobs in our booming economy which is less than the 60,000 lost in January.

Of course in January, they (ADP) mis-reported job losses at 22,000, it was adjusted up to 60,000 this month. They (Reuters) probably reported in January how we only lost 22,000 – see everthing is great in the private sector.

Meanwhile on CNBC morning Obama lovefest, an Obama apologist says everything is great, we are taking two steps forward, and one step backward. Great.

Either way, it’s still Bush’s fault!