If you swear in the capital there will be a jar there for you to deposit coins. California is not only setting the stage for further implementation of a Nanny State, but has come up with their only budget reducing plan so far.
SACRAMENTO — Feeling a little salty, Californians? Better get it out of your system while you can.
Amid the ongoing — and occasionally tense — debate over how to clean up California’s budget mess, lawmakers are trying to tidy something else, almost as unmanageable: our language. Thursday morning, the Assembly approved a ceremonial resolution turning the first week of March into “Cuss Free Week.”
With the Senate expected to follow suit next week, all Californians will be asked to bite back on four-letter words and a few choice compound phrases. WT (bleep)?, you ask. Don’t sweat: Police officers won’t be waiting with soap. That’s not the point.
It is reassuring that our state assembly is so concerned over our welfare; of course, setting minor precedents for future encroachment on Freedom of Speech would never occur to our burnt out hippies in Sacramento. The Progressive Socialism described in Orwells’ novel, 1984, was not achieved over night: it was implemented incrementally. California, a state controlled by the Progressive Socialists and incidentally the state closest to financial melt down refuses to face up to its impending doom. Our Governor frets over childhood obesity and ignores a potential problem that is malignant, within a state that once contributed a major portion of the GDP of the United States. Once California becomes bankrupt, the effects will be felt nationally s well as internationally; but have no fear, Arnold will make sure that minority children stop buying junk fat the corner store!
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Oh my, Conan. Krum must be really ticked with you.
Further up the coast, this “speech police” are also in full force:
The comments in this article have been either disabled or gone missing. I’ve got an email into the writer asking for an explanation.
But it will be unconditional to restrict cussing in Spanish.
The mind reels in utter dismay and amazement. To wit:
Since there are so many foreigners in California how will the thought police know which is a curse or not? I know about 20 curse words in as many languages — or is it an “unconstitutional, politically incorrect” English language only law?
And if I say something like, “oh them mothers…” is that a 1/2 curse requiring 1/2 punishment?
This reminds me of the old joke about “I don’t curse drink or smoke.”
“Oh damn*, I left my cigarettes at the bar.” * insert favorite banned word.
Not curse? Didn’t Michigan’s law on this get chucked?
And after cursing, there goes sarcasm? Satire? Who knows. Who cares. Imprecations to the Barricades!
And I guess, with the profanity laden comedy of Chris Rock et al, the Hollywood movies, and … well, all of Munchkinland’s products, I suppose California wants to kill that industry too. Vegas needs the work I hear, screw the …. no, can’t even screw the lightbulb anymore .. bad word. Sit! Stay! Bitch, Bastard, double entendre, triple meanings — taken out of context … the courts will be filled with such cases.
Meanwhile, over at the bookstores, will the curse police strip the shelves bare of offending works? And too, what of Holden Caulfield, darling of the angst of youth? Or did they wait until JD Salinger was dead so they might effect their move? You know, like Michael Corleone waited until Vito was dead before his first major round of violence, and then until Momma was gone to take out Freddie.
Can We the People not sneak in and chop this horse’s butt (ain’t a head for sure, would be insult to horse-sense) and put it in the bed these %$#&$s are making for us.
OK, I did curse, comically so — is this too be banned too – less some read the symbols rightly? Are symbols to be banned from Beetle Bailey and Garfield?
What mirth. What merriment. Not just laughingstocks — but uproariously so. Do these people (loose term applied) even think?
I think I shall roll the dice at … um, (look around cautiously) craps and see if I win something.
It’s endless. I giggle, oh stop the frigging laughing … I can hear the sirens now, come to arrest me. And who was this 16 year old twit-twerp I heard launched this campaign? He should be grounded for life, if you ask me. No, don’t .. I might lose my cool.
Oh man, Skook… I could have gone a lifetime without that photo… LOL But always love your stuff, guy.
Funny thing … i don’t feel quite so old today.
Oh Dear LORD!!
That’s just wrong on so many levels….
Pass the eye bleach and a new keyboard please.
I was never a big Arnold actor fan, but one helpful suggestion, Arnold. Wear a shirt when in public (or paparazzi) viewing range!!
Arnold! I thought it was Joy Behar.
Showing once again that old age and vice will always conquer youth and virtue.
There needs to be a constitutional super hero who zooms in on people like these word police and (a) smacks them with a large heavy copy of the Bill of Rights (b) carries them while stunned off to some quiet padded cell where they can get treatment for their extreme sensitivity.
I thought I looked bad with my shirt off, however, I do think I have better looking legs.
Unless you are a competitive swimmer or diver, guys reach a point where they should give up the Speedo-look, at about six years of age.
Mata, sorry about the photo, but it makes me feel pretty good about myself and I am several years older than Arnold. Perhaps you know better than me, is that what happens when you marry a Kennedy?
Skookum, you may have a point about the Kennedy marriage affect:
Nice speedo, Arnold.
This a local item:
Since the claim of “approved kitchen facilities” seems way beyond the likelihood of the practical in a harware store, the most likely motive behind the action by the county is a need for all the license money they can get their hands on.
If I were the store’s owner, and if the public protest didn’t remedy the situation, I’d get a lawyer and demand info on the “unidentified complainant”. Five’ll get you ten, the complaining “customer” is a county licensing employee…
The county is out there searching for any violation they can find in order to collect whatever license/permit/fine money they can find.
I wonder if employees get “reward” money for finding violations…
Teddy – man of the people -or – man who ate a bunch of people.
Man, that’s fat.
@Skookum, I have no doubts that you, OT and others that are kept quite physical in their careers, don’t get the “let’s meet over lunch” dumpiness.
But geez, guy… between you and John K above…
OH MY EYES! MY EYES!!!! I find it hard to concentrate on the subject matter and comments when I have to review this each visit to the thread. Ya gotta count me outta here before it gets worse.
hi MATA i think ARNOLD has nice legs for sure bye
Lets see here. Hmmm.
I am 5’10” weigh in at 180lbs
Last APFT was: at Ft Bragg, NC
68 pushups in 2 minutes
72 situps in 2minutes
2 mile run in 12:28
I am a 59 year old Soldier with multiple scars, some surgical, and a face that only My Daughter could love.
Pics tell half the sorry story.
At least Ted has on fashionable sailing shorts and not a Speedo! It does make you wonder when a guy carries his own cones when he is walking around a marina.
Like Mata, I’ve got to get off this thread: except, I can’t stop laughing, this has been funnier than the funnies
OLD TROOPER2 thoses exersises are good for the legs and body so you must have a even nicer body for sure and also better nicer legs for sure,bye
This is FScK’n stupid. I’m a native Californian, unlike most of the damn people in this state of disarray. Our back-asswards Socialist Govenorator and the rest of the head up their asses folks in our state government should all take a nice long swim towards Hawaii. Dumb shits. Now, come and collect.
JIM HLAVAC i hope that the people will have to curse wisper just between their teeths and if they get caught they can read my lips bye.