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If she was any denser, she’d collapse into a quasar.

The story has no teeth. I don’t beleive it.

Problem the Dem’s have, is they stuck to their simple minded instructions from Rhambo. Instructions before leaving for summer break, was to “personalize” horror stories of those w/o health care.

Dem’s just stuck tho their instructions, dug into the “theme” of “Party of NO”. Hey can you blame them? Mantra of “Bush Lied” worked. Most media are willing participants of promoting the Dem’s mantra, giving them a false sence of security.

Enter Blair House event: Party of NO, became the “party of adults finally entering the room and debate”. If 73% were against the bill before the event a Blair House, assume numbers opposed will increase.

Please, it’s not her fault, she’s from LA. There’s not a lot of oxygen down there. ‘Sadly, as the president’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has noted, the Democratic base is “@#$%^ retarded.” ‘

This one is my favorite moron. They say she is going to college, studying to become a bimbo; she has a tutor to help maintain her GPA. It’s a good thing there is 57 states, these women politicians from California would wreck the country if there were fewer states. She got tired of standing around waiting for opportunity; so she poured water in her shoes so she could float awhile.

Absolutely, positively, without a doubt.

If it were anywhere but California, I would think “studying to be a bimbo” was a joke, but since it is CA… She hasn’t got the natural equipment for that either, she must be an affirmative action bimbo.
No wonder CA is going broke.

Affirmative Action Bimbo, now there is a concept that should go virile.

California isn’t going broke, it is broke; but don’t worry, Arnold is on the childhood obesity bandwagon to ‘pump up’ his legacy. Check out the recent beach pictures of Arnold, he might be more concerned with his own obesity.

If Brob thinks we are below dumb, I wonder where he rates Maxine?

Skookum —

I would rate Maxine Waters maybe two and a half notches above Sarah Palin; that would make her three notches above you. Yes, it is an insult to say that you are less bright that Sarah . . . but I call ’em as I see ’em.

Seriously, cons . . . you tried to sell Sarah Palin as your vice presidential candidate. You listened to her speak ignorant nonsense, and you STILL thought she was qualified to be vice president to a seventy plus year old cancer survivor. So you might not want to go around calling anyone else “dumb” seeing as Palin can’t even spell the word without prompting.


Hold on to those thoughts please, they will serve you well, now be a good little boy and go back to playing with your mental blocks ok? And please remember “they” your dear saviour thinks your %$# retarded, we on the other hand don’t want to give retarded people a bad name.

@Brob…So you libs have gone from bashing Bush to bashing Palin. Tell me, how many states were you the Governor of? I thought so, now go crawl back under your rock.

What a great American gal. She boosts the self esteem of blonds everywhere.