Pro-Life House Dems Now on Front Line [Reader Post]



At one point President Obama promised:  “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.” Obama released his own version of Obama-care yesterday. Now that we’ve had a chance to look at the massive health care plan monstrosity the White House finally put out for itself yesterday, we can add this to the list of lies, false promises and insinuations.  He apparently met several times with Planned Parenthood.  How many meetings with pro-life groups?  You guessed it:  none!  The group Americans United For Life has put out the following report (which includes some very informative links):

“On Monday morning, February 22, 2010, President Obama unveiled a ‘new’ health care reform proposal, purporting to combine ideas from the Senate-passed bill, the House-passed bill, and Republican proposals.  However, a careful examination of the White House proposal (which lacks actual legislative language) and statements made by members of the Obama Administration during a health care conference call on Monday reveal the truth – the “new” proposal is simply a modified version of the anti-life bill that passed the Senate on Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately, while the White House was crafting modifications to the Senate bill, they failed to remove the anti-life language.  Therefore, all of AUL’s concerns about the bill’s abortion-related provisions, conscience provision, and end-of-life provisions remain.  Further, the White House proposal dramatically increases funding – by 11 billion dollars – for “community health centers” which will include Planned Parenthood abortion centers.  Because the proposal lacks a blanket prohibition on the use of federal funds for abortions, these new funds could be used to directly pay for abortions.

For detailed analysis of the anti-life provisions in the Senate health care reform bill, please see the following posts:

Legal Analysis of Life Concerns in President’s Proposal (Same as the Senate Health Care Reform Bill)

Abortion Tax and other Problems in President’s Proposal (Same as the Senate Health Care Reform Bill)

Abortion Funding Chart (In President’s Proposal and Senate Health Care Reform Bill)

Comparison Chart of Hyde Amendment, Senate Bill/President’s Proposal, and House Bill

It is time to write and call all of the pro-life Democrats in the House and point out their Stupak Amendment just got thrown under the bus.  (That bus is going to be a mile high before Obama gets done.)  Strongly encourage them to vote AGAINST this bill now that the reason for their previous positive vote is totally gone.  They are now manning the barricades against an existential threat against the American way of life.  Many of them are Catholic.  Will they move towards Obama or towards the call of Benedict XVI to value innocent human life?  We need to help remind them how crucial this is to our land and all humanity.  Call now!


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Shouldn’t the headline read: Pro-life Dems and Their Principles About to be Thrown Under the Bus?

You are always right if you never speak to those who disagree with you.

I gave a printed pic, just like that, to my boss’s mom a couple days ago.

Photoshopped onto it is:


She loved it. Someone recently ripped the anti-infanticide sticker off her car, too, NATCH.

A bumpersticker is offensive, but not Planned Death.

I said at, I think, Gatewaypundit today, we are, right NOW, in the days that Christ foretold. Look for an increase, and in all I think there has been, markedly, in signs and wonders….earthquakes, natural disasters, lights and displays in the sky of all kinds, but ONE SIGN is right in front of us:

The near total-inversion we as a society have achieved with regard to right vs. wrong, up vs. down, good vs. evil. The complete and utter brainwashing of large swaths of our citizenry, to the point of a new hyper-cognitive-dissonance of a polarity or contrast ratio that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.

Today Barack Obama speaking to a group of businessmen, disavowing claims of his supposed socialist leanings (I’ve never used such a drastic understatement in my entire life…nevertheless,) he said, ““Contrary to the claims of some of my critics, I am an ardent believer in the free market.”

As commenter Mike W points out: “He said this at the same time his union bought off govt lackies were attacking gubbamint motors biggest competitor.”

And as I said – BE LOOKING UP. Like never before. And pray that Christ returns before the world is subjected to another Holocaust. When we as a nation, even His people whose God made this nation greater than all of them, sit in the pews and share in the body of Christ in communion with unrepentant abortionists, extortionists, professional political liars and thieves, I sometimes wonder if he will. It scares me thinking that God might be just toward us. If what Israel endured (and endures yet) is an indication of a possible future, and God has been known in scripture and real life to use real life events to illustrate possible future events…it’s a common theme in the Bible, then we better be on knees. Joel 2. In it, and in Israel during the time after Solomon’s reign, God turned away his wrath whenever the people (by direction of its KINGS) tore down the “high places”, the old local gods, the idols to them where they were worshipped, and returned to worshipping their Creator. Whenever the kings allowed the people to go back and worship the old gods, and rebuild the “high places”, God’s wrath would return.

Most of me prays that God would continue to hold back wrath on this nation, that the good still outweighs the bad on his scales. The smaller part of me wishes for an end to the continual suffering, lies, and exploitation, the violence and hate and pillage. This leadership isn’t making our case, as a nation, any heavier on the scales, I don’t think.

Please excuse my longwinded-ness.

if we fund and encourage politicley and make it easy abortion it will increase for sure instead we should support the mothers to be and provide the help and decrease their financial burden provide the importance of adding to continue the old AMERICAN tradition of keeping a plurality of american citisens over other country citisens who seek to come and impose their hatefull beleifs they still cary in their minds quite a big danger for sure.

The Democrats are already up to their hips in blood over this issue, it’s a little late to fawn developing a conscience.