The left thought they had another surefire Sarah Palin attack on their hands (pun intended) when she was caught using hand notes during a speech and Q&A session.
It didn’t take long for the attack to bite them on the ass tho. Video flashback of Senator Dianne Feinstein using hand notes during a debate:
Even better, the rules of the debate forbade the use of notes. On the hands or on paper.
Palin used it during a speech, not a debate.
As we’ve noted before on this blog, being unable to coherently put two sentences together without the use of a teleprompter is abundantly more ignorant than having to refer to a few words on the palm of your hand to ensure you bring up a few important topics.
Even when Obama uses a teleprompter he messes it all up.
Honestly, this kerfuffle has me entirely perplexed. Who doesn’t know someone who routinely jots down notes on their hand? In my earlier career, I worked with several people who used this habit, including one of my key direct reports, perhaps one of the most competent people with whom I ever worked. In my mind, having someone at the podium that can speak at length more or less extemporaneously while working from a small set of notes indicates more poise, presence, and preparation than reading a prepared text word for word, although there’s nothing wrong with the latter approach, either. If Palin’s opponents are exerting themselves over the placement of the notes, it tends to indicate that they have no real substantive rebuttal to her speech.
Nothing to be perplexed about when it comes to Sarah Palin attacks. None of them make sense.

See author page
I don’t know if this was posted, but it’ll have you rollin’. 🙂
Biden has a problem with facts such as dates, places, names, times, etc.
He gaffed his way through the debate with Palin. Consider his comments that night about Lebanon as just one example. Of course there were plenty of others throughout the campaign – FDR on TV during the Crash comes to mind.
Perhaps he should write notes on his hand. The first note on the list could be “KEEP THIS HAND OVER YOUR MOUTH”. The next note should read, “KEEP OTHER HAND OVER THIS HAND”. Maybe the first note should read “BREATHE THROUGH NOSE”.
I want to send Obama a picture of two hands:
The left one should say, “Hey Rightie, what are you doing?”
and the right one should say, “Hey Leftie, what are you doing?”
@plainjane: DId you miss my “handy reminders” post?
I think Sarah likes to play with the libs and everything she wears drives them crazy.
That’s only fair, Tom.
After all, every clown-suit, lineman’s belt, wedding reception tent, couch-cushion cover that Michelle wears drives me crazy.
C’mon, people. Admit it: Sarah is an embarrassment and a know-nothing. She had to write down the four big issues of a Palin presidency . . . and it had a strike through!
And Palin rips Obama for using a teleprompter, then scribbles on her hand like a 7th grader.
But she’s Bush with a rack so that’s okay!
Don’t look now, but your misogyny is showing.
It makes my point perfectly. She’s a very attractive version of W. Most of her supporters are in awe of her, not for her strong stand on any issue, but because she’s very, very photogenic.
Hell, I was taken by the gal for over a year, then her book came out (simpleton) and I investigated her positions on immigration and illegal aliens.
Let’s say I’m intellectually honest, and others here are not.
Ivan is a party purist….the surest way to lose any election. Reagan wouldn’t of been conservative enough for him and his ilk.
As we’ve seen with Medina lately, both parties have their fringe elements.
i just saw on BBC NEWS headline on top a SARAH PALIN insert right on top
All this shows is that Sarah Palin has had at least one class in “Public Speaking”. We were taught that in lieu of a complete written taxt of youR speech, during a presentation, use 3X5 cards or notes written on your hand to remind you of important points. I guess these MSM dolts havenever has a class in Public Speaking.
These days, a teleprompter removes even the need to know your subject. You just read what someone wrote for you and let them think you do.
Anyone else notice the similarity between Ivan and Blob?
DUMP OBAMA …………………………………………………. NOW!
Now, that right there ladies and gentlemen, is some funny stuff.
This illegal immigration criticism and faux outrage toward Palin is coming from the same guy who, by his own admission, supported, contributed to, and voted for McCain.
Yet he wants to claim “intellectual honesty”.
Funny, funny stuff that is right there.
Ivan has displayed on this post, as well as this one, this evening a potent and toxic brew of misogyny, elitism, envy, and hypocrisy.
What a warped, frustrated, pathetic little man he is.
@Mike’s America:
I’m with you on that message.
After all, every clown-suit, lineman’s belt, wedding reception tent, couch-cushion cover that Michelle wears drives me crazy.
Let’s say I’m intellectually honest, and others here are not.
Now, that right there ladies and gentlemen, is some funny stuff.
AC & Taq Man, you guys know how to make a man laugh after a long day. Well done, well done indeed!
Yes Mike, they read like kissing cousins.
Teleprompter = bad.
Writing on hand = good.
Hypocrites. And the worst part is you can’t even see it.
@Ivan: The only one who is blind here is you Ivan.
Conservative my ass!
Ivan, do you really think you are fooling anyone? You’re just another lefty pretending to be a Conservative to start trouble.
Hypocrite? Yes that describes leftists like you. Your kind declares anyone who graduated from an Ivy League school a genius…unless they are a Republican. According to folks like yourself Bush was a moron. Too bad he used a teleprompter less than your messiah. Hell, obama can’t tie his shoes without one.
Interesting observation here, after reading through some of the garbage in this thread I must also reasoned and intelligent:
This author brings up one of the Alinski tactics:
and of course noted that Robert Gibbs was tasked to carry it out, imho he wound up looking like an idiot and it didn’t work:
She sure does have a sense of humor and I think the loons running the White House might as well throw that damn book away, it only works on “purist” republicans, conservatives understand and recognize who in this country the real enemies are and aren’t going to be played by junk tactics.
GIBBS like humoristic event he might enjoyed a whole crowd of people marching with their hands up high with written words on
Ivan, do you really think you are fooling anyone? You’re just another lefty pretending to be a Conservative to start trouble.
Hypocrite? Yes that describes leftists like you. Your kind declares anyone who graduated from an Ivy League school a genius…unless they are a Republican. According to folks like yourself Bush was a moron. Too bad he used a teleprompter less than your messiah. Hell, obama can’t tie his shoes without one.
There you go, just make up lies as you go along. Go check out my others posts, aside from Palin, and you’ll see I”m not lefty.
I’m more of a patriotid American than Palin is. Palin’s allegience is to Goldman-Sachs, BoA, CITIGROUP, etc.
What “American” wants that?
Palin is OPPOSED to DEPORTING ILLEGAL ALIENS. What “American” is opposed to deporting criminals?
I despise Obama, but we all agree he is an idiot. The problem is you don’t know the real establishment candidate, Palin, is a half-wit who has to scribble three or four words on her hand because she can’t even remember the critical issues of the day.
Teleprompter bad, scribbling on hands good.
It’s like Orwell is writing your scripts people. Wake up.
No one should take Ivan seriously. He seriously misrepresents Palin’s position on illegal aliens and obviously suffers from a serious case of Palin derangement.
He’s had multiple opportunities to show he’s a real conservative by telling us all which conservatives he does support and he’s failed to provide that information even after multiple requests.
He’s a time waster and not worth any effort to find common ground.
As the readers here know, we welcome all kinds here but if they behave like 12 year olds we treat them like 12 year olds.
For those keeping score at home, Ivan, who is currently railing against Sarah Palin on this site, is the same guy who supported, contributed to, and voted for McCain/Palin back in 2008.
Nothing like the courage of ones’ convictions, eh?
Nothing wrong with crib notes on hands..you should see how many healthcare workers jot vitals on their gloves before recording them on a patient flow sheet.
I’d rather have Palin scribbling notes on her palm while communicating a commonsense message of fiscal responsibility while a Commander In Chief ruins America with teleprompter- assisted speeches.
I hate to be the one to bust the balloon but she used the hand written notes during her one on one interview not her speech to the TP convention in Nashville. If you watch her speech she is obviously using note cards which she has in front of her. During her one on one interview she is seen looking down at he hand notes during the interview. This makes sense since it is an unstructured event and she did not know the subject matter before hand. She looks down to make sure she has covered the main topics that she thinks are important to get out. The galling thing about this that the MSM have tried to make it a “Cheat Sheet”. If you are being asked questions how can you cheat unless you have a teleprompter controlled by Rham or Axelhead.
Skye:Nothing wrong with crib notes on hands..you should see how many healthcare workers jot vitals on their gloves before recording them on a patient flow sheet.
I’d rather have Palin scribbling notes on her palm while communicating a commonsense message of fiscal responsibility while a Commander In Chief ruins America with teleprompter- assisted speeches.
Dude, you’re reaching here. If there is nothing wrong with writing on one’s hand like a school-girl, then there is nothing wrong giving a speech by teleprompter.
You don’t get it do you? It’s about being a hypocrite, that’s all. If Palin is going to rip Obama for using a teleprompter than she shouldn’t write on her hand. Why is that so hard for you guys to understand (except for Mike, I know why he doesn’t understand much)?
And the interview where she was asked what are the three issues Palin would concentrate on? Give me another break Skye. She needs to write THAT on her hand? Three words? That stunt just confirmed that like Obama she’s not ready for primetime.
But we knew that when she fled Alaska in disgrace didn’t we?
I hate to be the one to bust the balloon but she used the hand written notes during her one on one interview not her speech to the TP convention in Nashville. If you watch her speech she is obviously using note cards which she has in front of her.
Hey Pal, I have no problem with a teleprompter, notes or writing on one’s hand.
Palin has the problem with this, remember? She’s the one who mocked Obama for using a teleprompter. Remember? She’s the one who pulled a “Gary Hart” and made herself look like a bigger fool than she already was.
I’m just pointing out what a stinking hypocrite she is.
Aye said:
For those keeping score at home, Ivan, who is currently railing against Sarah Palin on this site, is the same guy who supported, contributed to, and voted for McCain/Palin back in 2008.
Nothing like the courage of ones’ convictions, eh?
No question about it, I did vote for her in 2008 (not John, but her) and given her opponent, Biden/Obama I’d do it again.
But I’ve learned a lot about her since 2008’s election. She’s only resigned in disgrace under ethics charges in 2009 and endorsed McCain against a great conservative JD Hayworth.
And I didn’t know she was pro-illegal alien like I do now.
Are you going to tell me my testosterone-challenged friend that you havent’ ever cast a vote you regretted or thought you were voting the lesser of two evils?
Hey Mike, Just so you know, the skirt owns you hands-down. She’s a far better arguer
of a point than you any day.
She also doesn’t lose her cool just because someone called her a Rino like you did.
@Ivan: Some of my fellow patriots may have a higher tolerance for fools than I do.
That doesn’t make you any less a fool.
Has Obama sent you a check yet?
@Ivan: Some of my fellow patriots may have a higher tolerance for fools than I do.
That doesn’t make you any less a fool.
Has Obama sent you a check yet?
They “tolerate” me because they can engage in rational discourse. You, on the other hand, are so threatened by me that you suggest I should be removed from floppingaces.
Why is that? Because I don’t’ like Gov. Palin? THAT is the reason I should be kicked off of this board?
Wow, what a bastion of intellectual tolerance. Or is this board paid for by the RNC?
I guess all dissension should be crushed in the name of the Governor who resigned in disgrace.
I’ll tell you what Ivan, lets get Sarah and Obama to swap devices and give a 45 minute speech like she gave in Nashville. He gets to use his hands and she gets to use the tele. Whom do you think will give the best speech? Do you remember Palin’s first national speech at the Repub convention where the tele broke for about five minutes? Did you notice any Uhh’s or Errs? No you didn’t because no one knew that the tele had broken. Now go back during the campaign where Obama is talking about how if we just inflate our tires and get regular tune ups we could save the same amount of oil as drilling off shore. (Good God how stupid!) And his tele broke and for about five minutes it was the most painful thing to watch I have seen. Google it sometimes.
You must be a troll to be so misinformed about Palin and her “Ethics” charges and the fact that she will endorse McCain. All ethic charges were dropped or ruled in her favor and she agreed to endorse McCain BEFORE Hayworth decided to run and he still hasn’t. I can tell you are a man that doesn’t let facts get in the way of a good theory. I can say that I have been banned from two sites LGF and Redstate both because the site would not allow anyone to bring up or discuss intelligent design on one and birther/truther on the other. I did not nor do I now give a shit about either subject or the theory behind either. But to ban a subject from the public domain is antithetical to the whole purpose of web forums and the attempt to have freedom of speech. But the difference here is that you are not discussing an idea or theory, you are just trashing the good people who want to discuss a topic. I don’t believe in banning people from forums but if the people that devote their time and money want to ban you its their prerogative.
Folks, I am on other Conservative forums and the same people keep coming in to stir up trouble. People who claim to be “pure” Conservatives and hate Sara Palin. They try hard to get us fighting amongst each other by calling her unintelligent, unqualified, and a quitter in addition to saying we aren’t true Conservatives for supporting her. When you finally get them to tell you anything about their views etc., you find they really don’t understand Conservatism and are hardly as pure as they claimed. You see, the lefties are trying to do the “divide and conquer” on us. Fortunately, they don’t understand us at all and that is why they are usually unable to fool people into believing they are one of us.
Sound like anyone we know? Yup. Ivan.
Hence the ridiculous claim to be pure….while supporting McCain, being elitest, hating women, etc.
Check the moonbat sites if you think I’m wrong. They like to brag about how they “stirred the sh*t” at such-and-such a Conservative site using the tactics I mentioned above.
You must be a troll to be so misinformed about Palin and her “Ethics” charges and the fact that she will endorse McCain. All ethic charges were dropped or ruled in her favor and she agreed to endorse McCain BEFORE Hayworth decided to run and he still hasn’t. I can tell you are a man that doesn’t let facts get in the way of a good theory.
I’ll ask it again, if the charges were “frivolous”, why did she resign? The Palin sypcophants tell me all sorts of weak reasons.
Let’s hear your excuse for why a woman who supposedly did nothing, is lily-white in ethics, saw fit to resign 2.5 years into a 4 year term.
Btw, leave the word “family” out of the excuse as this will automatically disqualify her from seeking higher office.
Folks, I am on other Conservative forums and the same people keep coming in to stir up trouble. People who claim to be “pure” Conservatives and hate Sara Palin. They try hard to get us fighting amongst each other by calling her unintelligent, unqualified, and a quitter in addition to saying we aren’t true Conservatives for supporting her.
1. I’ve posted on FA well before this thread. Do a search and you’ll see I’m no “johnny come lately” to the conservative cause. Saying I “keep coming” implies I’m new here. Wrong.
2. Yes, I do, on a political level, despise Palin. Why? I’ve elaborated upon the various reasons in detail. Just because you disagree with my disdain of the woman doesn’t make me a “faux” conservative and you a “true” conservative.
3. I’ve yet to see any of these Palin sycophants tell me how I’ve got Sarah’s position wrong on illegal aliens.
4. I never said she was unqualified. She meets the constitional requirements to be President. It would be a bad decision for her to do so, but we all are entitled to make mistakes, like voting for Obama or supporting Palin.
5. She is a “quitter”. She meets the definition of the word “quitter”. Palin is a “quitter”. See how nicely, and truthfully, that phrase rolls off the tounge?
Oh, btw, I don’t lie. I have no need to, unlike certain people who attempt to miscontrue my arguments or obfuscate Palin’s stands or conduct.
@Ivan: If the ethics charges weren’t frivolous then why were they all dismissed?
You are such a Moron!
You’re not fooling anyone you Obama lover.
@Ivan: If the ethics charges weren’t frivolous then why were they all dismissed?
You are such a Moron!
You’re not fooling anyone you Obama lover.
Wow, that’s a new low for you Mike, something I’m sure your’e accustomed to though. You took my quote and changed it!
Typical Palin supporter. Can’t win the argument so stoop to lying or misquoting.
Here is my original quote:
I’ll ask it again, if the charges were “frivolous”, why did she resign?
Don’t let truth and being honest get in the way of character assasination though Mike, you’re a Palin supporter.
PS Why did she resign? So simple a question.
I’ll tell you why she quit but like the little girl asking her Dad why the sky is blue ,you will retort with another non truth. She resigned because unlike the other 56 (Obama) states Alaska has a citizen based inquiry system that allows them, anyone, to file complaints against anyone in the state government. This law does not allow the state to pick up all of the cost to the person being charged so both the victim and the state are out of pocket. Palin said that after the election that her staff was using half of many work day just to answer or write a report to the AG’s office. If you remember that one of the last complaints she received was wearing a parka with a company logo on it. She was charged with using state e-mail for private purposes, for using state time to answer questions from the MSM while in the capital bldg. The list was endless and she knew that she could never be effective as Governor again. Some would call her resignation altruistic towards her state and their welfare but I bet you are not one of them. Sorta like Slick Willy who said I’ll leave office when they pry it from my cold dead hands. No Ivan, you have a burr up your ass and no amount of info will dislodge it. Write all you want but there is no one here that gives a rats ass what you think.
She resigned because unlike the other 56 (Obama) states Alaska has a citizen based inquiry system that allows them, anyone, to file complaints against anyone in the state government. This law does not allow the state to pick up all of the cost to the person being charged so both the victim and the state are out of pocket
Wow, you read that off a script?
There is this provision in the law called a “legal defense fund.” It’s used by politicians all the time. It wouldn’t have cost her and her husband anything other than setting it up.
Also, Palin, the dummy, is the one set up this complaint system. Talk about stupid!
Nice try, but the simpleton answer doesn’t work with me.
“Nice try, but the simpleton answer doesn’t work with me.”
I’ve been following the back-and-forth here for a few days now without comment, but Ivan, it appears that no answer works with you. “Simpleton” or otherwise.
You appear to have decided prior to blessing FA with your presence, wit, and wisdom, that your mind will not ever be changed on any subject, with any “style” of answer.
You have come here merely for your fun and amusement, not dialog, not meaningful debate, but just to poke the bears with a sharp stick, hoping they get angry so you can laugh.
Ivan, we get that your a purist and you loath Sarah Palin. I’ve let you hijack each thread to spew your hatred for quite some time but it has become redundant and asinine. Either get back to the topic of this thread and every thread you are on or I will consider you a troll and kick you off of here. First and only warning.
I think Ivan may actually be Robert Gibbs!
case in point:
I really haven’t been following this thread, nor your comments, Ivan. Frankly not big enough of an issue to be triaged to the top for me. In the interest of at least one “on topic” comment, I have this to say. There’s a world of difference between dependence upon teleprompters… even for an elementary school audience or meeting briefing… vs a brief outline to keep a speech flowing from subject to subject as planned. Most public speakers have a base subject outline so that you don’t stray too far from a cogent presentation. It’s another thing to have every “uh” printed out for you on teleprompters. For the most part, Obama’s just not that quick a thinker on his feet without TOTUS. Apparently that soaring rhetoric doesn’t come naturally, or is the result of his speech writer with pretty phrasing, but empty messages. So Obama’s dependence is understandable since he speaks some one elses words.
INRE Palin, I have mixed feelings about her as a Presidential candidate. Would I vote for her over Obama? In a heartbeat. Most elections generally boil down to the lesser evil. Is she my top pick for a nominee? Not as of today. Nor do I think the less-than-enthralled GOP would pick her. But then I’m not bowled over by anyone on the landscape yet, and it’s early.
Despite your accusations of “dumb”, or some nefarous power motivation, her political record of accomplishments… from mayor to governer… have more positive than negative effects on Alaskans and belie such emotional and unbased charges. It just so happens that, like Obama, Palin tends to bring out extreme emotions in people.
With that qualifier, I will now say what I entered this thread to impart. Apparently what you have learned about Palin’s legal battles since the 2008 would fit on a pinhead. Obviously your education didn’t include any indepth research on the Alaskan complaint system, the costs to the taxpayers, or the complaint specifics. Not only did I do complete research on TrooperGate, but even more extensive research into the complaints, and the political threads for revenge that bind those that brought them.
This is found in the Trials and Tribulations of Palin category, with my Alinksky Perfected series. The first three are the stories of the individual complaints, with updates for the remaining five of the series.
My suggestion is that you read them, as most the regulars here have done, so that you cease bringing your spit wad straw to a gun fight. But in case you can only absorb headlines, I’ll summarize for you:
Following TrooperGate in July 2008, and riding the coattails of this so called “scandal”, a relatively small and tight knit group of dissidents filed a flurry of 18 complaints between Aug 2008 and April 2009. Had Palin not resigned, I’m quite sure they would have continued, as they made an attempt at one more even in her last two days of Governor. It too was quickly dismissed as frivolous.
The first of these was TrooperGate, and the only one where a legislative investigation attempted to seize the power of the Alaskan complaint system for their political body. That ran in tandem with the formal complaint thru the AG’s office, where ethic complaints are handled via Alaskan law. TrooperGate sidbars translated into two more complaints of the 18 that also went no where.
Four of the remaining 15 complaints were filed by one individual who was a disgruntled bypassed appointee and a member of the previous governor’s admin. Another complaint was filed by an individual who used a fake name of a British soap opera character. That one was the shortest lived. Another was upset she campaigned for GA Senate candidate Chambliss. Apparently he forgot that while the Governor was traveling, she was also multitasking for gubernatorial duties, and needed a staffer with her for that reason. It was not a surprise to find that this frivolous complaint was filed by a guy who hung regularly on the Mudflats site… ass deep in the complaint mud herself, so aptly named… and felt he needed to do his part in wasting the Alaskan taxpayers’ cash.
The anti-Palin’s types tried to celebrate and conflate truth when Palin was found to reimburse a few thousand dollars in expenses. However, as the investigator stated, the Alaskan laws were vague on what were considered expenses, and recommended that the laws be modified with clarification. Palin just paid the expenses in question rather than waiting for a legal clarification via legislative action. They were such that she could have challenged them, but opted not to. No reprimand or penalties were issued because the flaw was not of Palin’s doing, but of badly written torts. That’s about the best you’re gonna get, Ivan… live with it.
You’ll find that most of the complainers/whiners have threads of contact and relationships because it was, quite simply, a politically motivated campaign to destroy Palin’s credibility. It was, as I titled the series, “Alinsky Perfected” since not only did they isolate demean the target, they did so using the taxpayers’ dime, and didn’t pay a penny out of personal pocket for their efforts.
Brilliant in a demented way… finding a way to run a personal political dirt campaign that is paid for by state residents of all political stripes.
Considering the outcome, it’s quite difficult to resign under “disgrace” when you’ve been exonerated for all the evil accused in the charges. The only ones that keep coming back to revisionist history are the truly uninformed – a category in which you overtly fall when you spout underinformed nonsense about specifics.
However, again as you yourself prove, they caused the damage they set out to do… have the world questioning her credibility.
To accomplish that, you toss as much “mud” you can, and hope something sticks. Even if it doesn’t – as it didn’t with Palin – the soundbyte educated only remember only that the mud was slung. It’s the same as if you, Ivan, were falsely charged of pedophilia. You may be acquitted, but the existence of the charge itself will stick to you wherever you go… despite the findings.
These complaints kept the gubernatorial admin offices so busy complying with investigations. Combined with a constant drain on the taxpayers revenue, it became difficult to accomplish what Alaska needed getting done. Since the Alaskan legislature started it off, doing their own TrooperGate witchhunt, it also made it difficult for the legislative branch to work well with the executive branch. This does not make for a very productive term, or fulfilling promises for those who elected you to office.
This concerted political effort to undermine both the McCain/Palin campaign against Obama/Biden, and Palin herself for the future, remains fueled today by emotional and irrational hatred for an individual. To see what this looks like, just check out a mirror, Ivan. These are symptoms you exhibit yourself, despite your self-proclaime conservative status. Perhaps it’s the greatest backhanded compliment Palin could be paid… she is admired enough to be considered dangerous competition, and therefore must be destroyed.
Personally, I don’t think she had a choice but to resign…. in an odd way fulfilling the quest of those that made the complaints. It’s a win for the Alaskan taxpayers since they stop bleeding unnecessary cash. It’s a win for the nefarious dissidents because their smear campaign didn’t cost them a penny.
But it’s also a win for Palin, because it freed her to fight… something in which she was limited as a serving official. And BTW, they didn’t limit the complaints to the state system, but a few filed lawsuits in court designed specifically to drain the family personally.
Palin had the choice to stay and do the Alaskans great disservice – both fiscally and effectively – or to resign and allow the State to resume working without daily BS distractions. She also had a choice to be limited in her own personal defense, effectively having one hand tied behind her back.
I have no problem with her decision. I think when a politician becomes a drain on the constituents – intentional or not – they are best to step aside. But I do have a great problem with those who have unmitigated hatred for Palin when they are clueless to the facts.
If you don’t like her politics… fine. But to play the Alinsky game, using lies and mistruths about those who share more of your own values than not, is simply to lower yourself to the level of the progressive opposition.
So, Ivan, if you are a conservative, you may wish to examine your own values and attitudes towards other conservatives. I am unimpressed with your rhetoric, and your knowledgebase.
@MataHarley: As you know, the Alinsky tactic is to create the smoke then have useful idiots like Ivan shout “FIRE.”
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