King George III was the King of Great Britain during the time of the American Revolutionary War. The tyrannies that King George III perpetrated over the American colonies are what ultimately led to The Declaration of Independence, the American Revolutionary War, and the formation of The United States of America. Â In The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson listed the tyrannies exercised by King George III over the American colonies. Â We are now faced with an administration whose actions are very similar to those tyrannies listed by Thomas Jefferson. Â I have made up a list of the similarities between the actions of the Obama administration and the tyrannies listed in The Declaration of Independence (Each listed item starts with a quote from The Declaration of Independence followed by the similarities in the Obama administration):
“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”
-The Declaration of IndependenceObama is similar to King George III in this regard because he has attempted on a number of occasions to implement social welfare programs for “the good of the people.” I know, I know, I must sound crazy. Why is it a bad thing that Obama is implementing welfare programs? Well, there are numerous reasons. First and foremost is that any social welfare program provided by the federal government comes at a cost to the people, and that cost is individual liberty. It is imperative that the people understand that when the government implements such programs we lose more money and more freedom. So, if you look at the bigger picture it is easy to see that Obama is not implementing these programs from the compassion of his bleeding liberal heart. He pushes these social welfare programs to keep the people dependent upon the government. His purpose in implementing such programs is to grow the power and influence of the government over the people. Â Obama has also attempted to impose unwarranted regulations on the people, such as cap-and-trade, which would inevitably raise our taxes and subject us to more excessive government authority.
“He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.”
-The Declaration of IndependenceThis can be seen in Obama’s recent attempts to have a televised White House meeting with republicans over the current health care reform bill. This meeting is an attempt by Obama to pressure republicans into complying with his health care reform agenda
“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”
-The Declaration of IndependenceDo you really need an explanation for this one? The man has 38 “czars.” Most of these “czars” answer only to Obama.
“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation”
-The Declaration of IndependenceObama has aligned himself with congressional democrats to subject us to unconstitutional legislation and regulation. Â These unconstitutional acts run rampant through congress. Â They buy votes, Â they propose bills that cannot be repealed, Â and they favor the interests of one state over another. Â I might also add, that nowhere in the constitution does it give the federal government jurisdiction to extend its power to the suffering of individuals or the redistribution of one persons property to another. Â That being said, some might say that social welfare programs and even income taxes are unconstitutional.
“For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent”
-The Declaration of IndependenceThe Obama administration has fiercely endeavored to force legislation upon the good people of this country that would inevitably raise taxes for all Americans. They have done this in spite of the fact that polls and other expressions of public opinion have shown that an overwhelming majority of individuals oppose such legislation.
“For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments”
-The Declaration of Independence -
“In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people”
-The Declaration of IndependenceWe have held tea parties, we have participated in town hall meetings, we have called our congressmen, we have done everything that we can possibly do to voice our opposition of their radical spending and excessive expansion of government; yet they continue to push their radical left agenda under the presumption that they know they know what’s best for us. Should aspiring tyrants be the leaders of the free world? Â I don’t think so.
Cross Posted From: Liberty and Pride
Honestly, I think that’s a pretty brilliant comparison. Kudos to whomever came up with it.
@Sponge: Wow, thanks, I thought for sure I would get slammed on this one.
I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here. I don’t buy this comparison of Obama to King George III. The real problem is that US citizens have evidently not been teaching their children the Constitution and its history, particularly the constitutionally enumerated principle of state sovereignty, for many generations. So constitutionally ignorant US citizens have only themselves to blame for getting themselves under the tyranny of a corrupt “leader” like Obama. They foolishly bet the ranch with Obama and lost.
@B. Johnson: Good point. It’s hard to argue with logic. The people certainly did get themselves into this mess; unfortunately the ones who didn’t vote for this guy have to suffer for the mistakes of those who drank the kool-aid.
Great post, Sean.
B. Johnson, the fact that Americans are ignorant or foolish cannot absolve this administration of its crimes and deceptions. America was deceived. That implies a second actor, the deceiver. Not only was America deceived and misled regarding the man Obama and his entire history, intentionally, by organizations that knew better and chose to go with the lies and deciet, but the election was plagued (intentionally, by actual people and organizations who made choices to do these things) by fraud in ways too numerous to mention in the space of a single comment.
Some included the Gaza phone banks, making political calls for Obama (to Americans), the campaign website (intentionally and with purpose) being rigged so the payment system made no checks to see if the donor was legit, allowing millions of dollars to be funnelled into his campaign from outside the country. ACORN charged with voter fraud and voter registration fraud in more than 14 states. The FACT that Fannie and Freddie were intentionally driven into the ground by Obama and the Democrats in congress, and the mass media forces aligned with him using their not-insignificant platforms to again full-out lie to Americans about the collapse of the mortgage industry.
We didn’t vote for any of that. There was so much fraud and deception, that you can hardly blame the voters alone.
It also doesn’t help that the schools which supposedly educate the majority of these voters have (also, intentionally – detecting a theme here?) for three or four generations now, been steadily feeding the students carefully-written dosages of Marxist/statist though that, in accordance with the (intentionally planned) outcome, people would be too stupid or historically ignorant or intellectually lazy to process truth, and could thus be easily led into the trap of voting this communist into office.
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
That’s what I feel when I look at the average voter. Sometimes.
Other times I realize that the very same Christ said many times “DO NOT BE DECEIVED.”
So it is on us – if one is a Christian, anyway.
The deceivers, on the other hand, my prayers are anything but humanitarian. They involve lots of fire and burning and pain. Teeth-gnashing. That sort of thing. Because these folks? They know what they do. They brag about it and laugh about it to each other.
SEAN when and how do we think it could be repaired the AMERICAN see it now but it is the solution that will be needed it is harder to undo.
Actually, I agree except that I would compare him to King Henry the 8th.
There is a series called the Tudors made by HBO. You can rent it on When you edit out the steamy scenes and follow the politics and the story line the similarities to what the Obama machine is doing are amazing. From Henry’s systematic destruction of the Catholic church, to the subjugation of his people the similarities are unbelievable. What is even more facinating is the the total boobs Henry puts in positions of power.
You get a real good perspective on how the King’s court is reality that matters. They make decisions in that court that brutalize and damage millions of people and they do so without a second thoought.
The same is happening in Washington. Washington is the world and the rest is irrelevant. It does not matter how much one knows the constitution. Some event has to crystalize millions of people to get things rolling as is happening now.
The next 60 months are going to be brutal economically. That is what is going to flush out the sewage in Washington. The dollar is toast and derivatives are going to create hellacious economic dislocation. That is the energy needed to get things cleaned out not simple knowledge of the constitution.
I’ve heard someone else make the same comparisons.
They are sad, but true.
This reminds me of my “Bag Of Tea” outfit I made for different Tea Party protests. I took burlap and made it look like a large bag and wore it. I put a sign on the bag that said “OBAMA IS TAXING THIS BAG OF TEA LIKE KING GEORGE III DID.” I wore a big sing on my head that said “THROW ME IN BOSTON HARBOR AGAIN.” Everywhere I went I had people taking my picture and wanting to be taken with me.
If you want to draw attention to the higher taxes at protests I recommend an outfit something like this. If you want a picture of it, email me at and I will send it to you.
One thing that would draw attention is if a group would have an ACTUAL Tea Party and have people in their “BAG OF TEA” outfits and throw them overboard into the water. Even the LOCAL propaganda media might be interested in that.
Five percent of the population now own 95 percent of the total wealth of the nation. Further concentration of wealth is an ongoing trend.
This means that–in the absence of progressive taxation and governmental programs–95 percent of the population would have to get by on 5 percent of the nation’s wealth. This is true when we have economic downturns putting millions out of work. It’s also the case when people become too old or too sick to continue working–a situation that at some point affects everyone.
The bottom 40 percent of the population are really up a creek, since they presently own less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the nation’s total wealth. They’re not in a position to prepare for their own inevitable loss of work capacity. They struggle just to get by from paycheck to paycheck, and worry about losing even that.
What is the best way to deal with these realities?
While I’m all for self-reliance and reward for personal creativity and effort–the source of all of America’s greatness, in my opinion–I’m also convinced that no modern, complex society can exist for long without certain elements that some will condemn as socialist. I don’t see those observations as contradictions.
I think we need to stop pushing for the politics of philosophical purity as seen from the perspective of either the far right or the far left, and try to find a point of common-sense balance somewhere in the middle. I’d gladly dump both republican and democratic “purity” to do so.
Why doesn’t America’s political conversation seem to include anyone pitching sanity from the center? Nothing else is going to save us.
Ran across this on some Google searching. Fantastic article, and the intervening months have only bolstered the theme.
As to Greg’s comment, concentration of wealth is a by-product of concentration of power. If power is dispersed from the central government, wealth will disperse from the power-brokers afterward. Do not be trapped into treating symptoms while the root disease continues to fester.
Besides, 5% of American wealth, properly cared for in the hands of entrepreneurs and average families, is an extraordinary amount of wealth and power for individuals to wield – particularly in the context of history.
GREG: hi, WE must not forget to review the immigration system if even it is to a chosen
fewer to meet only the gap in economy growth: simply because of the incredible money that is not staying in but return to other countrys which get a free ride on tax payer money. and also GIVEN by government, to other countrys who come to ask for more as if it’s an endless pit: IF GOVERNMENT would dig in their own personal bank account to give thoses moneys, no one would find it wrong,and they would be less money to go abroad. IT’s too easy for them all they have to do is ask the CONGRESS who dont seem to care, as long as it’s from and for the DEMOCRATS bye 🙄
@ sean, nothing short of Excellent. Thanks!
@ Greg, still stuck on stupid, Eh?
Taqiyyotomist, very true,and today 3rd march 2011, we just have to watch what is so easy
to see their wrong intent in what they do, and what they fail to to, and their sympatetic
association with the dangerous outside forces at work to reach their goal of desruction of AMERICA