Conflicted emotions at best.
May the Good Marine in him find rest.
As for the rest of him,,,
15 years ago
I can’t say a good thing about him. He tarnished his corps, so he’s dead to me there. He epitomizes what is wrong with Democrat-Congressmen. Good riddance. This was the only way he was going to leave his congressional seat…. he just kept bringing home the bacon to his district and obviously had some powerful backing inside the machine.
This is how most of these deep-blue-dems are going to go out… they’ll not retire, no…. they’ll keep at it until they die…. and then, their fiefdoms will wither and scatter. I hope the GOP can run a conservative. The country deserves better than another Murtha. Murtha did serve a purpose though… He was a prime example of what the Tea Party movement and conservatives oppose.
15 years ago
I wonder if Jack Murtha had alzheimers. I am having a hard time reconciling his early life and career with the Jack Murtha of the 21st century. He had a definite personality shift. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. I choose to remember the Murtha who served as a DI on Paris Island and who fought for increases in military budgets as opposed to the Murtha who built an unused airport and falsely accused Marines of criminal activity.
15 years ago
Jack Murtha had been discharged from active duty in the USMC in 1955. He’d been a drill instructor. He subsequently volunteered for a return to active duty, and for service in Vietnam. As a fellow ‘Nam vet, that gets him a gold star in my book. Any political differences only get a footnote.
15 years ago
He died from complications from gall bladder surgery? I thought gall bladder surgery was simple and straightforward. I understand the gall bladder is removed laparoscopically. It should have just been 3 small incisions.
15 years ago
Probably a decent American patriot in the early 50’s and Vietnam but obviously coerced by an increasingly fascist Democrat party and pure greed over the years.
A life wasted in the pursuit of fascist policies. The heart of a “liberal”, good intentions, greed, and a sense of entitlement fostered by his undoubtable hero, FDR.
May he rest in peace and his like never return to American politics.
15 years ago
Sympathy to all of his campaign contributors, now forced to seek taxpayer pork from some OTHER unscrupulous, thug politician. It has been reported that his personal Pa. airport might cancel its entire flight schedule–that being 3 daily to DC–as jet fuel will no longer be provided free of charge.
15 years ago
“A life wasted in the pursuit of fascist policies.”
Such as his eventual opposition to the war in Iraq, which at a cost of 706 billion dollars and 4,375 American lives has effectively removed Iran’s strongest regional opponent? At the same time he consistently fought hard for adequate funding to protect American troops in the field, and saw no irony in it. I’ll take a Jack Murtha over a Dick Cheney any day of the week.
Perhaps all such comments should be given a rest on the day of an old soldier’s death.
15 years ago
Willy…Such as his eventual opposition to the war in Iraq”
Look, stop right there… Once in a war, we’re all in a war. The democrats believe in political wars. They vote for war and then change they’re minds. They actively talk against the troops and leak information that undermines the troops effort… if it works to the dems political aims.
What Murtha did to prejudge and tarnish the Haditha Marines speaks volumes above and beyond his service as a marine. This man had no character. The democrats have no character. If it’s their war, good to go. If the republicans are in charge…. they’ll do anything they can to undermine and delegitimize the effort. They see a line in the sand. All good patriots should see none.
War and military operations should not be entered into lightly and when done so, they should be supported until our troops have prevailed and are out of harms way. Then if a pol wants to whine, well, have at it.
Snipe at Cheney all you want.. apples and oranges. Murtha was a dirty pol and was traitorous during wartime. The sedition act . Never . should. have. been. shelved. period. Of course, we’re in enlightened times.. when all of that kind of stuff is so… 1800’s. Well,… it matters to a lot of us.
First off, I haven’t read very many over the top negative comments. Secondly, preach to yourself, or do you have any more Bush = Hitler comparisons to make. There is no question that later in his life, Murtha had turned anti-military. His, “fighting for funding to protect the American Soldier,” was little more than a political ruse. For evidence of this I present the Haditha Marines, the Gitmo Koran Flushing ruse, and the Abu Gharib falacy. Jack lost his way. Perhaps his way was lost in the name of party politicking, but it was definately lost. As for removing Iran’s regional counterbalance, this is a dangerous misconception. Iran and Iraq had become cooperative since their 10 year war. Iran has other nations which would like to see them weaker, only because they wish to be the leaders of the caliphate. Israel is the ally we should be embracing. All of the separate wars being fought against Islamofaciasts, (the Philipines, Chechnya, Indonesia, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iraq, South America, etc.,) are actually part of the much broader war.
15 years ago
Those who say we should forget, at least for a day, the John Murtha that was so despicable; ABSCAM, Haditha Marines.
I would take this time to remind you of another American warrior who also fought bravely and honorably for this glorious nation, until he sold out’ Benedict Arnold.
To his family I say “My sympathies go out to you”; to him I say RIP (roast in perpetuity)
John K
15 years ago
Hell is filling up fast with the likes of Teddy Kennedy and now Murtha.
The first thing that came to my mind when I heard the news was: did Murtha ever recant saying our Marines in Haditha were murderers?
I wouldn’t want to meet my maker with that calumny on my conscience.
His death will require a special election which may very well turn out to be yet another referendum on Obama. It’s certainly another opportunity to return this seat to the GOP.
The special election will likely take place on the same day as the Pennsylvania primary. I wonder if Lt. Col. Bill Russell, who ran against Murtha in 2008 will get back in the race?
Democrats are demanding we shut up and let them use Murtha’s death for their political benefit:
“This is not the time for political opportunism,” said Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee communications director Jennifer Crider. “Out of respect for Congressman Murtha’s family and his decades of service to our country, Republicans should put their partisanship aside and allow Mr. Murtha’s family, friends, and constituents time to celebrate his life and mourn his passing.”
No doubt they’d love it if we just rolled over and let them annoint Murtha’s replacement “out of respect.” SCREW THAT!
Here’s the Saturday Night Live skit about Murtha and Bumbling Joe Biden:
15 years ago
His legacy –
“BRIGADOON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT” – 2 passengers per 100 years.
Supreme example of wasteful spending. A real POS. Bye-bye and be sure to tell Kennedy he was replaced by a Republican.
Another thought: Will Obama go to the funeral and delivery the eulogy? If so, watch to see if he says “Marine Corpse” when talking about Murtha’s military service.
Scott Malensek
15 years ago
Does this mean the army’s not broken anymore?
15 years ago
“His “fighting for funding to protect the American Soldier,” was little more than a political ruse.”
Tell that to American soldiers who finally got some decent body armor and hardened HumVees as a result.
“Hell is filling up fast with the likes of Teddy Kennedy and now Murtha.”
The quickest road to hell is hate. Mixing hate with politics is a good way to grease the rails.
15 years ago
What was that comment Emmanual said about never wasting a tragedy?
15 years ago
I hope Obama pays a grand tribute to this great Marine Corpse.
15 years ago
@Wily, well I hope we some posts from you about the ‘love’ we get from Obama when he gives the public the finger.
Willy said; “Tell that to American soldiers who finally got some decent body armor and hardened HumVees as a result.”
Tell that to the vast majority of United States soldiers who felt they always had good support from home when it came to their combat gear. “Finally got some good armor?” OE Tech, Tango Down, and Voodoo Tactical have all been making great armor and plate carriers for more than a decade, hardly because of Jack Murtha. And the efficiency of their MARPAT and ACU vest lines have only increased in combat performance and versatility when the MOLLE gear webbing was developed and added to their products for police and military personnel.
As for Iraq being a counter weight to Iran, this argument wouldn’t be the straw man that it is, hadn’t it been for the fact that a majority of Iranians are making a stand against their president. In March of 2007, it became clear that most Iranians were opposed to Ahmedinejads ideology when his party lost their majority in the national and most local governments. Slightly less than two thirds of the provinces of Iran are now under the control of the opposing party, and this includes the hometown of Ahmedinejad.
To add to this, Iran is surrounded by our military in the countries to the north, east, west, and south (who by the way, all oppose Ahmedinejad) with the rest of the world pressuring them to comply with international laws. Tell me, whether they make a bomb or not, how do they send it out of their country knowing that it would result in the bomb being intercepted or shot out of the sky, and possibly a NATO invasion? Your point on Iraq being Irans counterweight would only stand a small chance at being a valid argument against the removal of Saddam Hussein had Irans current president been that serious of a problem. But since he is not, your argument is what it is; unreliable donkey fodder!
After Willy did his hand in throwing this thread off topic, I just wanted to say that this hopeful Navy Corpsman (for Obama; it’s pronounced core-man) SEAL gives his condolences to the Murtha family. My prayers are with them during what is surely to be the most difficult time in their lives.
15 years ago
my sympathy to the family. i hope we have a good repub to run for this position now. we need all the good folks we can get in there to turn the tide back again.
By the way, although I really find dissatisfaction in speaking against Murtha so soon after his passing, those Haditha Marines were denied a fair trial, and I hope that the very last Marine awaiting trial gets proven innocent. The fact that NCIS skewed information and the prosecutors tampered with evidence to make the Marines look like they’re guilty shows that trying find cases of dishonor, criminal activity, and lying in our military is an extremely daunting task.
Good man or not, falsely accusing the Marines serving in Haditha of some wrong doing that they did not do is a shameful part of this late Congressmans legacy. Hardly anything is worse than doing what he had done to these marines and their families by exploiting the suffering that the people these men were trying to protect go through regularly.
15 years ago
You might want to have a look at the article below before you jump to any conclusions, Ryan.
Many were aware of this situation long before the story finally broke in the national news. As a matter of fact a collection had been taken up here by the police department to buy body armor for some local guys who were serving in Iraq. We were also hearing that they were jerry-rigging their transport vehicles with salvaged steel plates they were welding on. We had a letter-writing campaign going to try to get such problems corrected.
Sorry if I shifted the topic. It was only in response to some of the previous comments that I thought were unfair to a guy who just died. I had a few of my own issues with Jack Murtha. What he tried to do for the troops wasn’t one of them.
The body armor issue was always B.S. The last thing anyone in the desert wants is another 75 pounds of equipment, which will add to the heat and de-hydration. While screaming for new equipment to be added to the BEL, Murtha and his fellow Libtards voted to completely defund the war effort. So, to sumarize, Murtha and his merry band of cohorts stated they wanted to send kevlar vests while stopping the shipment of food, amunition, gasoline, medical supplies, etc. Body Armor for the combat troops is still in an experimental state, and only people who have no idea what they are talking about were ever asking for it in the first place. The entire issue was created to make the Bush Administration look bad.
During every election cycle, there are liberals who claim to speak for the troops, while members of the military are more than capable of speaking for themselves. The military overwhelmingly votes the Republican ticket, usually 80/20. My bet in 2012, 95% against your guy Nobama. I will say this, it is entertainment gold to watch the attempts to villify the troops, while claiming to care. May Congressman Murtha take the memory of the Haditha Marines into eternity with him.
For his family and friends, my sincere condolences. As a former warrior, my undying thanks. As a politician? Frankly, my dear… I don’t give a damn.
@JanH, I’ve read many things that gallbladder surgeries are among the most common as “unnecessary” surgeries. It would truly be the height of irony were Murtha, an O’health care supporter, a victim of such quackery practiced by the medical profession simply to dodge litigation risk.
@Willy: before you get all teary eyed, caught up in a warped reality of a Murtha legacy, you may want to find out less than honorable motivation and threads of impropriety in his relationship with KDH Defense. Honor the former soldier. But the politician was scum, corrupt, and self absorbed. And as far as I’m concerned, his legacy will forever be tied to Haditha… as is Kerry’s to labeling Vietnam troops “baby killers”.
15 years ago
I too have mixed feelings and certainly don’t have all of the facts to make firm judgments.
What I do know is that Murtha certainly started out as a good guy. The Haditha situation was as great of an enigma to me as his last re-election, until I spent some recent time in Western PA. I doubt I’ll ever figure out where he was coming from on Haditha (short of an Alzheimer’s post mortem diagnosis), but having spent considerable time this year in the Western part of PA, I totally “get” why he is so easily reelected; JOBS! I detest “pork”, but if it’s legal and legit and keeps the district working, is it really pork?
John Murtha brought major defense companies into Johnstown, two of them Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, as well as a cancer center. I certainly don’t know all of the details, but I do know that NG and LM are excellent companies, and keep a lot of folks in the district off of the welfare handouts.
I also took a drive to the airport. It’s totally over the top for the amount of use it gets, however I know the National Guard and maybe some other military use it. IF we have a major terrorist attack on the US, it would be my assumption that the Johnstown Murtha Airport would play a major role, and finally be worth its salt. From what I understand, it’s highly sophisticated, equipment-wise, and would be an ideal spot for active national security defense should we ever need it.
Sure there are a lot of things I could think of that Murtha probably could have done better, but let us not forget that he did a lot of things right. I recently visited Vietnam (as a tourist). The heat was so stifling that I couldn’t handle China Beach in a bathing suit. All I could think about was our Vietnam Vets, and how much they endured for their love of country. Murtha volunteered to go to Vietnam. Regardless of what any of us think about the Vietnam war, it took real men to fight it.
Today I would just like to honor him as a veteran, a husband, and a father, and let God sort out the “justice” part of his political life.
R.I.P. John Murtha
To Murtha the man: You were a despicable POS, a liar and a crook.
I hope you rot in Hell, right next to Ted Kennedy.
15 years ago
I read over at the Washington Times that he wouldn’t release his military records. The poster doubted any heroic accomplishment. Wow! Just like Odumbo, whose Ivy League records would show that he applied as a foreign student and a dumb^$$.
My mother always told me, “If you can’t say something *nice* about a person, don’t say anything at all.” Of course my mother was a Democrat and a bit of a libber. I have nothing *nice* to say regarding John Murtha.
And now he’s dead.
I do have one thing to say: BURN IN HELL you son of a bitch!
Sorry Mom…
15 years ago
I like the terseness of what one poster said at the Washington Times:
May that God-Damn gutless, hate-filled, anti-military extremist rot in hell for all eternity!!!!
Unless, of course, he repented of his sins/crimes before he dropped dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 years ago
Mr. Murtha crossed the line for me when he tried to “whack -n- slam” the Heditha Marines calling them killers and criminals. Even after their acquittals, he wouldn’t back down or apologise.
14 years ago
Like most libs you don’t do well on ACTUAL news and information websites as facts and truth are prerequisites for credibility.
Steve In Tulsa
14 years ago
Yes Willy, exactly how many times was it that Murtha voted to defund the Iraq effort?
And how exactly is it that since Iraq is a free democrat state they no longer provide a counterbalance to Iran? Are you blind? How can you be so ignorant of the rioting for democracy in Iran for the last two + years?
No whining here for Murtha at all.
Conflicted emotions at best.
May the Good Marine in him find rest.
As for the rest of him,,,
I can’t say a good thing about him. He tarnished his corps, so he’s dead to me there. He epitomizes what is wrong with Democrat-Congressmen. Good riddance. This was the only way he was going to leave his congressional seat…. he just kept bringing home the bacon to his district and obviously had some powerful backing inside the machine.
This is how most of these deep-blue-dems are going to go out… they’ll not retire, no…. they’ll keep at it until they die…. and then, their fiefdoms will wither and scatter. I hope the GOP can run a conservative. The country deserves better than another Murtha. Murtha did serve a purpose though… He was a prime example of what the Tea Party movement and conservatives oppose.
I wonder if Jack Murtha had alzheimers. I am having a hard time reconciling his early life and career with the Jack Murtha of the 21st century. He had a definite personality shift. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. I choose to remember the Murtha who served as a DI on Paris Island and who fought for increases in military budgets as opposed to the Murtha who built an unused airport and falsely accused Marines of criminal activity.
Jack Murtha had been discharged from active duty in the USMC in 1955. He’d been a drill instructor. He subsequently volunteered for a return to active duty, and for service in Vietnam. As a fellow ‘Nam vet, that gets him a gold star in my book. Any political differences only get a footnote.
He died from complications from gall bladder surgery? I thought gall bladder surgery was simple and straightforward. I understand the gall bladder is removed laparoscopically. It should have just been 3 small incisions.
Probably a decent American patriot in the early 50’s and Vietnam but obviously coerced by an increasingly fascist Democrat party and pure greed over the years.
A life wasted in the pursuit of fascist policies. The heart of a “liberal”, good intentions, greed, and a sense of entitlement fostered by his undoubtable hero, FDR.
May he rest in peace and his like never return to American politics.
Sympathy to all of his campaign contributors, now forced to seek taxpayer pork from some OTHER unscrupulous, thug politician. It has been reported that his personal Pa. airport might cancel its entire flight schedule–that being 3 daily to DC–as jet fuel will no longer be provided free of charge.
“A life wasted in the pursuit of fascist policies.”
Such as his eventual opposition to the war in Iraq, which at a cost of 706 billion dollars and 4,375 American lives has effectively removed Iran’s strongest regional opponent? At the same time he consistently fought hard for adequate funding to protect American troops in the field, and saw no irony in it. I’ll take a Jack Murtha over a Dick Cheney any day of the week.
Perhaps all such comments should be given a rest on the day of an old soldier’s death.
Willy…Such as his eventual opposition to the war in Iraq”
Look, stop right there… Once in a war, we’re all in a war. The democrats believe in political wars. They vote for war and then change they’re minds. They actively talk against the troops and leak information that undermines the troops effort… if it works to the dems political aims.
What Murtha did to prejudge and tarnish the Haditha Marines speaks volumes above and beyond his service as a marine. This man had no character. The democrats have no character. If it’s their war, good to go. If the republicans are in charge…. they’ll do anything they can to undermine and delegitimize the effort. They see a line in the sand. All good patriots should see none.
War and military operations should not be entered into lightly and when done so, they should be supported until our troops have prevailed and are out of harms way. Then if a pol wants to whine, well, have at it.
Snipe at Cheney all you want.. apples and oranges. Murtha was a dirty pol and was traitorous during wartime. The sedition act . Never . should. have. been. shelved. period. Of course, we’re in enlightened times.. when all of that kind of stuff is so… 1800’s. Well,… it matters to a lot of us.
First off, I haven’t read very many over the top negative comments. Secondly, preach to yourself, or do you have any more Bush = Hitler comparisons to make. There is no question that later in his life, Murtha had turned anti-military. His, “fighting for funding to protect the American Soldier,” was little more than a political ruse. For evidence of this I present the Haditha Marines, the Gitmo Koran Flushing ruse, and the Abu Gharib falacy. Jack lost his way. Perhaps his way was lost in the name of party politicking, but it was definately lost. As for removing Iran’s regional counterbalance, this is a dangerous misconception. Iran and Iraq had become cooperative since their 10 year war. Iran has other nations which would like to see them weaker, only because they wish to be the leaders of the caliphate. Israel is the ally we should be embracing. All of the separate wars being fought against Islamofaciasts, (the Philipines, Chechnya, Indonesia, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iraq, South America, etc.,) are actually part of the much broader war.
Those who say we should forget, at least for a day, the John Murtha that was so despicable; ABSCAM, Haditha Marines.
I would take this time to remind you of another American warrior who also fought bravely and honorably for this glorious nation, until he sold out’ Benedict Arnold.
To his family I say “My sympathies go out to you”; to him I say RIP (roast in perpetuity)
Hell is filling up fast with the likes of Teddy Kennedy and now Murtha.
The first thing that came to my mind when I heard the news was: did Murtha ever recant saying our Marines in Haditha were murderers?
I wouldn’t want to meet my maker with that calumny on my conscience.
His death will require a special election which may very well turn out to be yet another referendum on Obama. It’s certainly another opportunity to return this seat to the GOP.
The special election will likely take place on the same day as the Pennsylvania primary. I wonder if Lt. Col. Bill Russell, who ran against Murtha in 2008 will get back in the race?
Democrats are demanding we shut up and let them use Murtha’s death for their political benefit:
No doubt they’d love it if we just rolled over and let them annoint Murtha’s replacement “out of respect.” SCREW THAT!
Here’s the Saturday Night Live skit about Murtha and Bumbling Joe Biden:
His legacy –
“BRIGADOON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT” – 2 passengers per 100 years.
Supreme example of wasteful spending. A real POS. Bye-bye and be sure to tell Kennedy he was replaced by a Republican.
Another thought: Will Obama go to the funeral and delivery the eulogy? If so, watch to see if he says “Marine Corpse” when talking about Murtha’s military service.
Does this mean the army’s not broken anymore?
“His “fighting for funding to protect the American Soldier,” was little more than a political ruse.”
Tell that to American soldiers who finally got some decent body armor and hardened HumVees as a result.
“Hell is filling up fast with the likes of Teddy Kennedy and now Murtha.”
The quickest road to hell is hate. Mixing hate with politics is a good way to grease the rails.
What was that comment Emmanual said about never wasting a tragedy?
I hope Obama pays a grand tribute to this great Marine Corpse.
@Wily, well I hope we some posts from you about the ‘love’ we get from Obama when he gives the public the finger.
Willy said; “Tell that to American soldiers who finally got some decent body armor and hardened HumVees as a result.”
Tell that to the vast majority of United States soldiers who felt they always had good support from home when it came to their combat gear. “Finally got some good armor?” OE Tech, Tango Down, and Voodoo Tactical have all been making great armor and plate carriers for more than a decade, hardly because of Jack Murtha. And the efficiency of their MARPAT and ACU vest lines have only increased in combat performance and versatility when the MOLLE gear webbing was developed and added to their products for police and military personnel.
As for Iraq being a counter weight to Iran, this argument wouldn’t be the straw man that it is, hadn’t it been for the fact that a majority of Iranians are making a stand against their president. In March of 2007, it became clear that most Iranians were opposed to Ahmedinejads ideology when his party lost their majority in the national and most local governments. Slightly less than two thirds of the provinces of Iran are now under the control of the opposing party, and this includes the hometown of Ahmedinejad.
To add to this, Iran is surrounded by our military in the countries to the north, east, west, and south (who by the way, all oppose Ahmedinejad) with the rest of the world pressuring them to comply with international laws. Tell me, whether they make a bomb or not, how do they send it out of their country knowing that it would result in the bomb being intercepted or shot out of the sky, and possibly a NATO invasion? Your point on Iraq being Irans counterweight would only stand a small chance at being a valid argument against the removal of Saddam Hussein had Irans current president been that serious of a problem. But since he is not, your argument is what it is; unreliable donkey fodder!
After Willy did his hand in throwing this thread off topic, I just wanted to say that this hopeful Navy Corpsman (for Obama; it’s pronounced core-man) SEAL gives his condolences to the Murtha family. My prayers are with them during what is surely to be the most difficult time in their lives.
my sympathy to the family. i hope we have a good repub to run for this position now. we need all the good folks we can get in there to turn the tide back again.
By the way, although I really find dissatisfaction in speaking against Murtha so soon after his passing, those Haditha Marines were denied a fair trial, and I hope that the very last Marine awaiting trial gets proven innocent. The fact that NCIS skewed information and the prosecutors tampered with evidence to make the Marines look like they’re guilty shows that trying find cases of dishonor, criminal activity, and lying in our military is an extremely daunting task.
Good man or not, falsely accusing the Marines serving in Haditha of some wrong doing that they did not do is a shameful part of this late Congressmans legacy. Hardly anything is worse than doing what he had done to these marines and their families by exploiting the suffering that the people these men were trying to protect go through regularly.
You might want to have a look at the article below before you jump to any conclusions, Ryan.
Many were aware of this situation long before the story finally broke in the national news. As a matter of fact a collection had been taken up here by the police department to buy body armor for some local guys who were serving in Iraq. We were also hearing that they were jerry-rigging their transport vehicles with salvaged steel plates they were welding on. We had a letter-writing campaign going to try to get such problems corrected.
Sorry if I shifted the topic. It was only in response to some of the previous comments that I thought were unfair to a guy who just died. I had a few of my own issues with Jack Murtha. What he tried to do for the troops wasn’t one of them.
I, too, had a few of my own issues with Jack Murtha.
What he tried to do to the Marines involved in Haditha was the last straw for me.
There comes a time when the evil a person perpetuates outweighs any good they have ever done.
In my mind, Haditha was the moment that Murtha’s scales tipped irrevocably in the other direction.
For his service, I salute Murtha…
For his blatant treason…. rot in hell.
Enough said.
Term limits in action. Hooah!
The body armor issue was always B.S. The last thing anyone in the desert wants is another 75 pounds of equipment, which will add to the heat and de-hydration. While screaming for new equipment to be added to the BEL, Murtha and his fellow Libtards voted to completely defund the war effort. So, to sumarize, Murtha and his merry band of cohorts stated they wanted to send kevlar vests while stopping the shipment of food, amunition, gasoline, medical supplies, etc. Body Armor for the combat troops is still in an experimental state, and only people who have no idea what they are talking about were ever asking for it in the first place. The entire issue was created to make the Bush Administration look bad.
During every election cycle, there are liberals who claim to speak for the troops, while members of the military are more than capable of speaking for themselves. The military overwhelmingly votes the Republican ticket, usually 80/20. My bet in 2012, 95% against your guy Nobama. I will say this, it is entertainment gold to watch the attempts to villify the troops, while claiming to care. May Congressman Murtha take the memory of the Haditha Marines into eternity with him.
For his family and friends, my sincere condolences. As a former warrior, my undying thanks. As a politician? Frankly, my dear… I don’t give a damn.
@JanH, I’ve read many things that gallbladder surgeries are among the most common as “unnecessary” surgeries. It would truly be the height of irony were Murtha, an O’health care supporter, a victim of such quackery practiced by the medical profession simply to dodge litigation risk.
@Willy: before you get all teary eyed, caught up in a warped reality of a Murtha legacy, you may want to find out less than honorable motivation and threads of impropriety in his relationship with KDH Defense. Honor the former soldier. But the politician was scum, corrupt, and self absorbed. And as far as I’m concerned, his legacy will forever be tied to Haditha… as is Kerry’s to labeling Vietnam troops “baby killers”.
I too have mixed feelings and certainly don’t have all of the facts to make firm judgments.
What I do know is that Murtha certainly started out as a good guy. The Haditha situation was as great of an enigma to me as his last re-election, until I spent some recent time in Western PA. I doubt I’ll ever figure out where he was coming from on Haditha (short of an Alzheimer’s post mortem diagnosis), but having spent considerable time this year in the Western part of PA, I totally “get” why he is so easily reelected; JOBS! I detest “pork”, but if it’s legal and legit and keeps the district working, is it really pork?
John Murtha brought major defense companies into Johnstown, two of them Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, as well as a cancer center. I certainly don’t know all of the details, but I do know that NG and LM are excellent companies, and keep a lot of folks in the district off of the welfare handouts.
I also took a drive to the airport. It’s totally over the top for the amount of use it gets, however I know the National Guard and maybe some other military use it. IF we have a major terrorist attack on the US, it would be my assumption that the Johnstown Murtha Airport would play a major role, and finally be worth its salt. From what I understand, it’s highly sophisticated, equipment-wise, and would be an ideal spot for active national security defense should we ever need it.
Sure there are a lot of things I could think of that Murtha probably could have done better, but let us not forget that he did a lot of things right. I recently visited Vietnam (as a tourist). The heat was so stifling that I couldn’t handle China Beach in a bathing suit. All I could think about was our Vietnam Vets, and how much they endured for their love of country. Murtha volunteered to go to Vietnam. Regardless of what any of us think about the Vietnam war, it took real men to fight it.
Today I would just like to honor him as a veteran, a husband, and a father, and let God sort out the “justice” part of his political life.
R.I.P. John Murtha
My heartfelt condolences to his family.
To Murtha the man: You were a despicable POS, a liar and a crook.
I hope you rot in Hell, right next to Ted Kennedy.
I read over at the Washington Times that he wouldn’t release his military records. The poster doubted any heroic accomplishment. Wow! Just like Odumbo, whose Ivy League records would show that he applied as a foreign student and a dumb^$$.
My mother always told me, “If you can’t say something *nice* about a person, don’t say anything at all.” Of course my mother was a Democrat and a bit of a libber. I have nothing *nice* to say regarding John Murtha.
And now he’s dead.
I do have one thing to say: BURN IN HELL you son of a bitch!
Sorry Mom…
I like the terseness of what one poster said at the Washington Times:
May that God-Damn gutless, hate-filled, anti-military extremist rot in hell for all eternity!!!!
Unless, of course, he repented of his sins/crimes before he dropped dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Murtha crossed the line for me when he tried to “whack -n- slam” the Heditha Marines calling them killers and criminals. Even after their acquittals, he wouldn’t back down or apologise.
Like most libs you don’t do well on ACTUAL news and information websites as facts and truth are prerequisites for credibility.
Yes Willy, exactly how many times was it that Murtha voted to defund the Iraq effort?
And how exactly is it that since Iraq is a free democrat state they no longer provide a counterbalance to Iran? Are you blind? How can you be so ignorant of the rioting for democracy in Iran for the last two + years?