After viewing both Focus on the Family spot ads one can conclude that the libtards, the loony left, the abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood, profiteering doctors who carry out the 1 million plus abortions a year, and their media pimps and harlots cleaned their own clocks.
Had the feminazis, their bots in the media, and the political hacks who support infanticide remained silent FOTF’s advertisement would have been far less effective had if the Bown Shirts feminazi and the left not spent the past week screamng at the top of their lungs on state run media about the horrors of Mrs. Tebow not choosing to abort her son following a serious illness during her pregnancy in the name of defending a woman’s choice.
The ads did not make a mention of the fact that Tim’s mother had been advised by doctors to abort her pregnancy. Fortunately for Focus on the Family and the Pro-life forces had been threatened and attackrd in the left-wing biased media and their megaphone few would have known of the anti-abortion stand of Mrs. Tebows If the mouthpieces of the left and the femrad gestapo had kept their mouths shut the braindead in the US would have never known the story. The left libturds, erroneously called feminists like a stray alley cat. give themselves frequent lickings with their tongues.
14 years ago
Possible counter-AD from PP:
“Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood because she recognized that sometimes, Mother Nature just doesn’t get things quite right. Left to her own devices, Mother Nature produces ‘retarded’ people, Negroes, Jews, and other undesirables. So when the doctor tells you there’s a possibility that you’re going to be bringing another undesirable into the world, Planned Parenthood is there to serve you, and to make sure that Mother Nature gets a helping hand.”
Links there: “The Left, trying to deconstruct the Tebow ad, shows that logic is not a Leftist gift”
Someone with video production skillz needs to make this ad, NOW!
14 years ago
Looking around the various blogs and the MSM, there is a subtext to the critiques.
They are also quite peeved, apparantly, that the ad was so humorous and “innocuous”. They wanted a Stenorian, puritanical, “American Gothic” commercial with lots of hard proselytizing, and they got Innocuous. They wanted their Kristian Nazi stereotype, so they could have a really big, easy-to-hit target for their Spin guns (hows that for a metaphor?!), and they didn’t get it. Every MSM article I’ve read contains some sort of barely-masked disappointment regarding that aspect of the commercial.
The lefty blogs are already saying about this aspect, essentialy, “That’s what makes these Kristian Nazis so insidious!”
Check out the issue on google news, and see that I’m right: The lefties in the MSM are ANGRY that it didn’t fit their preconceived mold, and this is evident in many articles, but usually only as a subtext.
The infanticide cheerleaders were totally outflanked & pwned. Gloria Allred so thoroughly covered herself in scat that if she still had a brain she would disappear from the public stage and wither.
The rest of the league of baby-killers are now dangling and thrashing in mid-air like a poisonous spider that has just found its web detached from the tree in a tempest. One can wonder who or what will next be targeted for the spider queens toxic stings.
14 years ago
Over 40 million since 1973. Pretty soon all our “liberal” fellow countrymen are gonna’ owe Stalin and Hitler an apology. They make the commandants of death camps look like amateurs.
14 years ago
Taquiy– Ms Sanger was a bipedal reptile who referred to minorities as “human weeds” who ought to be systematically exterminated. She was so much in bed with the human eugenics movement the Nazis took talking points from her.
Old One
14 years ago
Let us all recall that Margaret Sanger is unendingly canonized in nearly every public school history textbook in the country and she was much beloved by the communists of the early 20th century elites who passed themselves off on the public as progressives. Woodrow Wilson the democorrupt acolyte of the first plague of locust-like progrressives segregated the civil service and was a hardcore racist & eugenicists.
Mr. Irons
14 years ago
One thing I’m picking up as a hidden complaint towards these ads is the disgust towards necular family structuring. A progressive/communist agenda doesn’t really gain traction when the parents of children are a major positive influence in their lives, and this ad undertones the fact that family unity is important and such to a point is a key offending message to communist groups that rely on disconnected families of single parents or no parents active in the child’s life at all.
14 years ago
@Mr. Irons: I agree. The nuclear family concept is diametrically opposed to the “it takes a village” crowd. The left wants children to look to the nanny state as a parent. This ad not only shows the love this mother had/has for her child, but it shows that love continually reciprocated by the child into adulthood. Gee, we can’t have that, can we?
After viewing both Focus on the Family spot ads one can conclude that the libtards, the loony left, the abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood, profiteering doctors who carry out the 1 million plus abortions a year, and their media pimps and harlots cleaned their own clocks.
Had the feminazis, their bots in the media, and the political hacks who support infanticide remained silent FOTF’s advertisement would have been far less effective had if the Bown Shirts feminazi and the left not spent the past week screamng at the top of their lungs on state run media about the horrors of Mrs. Tebow not choosing to abort her son following a serious illness during her pregnancy in the name of defending a woman’s choice.
The ads did not make a mention of the fact that Tim’s mother had been advised by doctors to abort her pregnancy. Fortunately for Focus on the Family and the Pro-life forces had been threatened and attackrd in the left-wing biased media and their megaphone few would have known of the anti-abortion stand of Mrs. Tebows If the mouthpieces of the left and the femrad gestapo had kept their mouths shut the braindead in the US would have never known the story. The left libturds, erroneously called feminists like a stray alley cat. give themselves frequent lickings with their tongues.
Possible counter-AD from PP:
“Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood because she recognized that sometimes, Mother Nature just doesn’t get things quite right. Left to her own devices, Mother Nature produces ‘retarded’ people, Negroes, Jews, and other undesirables. So when the doctor tells you there’s a possibility that you’re going to be bringing another undesirable into the world, Planned Parenthood is there to serve you, and to make sure that Mother Nature gets a helping hand.”
-quote from Bookworm @ Bookworm Room
Links there: “The Left, trying to deconstruct the Tebow ad, shows that logic is not a Leftist gift”
Someone with video production skillz needs to make this ad, NOW!
Looking around the various blogs and the MSM, there is a subtext to the critiques.
They are also quite peeved, apparantly, that the ad was so humorous and “innocuous”. They wanted a Stenorian, puritanical, “American Gothic” commercial with lots of hard proselytizing, and they got Innocuous. They wanted their Kristian Nazi stereotype, so they could have a really big, easy-to-hit target for their Spin guns (hows that for a metaphor?!), and they didn’t get it. Every MSM article I’ve read contains some sort of barely-masked disappointment regarding that aspect of the commercial.
The lefty blogs are already saying about this aspect, essentialy, “That’s what makes these Kristian Nazis so insidious!”
Check out the issue on google news, and see that I’m right: The lefties in the MSM are ANGRY that it didn’t fit their preconceived mold, and this is evident in many articles, but usually only as a subtext.
The infanticide cheerleaders were totally outflanked & pwned. Gloria Allred so thoroughly covered herself in scat that if she still had a brain she would disappear from the public stage and wither.
The rest of the league of baby-killers are now dangling and thrashing in mid-air like a poisonous spider that has just found its web detached from the tree in a tempest. One can wonder who or what will next be targeted for the spider queens toxic stings.
Over 40 million since 1973. Pretty soon all our “liberal” fellow countrymen are gonna’ owe Stalin and Hitler an apology. They make the commandants of death camps look like amateurs.
Taquiy– Ms Sanger was a bipedal reptile who referred to minorities as “human weeds” who ought to be systematically exterminated. She was so much in bed with the human eugenics movement the Nazis took talking points from her.
Let us all recall that Margaret Sanger is unendingly canonized in nearly every public school history textbook in the country and she was much beloved by the communists of the early 20th century elites who passed themselves off on the public as progressives. Woodrow Wilson the democorrupt acolyte of the first plague of locust-like progrressives segregated the civil service and was a hardcore racist & eugenicists.
One thing I’m picking up as a hidden complaint towards these ads is the disgust towards necular family structuring. A progressive/communist agenda doesn’t really gain traction when the parents of children are a major positive influence in their lives, and this ad undertones the fact that family unity is important and such to a point is a key offending message to communist groups that rely on disconnected families of single parents or no parents active in the child’s life at all.
@Mr. Irons: I agree. The nuclear family concept is diametrically opposed to the “it takes a village” crowd. The left wants children to look to the nanny state as a parent. This ad not only shows the love this mother had/has for her child, but it shows that love continually reciprocated by the child into adulthood. Gee, we can’t have that, can we?