Obama Blames Bush Again….Surprised?


Yesterday I started a post with “Dude….seriously?” when I wrote about Obama being his narcissistic self. I could most definitely start this one with the same exclamation.

I mean come on, your seriously blaming Bush still? (h/t Gateway Pundit)

Faced with mounting national opposition to his party’s platform, the president reminded voters the real reason the trillion-dollar stimulus package still hasn’t reduced unemployment to 8 percent as promised: Bush did it, and it’ll take a lot of time to undo it.

“The country cannot return to the “dereliction of duty that helped deliver this recession,” Obama said. He added that the previous administration’s role in the economic meltdown was the “real outrage.”

Recall Jake Tapper asking the White House mouthpiece…isn’t it time for Obama to man-up and quite whining:

But he hasn’t, and he won’t.

It’s everyone else’s fault.

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President Bush is a great man! Obama, not so much!

I would rather have a case of bleeding crotch rot, than to have to listen to that insufferable partisan hack Gibbs. But I do have to admit that he is the perfect spokesman for Obama. Because I have the same reaction to listening to him.

Cheezy Cripes! Obama meeting with the democrats and popping-off bullsh*t like this is like watching a triple-secret meeting of The He-Man Women-Haters Club on `roids!

These people are clueless. They believe their own crap!

Worse yet, they believe the American people are clueless and believe their crap.

Beltway Bobby Gibbs needs to ‘kiss the gunner’s daughter’ for his moronic stupidity he spews at the WH Press Pool.

Better still, Jake Tapper would look GREAT at Fox. **SIGH**

Rather than having the motto “The Buck Stops Here” he has the motto “Pass the Buck, Always”.

Grabbed this and titled it as such:

It’s Official: Pres. George W. Bush Finishes The First Year Of His Third Term As POTUS

* On March 14, 2008, then Sen. Obama voted in favor of the 2009 budget which authorized $3.1 trillion in federal outlays along with a projected $400 billion deficit. The 51-44 vote that morning was strongly along party lines with only two Republicans saying “Yes.”
* When the final conference report was presented to the House on June 5, not one Republican voted for it.
* This means the 2009 budget was almost exclusively approved by Democrats, with “Yeas” coming from Obama, his Vice President Joe Biden, his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
* On October 1, 2008, Obama, Biden, and Clinton voted in favor of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program designed to prevent teetering financial institutions from completely destroying the economy.
* In February, 2009, a $787 billion stimulus bill was passed with just three Republican votes, and later signed by Obama.
* Weeks later, Congress approved and Obama signed $410 billion of additional spending.

Add it all up, and Obama approved every penny spent in fiscal 2009 either via his votes in the Senate or his signature as President.

Would it make more sense for President Obama to accept responsibility for all the nations woes after one year on the job? I don’t understand why people take such umbrage to him placing any blame on Bush when A) it’s usually true, at least in the instances where Obama does in fact make this claim; and B) it’s a common political tactic, used by everyone including Bush himself, who blamed Clinton for everything under the sun (and after inheriting a much rosier situation, I might add). You’re not all just whining and exagerating because, well, you just hate the guy?

You actually have video clips of Pres. Bush in these ‘blame Clinton’ moments?

Because I’m thinking he had a grand chance to do so after 9/11/01, especially after the 8 years (as opposed to 8 months) of Clinton NOT taking terrorism and terror attacks therein seriously at all … and during that time the planning and prep of 9/11 was done. Quite the contrary, was the former Clinton admin. members running in front of TV cameras to say, “Hey, we told him they were going to attack … Yep! We did! What did he know? When did he know it?”

And then there was that whole 9/11 Commission thing where Sandy Berger (Clinton Admin op.) that stuffed his BVDs silly with highly classified terrorism documents he stole from the National Archives, destroyed them and lied to investigators …

I’m not even sure I actually ever heard Pres. Bush formally address that in front of TV cameras.

IF Bush is to be held to blame for 9/11 after only 8 months in office (after several months of the whole Fla. 200 bullsh*t) then I believe it’s more than fair to expect Obama would and should take full responsibility for the last year+ … especially when you factor in the democrat control of Congress preceding him by 2 years.

I mean, Pres. Bush even shrugged-off the whole vandalizing of WH/government computers by stealing all the “W”s.

Oh, and you got one thing right. We hate the O-guy. But not for the obvious ‘racist’ reasons you’ll probably come back with.

It’s not because he’s “black” … It’s because he’s ‘red’.

Yeah, he is.

So Obama, who just spent billions bailing out banks and Wall Street is ‘red’? Karl Marx might take issue with that. Of course I assume you’re just throwing a generic term around because it’s convenient and because you can’t actually articulate the real reasons you might dislike him (aside from the obvious one you defensively raised – not me). There are plenty of legitimate reasons a conservative might disagree with Obama, but calling him red is a silly way to express what I assume is a serious opinion.

If you’re truly curious about the US covert war against Al Queda before and during the Clinton years up through 9/11, I highly recommend “Ghost Wars” by Steve Coll.

Under Clinton, there was a pretty vigorous CIA program to kill Bin Laden, which unfortunately didn’t succeed. You might recall Clinton sent cruise missiles into Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998 attempting to kill senior Al Queda members. http://www.cnn.com/US/9808/20/us.strikes.02/. Please understand that at the time, pre-9/11, this was a very aggressive thing to do and it was met with wide-spread condemnation. There were other opportunities, some of them tragically thwarted by politics, which makes Ghost Wars a frustrating read in many ways. But to suggest Clinton didn’t take terrorism seriously is just flat-out wrong and not supported by any evidence.

Likewise, the Bush White House’s laissez-faire attitude on terrorism pre-9/11, the dire warnings the CIA delivered to Secretary Rice, and the outcome are all well documented and available to you if you can put down your tea-party sign long enough to research them with an open mind.

all the best.

“There are plenty of legitimate reasons a conservative might disagree with Obama, but calling him red is a silly way to express what I assume is a serious opinion.”

Really? Why don’t you just list those ‘reasons’ as YOU see them that we ‘conservatives’ might be against him, huh? Honestly, I am curious. Please do list those reasons you mention. You won’t because then you would have to actually put into words why he is bad for this republic.

Yeah, ‘red’ is a general term. General for wanting to expand the government control over the people through their private and personal lives, their businesses/work, finances, property, freedom, and even their health. So, yeah, ‘red’ is a general term. For the record I know several people who had left ‘red’ countries to come to the USA and are shouting about how this man and this Congress are taking us down that ‘red’ road.

Oh, and see, I KNEW you would have jumped on the race card, so I called you on it ahead of time and you still insist on twisting it around still trying to insinuate I’m a racist. That card has been worn so thin it’s the only damn thing that’s transparent about this guy.

‘Red’? I’ll use whatever word I damn well please. If it acts like a duck … He is a socialist/communist/Marxist along the lines of Chavez. He, and you, are just to big of cowards to actually come out and admit it and embrace it. Articulate it yourself.

You cite the bailouts? That’s funny. Obama’s mentor is Hugo Chavez. ‘I give you moneys … Now all your car companies … all your banks belong to me!” Yeah, and when banks tried to payback their bailout money they were refused. THIS after many were forced in the first place to take the blood money.

It’s also
a travesty that the Congress, who now owns 2 of the nation’s 3 top auto makers is right now sitting on TV and thrashing a competitor (Toyota). But I am certain you find no conflict of interest in that. Oh, and the fact that the UAW (deeply embedded in those 2 auto makers, and NOT in Toyota) have given 59 of the democrats on both hearing panels money for their campaign coffers … 31 running for re-election in November, as a matter of fact (BTW, none of the republicans on those 2 panels were given any money from the UAW). So, I’m sure you see no conflict of interest there either.

And don’t get me started on AG Holder’s DOJ lawyers who directly represented terrorist in Gitmo, one actually trying to get KSM’s case and guilty plea tossed out. No conflict of interest there, I’m sure.

All you blathered on about in your last couple paragraphs is BS and has been debunked as such. If Clinton took terrorism so seriously, why was Bush bashed for taking it even more seriously?

And, exactly what did Sandy Burger steal from the National Archives and destroy, huh? And during an investigation into 9/11 too … hmmm. Since you know so much, I am sure you have the answer to that. Pizza receipts?

Tom, what do you think a “red” does??? Tries to gain “state “(fed here) control of EVERYTHING! And you can say with a straight face Obama hasn’t been trying? The “bailouts” came with Gov strings attached…. This “healthcare” deal is nothing BUT Gov control….
As to his “blame bush” line…. The DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, and thus the nation AND policy for the last TWO YEARS of Bush’s Presidency… Obama was a member of Congress during all that time, and voted FOR every spending deal that went thru…. If BUSH is Guilty, then by link OBAMA is EQUALLY so
!!! No other line can be drawn here.. Sorry, The problem with Obama now is, he is SO absorbed with his LEGACY…. he can’t see the forest from the trees!!
He does NOT know HOW to be a “President” or how to lead…. being a “Dictator” (which is what his line so far has looked like) isn’t IT!! He’s still talking in Campaign mode and talking political “talking points”.. time go get beyond that.. yet he doesn’t seem able to! Man is failing miserably….. he ran a great “Ad Campaign”.. but that’s all he was.. a “showman”.. now that it’s time for SUBSTANCE…. we get none!!! AS to fiscal responsibility?? We’re doomed with HIM at the helm…

No one blamed Bush for anything in this video.

Obama (through his spokesperson) did blame CURRENT congressional REPUBLICANS for not participating in the legislative process to get things done for the country.

So it would seem you are just one of Republican Phil Gramm’s “Nation of Whiners”.

Next !


aDCBeast…. when you see that driving off a Cliff is a BAD idea and say no and hit the brakes… does THAT make you a “non-participant” because the other fools drove right on off the edge??? The left keeps Chanting “party of NO!”…… but if the action the others want to take is bad.. does that not make THEM “the party of STUPID”???
Case in Point.. GREECE!! The Euro Union, IMF etc, are all telling Greece, to, because of their HUGE debt brought on by SOCIALIZATION….. to PRIVATIZE!! Privatize retirements, Health care , etc etc etc…. the REVERSE of all the stuff Obama and the party of STUPID want to do here!!! The writing is on the wall, we have Countries ALL OVER that tried the Socialist path, and all have FAILED!! MISERABLY! Yet, these fools in the Democrat party here just merrily skip down the same path, insulting and belittling anyone who questions their suicidal STUPIDITY…… and you AGREE with them?? LOL!!
Cite ONE Country where the model they want to foist upon us works, and works BETTER than here! Not “distributes wealth, that is another issue, I’m talking QUALITY for QUALITY here. Name it.


the day you have a clue …. we will tell you

You broke out every nutjob conspiracy theorist’s talking point.

Earth to Hankster … Glen Beck is a moron entertainer who knows zip about the world around him.


So you are saying that you have a problem with placing blame where it belongs? LOL!

Not to mention that Obama has publicly taken responsibility for many things.

oops. you just had your little theory busted.

Can one of you conspiracy theorists point out where in the video Obama or his spokesperson blamed Bush for anything ?

Psssssttt …. You can just say “it isn’t in the video” and the original post is wrong.

peep this you Beckian conspiracy theorists

The American people still blame Bush for the bad economy and recession





You need to turn off idiots like Glenn Beck and take some responsibility in aiding Bush destroy America.

Gibbs is quite possibly one of the most polished and prolific liars, fabricators and propagandists that have ever held the position of Press Secretary. The source of “polarization” and divisiveness
has it’s point of origin in his inability to tell the truth regardless of whether it would serve the Administration better to be honest and forthright.

Why the Newsies buy into any of this collection of lies and half truths is a source of amazement for me. Real objective journalism appears to be an extinct skill as agenda driven nonsense is published
in cookie cutter fashion by the print and network media. It is no great mystery why the Current Regime does not favor the electronic media. the FCC has yet to rope, castrate and brand the internet.

Deployed folks in my status with an organic Intelligence capability that reaches beyond broadcast media from the US garner information from a variety of sources and locales. Folks get deployed where and when Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Agendas have fallen on their asses. War is just a forceful extension of politics, declared or not. Regardless of the message that is sent, the local perception is the observation of the actions, not promises from long winded politicians. The locals have their own politicians so they are generally not fooled by any other Nations politicians.

Security, prosperity, freedom and liberty depend on the integrity and credibility of the Government.
Not on the ability of the Messenger to give that impression despite the opposite realities that are perceived by the Governed.

OldTrooper …. You have already been proven wrong by Bush press secretary Scott McClellan.

McClellan said he lied about matters of national security to the American people for Bush.

“Security, prosperity, freedom and liberty depend on the integrity and credibility of the Government.”

Good thing Obama was elected because his administration is rebuilding the integrity and credibility that Bush threw in the garbage for 8 years.

aDCBeast, you have proved nothing but presented your personal opinion which is also lacking in credibility and integrity. If folks like you and the Pretender Obama are worried it is for good cause.

He is a one term wonder and you are a speculator.

aDCBEAST: hi,you can admit that you have some problem focussing on words;i could understand and sympathyse with that;my friend are very smart here and do’nt need your deviant info. 🙄 bye

PRESIDENT BUSH never blame anyone for his decisions;he had the courage to stand behind thoses,and no matter how anyone try , they will not succed to change that reality. 🙄

aDCBeast…. You make me laugh..TYPICAL liberal.. never answer a question straight,, and Insult, name call and demean when someone has “got your number”!!! I got yours… McClellan was spreading “sour grapes” because he became a has been, and wanted some notoriety for a book deal. It didn’t work, well not for anyone but “Bush Bashers” like you…. Hey! What do YOU think of the first year of Bush’s THIRD term??? LOL!!!

Let me guess, you are to dumb to know that as SENATOR, Obama voted for ALL the “Spending” Bush did, so, in effect, this IS his (Obama’s) “Economy”… no matter how hard he tries to make lib Kool-aiders like YOU think otherwise…. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”……
He just isn’t MAN ENOUGH to fess up to it…. again, typical lefty…. losers….

And Old Trooper, you’re right. There are no “reporters” anymore (well very few anyway) they all read a sheet torn off the printer sent down the AP wire service…. Take the town you are in, and at News time, quickly flip back and forth between the “competing” local news channels and see EACH give you the same stories almost VERBATIM! “Talking points”.. NOT “News”….. your MSM is an arm of the Political machine now…. and if you DON’T play along.. Character Assassination… welcome to the lib world of today!!
Hey Beasty, you gonna deny THIS too??

Oldtrooper …. Former Bush press spokesmen Scott McClellan does not speak my opinion

McClellan said he was asked to lie to the American people which is why he quit.

You got OWNED and you don’t even know it.

YOU are the one who posted your opinion TWICE.

ilovebeeswarzone ….

President Bush blamed Clinton for 9-11


Hankster ….. “McClellan was spreading “sour grapes””

That was supported by written documents


Hankster the delusional …. “so, in effect, this IS his (Obama’s) “Economy””

You keep trying to sell this koolaid

the American people STILL blame Bush for the current economy and recession.

That is not my opinion … It is fact gathered by any polling company lib or con

“The people”?? You mean “the sheeple”.. those stupid enough to not see thru the 6:00pm talking heads show on TV…. you crack me up!!

Did Obama (as a Senator) NOT vote WITH Bush on this (spending)?? YES or NO?

Did Democrats control Congress the last TWO YEARS of Bush’s administration? Yes or No??

Doesn’t CONGRESS control all spending and committees controlling the economy, etc? Yes or No?

Does this not mean that Obama and his party controlled the economy for the past 3 years and 4+/- months??? ( 40 months) Yes or No???

4 simple questions.. lets see if you are capable of 4 answers.. no bullshitting or normal lefty obfuscation… YES OR NO answers……Can he do it????

>>>>>Bonus Round!!!! …. but ONLY if you truthfully answer the 4 questions above!<<<<<

So, WHO's economy then is it?

“”That is not my opinion … It is fact gathered by any polling company lib or con””

There are still people who say the “holocaust” never happened too!!! Does that make THEM right??

Opinions are like excuses.. everyone has one, pal! The questions above are based on FACTS!
Can you handle the truth???

DON’T make me have to quote WALTER here now!! LOL!!!

So people still blame Bush for the financial collapse.
And from the mid 1930’s until the mid 1940’s a much higher percentage of people in Germany believed that Jews were the root of all their problems. Hell, today a vastly higher percentage of people in nearly every country in the Mideast except Israel hold that same opinion. You probably agree with them.

Point being, people’s beliefs are only as valid as the quality of the information they form their beliefs on. The media, and the Democrats (oh but I repeat myself) have successfully lied to the public for more than 8 years. But the truth is emerging. It is catching fire in Greece and spreading across Europe.

Good call Sir! Funny how the IMF and Euro Union are telling Greece, to FIX their economic mess, they must….. wait for it……. PRIVATIZE!! (Capitalism!) Get the Government OUT of all those social evils…. yet ANOTHER Socialist Utopia crumbles to the ground in failure…

and I’ll betcha ole DCBeasty thinks Obama’s Socialist plans are just WON-DER-FUL….. lalalala…. LOL!!!

Hankster … there is a problem with your Holocaust excuse

the MAJORITY of Americans still blame Bush for the bad economy and recession.

a MAJORITY over a long period of time.

No majority over any period of time believed the Holocaust was fake.


TSgt Ciz …. “Point being, people’s beliefs are only as valid as the quality of the information they form their beliefs on. ”

This is another RWW excuse.

The American people know times are tough without the media telling them.

Americans blame Bush and Republicans for the bad economy and the recession.


Hankster …..

Let’s look at some big examples of capitalism in America.

Slavery. Capitalism at it’s best.

S&L crisis of the 1980s. Billions in bailouts for the Bush family.

Wall street bank collapse that almost ruined the US banking system. More great examples of capitalism.

Greece’s economy failed because they got involved with capitalism of Wall Street. Derivatives killed Greece.


Curt …. No. I’m not hanging my hat on McClellan. He was just 1 example of Bush corruption

Curt … you also cited Bob Dole who would know what about the Bush admin ? since the only action Bob Dole has seen in DC was over 10 years ago.

PS ..

using RWW sources isn’t going to prove your case for anything

Hankster …

You lame attempt to deflect blame from Bush is seen by all.

Democrats controlling congress during the last two years of the Bush admin did NOT caused debt to rise.

The debt rose because Republicans had already committed the country to future debt.


Bush saddled the next president whether it was Obama or McCain with 8 trillion in deferred debt.

Uh Oh …. Glen Beck didn’t tell you that … Beck is a MORON

You didn’t answer the QUESTIONS posed!! Typical Liberal, when the ANSWERS prove a Liberal wrong, he WILL NOT ANSWER truthfully… he’ll change subject, or as your “GOD” Obama does… give a 15 minute answer that goes nowhere near the QUESTION!!
I’m Lame… Bush Bush Bush…. GlennBeck… Where Did HE come from?? Don’t see anyone mention him here?? You forgot Rush, Hannity, Oreilly, Ingraham, Lindsey Lohan, Darth Vader… the lucky charms Leprechaun…. ANYONE but the guy in Question!! You are a HOOT!!! LOL!!!
And not worth wasting time on.. too big a lack of brain cells….. Sorry. Go back to watching Sesame Street… your speed.

You know, Bush did things I didn’t like, he made some mistakes, sure. I’m not denying that! BUT, to take THAT as permission to triple or QUADRUPLE the “said mistake”, is ASININE!! That’s what being done. and you approve. You think “big Business” has done things wrong, you reign em in with rules and regs, as necessary… you DO NOT go Socialist Commie to fix it!! You like that system… there are flights leaving every 15 minutes for such hot spots… take one! BYE! I choose to SAVE what we can of the USA…… NOT KILL IT!

aDCBEAST:you should be ashamed to defame a president that was elected by the people and reelected again because he earn the AMERICANS trust,he had nothing to hide,what you saw was what it was, he had a good team also and when he spoke that was to all AMERICA,he also was very qualified as a president,and whoever tryed to hurt his reputation,are the lowest of the trash.


Bush may have added to the debt(a fact many of us conservatives bemoan), but he didn’t force the next president to spend even more wildly and at a much greater rate, did he? Obama has added almost as much to the debt that Bush did in a quarter of the time, with much more coming.

The Bush-did-it trolls are out in force. At some point the buck would have to stop somewhere, but with these people, it is their savior we’re talking about. Like muslims, democrats get infuriated at the thought of their savior being drawn in a bad light. Infuriated is the wrong word – violent is better. But hey, lets make a t.v. show with JC as the main figure, and it is good family fun.
Plus, preaching socialism on american soil isn’t a republican value, its a socialist value. This is telling coming from someone on the left. Please feel free to move to another country that is alive and well with your politic of choice. The only place it is alive and well here in the states, is in academia and the classroom. Socialism is stillborn in the real world.
Plus, great argument about slavery. If it wasn’t for republicans, we would still be living in it. Just ask a couple republicans if you doubt me: my friend Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King. They have my back. Oh wait, here comes the great role reversal: republicans were democrats and democrats were republican. Yeah, go for it Dc – you can do it!


Democrats controlling congress during the last two years of the Bush admin did NOT caused debt to rise.

Hello Beastie….a question for you:

How much money can a POTUS spend?

Interesting isn’t it…since somebody ELSE mention “slavery” and getting away from it…. it was the REPUBLICANS who FORCED the Civil Rights act thru, over the fighting and objections of the DEMOCRATS!! But, then how could it be the Democrats are the “party of the Poor/Blacks” today?? The Civil Rights Act went thru Circa 1964…. the SAME time LBJ THEN decided to launch “The great Society”.. where upon the GOV starting “giving away” to said poor/blacks etc.. Welfare, Food stamps,Medicaid etc etc…. if you cannot control them Via “Jim Crow” laws and intimidation…. you control them “Fiscally”…. and the Democrats have been doing it ever since. BUYING votes, with out Tax cash… how lovely. That’s yer boys there ADCBeasty…. STILL keeping em on the “Handout” Plantation… still in Control!! If these people had some DIGNITY about them, they’d be APPALLED!! Democrats STILL got you guys “enslaved”… to THEM! Sick isn’t it…. even Sicker they don’t see it!

HANKSTER58:hi, all your comments are very powerfull and your knowledge is so well express also; i thank you for it. 🙄 bye. you have the truth that gives hope to the readers for better future.

Heck, it’s just info, and it’s readily available, if people would just bother to look!! But the second part is, you got to understand, and reason. I find basic common sense a locking feature in so many today, it’s a scary future!!

basic common sense a “lacking”.. my bad typo!

Hey BEASTY … I want you to answer Aye’s QUESTION! You can duck my 4 above… just answer his ONE!!!! You get an easy out here, don’t want to strain your brain…. come on, you can do it!! just ONE straight answer!!!!

Aye Chihuahua …

Ahh .. another fool that thinks congress determines the spending the country does

Congress just passes the president’s spending requests. nothing more.

Curt …. 73% opposed the civil rights act and support slavery ….

just because the majority support an issue … does not mean they are not wrong