Yesterday I started a post with “Dude….seriously?” when I wrote about Obama being his narcissistic self. I could most definitely start this one with the same exclamation.
I mean come on, your seriously blaming Bush still? (h/t Gateway Pundit)
Faced with mounting national opposition to his party’s platform, the president reminded voters the real reason the trillion-dollar stimulus package still hasn’t reduced unemployment to 8 percent as promised: Bush did it, and it’ll take a lot of time to undo it.
“The country cannot return to the “dereliction of duty that helped deliver this recession,” Obama said. He added that the previous administration’s role in the economic meltdown was the “real outrage.”
Recall Jake Tapper asking the White House mouthpiece…isn’t it time for Obama to man-up and quite whining:
But he hasn’t, and he won’t.
It’s everyone else’s fault.

See author page
ilovebeeswarzone … Hankster is clueless
Hankster … I mentioned Beck because you are spouting the same nonsense that Beck does
Laim …. The only socialism nonsense is coming from the RIGHT as they WHINE after Americans voted to give democrats large majorities in both house of congress and the presidency.
Please make more excuses for The party of No.
@aDCBeast“only socialism nonsense is coming from the RIGHT as they WHINE after Americans voted to give democrats large majorities in both house of congress and the presidency.”:
@aDCBeast“just because the majority support an issue … does not mean they are not wrong”:
Gee, contradict yourself much?
Of course we would never expect a Liberal to be honest or to be consistent in their (ahem) logic, so we are not surprised by your idiotic self contradictions. And I’m sure you wont be surprised either, albeit for entirely different reasons.
As for your insanely ignorant comment about the party of “know”,,, only a complete imbecile like you would think that a victim should cooperate with a thief.
The Budget of the United States Government is the President’s proposal
((( note it’s a “proposal”)))
to the U.S. Congress which recommends
((( Note WHO RECOMMENDS???)))
funding levels for the next fiscal year, beginning October 1. Congressional decisions
((( Note WHO DECIDES???)))
are governed by rules and legislation regarding the federal budget process. Budget committees set spending limits for the House and Senate committees and for Appropriations subcommittees, which then approve individual appropriations bills to allocate funding to various federal programs.
After Congress approves an appropriations bill,
(((WHO Approves the Appropriation??)))
it is sent to the President, who may sign it into law, or may veto it.
((( The POTUS can ACCEPT it, or Not)))
A vetoed bill is sent back to Congress, which can pass it into law with a two-thirds majority in each chamber.
((( Thus it’s CONGRESS that has the FINAL SAY, NOT the Potus)))
(( NOT the POTUS)))
may also combine all or some appropriations bills into an omnibus reconciliation bill. In addition, the president may request and the Congress
(((NOT the POTUS)))
may pass supplemental appropriations bills or emergency supplemental appropriations bills.
Several government agencies provide budget data and analysis. These include the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Congressional Budget Office, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Treasury Department. These agencies have reported that the federal government is facing a series of important financing challenges. In the short-run, tax revenues have declined significantly due to a severe recession and expenditures have expanded dramatically for stimulus and bailout measures. In the long-run, expenditures related to entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are growing considerably faster than the economy overall, as the population matures.[1][2]
((( So, ADCBeasty…. CONGRESS has the FINAL SAY in spending, as it has all along. So, WHO is the Stupid Clueless Liberal Idiot here?? Look in the Mirror, I’ll send you a Bill later, for the EDUCATION lesson. Any time…. Dumbass…..)))
And same as always, in typical Liberal fashion, you STILL have NOT answered the Questions put to you above….. You are a TEXTBOOK lefty!!! Congrats, you are a Certified……
As to Sounding like Beck, maybe because he’s real close to the truth. And no, Don’t watch him right now, No Satellite TV here at the present….. Now, do you want me to tell you what YOU sound like???? LOL!!! 😆 😆 😆
Someone is not remembering Mitchell/Foley/Rostenkowski routinely declaring Bush 41’s budgets DOA and joked about shoving his budgets in a drawer as they wrote their own.
Another for instance, how about Bush 43’s final budget the dems held over, they added an across the board 8% increase and cluttered it up with all kinds of giveaways.
President Obama signed that one into law without fanfare unlike some of the other spending in the spree during the first months of his reign.
Democrats deceptively wanted the “American people” to have the perception that it was Bush 43’s spending when it was the democrats that owned that spending.
Your posts are sheer comedy. 🙄
MISSY: hi, it reenforce our beleif that the democrats are deceptived and morre and more AMERICANS are findings how dangerously far they can go in deceiving the whole nation:they are much in a hurry to give 50billions to another country and spend 20million on getting thousands of refugees from a known terrorist regime muslim to emigrated in AMERICA. 🙄 bye
@aDCBeast“just because the majority support an issue … does not mean they are not wrong”:
>>> Ok, then by your own admission…. It IS possible the so called (by your guys) “Party of NO” then is RIGHT, and the Party of SPEND is WRONG, Correct??? LOL…..
Keep talking, you’re running out of feet to shoot holes in!!!
Missy …. WRONG.
The Dems didn’t add anything to Bush’s final budget. Bush’s budget.
Keep making excuses for Republicans and Bush. Voters still blame Republicans and Bush.
Hankster …..
Republicans killed their incorrect slogan of “Party of Spending” for democrats with their massive spending.
Obama’s spending is proving CORRECT because the recession technically ended already and the economy has turned around.
PS ….. Glenn Beck is a MORON. PERIOD.
Hankster …
You live in a puritian FANTASY WORLD.
The President requests a budget. and 99% of the time gets exactly what he wants.
Congress doesn’t decide anything on the budget.
Glenn the Idiot Beck summed up—glenn-beck-s-nazi-tourette-s
TSgt Ciz …. Nope. and I didn’t contradict myself on this issue
Too bad your education is very good to see it.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!! You believe what you want. It’s obvious , the TRUTH isn’t something you want to hear. So stay in fantasy and, knock yourself out… you’re a textbook typical lefty. And as such, will NEVER see the facts, OR admit it when your wrong. At least that’s something I’m willing to do, some here have altered my thinking when a superior view was presented. Have some more Kool-Aid….
MISSY:hi, to continue on my previous comment: to move and live in theUS at AMERICANS tax payer EXPENSES. i have more but i’ll come back for it . 🙄 bye
I like GLENN BECK, he has said truths that are just beginning to come out for real. 🙄
Speaking of morons… ahem… Curt did not say the video showed Obama (or Gibbs) blaming Bush. Now I know you like your news in pictures, but for that aspect, you’d actually have to click on the linked story in the 2nd paragraphe and read. Had you done that, then Curt reminding you of Tapper trying to corner Gibbs and the O’admin into a cease fire on whining, would have made sense.
Suggest you post the statement text and/or video proving that one, bucko. Other that that, it’s hard to hear you when you’re shouting propaganda and libel from your posterior.
I see that, in additional to being deprived of adequate reading skills by your Ayer’s era public curriculum, you’ve also been denied basic civics. The Exec admin, with the aid of the OMB, submits what he wants (documented) for any proposed spending. There are only three requirements he provide:
The condition of the Treasury at the end of the last completed fiscal year. The estimated condition of the Treasury at the end of the current fiscal year. The estimated condition of the Treasury at the end of the next fiscal year if the budget proposals are carried out.
Congress is is no way obligated to pass that budget as is, without any change or addition it wants. A POTUS can either sign, or not sign. The Constitution designates power of the nation’s purse strings ONLY to Congress. History is filled with budgets delayed, held hostage… Clinton was royally PO’d with Congress not addressing the budget in 2000 after the election.
Nor are omnibus appropriations the sole source of Congressional spending and the nation’s debt. You may want to pinch yourself as a reminder that the ARRA, sundry housing programs that aren’t working, and O’healthcare are examples of the latest spending outside of the planned budget and increasing the debt. Pay’go is nothing but a slogan with that group… You might want to add unauthorized uses of the TARP I, and stealth TARP II. Since Congressional hold on both chambers since 2007, spending has skyrocketed. And unimaginably so this past year.
And those Clinton years everyone loves to cite? GOP held Congress. Albeit a far more disciplined group than we’ve seen the past years. But then, I’m an equal opportunity disdain person for all Congress members, regardless of that little letter behind their name.
To not see any correlation is either blind devotion to partisan propaganda, or sheer stupidity.
Mata, in all seriousness, I cast my Vote for aDCBeast’s commentary to be a rough mixture of both propaganda and stupidity in generous portions with a pinch or two of school yard punk ill manners for flavor.
WHEN THE BEAST started, he name BUSH and saw that it was his cue to bash BUSH all the time, anybody who read could tell of what he was doing,and they all fall in their trap, so they work to convince the readers and no matter how hard they try,it’s lost cause for them,as they all each show their stupidity taking other readers for fool: the POST MASTER could easily delete them, but let them show their robot brain.
“Voters still blame Republicans…”
Only the ignorant and uninformed, like…
BTW, the Repubs were tossed out because of spending, the democrats have proven themselves to be much worse and are obviously going to face the wrath this time around.
OLD TROOPER:hi, i was reading on .the board beside the comments; TROOPS in A-STAN patrolling with UNLOAD GUNs. IS THAT POSSIBLE?. bye 🙄
NO… We go out armed for bear. We do business with Full Issue here.
Ask Skookum for Bear recipes. Canada has bears as does Montana. I can send some for Deer but none for bear.
You communicate remarkably well in English and my Night Crew in Ops considers You to be far more sensible than more than a few FA posters. If you want US Citizenship I will sponsor that but can offer only you a place in Montana with some fine folks as neighbors.
Back to business here and take care Ms Bees.
OLD TROOPER:hi, I have to tell you that i can eat kind words from you and the groups with you,like one of a best meal i had in a long time,but i never taste bear none any parts of it, but i ate moose and geese and deer,some time ago; thoses where the good easy living,when the flyes would clean the dishes and the ants would clean the floor and carpets and the mouse would take a bite on the favorite table clothe,specialy the one i had just finish to crochet. the last 2 days are so warm,and sunny,i appreciated it because it was so cold before,enouph of me, it’s 9pm here now i appreciate all of your comment. bye 🙄
OLD TROOPER:i was just trying to be funny, 🙄 bye
Bush committed the next president to spend 8 trillion no matter who was president
@Aye Chihuahua:
Presidents spend all the money. Congress only appropriates it. Learn the difference.
hi, your from 2010, I come back with the same aDCBeast,
and in today APRIL 19, IN 2012, YOU WHERE RIGHT TO THE BUTTON,