A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Hilarious, and comprehensive… I wonder if Dear Leader can stand reading stuff like this… the cartoonists are really starting to twist the knife now, LOL
And another dozen good ones at the Reaganite Republican…
American Power tracked-back with, ‘A New American Tea Party’.
The only cartoons I had a slight issue with were with respect to corporations regaining their right to free speech in elections and the claim that more people and companies speaking is a bad thing (that corporations will drown out regular people). This is classic marxist dogma and is not true. The corporations were almost all lined up for Obamacare, yet the people relatively unorganized inflicted life threatening wounds in it. The corporations were almost all lined up for shamnesty a couple of years ago and again the ordinary people came out and it died. As long as politicians want to get elected the views of the American people will always have a strong influence on most of their actions.
I also don’t agree with some of the cartoons I post up, sometimes. On the recent SCotUS decision, I lean in your direction and believe that all this really does is make campaign donations more transparent.
I’ve sometimes felt like posting a section in here of cartoons that appeal to liberals. Not simply to attract more moonbats to FA (no matter how much Mike’s America may beg for it to happen), but because I find them some of them so ridiculous and offensive as to be funny in a non-intentional way. Others, I sometimes would like to post (and on some occasions have done) simply because they are funny and so well-done, even if I reject the point. (Clay Bennett is a liberal cartoonist whose work I consistently post up here, when I think they are well-done or find alignment with the right).
Then there are others that are debatable within conservative circles, drawn by conservative cartoonists, that might find offense/disagreement amongst FA readers (such as cartoons ridiculing Sarah Palin). I’m not sure if it should be up to me (in a detached sense) to “censor” those from FA’s Sunday Funnies. I think it’s ok to laugh at our side on occasion and see humor where it lies.
I posted the daily cartoon thread at Free Republic for ~4 years (~13,000 cartoons/pics per year). I had never intentionally posted any that were anti-Republican/conservative…until April Fools Day 2008. Without telling a soul, I posted ~75 of the vilest lib toons that I’d been saving for a year. One reason I did it was to show viewers what I have to sift through on a daily basis; another reason was that it was…April Fools Day. IAC, probably about half the viewers HATED it…so I decided never to do it again…
Ha…I’m surprised to find your cyber-self still alive!
I forgot to mention that they eventually pulled the thread & in the 2 weeks that followed put a different standard on my posts. I stopped doing the threads there shortly thereafter (& now do them at 5 other sites). Had pretty much always had an adversarial relationship with the mods there as well as with Jim Robinson…