Osama bin Laden and al-Gore join forces “to liberate humanity from slavery and dependence on America”

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Islamic terrorist leader joins forces with eco-terrorists and the green movement:

Global warming fanatics have an unwelcome new ally: Osama bin Laden. Unlike enviro-leftists, the terror master recognizes that the green agenda can cripple the U.S. economy.

In the Obama worldview, fighting climate change will “finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy in America.” In the Osama worldview, it will “bring the wheels of the American economy” to a halt.

The president spoke those words to Congress last week during his State of the Union message; the head of al-Qaida was delivering his latest rant for broadcast to his followers.

The president and the Democrats running Congress fail to see the dangers that environmentalist extremism poses to the U.S. But bin Laden has concluded it is a powerful weapon that can destroy us.

The Saudi-born patriarch of Islamist terrorism, from whatever cave he currently calls home, devoted his entire latest audiotape message to global warming. “Talk about climate change is not an ideological luxury but a reality,” bin Laden declared. “All of the industrialized countries, especially the big ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis.”

Bin Laden even bashed ex-President George W. Bush for opposing the Kyoto Protocol at the behest of big business; he must have gotten hold of the Democratic National Committee’s talking points.

How do we prevent the promised worldwide calamity of temperatures going up and up? “Drastic solutions” are in order according to the reclusive al-Qaida chief, as opposed to “solutions that partially reduce the effect of climate change.”

The world must “stop consuming American products,” he advised, and “we should stop dealings with the dollar and get rid of it as soon as possible.”

That will have “grave ramifications,” bin Laden admitted, “but it is the only means to liberate humanity from slavery and dependence on America.” Doing so would have the added bonus of hurting U.S. operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, he added.

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Thanks for posting this one…it slipped by me.

Interesting to note that Osama’s view corresponds closely with Obama’s also.

I often do get Osama and Obama confused… Now I know why.

The next bin Laden audio clip will be released on a Democrat Underground thread.

@Wordsmith: Not really old news since the topic is one that continues to pop up with such regularity.

Too bad neither Obama nor Osama get Fox News in their respective hidey holes. If they did, they’d be aware of the mounting evidence of fraud in this whole globaloney hoax.

The latest chapter in that story came today:


UN climate change panel based claims on student dissertation and magazine article

The United Nations’ expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world’s mountain tops on a student’s dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine.

Next, the UN will be citing postings at Democrats Underground as “scientific proof” that global warming is real.

Interesting also to note that Israel has been signing treaties to stop climate change for years http://www.sviva.gov.il/Enviroment/Static/Binaries/ModulKvatzim/31_19-20_1.pdfhttp://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Israel%20beyond%20politics/Meeting_challenges_climate_change-Dec_2009.htm
Of course a soft target like Gore is a lot easier to attack than Israel.
What COUNTIES deny climate change well looks like the Saudis are the leading one, the same country that furnished almost all of the 9/11 attackers
Shame that your hatred of Gore has driven you into the arms of the Saudis

Another John Ryan drive by… ya know, we have an unofficial lease/poop rule in here FA. If you’re going to leave your turd droppings, you’re supposed to clean ’em up.

News bulletin, John Ryan. We have always been “in the arms of the Saudis” since they are the #1 supplier of foreign crude for the US. Tis a shame you and your ilk *keep* us in the arms of the Saudis by your NIMBY refusal to develop our domestic oil, gas, shale and coal.

You’ll have to find a more base mentality to lecture to than the FA readers. I suggest the local DNC party meeting.

0bama has Osama so bored he has to keep himself occupied with “Climate Change” ?

OBL doesn’t give a flying suicide bomber belt about climate change. His quest with 911, and still today, is to destroy the US economy (and therefore it’s dominance). Thus the reason for assaulting the twin towers, the heart of the finance district in NYC… the financial capital of the US. Simultaneously, he attacked the Pentagon and either WH or Capitol with the thwarted Flight 92.

Simply translated, it was an assault to chop off the nation at the knees economically, and chop off the response heads of both military and executive or legislative homes. It was, and remains, an act of war. Not a “symbol” terrorist attack.

Unless the rest of the climate change sheeple, OBL is educated in economics. He knows quite well the result of proposed IPCC regulations would “equalize” the world… lowering the economic and standards of the west while spreading the money to the 3rd world countries to raise their standards.

This is simply an additional path to the destruction of the west, and nothing more. It’s a wonder it took him so long to climb on this band wagon. Because in this “war” against the west, he has much of the world leadership’s support.

Osama understands that the radical left has as much contempt for the United States as he!

I have always said that these global warming fanatics were global terrorist just like the Muslin terrorist, their only desire is to destroy everybody and everything that does not believe their every word. They will lie, cheat, steal, and no doubt kill to achieve their goal.

Yo, johnny ryan! the NODC just updated it’s data and now they are showing a DECLINE in ocean temps since 2007. I thought things were supposed to get hotter?

To all you people who think human caused climate change is a hoax, a lie, a misrepresentation of the facts, or whatever:
Do you believe that pumping pollutants into the environment at the levels we are currently experiencing is a good thing? That there is no net effect? Or do you feel that cutting back might not be a bad idea?
How do you feel about the fact that the vast majority of climate scientists agree that human caused climate change is a fact of life? Do you feel more qualified than they to say what is really going on in the world?

@cooter99: In case you didn’t know, CO2 is NOT a pollutant. Without it life on Earth as we know it would end along with humanity.

I worked for the Environmental Protection Agency for years and can tell you with absolute certainty that we have been doing a very good job in controlling air pollution.

And perhaps you are not aware that more and more climate scientists are coming forward every few weeks to express opinions contrary to the alarmist global warming view pushed by Al Gore, the UN’s IPCC and the climate groups currently at the center of the email scandal.

You seem to suggest there wouldn’t be any harm in cutting back CO2 emissions just to be on the safe side. Do you realize that doing so would cost tens of $TRILLIONS which might otherwise be better spent working on real human problems like world hunger, Haiti disaster relief, literacy, disease, poverty, education…..

Or don’t you care about those problems?

Mike’sA, apparently cooter99 is a member of the EPA, who is on record stating that exhaling (i.e. CO2) is a “pollutant”. Also, he/she is rather insulting when he/she assumes that because we don’t want to embark on UN and/or US cap/trade money schemes that are economic destroyers, we prefer dirty air. Naturally, no one wants to live in perpetual smog. And, as you say, even the most big city offenders, like LA, have improved air quality immensely.

However air quality has zip, nada, nothing to do with cap/trade economics, and/or global warming which is, of late, actually global cooling.

But hey, it’s all “climate change”, right? LOL

Yo… cooter… you have a mole on your arm that someone, somewhere, believes may be cancerous now, or in the future. Shall we cut your arm off now? Cap and trade is just that drastic.

JR, I’ll give you a 3 on the Troll Meter for that post, but only because it was more original than what Cooter posted.
Cooter, the posting of moonbat talking points (AKA lies) is soooo passe’. You will never get near the vaunted 10 on the troll meter with such uninspired regurgitation. You get a Zero…like your hero.

Here’s some info for the moonbats to chew on.

Super Awesome Climate Scientists Caught Using Non-Scientific Reports. Again

Oh, My: Another Key Global Warming Study Appears Faked

Yup, it’s settled allright. Not the way you leftists think tho.

Mike’s America: Without water life wouldn’t exist either. That doesn’t change the fact that if you drink too much of it you die. I’m obviously not saying that carbon dioxide itself is bad, I’m saying that too much of it is bad. To say that we’ve done a very good job of controlling air pollution is reaching a bit. Certainly steps have been taken, but much more can still be done. Of course we have to work on other problems as well. Many of the problems you mentioned would be ameliorated if we improved air quality. No matter what it costs, the problem isn’t going to fix itself. It’s going to get worse so we might as well start dealing with it now.

MataHarley: Didn’t mean to be insulting. Neither did I mention “cap/trade money schemes”. I wouldn’t assume anything about your air preferences either, without knowing more about you. While it’s true that many cities have improved their air and water quality, this has to be looked at as a global issue. Even if L.A. improves their environmental quality, it doesn’t change the fact that China is building a new coal fired power plant every week. I would also argue that many of these aren’t the cleanest variety of power plant. Air quality has very much to do with the climate and how it changes because air, or the atmosphere, is the single largest factor determining what the climate is. What is in the atmosphere most definitely affects what the weather will be. Because of the continuous interaction between the atmosphere and the oceans and land, air quality also affects practically every other aspect of our existence on earth. If I did indeed have a mole that seemed suspicious I would have it examined by someone familiar with moles. I would then rely on that persons professional opinion (and probably get a second and maybe third opinion) and pursue the course of action that they suggested. I would not take an extreme measure without first exploring other possibilities. I would not ignore the problem and hope it went away either.

Hard Right: Ooohhh!!! A 10 on the Troll Meter! Golly! It’s what I’ve always dreamed of! Now that I know I’ll never get one I just don’t know what to do. I’m sooo sad. Boo hoo! Guess I’ll just crawl back in my Troll Hole and be quiet.

Hard Right: Maybe you could link to the actual articles addressing the topic instead of some conservative blogger’s cherry picking dissection of them. Would be more informative and honest. Be easier and quicker for me too.

@cooter99: The air is cleaner today than it was 30 years ago.

Apparently, you won’t take the word of a former EPA employee, so here is the agencies web site:


Again, I repeat that C02 is NOT a pollutant.

And I notice that you totally ignored the choices we have to make regarding whether to address a non existent problem or the very real problems of war, poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease we see all around us.

You mention cherry picking above. It’s pretty clear to me you have picked enough to bake an entire pie!

Bon appetit!

Mike’s America, You’re killing me!

Just after an MRE lunch and I have about 16 folks looking over my shoulder drooling over that pie!
14:56 hrs here in the land that God Forgot and You send virtual pie? With ice cream no less!

My God Man have You no decency?

cooter99, unless you are on your own hydro or nuke plant to send your drivel, you are just another
hypocritical clown. Electricity from your source of power is most likely coal fueled so pack it up Bud.

My laptop at the moment is running off a diesel fueled generator.

Pie, yeah I’d like a table for 78 and just that pie with ice cream and we are heavy tippers on a busy schedule so forget the menu. Just the pie please and have cooter99 bring the coffee but no pleasant chatter on global warming. It is 48F here and tell him to wear a jacket.

Al Gore can bus the tables and do the dishes.

it is so easy to show that ym ym pie my favored any one eating their laptop would not taste it ,ew have minus 20 that is minus 0 far..the wheather man said it is normal for this time bye

@Old Trooper: Sorry. I guess that mouthwatering pie photo would invite unflattering comparisons with an MRE.

Here’s another “pie” to make your mouth water:

Just for the record, I haven’t had a good deep dish pizza like that in many years. South Carolina just isn’t known for pizza. Pecans yes, pizza no.

@ilovebeeswarzone: It’s -20 degrees where you are? Are you at the North Pole? It’s 46F here on Hilton Head Island this Wednesday morning.

Mike i never like when the goverment put CELCIUSmeasures on us it is -20 Celcius and equivqlent of -o farheneit i am still trying to get a bit on your pizza from the laptop,South Carolina pecan pie?oh no i love thoses too bye

@ilovebeeswarzone: Pecan Pie? Hmmm… love those too. I have a pecan grove in my neighborhood and gather many pounds of nuts every year. But getting someone to shell them is a pain and I hate doing it.

But here’s a slice of pie just for you:

thank you Mike i will eat it with my eyes until she disappear now it is on my next shopping list with your pizza and your rasberry pie you know i wanted to add after my last comment to you that the govrnment had change the measure we had with celcius and kilo ect to accomodate the news immigrand and refugys that where coming quite a lot and in just a few years it change the patern of this country it is just to say that goverment dont take interest in the country thoses who are here as much as the one that are arriving they are looking for more votes we must be on watch in our side of the planet i always thought that we have to care for our owns before the others forein countrys, bye

how time flye