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Right On, Right On, Right On

I don’t know why Rush would want to take on the father role for Obama. Obama is so far to the left that nothing in the world could change him. Obama is a compulsive liar and an egotist , I wonder if his real father seen that in him when he was born and fled the coop.

Rush’s knife cuts down to the bone.

When is Russ going to get off his drugs?

Did he over-prescribe today to reach such a delusional state?

loooooooooooool. from one point of view its pretty funny joke…from another- its true-obama is not ready to lead, he is blainded with his power and he acts like a boy…

One man with no teleprompter vs 140 hostile shills of corporate America. The repubs whine that they were outnumbered. The TV cameras captured it live for the whole world to watch until Fox bailed with 20 minutes left when it was obvious that Obama was ahead on points. Fox didn’t stick around for the KO as the “liberal media” did.