The Cato Institute analysis of the Obama State of the Union speech:
The only part of this response I disagree with is at the very end when Malou Innocent says troops should be withdrawn from Afghanistan and that the war can not be won.
Marc Thiessen tackles Obama’s whining about Republicans on the issue of terrorism:
Worse, the president’s brief discussion of terrorism focused not on what he was doing to defend the country but was, rather, a vigorous defense of himself. His first words on the subject were a chastisement of those who would dare criticize his handling of terrorism, declaring that “all of us love this country” and warning his Republican critics to “put aside the schoolyard taunts about who is tough.” It’s all about him. No acknowledgement of how close we came to disaster or praise for the brave passengers who subdued the terrorist. No, only this message for his critics: If you question the wisdom of telling a captured terrorist “you have the right to remain silent,” you are really questioning the president’s patriotism and engaging in childish taunts.
The fact is, the American people have real concerns about Obama’s approach to terrorism. They do question the wisdom of eliminating CIA interrogations, closing Guantanamo Bay, bringing the terrorists held there to this country, putting Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and his cohorts on trial in civilian courts, and giving captured terrorists Miranda rights after 50 minutes of questioning. Instead of acknowledging these concerns, Obama dismissed them. It was strange, defensive, arrogant — and un-presidential.

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He never has had any credentials to be president, and 50 SOTU speeches aren’t going to get him any.
I also liked this part of his speech:
“That means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. It mean making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development”
Uhhhhh, yeah, riiight – I will believe this when I see it. I agree we should do this, but I think he is flat out lying about it based upon what he has shown us so far – and what his cronies have shown us.
Also – why does he believe that someone choosing public service as a career is more valuable and should be forgiven school debt versus someone who chooses to be an entrepreneur or industrialist who might actually create jobs or products for others and increase our GDP? The public service aspect is great for essential services like police, fire and military – but otherwise, I don’t see why the value would be higher for someone who will be taking taxpayer money TWICE (their job and their loan forgiveness).
I couldn’t help but notice Obama just “had” to throw a bone (no pun intended) to the gays in the radical left of his party. ” Don’t ask, don’t tell” is no longer enough for them. They want to tell and tell and tell and tell———————————————————————
What CATO says is right. His SOTU was full of “smoke and mirrors”, but not just on accounting. He mentions all the “wonderful” things he has in vision for the future of this country, but he’s mum on the reality of achieving each of those goals and on what pursuing any of those paths would mean for the average American. IMHO, he’s maintaining his consistency of being an empty suit.
It’s elementary school math.
It’s another payoff to the lefties who voted for him.
It also helps aid the creation of more lefty parasites which will undermine the country from the inside. They would also likely be union members who would send lots of money to the Dems.
If Obama is ok with felony’s to get their guns right’s back,then I got scam at the one horse town,Russellville Alabama,over a dominate dispute where she beat me up,and she ever told them in court that I never touched her the hold 9 years we were married,still the DA stuck me with 2 years probation,I did that,over 11 years ago,I put in for a pardon and got it,should be here Monday approve.,and what I’ve been reading I still my not get my gun rights back,am 63 lived alone same place for the last 8 years,all most broke in on twice. I even voted for you Mr Obama.predation of your help for incident people like us,thank Mr President.