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Britt Hume rules.

Case closed.

It is great to be able to know that Brit Hume will offer a rational, informed, intelligent view of the political scene in an understandable manner in contrast to the hysteria we get from the other “news” sources. I don’t think Brit ever commented on tingles up his leg.

ZERO is not making much headway applying what he learned in the Indonesian junta to America. Proves why the Constitution requires a natural born citizen, not some whacked out Marxist.

And now the good news — Today in my state, the conservative for Senate, our former speaker of our house, Marco Rubio is now leading RINO and Obama stimulus boot lick Crist. Rubio also beats the leading Dem candidates. If you got some spare change, Rubio is the best place to put it … The future

And ZERO is now way under water and headed for the bottom.

Apparently the retirees didn’t like the notion of a half trillion in Medicrae cuts. I guess they thought you got me here, you have to pay … Bush wanted to reduce contributions at an early age and not just do the eugenics thing on the old folks.

Between this and his analysis of Scott Brown’s win, is it any wonder people go to Fox for sane opinions? Love, love, love Brit Hume!

P.S. Carville? Almost half the American public says they would rather have Bush back than keep Obama. Blaming Bush ain’t gonna help.

@bill-tb: Thanks for that Rubio update.

Here’s the link to Rubio vs. Crist polls:

The tide is certainly turning!

Here’s Rubio’s contributions page:

I encourage everyone who can help with a donation to do so.

Remember too, Brit Hume and the rest are in Washington DC and in Brits’ case, been there a long time. I think, to a large extent, the amount of on-the-ground opposition to this administration out in bitter-clinger country is unrealized by anyone living in DC. They are too close to the machine to pick up on the tea party movement and/or abject and absolute rejection of our dear leader and the leftard-dem congress. Go Rubio!

Thanks for the links Mike, I’ll have to pop over and provide some stimulus.

@yippie21: You’re welcome for the link to contribute to Marco Rubio.

Even if we are not Florida voters, we can still vote with our wallets and ANY contribution to Rubio will be appreciated.

obama still doesn’t get it. we need to impeach his a$$

From Brit’s lips to G-d’s ears. Takes a modicum of intelligence, which is in short supply in Washington!