Recall these words from Obama in the first weeks of his administration:
He didn’t put the health care bill on CSPAN, and now his AG is refusing to release documents regarding the decision to drop the complaint against the Black Panthers: (h/t Hollywood Gumshoe)
The Justice Department, citing privilege claims, has refused to release e-mails and other documents sought under an open records request by The Washington Times to explain its decision last year to dismiss a civil complaint accusing the New Black Panther Party of intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place.
In a letter, the department said that while 69 documents totaling 135 pages were responsive to the Freedom of Information Act request for information on how and why the decision to dismiss the complaint was made, they were being withheld because of “deliberative process” and “attorney work-product” privilege exemptions.
“For your information, the withheld material includes e-mails between officials in the Civil Rights Division and the Office of the Associate Attorney General regarding the litigation strategy, drafts of court filings and briefing materials related to the subject of your request,” said Carmen L. Mallon, chief of staff in the department’s office of information policy.

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Obama’s apparently not the true blue Democrat he claims to be. His administration is daily taking on a more Nixonian flavor with all the cover-ups and secret meetings. Tricky Dick would have been proud of him.
Why anybody would believe anything this Marxist says is beyond me. Communism doesn’t look very good in the daylight, that is why everything this administration does is in the dark. Lying, cheating and destroying the freedom and liberty of the American people are the aims of this group of worthless politicians. Our aim is to get rid of these clowns quickly before they do anymore damage to this country.
It is more of the arrogance that so well defines this administration. People are sick of it.
davey, who says that dims are not tricky and not into coverups to say that is repub leaves me saying wth! the dims have done nothing to help the people for a long time now. witness their sitting on their backsides and rolling over when the repubs were on their spending spree. naw, that won’t fly.