Well, he didn’t say those exact words but that’s what you walk away with when you watch the whole 10 minute clip of Stewart laying into the Olbernutbag. Of course Jon had to throw some Rush Limbaugh red-meat to his audience but the rest of this clip was out-friggin-standing: (h/t Taqiyyotomist)
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Special Comment – Keith Olbermann’s Name-Calling | ||||
If that video doesn’t work try the one below:

See author page
Why is the video no longer available? Did Jon get his producers in a jam with Ubermann’s?
Sorry guys, fixed it. Must of been pulled from the original source
I went to several sources, finally got it at Hulu, and was just going to post the link.
Glad to see you were able to fix it.
I actually just downloaded the video and put it up on my server so it will never get pulled.
Watched it twice. Really funny, the Progressive Socialists are becoming their own parody, right before our eyes. That was the best comedy routine since Johnathan Winters. Thanks Curt!
Ah, Jon Stewart definitely has his moments. He really shoved it up Keith OlberDouchebag with this one. This was hilarious, Curt.
*OlberDouchebag’s ass, sorry. Left out that one part.
I remember Olberman’s dustup with Ann Coulter. He is looking down his pompous nose at folks because of his clearly superior education and inteligence. As it turns out though, the College he went to was not the Ivy League school that shares the name with his podunk school. So while he ridicules others for only attending public universities, he didn’t actually matriculate at an Ivy League school. Just to be clear, I am an Ohio State grad, and I respect any degree from any college. Keith Olberman is one of the noisiest useless people in this world.
Olbersturmfuhrer is a pinko, Obama lovin’ smashed up bag of Joe Stalin. With fries.