Obama’s Enemies [Reader Post]

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If you are not an Obama sycophant (fawning flatterer: a servile or obsequious person who flatters somebody powerful for personal gain) you are an enemy of Obama and the state: not the United States that we once knew, the Obamanation.

We once had presidents who rightfully considered the protection of the United States and our citizens their primary objective. Now we have, thanks to White Guilt and the Democrat’s skillful manipulation of the White Man’s Burden syndrome, a Marxist whose only qualification for leading the nation is his the evisceration of the Annenberg Challenge Foundation.

Unable to interrupt his golf holiday to respond to a complete failure and breakdown by his administration to stop a terrorist who had an infinite number of red flags attending his attempt to kill 300 Americans, Obama has now become petulant after trying to dismiss the near disaster. Pressed for a response, our Commander in Chief tells us with his cool demeanor that has lost most of its mesmerizing charm “The American people should remain vigilant, but also confidant.”

Yes Mr. President Obama, I will personally guarantee you that the American people will remain vigilant, because it is obvious that you and your appointees are inept and incompetent. While you fret over perceived prejudices and loss of diversity a Muslim Terrorist or homicidal maniac at Fort Hood gunned down and killed 13 American soldiers, after he had exhibited questionable behavior on several occasions. More recently The State Department under Hillary Clinton, Homeland security under Janet Napolitano, and the CIA under Leon Panetta failed to coordinate to intercept another Muslim Terrorist, who was under direction by former Guantanamo Detainees tried unsuccessfully to blow up an airliner over Detroit and kill 300 people on Christmas Day. Despite the fact that you used political appointments to fill the head position of all three agencies, appointments that now seem woefully lacking and incompetent, you could not find the time to interrupt your golf game to investigate and see just how far reaching and systemic the breakdown of your political appointments extends.

This is not Chicago, political appointments of incompetents is much more serious than worrying over the unionization of trash collectors: appointments have consequences and yours have failed miserably. Your pathetic and incompetent Muslim Terrorist managed to board an airliner with no passport, buy a one way ticket with cash, and without luggage. His father who is a Nigerian national official met with our embassy staff on two occasions and told our embassy officials that his son was a potential terrorist and still your officials are too busy patting down babies and grandmothers to actually do their job of protecting the American citizenry. You have failed President Obama, appointing incompetents sycophants into high political office without repercussions only works in authoritarian Marxist type governments. Ultimately it is your responsibility for appointing these incompetents.

You ask Americans to be confident, we are not feeling confidence, we are left with fear, fear of your arrogance and incompetence. You create fear by being ready to offer amnesty to illegal aliens to buy votes, you create fear with your ambiguous plans for the redistribution of our national wealth, you create fear with your treaties that compromise our national sovereignty, you create fear with your radical and pervert choices for czars, you create fear by directing the EPA to declare Carbon Dioxide a pollutant a fact that is based on junk science, you create fear by strangling our economy with energy policies that will crush our economy, you create fear by bowing to demagogues and dictators, you create fear with your determination to reduce the United States to Third World Poverty levels, you create fear with economic policies that are headed for hyper-inflation, you create fear with your corrupt political machine that includes Acorn and the SEIU, you create fear that we have seen the last of honest elections without voter fraud on behalf of the Democrat party, you create fear because of enforcing racial injustices that may ignite racial hatred, you have created fear for the loss of the greatest medical system in the world for a system that only provides quality care for elites and union personnel and Third World type health care for the rest of us, fear that you are dithering while an insane Muslim Theocracy is coming closer with each passing day to becoming a nuclear power, and fear that you, our President is working against the national interests of America and its people.

Like Narcissistic leaders throughout history, you probably thrive on creating these fears, but you must realize by now, we the non-sycophants don’t fear you: no we fear your incompetence and what you are capable of, while our enemies are only empowered and emboldened by your incompetence.

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We used to have Presidents that BELIEVED in the oath of office ” to protect and defend ” the CONSTITUTION- Not to try to destroy it

Ouch….that stings!!!

But, the truth hurts, doesn’t it.

Lew, excellent and salient point, thanks.

Great job!! This is exactly how I and many others feel!

Skookum What a profound and poignant post!! Keep them coming and post them across the internet. Submit them to Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Savage, Levin and a hundred other talk radio hosts.
The Truth Shall Set Us Free.


I went back and read it aloud, just so it could properly echo off the walls, like it was meant to.

Psalms 109:8 “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.”

Can I get an AMEN?

@twolaneflash: How about an AMEN, a HALLELUJAH, and a PRAISE THE LORD?!!!

A breath of fresh air!

Every once it a while it is good to get a reminder as to why I am so happy the voters of America refused to let John McCain and Susie Sunshine from Wasilla anywhere near the decision making throne. But Skookum, I swear, your post has made my day. Because REAL Americans — those who believe in elections and who are optimistic about our future, Muslim pantybombers be damned — we need to be reminded every once in a while of what this country would be like if wackjobs like you were calling the shots.

So thanks, Man! I love you, Bro! Keep up the communiques!

Hey Skokum, here is a hint:

You posted this yesterday, right? In the near 24 hours since you put it up, did you notice the lack of comment from any of the “very smart people” who run this place (like Mike and MataHarley) rah-rahing your post?

That’s because it is a fcuking embarrassment to them, dude! Your screed belongs on freerepublic.com or stormfront.org, not on a blog that pretends to be a “thinking man’s” receptacle of commentary.

Let us think, then, you and me.
What qualifications shoud the head of the CIA have? Perhaps some intelligence experience? Perhaps the knowledge and skill developed in interpreting the data collected by our services?
What qualifications should the head of Homeland Security have? Perhaps some prior experience operating a security system? Directing security for a State? Directing security for a major airport?
What qualifications should the Secretary of State have? Perhaps some foreign policy experience, perhaps gained as an FSO?
If it pains you, O thinking person, to read stimulating and thought-provoking opinions, then you could avoid pain by avoiding this website.
Clinton, Napolitano, and Panetta have failed. The panty bomber succeeded.
One can either recognize that we are a nation at risk, or one can cover one’s ears and shout “I can’t hear you NA NA NA”.
A thinking person, using his or her ability to reason, would either rebut the charges made by Skookum or remain silent. Ad hominem attacks, not accompanied by documented reasoning, are unlikely to change any minds.
If President Obama has acted in any way which will make the people of the United States less fearful, I would like to read the list of such actions. Please provide the action, the date, and the audience.
I found Skookum’s list of fear-inducing actions to be quite persuasive.
By the way, President Obama is now sponsoring some education gimmick. Wow.
And he admits that his team screwed up. That really boosts my confidence. Yes, sir.
I better contact one of those language learning places and start learning Arabic.


Ya got some spit on your shirt.

R Boob

Another Soros funded bot mouthing Media matters and DNC talking points has arrived at Flopping Aces. R boob needs to get out of his parents basement more often and get a job at Mc Donalds repeating your orders please. It would certainly pay better than the $50 a day he gets from Soros for trolling conservative websites between his visits to adult websites and messing on his monitor screen. Oh R boob did you watch the Massachusetts election returns last night. The Soros Obama talkers went down to defeat. R boob you and the democreeps are both beating a drum that is neither rewarding nor resonating with the public.

B-bub, sorry to be so late in responding to your manure slinging rant: I have a business to run and it often requires my hands on expertise. Mathman replied to your post in an elegant manner that I could only hope to emulate: I notice you didn’t respond to his valid and succinct points, but resorted to a vindictive tirade of anger to voice your opposition, opposition to the truth.

Last night has proven that the American Public has grown tired of emotional platitudes that are devoid of substance: for the Democrats to have lost in Mass is a profound rejection of Obama and his vacuous logic, a logic that you seem to believe will carry you through to some vague and dubious victory here at FA.

You, like your leader Obama, need to reevaluate your priorities; the two of you have failed, failed miserably, your ideas have failed and you have underestimated the intelligence and resolve of Americans to resist the Quasi-Marxism that is Obama. Throw manure until you dislocate your shoulders, your unsupported positions and accusations, only identify you as a fool who continues to make an ass of yourself. Don’t despair B-bub, America is changing rapidly, you can make changes and be apart of the New America that will reflect the Old America of the Constitution, not the Constitutional changes of Obama’s Socialism.

I need to go back to work, but I’ll return to see if you are determined to ride the sinking ship to the bottom or whether you are considering changing from the dreams of Socialism that have failed repeatedly and are failing again here in America.

As an after thought, I wrote this piece on Boxing Day, but due to the death of a loved one, I forgot about until a couple of days ago: I thought it was barely significant because of the time element; however, it was significant enough for you to get your panties in a wad.

B-Rob, whack jobs and left wing morons like you do not call the shots.
You are a minor annoyance here but your posts are addressed and your flawed logic always gets a boot in the a@@, placed there by FA folks that are more tolerant
and patient than I am.

Do you need the negative attention that bad?

Your band of idiots had a super majority in Congress, the Senate and the Magic Kenyan in the oval office and you could not get all of that bad legislation pushed through. What is your excuse?

Don’t you have a job or work to do somewhere? I am gainfully employed, pay more taxes in a year than you do, run a large business from 3,000 miles away and serve a greater cause than showing up here to bite a few ankles and laugh at the tripe that you post. Now go tell George Soros that you need a raise because the FA “Bullies” hurt your feelings. I don’t know what Union Scale for trolls is but ask him anyway. Lawyers and trolls are a dime a dozen so I see the need for you to have additional income.

The Voters of Massachusetts had a case of buyers remorse last night and good on them.

billy bob: You posted this yesterday, right? In the near 24 hours since you put it up, did you notice the lack of comment from any of the “very smart people” who run this place (like Mike and MataHarley) rah-rahing your post?

That’s because it is a fcuking embarrassment to them, dude!

‘scuse me, but are you presuming the audacity to speak for me, billy bob? In your usual erroneous ASSumptions, you forget that many of us have a life. And my log in and comment time was extremely curtailed yesterday. Additionally, were you to comb the Skookum post archives, you’d see that while I enjoy his stories immensely, I don’t feel the need to comment on most of them. “Embarrassment”, however, is certainly not the reason.

However since you demand some sort of commentary on Skookum’s post from me, I fail to see your implied racism (singling out only the second paragraph). You tend to conveniently ignore that while many did not consider Obama’s racial status an obstacle when choosing to vote (or not) for him, many did indeed vote for him because of his race…. and admit to such unabasedly. Many were quite happy to be part of a “historic” Presidential selection.

Me? I’d be extremely happy to know that race were not the issue when choosing a POTUS. That would include it not being an obstacle, but also skin color not being the reason to vote for a candidate. Obama, however, is not my cup of tea for the first black President. The divide between his visions for America, and mine, are far too wide to be bridged.

But you apparently missed Skookum’s point… that Obama’s campaign – and governance – revolves around traditional Alinsky tactics… that is to play and incite perceived miseries of supporters, and intimidate the opposition with any and all tools. The particular “misery” differs from class to class, group to group, and race to race. Successful campaigning and agenda advancement is to cater the message to the appropriate class, group or race.

That so called “civil rights leaders”, such as ACORN, Sharpton and Jackson, stay gainfully employed… nay, downright wealthy… by keeping the black population angry with history is hardly a revelation. Decades have proven inciting anger and/or fear to gain or maintain political power is a prolific industry.

Yet to point out this fact in a single paragraph out of seven is, by your standards, some sort of post dripping of racial “screed”. It’s interesting to note that the only discussions that involve issues of race that you are willing to engage in, without personal assault, are those that bolster your continual reparations mentality.

Race aside, Skookum is point on with Obama’s Chicago rule and fear/intimidation style. He’s has ridden continuously on keeping fear alive… on economic policies, health care agenda, and cap and trade. To not accept his and Dem Congressional solutions is the harbinger of doom and death to mankind.

The intimidation techniques on the opposition… usually with derisive portrayal, attempted public humiliation, mockery, and locking Congressional actions away from both the GOP representatives and public’s eye… are well documented. If this POTUS can’t isolate and negate the opposition, they simply cut them off from information and input.

So let’s ask you a question, billy bob. Obama’s job approval ratings for his policies have been on a long flush, and swirls around the toilet bowl. Yet when people are asked if they like the POTUS “personally”, those numbers remain high.

I’ve always found the question to be somewhat absurd since there are few, if any, poll responders who know any POTUS personally… thus being ill equipped to answer that question with a modicum of viability. But it’s always asked anyway when doing Presidential approval rating polls.

Now how many people do you know who, when a pollster calls, would say… hang no, can’t stand the man… for fear of being considered a racist? Because I assure you, were Obama’s personal approval ratings down, you and your buds, Jackson and Sharpton, would be among the first to accuse the nation of being comprised of nothing but a bunch of racists.

Now I’m sure you’ll spin this observation as some sort of racist remark. It is, after all, what you do regularly. As I said, any debate about race with you must revolve around unmitigated acceptance of racism dominating the nation in 2010. But I’ll give you this…. you can rest comfortably in the fact that, despite Obama’s failure as a POTUS by the end of his first term, you’ll still be able to tell everyone how beloved he is as a person eternally.

billy bob: Because REAL Americans — those who believe in elections and who are optimistic about our future, Muslim pantybombers be damned — we need to be reminded every once in a while of what this country would be like if wackjobs like you were calling the shots.

Ah, what a difference 24 hours makes. Apparently all those “wackjobs” in MA decided to remind YOU and ilk that they do not like the way Obama and company are calling the shots. Ain’t the USA grand?

Excellent! as usual Skookum, going in my e-mail today! My friends far and wide will appreciate this, in these times reminders such as this, as well as your fact based ammo, reach many.

Although, I’m starting to see signs that we may have more people ready to fire, than targets. This administration’s incompetence is starting to wear on the last frayed nerves of a decent chunk of patriots.

Going to also share it with my grown and teen grandchildren. Today they get to meet their new teacher!