Newt: “We’re going to have to isolate and crush the secular socialist left”


Newt gave a great speech….well, at least this segment of it, at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend last November. Especially now after The Crotch Bomber: (h/t From Sea To Shining Sea)

It ends with this, after telling the story of George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware:

I want you to go away from here, after this weekend, and look every successful person you know in the eye, and look every patriot in the eye, and tell them. There are young men and women risking their lives all around this planet. In uniform, in the State Department, in the intelligence community, so we can be free. Don’t tell me how much you given. Don’t tell me how tired you are. Don’t tell me how frustrating it is. This country was created by people who are willing to say victory or death while marching in burlap bags in the middle of snow storm. We’re going to have to find those people again, we’re going to have to run people for five hundred and thirteen thousand offices, in both parties. We’re going to have to isolate and crush the secular socialist left and we’re going to have to replace their failed system with systems that succeed. This is work George Washington would of approved of. And this is work you need to take seriously for the next three years so we can give our children and grandchildren the greatest, freest, most prosperous country in history.

I disagree with the man some of the time but he still has a lot to offer the Republican party and conservatives in general. He has made mistakes, like Scozzafava, or praising Obama when no praise was deserved. But in general he has the country, and our party, at heart.

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It’s not really secular socialists on the left. They have religion, complete with their own pope, algore. I seem to remember Newt in a pew with this nice old botoxed granny singing from the hymn book.

I know Newt has made some mistakes, but he still continually says what most conservatives agree with. It’s a shame that it appears he won’t be able to win our nomination in 2012 for many reasons. He has more experience than any other candidate we have: in campaigning, in actual governing, in dealing with the media, in every aspect of politics.

A necessary precursor to re-establishing strong American values in government is the destruction of the MSM. Destruction as in bankruptcy. The MSM must first be destroyed before it can be rebuilt as an honorable profession, and the only legal way to destroy it is to boycott it and boycott the products of its advertisers. The MSM has gone beyond mere partisanship, and beyond even propaganda, into the realm of using disinformation and censorship to manage the expectations and belief systems of Americans.

Any new conservative leaders that stick their heads up are going to draw fire from the MSM – whose unofficial credo is “No more Reagans!” The MSM cannot afford to have strong communicators like Reagan that can break through the information control filters that they use to protect Liberals, Democrats, and Socialists, and with which they denigrate anyone else.

The media must be destroyed. Take the pledge today to boycott the alphabet networks of both radio and television, cancel your magazines that pump Democrat propaganda like Time and Newsweek, and cancel your local lib-rag newspaper. Don’t buy anything made by General Electric, General Motors, or Chrysler.

Nuck Fewt.

What’s madness is sitting on a couch with a scumbag like Nancy Pelosi, blathering about non-existent “GloBull Warming”.

What’s madness is supporting the Liberal Democrat “Republican” instead of the true Conservative.

KMA Newt!

So that’s what he was doing in NY-23. Isolating and crushing.

it’s unfortunate that the right-wing has cornered the religious market and now must hold on to it. Otherwise, Newt’s neo-liberal economics would be more interesting to hear about.

Newt is a good strategist, and a good speaker on policy and so forth.


He’s so busy working to advance “candidates who can WIN” that he doesn’t –in actual practice– pay much attention to whether those candidates espouse a conservative, small-government, pro-free-enterprise stance.

There’s “winning” and then again, there’s “the conservative viewpoint”. I’m afraid Newt prefers the former over the latter.

“There’s “winning” and then again, there’s “the conservative viewpoint”. I’m afraid Newt prefers the former over the latter.”

And ends up getting neither…

“He has made mistakes”
Unfortunately, whether it’s the Contract with America or supporting Scozzafava, he never does anything small!

#1 ck

Indeed, and even the Pope has been deferring to the theology of AlGore lately. (Google news search: “Pope”)

Newt reminds me of Ross Perot. I remember liking most of what Perot said about smaller government and fiscal responsibility. Then someone asked him if he became president, what would be his first order of business. His response: “Double the budget for the IRS.” Huh?

That one statement invalidated everything else Perot ever said, and Newt falling for the ‘global warming’ hoax and playing kissy-face with Nancy Pelosi invalidated everything he ever said.

Go away, Newt. We don’t need you.

Spot-on Mr. Cooper!

Newt is confused …

Quite frankly, I am sick to death of hearing what the dinosours of the past have to say. Newt will say and do anything populist to keep himself in the spotlight. Where was all this “strong and principled conservatism”-speak while Republicans were in power? Nowhere, that’s where.

If you people can’t simply agree with someone when they’re right, you’re fucking worthless to both yourselves and your country.

Spoiled brats don’t win. Maybe you had rather lose. Brakabama appreciates you more than you’ll ever know.

ditto john cooper.

newt will be a great asset to the next gop president, however, we don’t need to compromise with the democrats until that party purges their commy people from their party.

There is a leftist commenter over at Gateway Pundit ranting about the fiscal irresponsibility of the Republicans in the Bush years. It is an argument that is very hard to refute. Newt was right on with his Contract with America. But somewhere along the way the Republicans fell into the money river that flows through Washington, and became part of the problem. Newt is an articulate voice for general conservative principles, but he is part of the Republican contingent that thinks you need to buy votes (by funding programs that help certain constituents) to win elections. Reagan showed that well articulated principles can win elections as well.

The Tea Parties consist of those who want to see politicians who will stand for principle. Among the principles they want to see are smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and effective national defense. These are all (historically) Republican principles.

But the Republicans will not be able to connect with and absorb the Tea Party types until they (Republican Leadership like Newt) come to grips with how disconnected the Republican party is from their core principles. If all goes well, it will be the other way around; the Tea Parties will drive the Republicans back to their core values and absorb Republicans, Moderates, and traditional Conservative Democrats into a larger and more successful Conservative Republican Party.