Zero U.S. Combat Fatalities in Iraq for the Month of December



December was the first month since the beginning of the Iraq war in which there were no U.S. combat deaths, the U.S. military reported.

There were three noncombat fatalities.

“That is a very significant milestone for us as we continue to move forward, and I think that also speaks to the level of violence and how it has decreased over time,” said Army Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq.

Since the beginning of the war more than six years ago, 4,373 U.S. military members have died — 3,477 from hostilities and 898 in non-combat incidents.

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A nice complement to this might be the 150% increase in fatalities in Afghanistan in the last six months, but you aren’t likely to find a news source like CNN reporting that kind of business.

Yeap, not only the main stream media is not reporting that, there is very little talk about the fact that the islamic nuts are getting deeper than ever in Pakistan with it’s nuclear capacity. If I am India, I would be a little worried but not as much as China. The Chinese however have unique ways to deal with the islaminuts of the world: they do profile and they execute them.

I blame George Bush!