Rush Limbaugh has been rushed to the hospital in Hawaii for chest pains:
Conservative radio talk host Rush Limbaugh was rushed to a Honolulu hospital on Wednesday afternoon with chest pains, sources told KITV.
Paramedics responded to the call at 2:41 p.m. at the Kahala Hotel and Resort.
Limbaugh, 58, suffered from chest pains, sources said. Limbaugh was sitting in a chair in his ninth-floor hotel room at the Kahala when emergency crews arrived, sources said. He told medical crews that he was taking medication for a back problem, sources said.
Paramedics treated him and took him to Queen’s Medical Center in serious condition. He will not be released from the hospital on Wednesday night, sources said.
I’m sure the left will be in a feeding frenzy of glee so prayers sent and requested for a speedy recovery. I’m hearing that Queens Medical Center on Oahu has a good cardiac center, so a bit of good news.
And just as I expected, the left is beside themselves. We got this comment earlier which I did not allow to be posted:

See author page
This doesn’t sound good but first reports are often wrong.
Let’s hope that it was something minor.
I’m not a medical professional, but “serious” condition is obviously better than “critical”, so that’s a good thing. Some who have complaints of chest pains simply go to the hospital and go through a series of tests (like EKG, etc.), as a matter of normal procedure, and to be on the safe side. I’m hoping/trusting this is the case here, too.
I’m praying in constant for Rush, that the doctors have wisdom in determining how to best treat him, and that he be protected in every way and be able to get a good nights rest. God bless you, Rush!!
latest report from Rush spokesman is that Rush is resting comfortably … 🙂
Jeff, I just saw that, too. Here’s the statement from Rush’s website:
I think the little Rush hater was confused. She wrote “thanks Santa” in praying for Rush’s demise when she really meant “thanks Satan.”
Funny how nuts like that can run around lecturing the rest of us on civility!
Here’s good news from Rush’s website:
It is a coincidence that the Left is traditionally against all war, presumably because they have no enemies, at least authoritarian Marxist types are not enemies; yet they have so much hatred wrapped up in their cowardly pathetic little minds. Strange behavior, strange indeed.
Can u imagine if someone said something about one of “them” (referring to someone from the left). They’d be screaming bloody murder, unfair rightwingers!, warmongers!, hatemongers!.
Through all that, i just say.. call me everything you want. Doesn’t change the fact that your HYPOCRITES!
My prayers go out to Rush as they would to anyone with a serious medical condition.
Why is it that the left seems so filled with hate. Could it be because they are predominately emotional beings rather than rational beings?
With all our prayers I’m confident Rush will recover, hopefully without surgery.
He will be back to disappoint the feeble minded, hateful, little people.
As much as I find Ed Schultz, Franken, etc. annoying and in Franken’s case, a threat to this country, I’ve never once thought of wishing for or praying that harm visits them or their lives be put under threat. Just don’t get these people.
Of course, the liberals are falling all over themselves to reestablish their moral high ground on this issue. Just like Joe Stalin says, “If they don’t agree with us, kill ’em and send them to hell”. Do the spawn of Obama actually listen to what they’re saying and what would they want said if it was Barry in the hospital? Arrogant scumbags.
All chest pains aren’t a big deal. Rush was playing golf, let’s hope he just pulled a muscle … Which can be quite painful, and with someone like Rush, I bet his insurance calls for an overnight for even the most minor thing.
Prayers for Rush, speedy recovery.
The first thought that came to me is, they (the MSM) will try to blame this on his diet. Then they will go for the “medication” he was taking for his “back problem” theory.
I listen to Rush every day, and stated he was having a problem with a pinched nerve in his back.
You could see him on his “ditto cam” raising and moving his right arm around trying relieve the pain.
I know he inspires millions with his speech and antics, and we need him and more like him during these times in America. GOD bless Rush and all of the Flopping Aces crew and readers.
Happy New Year to All!!!
As Dave at AoSHQ pointed out last night, we can be thankful that the hospital treats chest pains as “serious” in this pre-Obamacare age.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Also note that the people wishing death upon Limbaugh are the same people who will be making life-and-death decisions, treat or not-treat decisions, under Obamacare.
God, please bless and strengthen Limbaugh, may he live another hundred years, and gain another thousand radio markets, and be a continual thorn in the sides’ of Liberal Dems and RINOs alike.
Have a happy New Year’s everyone!
Someone else said they hope that this is a setup on Limbaugh’s part – that his showprep team has cameras and boom-mics pointed into the Obama compound (yeah, they’re on a different HI Island, I know, but it’s a FUN theory!), to catch all the high-fives and the celebratory whooping.
This was fun:
“I’d donate a heart to keep Rush alive,” wrote blogger Dan Riehl. “Just need a knife and a liberal close by. ; )”
I’ve just looked at a few very recent pictures of the Esteemed MahaRushie, and also of many Lefty Congresscritters and Senators. Rush is a small, thin man compared to these tubs. I hear Dem state reps on Chicago radio, and even on the RADIO you can tell they’re the ones who need to pay for two seats on the airlines, becuase they sound like Adam Sandler’s “Fatty McGee” character. They pant and struggle for breath before and after each statement they make, as if they’ve just completed the annual Stair Climb for Cancer at the Sears Tower.
So we a House and Senate looking like a bunch of 8-steak-eating Union stewards, panting for breath on the radio, waddling through our nation’s capitol, trundling their heft from limo to restaurant to bar, and we’ve got SVELTE-BY-COMPARISON Rush Limbaugh. And it’s Rush who is “fat”.
I’m glad I know why things are the way they are right now – otherwise I’d assume one of my early-90’s acid trips never ended, and that I had fallen into a Salvador Dali painting.
I’m not a medical professional, but I know there are many things that can mimic a heart attack – like a hiatal hernia, for example. WebMD says:
I guess that’s why they call it heartburn.
Another thing is DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), which you can get from sitting on your a** for a long time. I witnessed a man suffering from that and he had chest pain, difficulty breathing, anxiety, and he was sweating – the classic symptoms of a heart attack.
The demented and hateful comments toward Rush make as good an argument for abortion as anything I can think of. Perhaps I should support abortion, at least among the lefties. Just think of the number of liberal asshats we would have to put up with otherwise.
The left hates Rush because they KNOW he exposes them for the tyrannical liars they are, God Bless You Rush, God Speed.
Homeland Insecurity evidently has more people monitoring Palin, Limbaugh, Chaney and Hannity than they do the terrorists. This may free up 25% of the security monitors to detect the next terrorists attack. Thirty minutes to respond to Chaney, four days to respond to an attempted terrorists attack shows where democrats have set their priorties.
These Progressive Marxists or Liberals as you PC people so politely refer to them, seem to deny religion unless there is an opportunity to pray for the death of an opposition leader. If they get their way, there will be no opposition and prayer can then be forgotten as an antiquated superstition from the past.
In an authoritarian Marxist government, the news outlets will take their directions from the White House, political appointees will be incompetent yes men, the leadership will never accept blame, those who criticize the government will be labeled as unpatriotic: well, maybe we are closer than we are willing to admit.
Something tells me that G-d doesn’t listen to prayers from blasphemous heretics concerning the death of believers, so the Progressive Marxists are wasting their time as well as their soul.
I wonder if that was the same hospital that O’Bama was “born” in…
I read on Free Republic last night that it was the same hospital. Don’t know if that’s been confirmed. Quite ironic, to be sure.
Well wishes to Rush and prayers for a speedy recovery.
As for the Left, nobody should be surprised. They’re so jealous and hate-filled over Rush’s success. If they didn’t lash out during this medical emergency, it would go against their very nature.
Scrapiron, that was a devastating right cross, if we consider Savage, Levin, Coulter and a few others: I think Obama’s assets are used up. All those fighters for freedom and the best the Progresive Marxists can muster is Katie Couric: Obama must be feeling like Winnie The Pooh saying life is so hard with such a little brain.
You’re right Skookum!!
There are those that seem to want to deny the existence of God and religion untill they can find a way to use them against you. Take for example the folks that want to remove all signs of God from our schools and other public places. I wonder how many of them have an insurance policy with an “act of God” clause in it? I wonder how many of those same people work for insurance agencies and do not believe in God at all , but want to use that clause regardless?
You’re right, we have gone on too long without paying attention to our surroundings. Now when things are getting extreme we seem to want to ask, how did this happen?
People like Rush are needed by many because few seem to have the time in today’s world to research things on thier own, to do the digging into backgrounds of our “elected officials” that need, and should be done.
If more of us did that sort of thing, I think we might have a chance to make it before this country is turned upside down for good.
Rush truly is “on loan from God,” as he would say. He’s an entertainment icon, a brilliant brand machine and all around polymath as far as I’m concerned. A world without Rush, is no world for me. Get well soon!