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Will The Hystanic Hit the Iceberg? [Reader Post]

Wonder how many icebergs are floating in the Hysterical Sea and which one is going to take down the Hystanic. Still very little notice taken by the MSM regards Climategate , but the liberals are certainly coming down on Fox news as ‘fudging the issue’.Several commentaries are out there now suggesting that Skeptics are deliberately refusing to consider the ‘evidence’ and that their denial of AGW is nothing but arguing against the settled science. That they have serious psychological issues and are in need of counseling. Sounds a like the old USSR that sent its dissidents to the Gulag for ‘psychological indoctrination.” So much for the dust bin of history.

As much as it is being downplayed, however, the average person is not so much a fool as the left would portray them to be. Polls show that belief in AGW is down to 57% from 81% two years ago, which is why the left is saying we need shock treatments. They better get their eyed on where they are heading as that iceberg is directly ahead.

The Tip of the Climategate Iceberg

A skeptical public repeatedly has been told that questions about purported global warming are closed. “I think everybody is clear on the science. I think scientists are clear on the science … I think that this notion that there’s some debate … on the science is kind of silly,” said President Obama’s Press Secretary Robert Gibbs when asked Monday about the president’s response to the controversy. The flack was talking smack.

Contrary to the whitewash job conducted by propagandists, there are 450 academic peer-reviewed journal articles questioning the importance of man-made global warming. The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine has collected more than 30,000 American scientists urging the U.S. government to reject the Kyoto Treaty, which pushes draconian measures to reduce carbon emissions. Much hay is made of 2,500 United Nations scientists who back Kyoto, but there are many more scientists with Ph.D.s among the 30,000 skeptics than there are among the oft-cited 2,500, most of whom are government bureaucrats without advanced degrees.

Climategate Revelations are but the Tip of a Giant Iceberg, says Atmospheric Scientist

(Dr. Bill Gray) Had I not devoted my entire career of over half-a-century to the study and forecasting of meteorological and climate events I would have likely been concerned over the possibility of humans causing serious global climate degradation.

There has been an unrelenting quarter century of one-sided indoctrination of the western world by the media and by various scientists and governments concerning a coming carbon dioxide (CO_2 ) induced global warming disaster. These warming scenarios have been orchestrated by a combination of environmentalists, vested interest scientists wanting larger federal grants and publicity, the media which profits from doomsday scenario reporting, governmental bureaucrats who want more power over our lives, and socialists who want to level-out global living standards. These many alarmist groups appear to have little concern over whether their global warming prognostications are accurate, however. And they most certainly are not. The alarmists believe they will be able to scare enough of our citizens into believing their propaganda that the public will be willing to follow their advice on future energy usage and agree to a lowering of their standard of living in the name of climate


The disastrous economic consequences of restricting CO_2 emissions from the present by as much as 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050 (as being proposed in Copenhagen) have yet to be digested by the general public. Such CO_2 output decreases would cause very large increases in our energy costs, a lowering of our standard of living, and do nothing of significance to improve our climate.

The Cap-and-Trade bill presently before Congress, the likely climate agreements coming out of the Copenhagen Conference, and the EPA’s just announced decision to treat CO_2 as a pollutant represents a grave threat to the industrial world’s continued economic development. We should not allow these proposals to restrict our economic growth. Any United Nations climate bill our country might sign would act as an infringement on our country’s sovereignty.

The Climate-Change Travesty

The Financial Times response to the CRU materials is: The scientific case for alarm about global warming “is growing more rather than less compelling.” If so, then could anything make the case less compelling? A CRU e-mail says: “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment” — this “moment” is in its second decade — “and it is a travesty that we can’t.”

The travesty is the intellectual arrogance of the authors of climate-change models partially based on the problematic practice of reconstructing long-term prior climate changes. On such models we are supposed to wager trillions of dollars — and substantially diminished freedom.

Some climate scientists compound their delusions of intellectual adequacy with messiah complexes. They seem to suppose themselves a small clerisy entrusted with the most urgent truth ever discovered. On it, and hence on them, the planet’s fate depends. So some of them consider it virtuous to embroider facts, exaggerate certitudes, suppress inconvenient data, and manipulate the peer-review process to suppress scholarly dissent and, above all, to declare that the debate is over.

The Huffington Post is of course, hyperventilating:

ClimateGate: The 6 Most Dubious Claims About The Supposed “Global Warming Hoax”

A few weeks ago, hackers broke into the emails of one of the Climate Research Unit of The University of East Anglia, and climate skeptics have been having a field day making mountains out of molehills about what the emails contain. The verdict on global warming is in — it’s caused by humans and it is happening and nothing in the emails challenges that. However, with the internet abuzz about what has been labeled “ClimateGate,” we thought we should set the record straight about the rumors, lies and insinuations about what the emails actually contain — and what they “prove” about climate change. “ClimateGate” itself is a misnomer. Perhaps the nickname should be “SwiftHack” for the way people with political agendas have “swiftboated” the global warming reality. As world attention turns to the climate conference in Copenhagen this December, this email hack acts as a distraction from the huge task at hand of getting world leaders to commit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As professor Richard Somerville says, “We’re facing an effort by special interests who are trying to confuse the public.”

You gotta love it! Hysteric after Hysteric after Hysteric plugging the holes in the dike. Hysterics in their posh accommodations aboard the Hystanic, wining and dining, serenaded by Al, greased out with government largesse, demanding more for their future orders of beluga caviar. Retiring to the smoking room to sit back and and discuss with comic disdain the great unwashed and their plans for their servitude.


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