Iran CAUGHT; Video and Docs Show Iran Nuke Program Active

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“The most shattering conclusion is that, if this was an effort that began in 2007, it could be a casus belli. If Iran is working on weapons, it means there is no diplomatic solution.”

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The surprising part of this is that anyone thinks there is any threshold of dishonesty by the Iranians that would provoke more than additional hand-wringing and sharply worded memos from the usual suspects over this. Until there is a mushroom cloud over a western infidel city, there will be no consequences for the Iranians (and even then probably no consequences, since the response from a depressingly high number of our fellow citizens will be “what we did in the past justifies this”, to “It’s obviously an inside job by Bush, the NeoCons, and the Jews…” to make Iran look bad. Like they need help…..)

It also implies ElBaradei (spelling?), former head of the IAEA, was shielding the evidence/information that Iran has been running an active nuclear weapons program.

I smell more dithering approaching.

Zipity, you stole my thunder. I was going to blame the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Halliburton/Blackwater cabal. 😉

The fault lies with the progressives; the bogus NIE in 2007, pulled the rug out from underneath Bush.
False info took Bush’s action out of the equation, and now we see the result of that stupidity in part by Fingar, and the rest of the traitors. Elbaradei’s wife is part of the Iranian rulers, there is no surprise that he has been lying for quite some time regarding Iran.
Obummer won’t do anything; Israel is the only country to act, their existance is at stake. The future is bleak with maniacs having nukes, and who knows what they will do, once their production is up, and running.