Yes sir, elections do indeed have consequences. And in this last election the left, and many in the middle helped to elect essentially our first Monarchy (yes, I exaggerate, but not by much)…they bitched and moaned about Bush and his supposed evil plan to take over the world but when their guy got elected they sit quietly as he makes any Bush move to consolidate power appear minuscule in comparison. Case in point: (h/t Big Lizards)
The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday will complete its determination that greenhouse gases pose a danger to human health and the environment, paving the way for regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles, power plants, factories refineries and other major sources….
The move gives President Obama a significant tool to combat the gases blamed for the heating of the planet even while Congress remains stalled on economy-wide global warming legislation.
The Obama administration has signaled its intent to issue a so-called endangerment finding for carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases since taking office in January. Ms. Jackson announced a proposed finding in April and has taken steps to implement the rules that would be needed to back it up.
~~~The administration has wielded the finding as a prod to Congress to act on legislation, saying in effect that if lawmakers do not act to control greenhouse gas pollution they will use their rule-making power to do so. At the same time, the president and his top environmental aides have frequently said that they prefer such a major step be taken through the give-and-take of the legislative process.
Basically saying “we don’t want to force this on the American people but we will if you make us.”
This is extortion plain and simple…
The other reason Obama is doing this? Come on…think….what would be the motive to do this from a true nihilist?
The other reason for the finding — and the reason it must be right now, not a month from now — is that Barack Obama plans to use this regulatory threat to boost his internationalist standing at the Copenhagen conference of Anthropogenic Global Climate Change (AGCC) nutters… waving the bloody green shirt, as it were.
Absolutely shocking! Shocking I tell you….that the EPA wasn’t troubled one iota by ClimateGate. Why should they be? It’s not like they have to PROVE global warming is imminent threat. They only have to show it “may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.” Greg Gutfield:
…greenhouse gases. CO2 is one of them, and activists like to tell us than man-made driven CO2 is what’s causing global warming. However, of all the CO2 entering our atmosphere every year, only 3 percent or so comes from evil humans. The rest comes from Satan’s triad: oceans, animals and plant life. Why does no one beyond “Scared to Death” authors Christopher Booker and Richard North point this out? Well, you can’t say that humanity is destroying the planet, once you realize man’s impact is negligible.
Big Green also likes to talk about consensus. Well let’s talk about consensus – like the Gallup poll of climate scientists showing that nearly 50 percent had rejected man-caused global warming. Or how about the first assessment report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? They even suggested that the temperature changes of the last century could all be due to “natural variation.” However, according to Booker and North, the summarizers ignored the report’s uncertainty, and instead predicted substantial warming. And look up the infamous Hockey Stick graph – which eliminated real global warming from ages ago, in order to make it look like the climate’s getting way hotter now. That’s how you get consensus: through suppression.
Or how about CRU, who fudged the data to make it appear that the world was warming and us evil humans are the cause.
Nevermind all that. The EPA and the Obama administration wants cap n’ trade, and if it takes extortion to get it then extortion is what we are going to get.
Here’s Charles Krauthammer on this story: (Thanks for the h/t Maggie🙂

See author page
And the Lemmings stampede to get to the cliffs, yelling “save us from carbon dioxide Barrack, we are morons and are anxious for you to take over the world with your lunacy and now we jump to our deaths on the rocks and crashing surf below. Thank you, Barrack you witless moron of international Marxism, we the Lemmings are so willing to sacrifice everything in your image, we are such nitwits, it seems the best and only thing we can do!”
This is a direct quote, it is repeated daily by morons who think that falsified data had to be altered to represent the danger that might possibly exist in an unproven theory. If North America crashes down into the Third World Open Sewers, never let it be said that Skookum was a Frigging Nitwit Lemming, fawning at the feet of the most corrupt fraud to ever hold national office in the history of the United States.
From this point on, you jump like a moron or you take a stand!
Speaking of the EPA, please consider the following.
Given that the federal Constitution is silent about environmental protection (corrections welcome), the 10th A. automatically reserves government power to regulate such issues to the states, not the Oval Office and Congress.
In fact, if Congress wanted to make laws to protect the environment, Article V requires Congress to propose an appropriate amendment to the states. The states would then have the choice to either ratify the amendment, surrendering their powers to protect the environment to Congress, or to not ratify it, in which case the federal government remains powerless to regulate such issues.
The bottom line is that the states have the constitutional right to ignore everything the EPA tells them to do, IMO. The EPA is just another example of corrupt Congress overstepping it’s very limited constitutional authority.
What has to happen for people to, peacefuly mind you, reject such agendas in mass protest by blockading the workplace of these politicans?
Wars have been started in the past over such ideologies, and I can’t stomach another American Civil war. Please let 2010 be a peaceful, bloodless, revolt at the booths.
The Several States hold all the cards in this game.
The Supreme Court is NOT the final arbiter of Constitutional compliance. We are. Legislatures in the Several States could take all sorts of actions to protest federal overreaching. Refuse to submit federal reports, withhold income taxes and put them into escrow, heck, maybe sealing off the state borders and calling up the militia! We are 50 sovereign entities that united, not one kingdom with 50 baronies.
Any bets on Texas?
As humans breathe out carbon dioxide and even more when exerting ourselves physically — what’s next — a jogging tax?
Charles Krauthammer on the EPA blackmailing Congress:
You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
-Adrian Rogers
Skookum: my wife and I raise lemmings… they don’t run off cliffs, that was a freak circumstance caused by the person who started the myth.
Having said that……
If we are unfortunate enough to get saddled with all of this- Especially the hundreds of billions yearly that the world wants from us- I foresee a couple of things coming out it:
1. Accelerated arms races between third-world nations, funded by Copenhagen cash.
2. Scores if not hundreds of minority groups in nations across the globs, crying out that they are being ‘marginalized,’ that they are not getting their fair share of the take. Which will lead to
3. Political violence- most often backed by the words ‘allahu ackbar!’- mushrooming to levels even the Left might begin to notice.
I’m sure there’s more. Anyone care to add to the list?
Somebody, somewhere is eventually going to have to show a judge evidence that going from .030 to .038% of atmospheric CO2 over the past 100 years, was “harmful” to anything or anyone, and that only 3% of that rise as been attributed to man. Even then, the temp-delta from 1900 is .4deg C. So at best, humans are responsible for 3% of .4deg. (Mathematically much less, because not all of the CO2 went to warming anything.)
The only “good” thing about them shoving it through via the EPA, is that the EPA can (and will) be sued. This will tend to slow things down a bit.
Bookmark the EPA website, and everytime you see a date for public comments concerning the next BIG THING that they come up with, call/write them, and notify all your friends to do the same. This will also slow them down.
Keep the pressure on your reps in the House and Senate. Some of us are stuck with the likes of Boxer, but call/write anyway. Be nice. The poor girls on the other side of the lines don’t make policy, and they’re usually only paid min-wage.
I think I’ll make a list of 10 things to ask/tell “warmers” and the politicians, so that everybody is decently “armed” with some solid “talking points” of our own. My opening paragraph might be one to remember.
@Patvann — looking forward to that list of talking points. . . thanks and they will be put to good use.
As FA readers are well read, they are aware oBOWma is incorporating Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” principles in full force. The end justifies the means. . .he will do and say anything to get what he wants.
My hope is that he gets so cocky, that he overreaches and finally gets caught and with enough evidence to remove him from office. Wishful thinking for sure, but then hoping for a Climategate scenario was also wishful thinking only a couple of months ago.
Krauthammer is on target. . .we are on the verge. . .
Revolution – American Revolution II
I like the sound of that. Get the Usurper out before this Trojan Horse destroys everything of the USA we have left.
But, hey 2 Thessalonians 2 is at work. You got the hope and change you wanted….
Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. Can we cap and tax the ocean?
“In fact, if Congress wanted to make laws to protect the environment, Article V requires Congress to propose an appropriate amendment to the states.”
Keep in mind that Barak is quoted in saying that he is frustrated by the constitution because it tells government what it CAN’T do. This man is ANTI-Constitution through and through and the dems are LEAPING to get on that band wagon. POWER POWER POWER because after all, they’re SO much smarter than you are and they know what’s best for you better than you do.
“of all the CO2 entering our atmosphere every year, only 3 percent or so comes from evil humans. The rest comes from Satan’s triad: oceans, animals and PLANT life.” Save the rainforests, kill the planet!
I wish they’d make up their minds (actually, no I don’t).
I will not be surprised to see the unemployement rate jump 1 percentage point or even up to 3 more points before Feb 2010 with EPA’s latest statement. I hate to say this, but I think Businesses should do a protest by shutting their doors Nation wide for a month. No resturants, no grocery stores, no offices, no power. The strain would force Obama and the EPA to reconsider their agenda when nearly 80 percent of the remaining work force is out on the street for a month and people can’t secure food by normal means. Yes I understand this type of protest would cause civilian revolts and looting, but the chaos caused by this protest will be the same chaos caused by businesses being forced to close shop due to burdensome regulations in the long run.
Peel back the Obama onion and this might be what you’d find.
An Obama Bumper Sticker I’d like to see on every car.
Texas will see the 1st revolt. The epa move to regulate carbon will distroy our economy which is still going strong. Next year will see the re-election a a governor who isn’t afraid to use the word secede. We will draw the 1st line in the sand with this marxist regime.
@melintexas. . .make room – alot of us will be coming home to join in. . .
I’d be returning to my native Alaska when the feces hits the fan. My bet is that Alaska will be right along side Texas, both are populated by individuals with similar mindsets. Don’t Tread on us!
‘. . .We will draw the 1st line in the sand. . .’
Your comment sparked memories of my Texas history studies, ie Col William Travis. . .Alamo. . .legendary line in the sand. . .Texas Revolution. . .Sam Houston, Black Beans/White Beans, Bowie, Milam, Crockett, Bonham, Burnet, Lamar, the decisive 15 minute Battle of San Jacinto at daybreak, Deaf Smith and the bridge, Hendrick Arnold, Juan Seguin, Rusk, so many other heroes, contributors to the cause, famous and otherwise, stories, legends, sacrifices etc etc. . .
My friends and family, back home in Texas, tell me the spirit is still alive and stronger than ever —
I also found this interesting from FOX news:
Data from NOAA as well as NASA and the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia are used by the World Meteorological Organization, the U.N.’s weather agency. Michel Jarraud, secretary-general of the WMO, announced at Copenhagen on Tuesday that 2000-2009 “is very likely to be the warmest on record, warmer than the 1990s, than the 1980s and so on.”
“There is a mountain of evidence proving global warming is a fact, but the defenders of the fossil fuel status quo are using a molehill of a scandal to distract the world. The deniers will not win, because they are wrong,” Markey said.
My question is: if all the other science is inline with the science that has been proven to be tampered with, the next step in the logic chain would be…
The impeachment process begins in the House of Representatives.
Change the House, and you (we) change the path of the country.
Even the implied threat of impeachment can be very powerful.
Bumper Sticker: Biden for President, Now!
Viking, you are correct. There must be an obvious impeachable reason. I hate to say it, but the most obvious would be the birth certificate.
The EPA is a different issue. I have a call into my state senator to find out if Texas will file suit against the EPA based on fraudulant science. That would force Nasa produce their data.
I would ask everyone to call their state reps and ask them to demand the EPA prove CO2 is harmful. Our power lies in the states rights. Calling washington is useless, but if state legislators are inundated by their constituents they will act against washington. We need to demand the state assert the power given to them by the constitution and rise up against marxist socialist policies.
” The line in the sand” starts here!
@VikingTx. . .borrowing your original thought – how about. . .
Bumper Sticker: Biden for President, 2011
@MelinTx. . .wrote–
have a call into my state senator to find out if Texas will file suit against the EPA based on fraudulant science. That would force Nasa produce their data.
I would ask everyone to call their state reps and ask them to demand the EPA prove CO2 is harmful.——————–
Excellent …I am joining fellow citizens in DC next week to make a house call. . .I will try to ask this in person. . .to HR an Senators. . .
Maybe the Tea Party Movement should adopt the ‘Line in the sand’ as a motto.