As Climategate is exposing the IPCC conference in Copenhagen as an exercise in political flatulence based on fraud within the scientific community scientific and a bizarre conspiracy by Leftists to establish control and power over the world, President Obama is determined to commit the US to an International Treaty that will compromise our sovereignty and economic security. In a desperate effort to lend credibility to a movement that is being continuously exposed everyday as nothing more than a scam, Obama apparently believes that he can salvage the Hoax with his presence and charm. However, the people of the United States and the world are becoming aware of the conspiracy through the publication of hacked emails from the East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit and the outing of its head Phil Jones.
President Obama has a greater interest in the survival of the Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax, for once the Hoax is fully exposed, the basis for the Cap and Trade Bill is destroyed. Thus there is no need to further kill jobs, weaken the US Economy, dramatically increase the cost of living, and tax America into oblivion.
Obama’s plan is to tax the United States taxpayer and redistribute the wealth or money to Third World Leftist Dictators around the world. Apparently this same scheme has been revealed in the hacked emails from East Anglia’s Phil Jones who has been asked to step aside pending an investigation.
Even Al Gore, the divinity school dropout, has enough political survival instinct to pass up the Copenhagen meeting.
The United Nations, who will have their capabilities at corruption compromised by the ongoing exposure of the climate warming hoax offered this shallow attempt to revive the myth. Rajendra K. Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control, offered up this insipid explanation as to the validity of his panel’s existence.
Statement on news reports regarding hacking of the East Anglia University email communications
It is unfortunate that an illegal act of accessing private email communications between scientists who have been involved as authors in I.P.C.C. assessments in the past has led to several questions and concerns. It is important for me to clarify that the I.P.C.C. as a body follows impartial, open and objective assessment of every aspect of climate change carried out with complete transparency. IPCC relies entirely on peer reviewed literature in carrying out its assessment and follows a process that renders it unlikely that any peer reviewed piece of literature, however contrary to the views of any individual author, would be left out. The entire report writing process of the I.P.C.C. is subjected to extensive and repeated review by experts as well as governments. Consequently, there is at every stage full opportunity for experts in the field to draw attention to any piece of literature and its basic findings that would ensure inclusion of a wide range of views. There is, therefore, no possibility of exclusion of any contrarian views, if they have been published in established journals or other publications which are peer reviewed.
I would also like to highlight the fact that the summary for policymakers of all the reports of the I.P.C.C. are accepted and approved by all the governments of the world. Even at the stage of approval of the summary for policymakers of any report, which is carried out word by word, omissions if any would be highlighted by government representatives in the course of the approval.
In summary, no individual or small group of scientists is in a position to exclude a peer-reviewed paper from an I.P.C.C. assessment. Likewise, individuals and small groups have no ability to emphasize a result that is not consistent with a range of studies, investigations, and approaches. Every layer in the process (including large author teams, extensive review, independent monitoring of review compliance, and plenary approval by governments) plays a major role in keeping I.P.C.C. assessments comprehensive, unbiased, open to the identification of new literature, and policy relevant but not policy prescriptive.
The unfortunate incident that has taken place through illegal hacking of the private communications of individual scientists only highlights the importance of I.P.C.C. procedures and practices and the thoroughness by which the Panel carries out its assessment. This thoroughness and the duration of the process followed in every assessment ensure the elimination of any possibility of omissions or distortions, intentional or accidental.
Despite efforts to diminish the obvious fact that a science built on fraud is not science, it is a scam and nothing more, politicians like Senator Barbara Boxer, are instead on the attack stating that hacking is illegal and the US will prosecute the hackers for a crime that was committed in England meanwhile President Obama sails into the storm as if the Hoax hasn’t been exposed.
This raises the question of Obama’s loyalty. Is his first priority to the United Nations or is it to the United States. It is logical to assume that a leader who is willing to compromise his country’s security, sovereignty, and economic vitality for an International Agency that has a less than dubious record of corruptness, the question of loyalty has to arise. For the first time in the history of the United States the question of a President’s loyalty is about to be seriously considered and the evidence is damning. It is now time to ask President Obama just with whom he has his loyalty, with the United States or with some foreign power. He has stated that he is a citizen of the world and many Americans saw that as a poetic statement, however there seems to be a covert message within that quote that is only now beginning to be revealed.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Good Job…. this needed to be stated.
Outstanding sir!
If Obama signs an agreement which subjects a significant portion of America’s sovereignty to an International entity knowing that there are a majority of Americans who would never tolerate this, then he should be IMPEACHED.
Hi all. Doesn’t congress have to ratify any treaties that the President tries to enter into? After this Health Care mess I don’t think that they would be able to round up even a 51 majority to pass any climate/cap&trade bill/treaty.
The Senate ratifies Treaties
I believe you are right.
What you will see will be two things: Media circus, and misdirection from what they are really focused on next.
-The media will over-push this Copenhagen (*spit*) meeting with 200% more vigor that how they where going to push it last week…The full-court-press will be full-on. Now is the time to send hand-printed letters. THEY count.
He is not there to sign anything. Waxman Bill already passed. It will die in the Senate.
We shall overcome.
Since when do WE try “crimes” “committed” NOT against the U.S…… “Committed” in other countries, against THEIR citizens, under THEIR jurisdiction???? Does this Dizzy Broad think the Dems now “RULE” the WORLD????
As a Lawyer who is familiar with Article II Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, that is the whole POINT of the requirement that the President of the United States (POTUS) be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.
Loyalty is to the U.S. and no other foreign entity as Chief Justice John Jay requested George Washington and the Constitutional Convention to adopt in the U.S. Constitution of 1787.
Well, as Leo Donofrio and other legal minds have been begging, the issue is now coming full circle.
Is Obama a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the U.S. and eligible to be President of the U.S. under the U.S. Constitution or is he a USURPER sent by the U.N. to destroy U.S. Sovereignty for a NEW WORLD ORDER (or fascism regime)?
Well, time for the people who want to follow the RULE OF LAW to start exploring this question.
The amazing thing is that no 2008 presidential candidate (McCain, Obama) were actually eligible under the U.S. Constitution to be President because both failed to be NATURAL BORN CITIZENS (born on the U.S. Mainland (50 states or District of Columbia) and be born to two U.S. citizen parents (mother & father).
15 Day’s and counting that the Mainstream Media has been completely silent on this issue.
The Biggest Hoax perpetrated on the American People, amazing!
They cant hide forever if we keep griping about this issue, the biggest HOAX of our lifetime.
There is a provision for children born to parents in foreign service, diplomatic or military to be considered as natural born, when born overseas. I don’t believe it pertains to children of Marxists born overseas.
Yes, the Senate must ratify a treaty, but once it is ratified by the senate it becomes a part of our national law as if it were an amendment to the Constitution. In my daily conversations it is amazing how many Americans who are not aware how easy it is to give away the United States with a phony treaty. If there were enough Progressive Marxists in the Senate, it would be a done deal. The Marxists would not have to defeat us in battle and fight us for every fence line, they would just call on our traitors in Washington to sign it over to them. A much more efficient method, without the possibility of losing. (For them) These treaties can be used to relinquish our right to bear arms, our right to free speech, and any of the freedoms we now enjoy.
Make no mistake, most of the world is envious of our wealth and standard of living; our Progressive Marxist politicians are more than ready to redistribute this wealth to the rest of the world, if we relax and let them have their way.
Why? I think I know why.
Before 9/11 m business was mainly international. While working in a wealthy village outside of Mexico City, Querna Vaca (sp) (Horn of the Cow), I was staying in a guest house of a ranch and had just bought some groceries so that I could cook meals without going into town for meals. A stock boy came and picked up my two sacks of groceries and carried them to the car. I didn’t need help, I could have carried him while he held the groceries, but I admired his respect and manners. I opened the back door of the car and he placed the groceries inside. I didn’t have any Mexican money and felt at a loss at what to do for a tip so I gave the lad two US dollars. Immediately a Mexican lady stormed up to me and said in a thick accident that I shouldn’t give the boy that kind of money, because then he wouldn’t want to work for them. I gave him two more dollars right in front of her.
This is where the elites want us, ready to lick their boots in order to survive. The Hollyweird Elites, the DC Marxist Elites, they are all the same; they want to have their money and this vast labor pool of cheap labor available to carry their groceries to the car for a quarter. Of course this is another reason why they want to import an oversupply of cheap illegals, to keep our pay as low as possible. You see, having two dollars is as good as having four if everything costs half as much.
This is why the term Natural Born Citizen is in the list of Constitutional requirements to be President.
LOYALTY used to be a concern.
And this has what to do with “Climategate”????
Skookum wrote:
It is now time to ask President Obama just with whom he has his loyalty, with the United States or with some foreign power. He has stated that he is a citizen of the world and many Americans saw that as a poetic statement, however there seems to be a covert message within that quote that is only now beginning to be revealed.
AMEN. . . Very suspicious that oBOWma and the left are ignoring Climategate and proceeding forward as if hell bent on a predetermined mission to transfer massive wealth, power to undefined hands.
Some of us have long held the theory that this posuer is running AN ONGOING CAMPAIGN to head up the UN. It is well known that the UN charter states no American can hold the leadership position — but charters like laws can be changed with ‘persuasion’ — namely money. . .lots and lots of it!
In a sane world, the fact that all the GCMs predict that the Al Gore blanket surrounds earth’s equator, and it’s simply not there — That would be the end of the CO2 driven hoax. The missing hot spot.
But sadly the world is not sane, the lame stream media world wide is in with the Marxists, and we must fight with the Internet — That Al Gore invented. Ironic isn’t that?
Again Skookum, a well-delivered article. You’re right on the money, as always.
I think the center-thinking folks in this country (unfortunately still mostly informed by the Ostrich Media) really ought to make a list of those things that this man has done and proposed, and attach a “FOR AMERICA” or “FOR SOMEBODY ELSE” value to each action. And I believe the ledger would show them how un-American the scoundrel truly is…whether it’s questions regarding his birth, the abandonments by his parents and resultant surrogate upbringers, the influence of his educational sponsors, the products (essays, theses, curricula) of that education, his radical environment during college, his race-baiting fellows during youth and young adulthood, the corrupt political farming community that is Chicago, and those scurrillous associations he has yet to distance himself from: Ayers, Dorhn, ACORN, Soros, et al, his confessed willingness to redistribute wealth, his embrace of those who oppose America and cold-shoulder to our staunchest allies. Throw in the utter contemptibility of those appointments he’s made to “czar” and administrative positions and the question of his allegiance is staggering.
Personally, I have yet to see (with the possible exception being his reluctant acquiesence to General MacCrystal for those additional A-stan troops) a single action that I’d call beneficial to America.
The promise of “transparency” in this administration is a mean-spirited joke played on those who voted for the guy. Here’s hoping more of those folks start seeing through the veneer.
Keep up the good work, my friend.
Marie, we have a president willing to fight a problem that doesn’t exist. Consequently, he is more than willing to compromise the economic stability of America by engaging in a treaty with foreign powers who seek to gain by essentially the UN having the right to levy taxes against the US. We have been off on a tangent, discussing whether Obama has the right to be selling us ‘down river’, even though he needs the Senate to ratify any treaty he signs. If he is a big enough fool to sign a treaty, a document that automatically becomes apart of our national legal system, there will be tremendous pressure and bribes exerted upon Senatorial members to vote ‘yes’ to ratify and thus commit treason.
This scenario is not as far fetched as you might think. With previous presidents, it would be considered pulp fiction material; with Obama and his Marxist advisors, its just another pipe dream about to happen.
Now, it’s off to bed, as Scarlet said, “tomorrow is another day.”
Sorry, I wrote this last night and forgot to send it.
American Voter
It is well known that the UN charter states no American can hold the leadership position — but charters like laws can be changed with ‘persuasion’ — namely money. . .lots and lots of it!
Perhaps that is why we haven’t seen his true citizenship records, maybe he holds citizenship in another country. But with Soros money you an do anything, even become a US President with no qualifications.
Thank you Donald, I agree with you, it needs to be stated in hundreds of ways by hundreds of writers in thousands of mediums. The MSM, the self designated Fourth Estate, can no longer pose with their Al Gore type sanctimonious bull crap attitude of serving the public’s interests and being a governmental watchdog. We need to let slip our attack dogs on those Marxist sycophants as often as we attack Obama. Without these little machines from Wal Mart and the Internet, our country would be destroyed by now, exercise your freedoms and expose this cancer destroying our country, commentary can be just as effective or more so than the original article. So write on my patriot friend, you have excellent commentary, use it well or take the plunge and do an article.
PV, after your family and friends’ contribution to Climategate, I stand in awe. The best I can do is offer a hand salute and a humble “Thank You.” You are a part of American history forever.
OT, it is an honor to see your commentary. You must be younger than me, and it is hard to think of you as Old Trooper. Many Americans have sports people as heroes, for me sports is strictly participation, after that you help your kids and it is over; thus you have become my hero, but not by default, I haven’t needed heroes since I was a boy.
You don’t need to feel pressure to act in a special way or anything else, I don’t have any heroes walking the earth and you are my man. I respect the vignettes of your career that have been revealed to us and how you returned to the call of duty like the minute men of old.
I think about you several times a day while I am working and it helps me to try harder and not to pity myself and my personal economic struggle. Now that my youthful strength and endurance isn’t there, I realize maybe I should have accepted offers in the past and followed in your footsteps rather than selfishly thinking only of myself and money.
I salute you and thank you, you are a true American Hero and Patriot, OT, and you are indeed, my hero.
Greg, even if he were to commit a felony, he must be impeached by the Senate. Remember, they will always, at least in their present demarcation, be complicit with anything our Marxist in the White House has planned. The MSM will refuse to do its job so the best we can hope for is talk radio, Fox News and the Internet. The first patriots took on the most powerful country in the world with much less.
Hold on tight my friend, the canoe is just now entering the rapids and the ride is going to speed up here directly.
So we know for a certainty that the “scientific consensus” of the last thirty years or so has been holding its collective thumb on the warming side of the scale. They have meticulously altered source data and corrupted its collection, always with the eye towards warming. Therefore I propoose a hypothesis, open to falsification, that the flattened plateau temperatures have demonstrated for more than a decade is no such thing. What flattened out and came to a screeching halt was the Warmists ability to invisibly adjust temps up. What does that mean? It means we are in a profound cooling trend which obviously can have no foundation in global warming, man-caused or natural. So how can this be falsified? Simple. If warming returns, I’m wrong. If cooling continues, I am right. Let’s see if ’10 is warmer or cooler, if it is cooler, let us then consider ’11 before deciding to end the use of fire in our daily lives.
Why is it that everyone in the BO admninistration is so hell-bent on killing the goose that laid the golden egg? Milllions and millions of people have come to this country for a better life. Now, it’s some sort of a sin that America has more to offer than the Third-World and other countries whose people have been fleeing here for years.
Well-written, Skookum. I appreciate your no-spin approach on this very important topic.
By the way, a bit off topic, just wanted you to know that I’ve shared your “nature” threads with a friend of mine who grew up in Alaska has thoroughly enjoyed your threads about the wild, wild North. Although I believe you said you are in Canada, he really relates to much of what you speak of and happily reminds him of his youthful days in Alaska.
O.k., now back to the regular programming…
Obama’s loyalty begins and ends with Obama. He sits back and preens while his cast of misfits are running a poorly rated show. He’s just what that poster amounts to, phony razzle dazzle…..on a piece of paper, none of it is real. Pfft! and they belittled Reagan for being an actor, look what they got….pay backs are hell and the left is finding out.