The Execution Of Four Heroes In Tacoma, Washington & Why The Killer Was Free In The First Place ; Update – Killer Shot Dead By Officer



I apologize for the lateness in this post.  Traveling for the holidays made it quite difficult to do the quality post these four officers deserve.  Now home, I am looking at the faces of these four heroes and feel a sadness that is hard to describe.

fallenSgt. Mark Renninger, 39; Officers Ronald Owens, 37;
Tina Griswold, 40; Gregory Richards, 42.

As I’m sure most of you know by now, these four officers were ambushed in Tacoma, Washington yesterday morning as they sat in a cafe.  I will get to the killer in a minute.  First, the officers:

Tina was our conservative friend. She was excited to be a part of the Olympia Tea Parties and proudly stated why she got involved in politics over the past year. Tina was sharp too, only a couple mornings ago we had a great discussion on the future of our Republic and how we felt true limited government conservatives should take back out political party. If you wanted any details over the massive government spending she would have them for you. If anyone thinks these comments are off color then you did not know Tina well. She would tell you where you could go and like Mark you always knew where you stood with her. She was the toughest little cop I have ever known. Tina has two children and a husband who loves her deeply. My gut hurts that I missed your Halloween party this year. Your memory and strength will help guide our movement to retake our party, this I promise you.

Greg Richards was the drummer in a rock band you would never know was a drummer in a rock band. Greg was a great cop who cared about one thing above all else, his family. He was a proud dad to three kids and wanted nothing more than to spend all of his time off with his wife and kids. Greg and I spent some one on one time together recently at an overtime assignment where he talked mostly about his family, he was obviously so proud. I will always remember this summer when you and your band rocked the house for our member with all proceeds going to charity when he was in the hospital. Yantzerpaloza will take on new meaning for us in the coming years. For someone who does not have much hair, you helped me put it down for a night.


Relatives said Renninger, who grew up in Bethlehem, Pa., came to Washington state through military service. The East Coast native was blunt-spoken but “never belittled anyone,” Wurts said.

“Mark had that spark that made you like him and respect him. He was truly a rock in our department, someone you always counted on,” Wurts wrote.

The union said Renninger was married with three children.


Relatives said Owens – known to friends and family as Ronnie – was a lifelong resident of Parkland, the Tacoma suburb where he was killed. The police union said Owens has a daughter.

Wurts said Owens’ fun-loving personality “made everyone around him feel positive.”

He “was the laid-back, dirt-bike-riding, surfer-hair-having cop you would always want at a party or with you on any call,” Wurts said. “Though he had a laid-back perspective, he was sharp and an extremely dedicated and hard worker.”

Owens was a Washington State Patrol trooper from 1997 until 2004, when he left to join the Lakewood police, Patrol Chief John Batiste said.

The killer, Maurice Clemmons, has a long rap sheet and was most recently in jail for the rape of a child.

…Nine years ago, then-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee granted clemency to Clemmons, commuting his lengthy prison sentence over the protestations of prosecutors.

“This is the day I’ve been dreading for a long time,” Larry Jegley, prosecuting attorney for Arkansas’ Pulaski County said Sunday night when informed that Clemmons was being sought in connection to the killings.

Clemmons’ criminal history includes at least five felony convictions in Arkansas and at least eight felony charges in Washington. The record also stands out for the number of times he has been released from custody despite questions about the danger he posed.

Clemmons had been in jail in Pierce County for the past several months on a pending charge of second-degree rape of a child.

He was released from custody just six days ago, even though he was wanted on a fugitive warrant out of Arkansas and was staring at eight felony charges in all out of Washington state.

Clemmons posted $15,000 with a Chehalis company called Jail Sucks Bail Bonds. The bondsman, in turn, put up $150,000, securing Clemmons’ release on the pending child-rape charge.

Clemmons lives in Tacoma, where he has run a landscaping and power-washing business out of his house, according to a police interview with his wife earlier this year.

He was married, but the relationship was tumultuous, with accounts of his unpredictable behavior leading to at least two confrontations with police earlier this year.

During the confrontation in May, Clemmons punched a sheriff’s deputy in the face, according to court records. As part of that incident, he was charged with seven counts of assault and malicious mischief.

In another instance, Clemmons was accused of gathering his wife and young relatives around at 3 or 4 in the morning and having them all undress.

Yup, you heard that right….Huckabee granted clemency to this scumbag, just as he did in the Dumond case, and many others, and how does he respond?

By blaming everyone else:

…Should he be found to be responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington State. He was recommended for and received a commutation of his original sentence from 1990, making him parole eligible and was paroled by the parole board once they determined he met the conditions at that time. He was arrested later for parole violation and taken back to prison to serve his full term, but prosecutors dropped the charges that would have held him. It appears that he has continued to have a string of criminal and psychotic behavior but was not kept incarcerated by either state.

And just earlier this evening in a typical softball interview by O’Reilly, he again placed blame on everyone else. O’Reilly is correct in saying during the interview that the judges had to take some responsibility. But, it the decision of the Governor that led to gates opening for this scumbag.

Michelle Malkin has a few articles from a few years back that should send chills up your spine:

Several prosecutors around the state are upset with Gov. Huckabee for granting clemency to violent criminals, but he is blaming the prosecutors for often not seeking the maximum penalty and keeping felons locked up longer.

Until now, Huckabee has refused to comment on his controversial policy of making violent prisoners eligible for parole– they include murderers, armed robbers and rapists, who often return to a life of crime after they’re freed – but in a statement to The Leader this week, he lashed out at prosecutors for not doing more to keep prisoners behind bars – to which Pulaski County Prosecuting Attor-ney

Larry Jegley had this response: “That’s a load of baloney.”

“I’m offended as a prosecutor and as a citizen. He can blame the prosecutors, but ultimately he’s the man responsible,” Jegley says. “He’s the only one who can sign on the dotted line.


In addition, Jegley, Saline County Prosecuting Attorney Robert Herzfeld and others have accused Huckabee of violating the state Constitution when he commutes sentences without explanation. The Constitution requires the governor to give reasons why he grants clemency to criminals.

“He doesn’t do it,” insists Herzfeld, who recently had a clemency overturned because Huckabee did not explain why he commuted a murderer’s life sentence.


Jegley cites numerous examples of Huckabee’s freeing felons who go on committing more crimes and wind up back in prison.

Maurice Clemmons received a 35-year sentence in the early 1990s for armed robbery and theft. His sentence was commuted in May 2000, and he was let out three months later.

The following March, Clemmons committed two armed robberies and other crimes and was sentenced to 10 years. You’d think they’d keep him locked up after that, but no: He was paroled last March and is now wanted for aggravated robbery.

If Huckabee decides to set these criminals free, Jegley says, at least “he ought to give an accounting. I can’t imagine why in the world they’d want them released from jail. There’s a good reason we’re afraid of them. The sad truth is that a significant number of people re-offend.”

Check Michelle’s post out for much more information on this guy and his history. It’s completely incredible he was released….why in the world would he allow this piece of s&%t out? And still he whines that it was not his fault:

Huckabee, who is considering a making second presidential run in 2012, also spoke to Fox News radio about his decision.

“If I could have known nine years ago, looked into the future, would I have acted favorably upon the parole board’s recommendation? Of course not,” he said. “One of the things that is horrible and just, again, one of the realities you have to confront is the criminal justice system is far from perfect, and in this case it failed miserably on all sides.”

As Allah notes….the justice system DID NOT fail. He was locked away, you let him out.

You failed these officers.

The scumbag is at fault for these deaths of course, but it was not the justice system that failed.


As I’m sure you heard….the scumbag was shot dead:

The officer was driving in a working-class neighborhood of south Seattle at about 2:45 a.m. when he came across a stolen car, its engine running, Assistant Seattle Police Chief Jim Pugel said.

As he sat in his cruiser, beginning paperwork on the car, he sensed movement, turned and saw someone approaching, Pugel said. The officer stepped out and immediately recognized the man, whose face had been all over TV and mugshot fliers memorized by every officer in the region.

The patrolman ordered Clemmons to freeze and show his hands, but he kept moving, and the officer fired several rounds, hitting the man at least twice, Pugel said.

Police said Clemmons would have died eventually of the gunshot wound he suffered in the coffee-shop rampage.

And Huckabee says:

…if the same file was presented to me today, I would have likely made the same decision.”

One more reason why the man should never be President of the United States

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Yet another reason schmuckabie deserves to be kept out of public employment.
He has blood on his hands and NO denials of any kind will change that.
AFAIC he’s a !@#$ and a @#$% piece of @#%^&^$ who can #$% and @#$%*!
That’s all I have to say about that.

I’m no fan of Huckabee – I don’t trust him. I also have very little faith in the rest of the system and the players within it because the suspect was released time and time again.

Will someone please tell me why anyone charged with raping a child should be allowed to walk the streets? Why on earth would such a person, and I use that term loosely, be offered an opportunity to post bail? The suspect is a known habitual violent offender and as a result of this latest frenzy there are now nine children that have lost a parent.

When will parole boards, judges, and governors accept responsibility for protecting innocent citizens AND law enforcement officers from predators?

@Hard Right:

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Outrageous. Huckabee’s political future is non-existent.

I suppose he learned to pass along blame from Obama.

The sins people commit in the name of their distorted view of G-d (usually distorted by “ego”) makes me want to wretch. I don’t give a damn what letter thay have behind their name, nor what denomination they chose to pervert.

This SOB claims he was released because of “mercy”.
Never asking himself about the mercy the released may or may not show their next vicitim.

The Huckster should serve time next to the perp he released.

Huge errors in Judgment of the part of Judges Parole Boards, and Governors happen daily.
Worse yet is the Plea Bargaining and Early Release for violent offenders and sexual predators.

Sheriff Joe has the right idea. Put them in tents regardless of weather, work them a 40 hour week, no deluxe dining, no smokes, no TV, serve out the full sentence and if they are released on probation, full monitoring or back in the cage.

Guv Huckleberry is a huge bad joke. My first thought was WTH was He thinking? With Clemmons violent criminal history, WTH was the Pierce County Judge thinking by granting bail release for Clemmons? Those charged with Public Safety Obligations and Judicial Duties need to be held FULLY ACCOUNTABLE for their exercise of their authority. We have two very wise Old Judges back in my neck of the woods that are not Judge Roy Bean types but are stern, fair and take their responsibilities very seriously.

*39F in Kandahar tonight with light rain. Been out to the FOBs and over the weekend, delivered med supplies, ammo, demolition gear, food, water, 500 LBS of hard candy that my fine neighbors sent, cold weather gear and distributed an equal weight of beef jerkey from my neighbors smokers back home. The Aviation BDE was pissing and moaning about all of the “blade time” involved. My comment “Get Used To It” We have a War Fight and Win, get Political with Me and I can insure an early Retirement for You”*

On a personal note I received by mail a CD that My Daughter recorded in her dorm room at USAFA. She plays both violin and guitar. She sent a pretty keen box of cigars as well.

Those that apply violence at Home need to be hunted down and held responsible for their deeds.
Those that turned them loose on the Law Abiding Public need to be held responsible as well.

Take Care FA Folks. I fully expect the Pretender to send the Thermopylae 300 to the Stans. No way to win a War or keep America safe. Guardedly Optimistic here.

Too enraged for words…

I know you can’t say much Colonel, but word here is that he’s gonna get ya 30,000 more dawgs. No word yet on the rate of the deployments nor service breakdown. Bias toward PRT & training/logis guys. That’s OK. Happy-face time is good for turnover of the locals, and the Germans suck at training warriors.

I smell 10g guns over 8-plus months disburse. Big enough numbers to sound tough this week, slow enough deployment to…

…to look both tough and soft at the same time, playing both sides, never taking a side, never taking a stand, “Present” as a permanent state of mind, his eternal quandary is the internal longing to be loved by all, even if it means those “all” end up hating him in the process.
The narcissist sees only that the image in the mirror is still smiling, so all is well.
The image will always love him. He can not turn to the right, nor the left because that might avert his gaze.

Generals/Commanders want guns in a big bunch so as to get momentum going and set the enemy back on it’s heels. It also might make for a violent few weeks of TV. Obama can’t have that on TV.

So he will take 8 months, instead of 8 weeks to bring death unto the enemy, which lets the enemy adapt and evade death, and he can put it all behind him for a year. Then not make an absolute decision then, either.
Hell we got 10thou men that will volunteer to deploy tomorrow given the word, weapons and water!

The PRT/training/Logis guys don’t have a time-pressure, so 8 months is fine for the State guys that run it that part of it. InOtherWords; Hallway warriors setting priorities. Lots of squad-sized-fobs being pulled backed from the wildlands. Less of em but better equipped/staffed.

-My musings…we’ll see.
Stay low, stay moving.

My heart is breaking for the families of these officers at the thought of what they are going through right now, especially the children. Both of my parents have and continue to have an incredibly prominent place in my life and to be without that…there are no words.

As for the asshat who perpetrated the crime…why should there be mercy? Why should there have been mercy from the start??? Forget about humanity for him, he’s been allowed to inflict horrible pain on the most defenseless of victims again, children, with his violent acts.

Frankly I suppose it’s a good thing I’m not a judge. One of the things that never came back was my concept of mercy after 9-11. I said it then and I know it today – no mercy. No quarter.

Patvann, Can do. Ready, Willing and tougher than a two dollar steak!

I am so disgusted right now. My hands are shaking as I TRY to type this message.. I can’t for the life of me make out the logic in this whole scenario (or lack there of). Thanks to a Complete Failure (capitalization intended) in Guv’ F@ckabee AND the incompetent prosecutors for dropping charges on this scumbag, four heroes have been slain… and four families are now one member short. Gosh, thanks guys!!!!

My heart IS broken for the family…

Semper Fi.

They got him, he’s dead! An alert officer spotted a stolen car, went to check it and a fire fight erupted between the very brave LONE officer and four heathens. He shot and killed Clemmons, the building was surrounded shortly after the shooting and now the other three have been arrested.

Clemmons also had help from his family, they gave investigating officers false leads, his sister nursed his wounds and helped him get away. I wish whatever judge they eventually face hands them down the remainder of the sentence Clemmons was supposed to serve. I know that won’t happen, but it better be severe, he could have killed more, particularly the officer that took him out.

I can’t imagine the emotions this officer is going through right now, he alone took down a dangerous criminal that had back up. He killed the animal that executed his fellow officers after an intense manhunt. He had to immediately know of the life threatening danger he was in as the first shot was fired at HIM, he stood his ground, faced them. He must have swung from a chilling dread to the final relief with a sharp edge, because of what he did, on the job, that animal could never kill, rape, rob again. Can’t imagine what was going through his mind between the beginning and end of it. What courage!

I hope in some way this brings a bit of closure to the spouses and NINE children these heroes left behind. May God give them all, including the members of the force they served with strength to get through this.

As for the fools that let him loose, I hope the loss of these officers haunts them everyday!

At least something good finally came out of this situation. Rot in Hell, you POS!

Thank you, Seattle PD!

The bond-setting judges’ frustration is compounded by being told by the other state holding unserved warrants, whether parole violations or new charges, that that state will not come and pick up the defendant for whom the state holds warrants when the defendant is now “west of the Missippi River” or some such geographical limitation/designation. The wanted felon is given a pass when he/she is X miles away, and therefore too expensive to pick up for transport. The defendant “wins” a get-out-of-jail-free card on that out-of-state warrant, just by knowing this limitation, which is public information, and by acting on that information.
Lots of follow-through actions and early-releases are budget driven. This torques up all law enforcement, and judges, too.
Judging is a fast way to burn out on humanity.

The story is changing from 4:30 am my time, may change again as more information comes out.

Now they are reporting that the suspect approached the officer, the officer realized it was Clemmons, ordered him to show his hands, Clemmons ran around the car and toward the officer, that’s when he was shot. No shoot out, but it doesn’t change the fact that the officer acted bravely and the animal he killed can no longer harm the citizens he protects.

Clemmons had a slain officer’s gun on his person.

@old one:

I understand what you are saying, it’s kind of like going through the court system trying to get child support from someone who is hopping from state to state. Years ago you would have to get the proceedings cancelled in one state before another state could act which would allow the negligent parent to move on because they were notified of a pending case in that state. I don’t know if that has changed, but I can see where the law can bind the hands of judges and agencies tasked to handle the cases. A rather insignificant example in comparison to this, but I think some along the way dropped the ball. Those in particular would know of their mistake and should answer to the citizens they are there to protect. It will be a matter of time, those at fault will come to light.

The wounds from this are open and painful, the loss of our police affect us all nationwide, we are lashing out from the pain. It’s just so hard to take that this animal was allowed out of the Arkansas system in the first place allowing the acts of one single being to harm and kill so many.

Huckabee took responsibility.

Former Governor Mike Huckabee on O’Reilly: “And, in the case of this particular individual he was sentenced to 108 years for two crimes when he was 16. The post prison transfer board, they recommended to me as governor for his commutation which didn’t release him it simply cut his sentence to 47 years. That would give him parole eligibility. That was the commutation. I am responsible for that and it’s not something I’m happy about at this particular moment.”

Which one of you would have not thought that 108 years was excessive for a 16 year old?

Huckabee could not see the future and neither can you.

THis guy would have been released by now anyway. A year of prison time takes four months. You serve three years every actual year. Then there is time off for good behaviour. so three times nine is twentyseven and some years off for good behaviour and because of prison overcrowding or the state is going bankrupt and, like California, lets out prisoners early to lower the budget. This guy would have been released in the last few years in any event even without the pardon. Look at all the judges that released this man much more recently. They had a much bigger record to look at then Huckabee did.

I hear Clemmons was seventeen at the time of Huckabee giving him a pass. Is that true?

I am a big fan of the Fair Tax and I hate to see people throwing one of it’s biggest proponents under the bus for a bad clemency call. I would not have voted for him in the last election but I do appreciate his activism.

It’s typical of a RINO to do everything in his power to appease the whining, bleeding heart left which makes up most parole boards across the nation. The Steele/Gingrich, country club side of the republican party will no doubt rush to Huckabee’s defense, but conservatives will not buy it. As a potential candidate in 2012, this bum is DOA!

Although Huckabee bears the lions share of the blame for the murders committed by this sub-human, a lot of others are also probably at fault. How did this clown skate by on all of the felony arrests on his record and wind up on the street? From cops to prosecutors to judges, everyone involved in allowing this thug to game the system should be singled out and utterly destroyed for any part they played in these events. Maybe the criminal justice system would become bit more sound if fools, limp-wrists and careless oafs wound up serving time for not doing their jobs.

Nice shooting officer.

To get over 100 years at 16 years of age indicates something more radical than jaywalking. If Huckabee had the instincts and reason that today’s American Hero had when he killed that disgusting piece of filth, this whole incident could have been avoided.

Thank goodness his aim was right on the mark, otherwise another Huckabee wanna be politician would be considering unleashing him again in a few years under pressure from Hollywood Braindeads and Che loving liberals to seem like a felon loving Liberal and gain more Democrat votes. Oh right, they were in Washington, cop killers are victims of society up there in Liberal Land.

Great shooting officer! Hopefully his family and sister will be required to reimburse you for your ammunition and perhaps buy you a new side arm.

The good news is, this morning (12-1-09) this dirtbag is dead and assuming room temperature. No appeals, no clemancy, no insanity pleas, just pure 9mm justice. This would have worked with KSM and his merry pranksters too.

i grew up with tina, this has hit out town very hard. she was a member of our police force before moving on to bigger and better things. she responded to several calls on our street, nostly issues between neighbers, but she was always respectful to everyone and treated others with kindness. it is a shame that nine children lost their parents that day. they have gotten the shooter and he is dead. thank you god.

Sorry but I have never liked Mike Huckabee, he always seems to be holding something back. I keep wondering when we will turn around our justice system and especially the penal system. Too many prisons seem to be nothing more than large holding cells with nothign for the criminals to do but think up ways to cause problems and continue their crimes behind bars. Most if not all need to be given jobs in the everyday upkeep and maintenance of the prison and very few public dollars need to go to private workers. If the prisoners refuse then basically like Joe Arripio (sp) they get minial food and no privilages.

@Old Trooper, thank you for all you do and what cigars do you smoke?

Huck’s a schmuck- with this Dukakis moment, he’s done for 2012

Mitt is in a political hole with conservatives for his failed Massachessets HC plan that’s hardly any better than Obama’s… and a pitiful response to NY-23’s special election drama (if there was ANY response, I don’t recall it).

Meanwhile, the Arctic Fox’s book is #1 while crowds swell at her signings… and polls now show her vs Obama’s approval numbers closed withing the margin of error…

Palin-Patraeus 2012 ?

Yes there is justice Virginia (apologies for the license on the quote).

Rest in peace officers, the man who ripped your lives away has now taken up residence in Hell.

the killer is dead.

@Reganite Republican,


Palin/Bachmann ticket

Bachmann/Palin ticket

for 2012

Stupid libs thought BHO/Lucifer is one for the record books…two females on the ticket, now thats history…the only thing to make it better is Condi Rice, Lisa Fristch, or Michelle Malkin on the ticket with either one of those gals mentioned above…

I would like to see some information on the people that aided and abetted Clemmons, perhaps before the shooting but certainly afterwards. They put some skin in the game; that skin should now be collected.

Yes TJ, aiding a killer should make you complicit in his crimes. Let the dance begin and all the lovers of cop killers can moan and bleed over the accomplices, while they are rotting in prison.

Cue the bleeding heart liberals who don’t believe actions have consequences. Hollywood leftists will make them into cult heroes ….


That is the way Huckabee works.. He claimed responsibility but when you walk away you walk away thinking it really wasn’t ‘all’ his fault, when it was!

“how could he know what was in the future”.. that doesn’t sound like a sincere apology.. That is Huck saying, “hey give me a break, it wasn’t all my fault”.. The crook was locked up and Huckabee let him out.. plain and simple-it was his fault this guy was loose.

Look, I am a Christian and I had to deal with some of my Christian friends who loved Huckabee based on the book about integrity that he wrote. It didn’t matter what I said I observed in regard to his ‘un-righteous-like’ behavior during the primaries. He was thin skinned and vindictive and those friends who didn’t make time to really watch him in action refused to believe me. Huckabee has a reputation for being that way-just google it.

More so what really frustrates me is that eventually, if not starting now, he won’t be able to hide behind his x-baptist minister facade anymore. People will see through the deception and guess whose name will get dragged through the mud. Not Huckabees, but Jesus. That is what frustrates me.

CHristians need to think with clear minds politically and quit fitting the stereotype thrust upon us by the left. I love Sarah Palin, and I have my eyes open and if I hear or see any deceptive streak in her as I watch her I will be the first to note it. So far she is who she says she is and is consistent with her actions vs. words whereas Huckabee never was.

Missy: The out-of-state violation of parole/probation are somewhat comparable to the old, pre-ERISA child support orders. The crucial difference is that the second judge, who has the wanted defendant before her/him, is compelled to notify the issuing state, for pick-up and transport of the wanted individual, said transport to occur AFTER the final disposition of local, new charges.

However, the second judge also is required to follow the issuing state’s release instructions, if any. Sometimes the warrant actually contains the restrictive language on its face, and it is public, etc, much to the delight of the wanted defendant. Other times, the first state’s prosecutors would and did, weigh the age of the underlying case (the likelihood of prevailing at trial due to lack of evidence) the facts and circumstances of the actual offense, the status of the defendant, and political fall-out of not seeking a full HOLD on the defendant, after the second judge has already set the bond on the new charge. Often, the second judge does not have actual notice of the changed status of the out-of-state warrant. Obviously, the second judge should then read the riot act to her/his staff, personnel, and jail personnel. It can become VERY political. Remember, in many jurisdictions, state trial judges are elected at alrge, and on a partisan basis in some states.)

In this case, the second judge may have set the bail on the instant charge of child rape relatively low (everyone is constitutionally entitled to bond unless it is a capital charge and “the evidence is great”) because sthe second judge is being reassured by local court personnel and local prosecutors that the first state had a true No Bond Allowed (NBA) on its warrant. So the second judge may have been suckered after the fact. It happens every day, much to the consternation of the judiciary and law enforcement. Hope this is somewhat clear.


I hadn’t noticed ya’ll had already seen this occurred and posted about it, and just saw it myself a few minutes ago! THANK GOD for some jusctice for these fine officers and their families!!!

I would have voted for Huckabee, albeit without much enthusiasm, had he gotten the nomination in ’08, but he had little chance of getting the nomination in the first place, only playing spoiler and running interference on behalf of McCain. He made it clear he didn’t want Romney to get the nomination, even though we now know that Romney would have been a formidable candidate against Obama, especially in light of the economic meltdown, which would have played right into Romney’s hands. If Huckabee really wants to assume any responsibility for making it possible for these murders to happen, he should quit his job at Fox and declare that he will NOT be a candidate for president in 2012, and just disappear from public view.

May the brave officers spouses and children get all the loving support from our communities for evermore. May their Names never be forgotten. God bless your children and may your souls rest in peace knowing that your families will be well taken care of.

As for 2012, it is time to rally around Sarah Palin and do our best to support her and give her guidance when needed to be the next CIC of our still great nation! She can and WILL WIN! I have made up my mind to help, and we must make it happen. BTW, her book is excellent!

It dawned on me last evening that Sarah commented on this tragedy on Sunday evening on Twitter. Did we hear anything from Obama that I missed somehow? Then, I thought with a comforted heart, Sarah was doing the “Presidential” thing, being decent and respectful of our fallen brothers and sister in law enforcement. You know President Bush would have made a point of saying something the same day as the event occurred as well. But then, he was Presidential from the heart.

While in Washington State today my heart goes out to the WA police officers gunned down so tragically&senslessly. God comfort the families.
7:20 PM Nov 29th from TwitterBerry

So Cal, the Pres is just sitting on the ready button to condemn the officer for shooting down the killer like a mad dog. Figuring the officer acted in haste and without a warning shot and commands to surrender peaceably, he is waiting for a chance to pull a Sharpton.

By the way Sharpton’s ex and daughter figure they can run red lights and speed with immunity because of lying Al. This theory of entitlement is past the verge of becoming out of control. You wait, if the officer went unq on a firing range ten years ago, there will be condemnation and an inquisition. When you burn up all your race card bonus points on stupid incidents like Twanna and Skippy your credibility is in the sewer.

I admit I had similar thoughts, Skook. Will Obama say the officer acted “stupidly” (because the suspect was black) as in the case of Sgt. James Crowley and Henry Gates? I sincerely hope not. But, I wouldn’t put it past him.

By the way, I do blame Huckabee for his part in this matter, but also hold Washington State officials (and ‘Jail Sucks Bail Bonds’)responsible for releasing this psychopath on $15,000 bail after assaulting a police officer and rape of a 12 yr. old child. I notice how much of the news media is focused on Huckabee and not so much on other people responsible. I think it’s to make a point about him being a “Republican”. Well, I’m using the term Republican loosely here. Anyone who is known to be the “favorite Republican” of those in the liberal media and by Joy Behar on ‘The View’ is no friend or favorite of mine.

These families deserve a huge apology from Huckabee as well as the Washington State judicial officials who allowed the release of this violent criminal. I’d say they deserve a HUGE monetary settlement as well.

Pierce County
Department of Emergency Management
(253) 798-7470

Lakewood Officer Memorial to be held at Tacoma Dome, Dec. 8

A memorial to honor Lakewood Police Officers Mark Renninger, Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold and Greg Richards will be held Tuesday, Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. in the Tacoma Dome. More than 20,000 members of the law enforcement community, emergency response agencies and the public are anticipated to attend and celebrate the lives of these much-loved public servants. More information will follow in the coming days regarding the procession and the ceremony.

The City of Lakewood has received numerous calls from generous residents, agencies and businesses wanting to help. Anyone interested in making a donation, volunteering or just wanting more information should email In addition, donations for the officers’ families are being accepted by the Lakewood Police Independent Guild Fund at P.O. Box 99579, Lakewood, WA, 98499 or you can visit for more information.

© Pierce County 2000-2009, All rights reserved.

Yes SoCal we are on the same side of the coin, it is rather remarkable that an acquaintance of O is busted for making an ass of himself and Bobo is on national TV making an ass of himself. Now we have four police officers executed in cold blood and not a peep from Fearless Reader. Why? May we assume that the race card is reversed and there is no traction to be gained. I realize o isn’t the brightest bulb and that he has hired a platoon of sycophants to surround himself, but you would think that one of them was bright enough to say, “better offer condolences, like now!” That is the crew that is guiding the canoe of state right now, stupid and classless unless there are political points to be gained. Little do they realize resistance is being strengthened daily by this base and inconsiderate behavior. Most politicians dig their own graves for their political demise, the system does not work against them. Obama has a back hoe digging his.

In a neighboring suburb, something similar happened two years ago: mentally deranged man basically walked up to a cop and shot him in the head. The deranged man’s family had tried for years to get him some psychiatric help BUT they were stymied by three things: (a) the lack of HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MENTAL ILLNESS so that the guy could get the psychiatric help he needed, (b) the absence of a mental health court, i.e., judges who know how to handle and channel mentally ill people who have contact with the criminal justice system [and the sicker they are, the more likely they will run into trouble], and (c) the lack of a public mental health safety net.

Where mental health is concerned, bad things wil happen no matter what systems are in place. But where the damage is avoidable, we owe it to everyone to have the best system possible.

It is fine to rail against “the scum of the Earth”, or mention Obama or “liberals” as somehow being responsible. But you conservatives need to decide if you want to deal with the actual problem. Instead of adopting a nonsensical “lock ’em up” at $65,000 per person per year solution or just ranting hate at people who are CLEARLY not mentally well.

In the case of the shooter here, his psychiatric care was made more difficult by the fact that he had no job and had no health insurance. And he was too old to be a dependent under his mom’s health insurance. Hmm . . . seems to me that a universal health care system with insurance that paid for mental health care might have meant one less cop would die. Something to think about as you cons rant and rave against Obamacare while cheering for the status quo.

B-Rob…Your Mental condition needs to be reported.

I recommend .45 treatment. Gently administered but well aimed.

B-rob, you are a dispicable POS. You use the murder of 4 police officers to push your twisted agenda. You leftists are truly mentally ill.
It WAS NOT a lack of health care that caused this. It was gutlessness and bleeding heart sentiments that kept a violent offender free. $65k a year sounds cheap compared to the lives he destroyed, but you don’t care about that. You have said nothing about the REAL victims or their families. You want to paint HIM as the victim. He was given 100+ years as a reason.
Until idiots like schmuckabie and yourself understand that, this will continue to happen.
I’m sure you’re all for it tho. It gives you excuses to ram your fascist beliefs down our throats.

I am not a fan of Huckabee at all, but the story as you tell it, and the picture you paint is very unfair.

Huck granted clemency on a sentence when this guy was about 17 years old. A sentence that seemed harsh at face-value, even to me.

The other crimes (specifically the rape) nothing to do with Huckabee’s clemency grant, and hadn’t even occurred at the time. If I didn’t already have background knowledge of this, your story would have really upset me and I would be all up-in-arms on Huckabee too.

If you really want somebody to blame (other than Clemmons himself), blame the judge who granted the man an opportunity to post bail.

There are many fair reasons to dislike Huckabee, this incident is not one of them.

Perhaps we should grant clemency to every teenage homicidal maniac rapist serving 100 year sentences. That way we can “feel good” about the downtrodden. We can then feel sorry for the victims’ families when these maniacs kill again, without health insurance. Of course they will probably be in the slammer for not having Pelosi Care or is that just for us Schmucks that work.

Obamacare will get these homicidal maniacs off the streets, Chris Mathews will be in homo euphoria if he gets a hold of that one. Good Grief!

@ Hard Right —

You are a brainless moron. If you had even minimal skills of reading comprehension, you would know that I was not talking about THIS GUY, you dolt! Reread my paragraph and wake the f. up.

Your inability to actually address the substance speaks volumes — but your emotional, non-thinking response is exactly what I was talking about when I included the sentence about the conservatives “nonsensical ‘lock ‘em up’ at $65,000 per person per year solution or just ranting hate at people who are CLEARLY not mentally well.”

Here is the story about the officer:

Here is the guy who did it:,0,2290779.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wjw-news+%28WJW+-+Fox++8+News%29

Did you see the sentence about the mother not being able to get him the help he needed? It would not have cost the $65,000 to do it, either.

Do I think that a decent health care system is a panacea? Hell no! I said just that: some people will still die at the hands of deranged individuals. But the reality is that our system sucks and it is killing people; and if we had a decent system, fewer people would die. And that particular sick man could have been medicated and Officer Jason West would not have lost his life that day. In that sense, Officer West is another casualty of a patchwork health care system (and government policies) that won’t spend $12,000 a year to keep an ill man medicated. And we will now spend $65,000 a year locking him up for the rest of his life, for want of medication that cost less than $10,000 per year. Does that make sense to you? If so, why?

As long as conservatives rail about “socialism” without offering any actual solution to the problem that woman faced medicating her mentally ill son, you will remain irrelevant. And I think the knowledge that or society has basically rejected your “ignore it and it will go away” approach is what makes you conse so angry and nasty.

@ Old Trooper —

“I recommend .45 treatment. Gently administered but well aimed.”

You are obviously not mentally well, so why don’t you go first? I will do it right after you . . . I promise!

That you do not know whom you address, I find this very amusing indeed, billy bob. Tell you what… you continue on your fair housing defense cases, and I’ll put my nickel down on my future freedom with Old Trooper. For in the long run, it is his efforts that insure your own… in whatever context of economical wisdom that may be. Oddly enough ACORN CRA lawsuits come to mind first….

Hey jackass b-rob, again you didn’t say ONE thing about the victims. You were too busy pushing your jackbooted agenda. You want to make the murderers into victims and that part is VERY clear. So don’t try to say you didn’t mean the “other guy” too because you know you did.

As with almost all leftists, it’s all so you can feel better about yourself. Screw the victims which are little more than abstractions to “people” like you. It’s all about how wonderful you are just because you claim to “feel” for the the murderer. In your sick mind, the murderer is the real victim.
I agree with Old Trooper. You need “therapy”.

So Mark, what exactly is unfair? The facts? Schmuckabie granted clemency to a scumbag that had a sentence he deserved. That made him eligible for parole. I will say it again for you since you have issues with comprehension. WITHOUT CLEMENCY HE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ELIGIBLE FOR PAROLE. Without clemency he would never have been free-period. No judge would have a chance to botch anything and that child wouldn’t have been raped.
I’d say you need to go do more “backround” research on the story and stop making BS excuses for him. I also noticed you didn’t say anything about how this isn’t even the 2nd time his clemency grant has caused misery and suffering.