What Did Huckabee Know?

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Big bombshell on the Huckabee front. Remember that prisoner he helped get released while he was Governor of Arkansas, who then went and killed Carol Sue Shields.  Well, it’s about to get a bit more interesting:

The Huffington Post has released additional documents from then-Governor Huckabee’s file on Wayne Dumond, the rapist Huckabee concluded should be released from prison and who, after he was released, committed murder.

What kind of documents?

12 letters written by 8 different women asking the scumbag to stay in prison. Three of those twelve reported being sexually assaulted by Dumond. Even more damning is a affidavit from the Arkansas state police where Dumond confessed to a rape he was never charged with.

Add in the fact that these documents were provided by a Huckabee staffer who disagreed with him over the release of Dumond, which would seem to indicate Huckabee had access to these documents and you have the making of a true Willie Horton scenario.

Then, there’s the issue of whether Huckabee has been honest in his statements about the Dumond affair. In this post, I argued that Huckabee may well have been less than truthful in claiming that he didn’t influence the state parole board’s decision to grant Dumond parole. In addition, the documents released by the Huffington Post make a mockery of Huckabee’s statement to Tim Russert that he wished he had known more than he knew about Dumond before coming down on the side of his release. The documents in the file provided all the information Huckabee needed to make the correct judgment. Read them for yourself and see whether you agree.

If Huckabee had access to these documents then the use of his office to get this guy released is unforgivable.


Reading up on the case now and I must say, it’s a convoluted story.  First Huckabee initially intended to give clemency to this guy while the Parole Board initially intended to deny parole.  Then Huckabee denied clemency which was followed by the Parole Board granting parole.


But then on Hucks website you have this:

On January 16, 1997 the Board took up a reconsideration of DuMond’s parole request and voted to grant parole with the stipulation that DuMond be paroled out of state.

That same afternoon the Governor denied the clemency request. He sent a letter to DuMond that has been widely reported saying, (excerpted): “Dear Wayne, I have reviewed your applications for executive clemency, specifically a commutation and/or pardon… My desire is that you be released from prison. I feel now that parole is the best way for your reintegration into society… Therefore, after careful consideration… I have denied your applications.”

Huckabee denied his clemency request on the same day as the Parole hearing.  No way these two events are not connected.

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A lot of this sordid case have to do with the quirks of Arkansas’ state politics. Huckabee had to publicize his intent to grant clemency then make his final decision 30 to 120 days later. There was public outcry in the state and he sought and attained cover by convincing the parole board (in and illegal meeting) to reverse their previous 4-1 vote to deny Dumond’s release. The meeting took place days before the 120 day period would end.

Huck: a lying scumbag with a heart of gold, a good man who is totally evil. What a quaint controversy this would’ve been if the fate of the free world wasn’t in the balance.