Nigel Lawson from the London Times describes how the CRU emails have damaged, possibly permanently, the theory of man-made global warming:
…the scientific basis for global warming projections is now under scrutiny as never before. The principal source of these projections is produced by a small group of scientists at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU), affiliated to the University of East Anglia.
Last week an apparent hacker obtained access to their computers and published in the blogosphere part of their internal e-mail traffic. And the CRU has conceded that the at least some of the published e-mails are genuine.
Astonishingly, what appears, at least at first blush, to have emerged is that (a) the scientists have been manipulating the raw temperature figures to show a relentlessly rising global warming trend; (b) they have consistently refused outsiders access to the raw data; (c) the scientists have been trying to avoid freedom of information requests; and (d) they have been discussing ways to prevent papers by dissenting scientists being published in learned journals.
There may be a perfectly innocent explanation. But what is clear is that the integrity of the scientific evidence on which not merely the British Government, but other countries, too, through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, claim to base far-reaching and hugely expensive policy decisions, has been called into question. And the reputation of British science has been seriously tarnished.
Instead of debate those pimping the AGW version of warming have done their best to close the debate, with the help of our liberal MSM.

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LOL an “inconvenient truth” indeed!!!
Can’t help remembering Carl Sagan’s Nuclear Winter theory, and how the data was manipulated to produce the desired results…
I suppose with the rising ambient global tempertures, it makes it a lot easier and quicker to cook that data.
Mad Capn Bob, I remember that BS. I also remember how it quietly went out of favor.
Jeff Goldblum’s character in Independance Day was ranting about it and I wanted to smack him.
Douchebags…….Actions have consequences. Hopefully, the consequences for al-Gore lands him in the gutter, broke and alone.
Your forgot to add: “and hopefully in jail!!!!!”
Nothing will happen to Al Bore and his band of brigands and fraudsters. The entire left and the democrat party as well as so called moderate republicans are a fraud and will circle the wagons around him The ideolgical foundations of the libs and leftist are nothing other than fraud, lies, and deceitful & sinister actions. The media will not report the AGW exposure and the left will go on as if its lies have not been exposed.
Without exception the actions, ideas, and behavior for the left worldwide has only one goal and that is the imposition of totalitarain rule by its poseurs and present day elites aided by the the hucksters and evil charlatans who call themselves pols, academics, and the media. Unless Americans awake very soon the warning found in “The Road to Serfdom” is our future. Europeans have already doomed themselves to serfdom under socialism and Isalmism. An angry American populous are the only hope to stop an Orwellian future here and around the globe.
Re #7 — Old One — front page article in Seattle Times – TODAY — a golbal warming story as if it was ALL true and no questions — complete with the melting ice caps and the species extinction —
The entire lamestream media should be completely ignored. & its advertisers boycotted. By not buying its newspapers, magazines, tuning out your tv, or visitng its websites we can cut off its eyball exposure and starve to death the deranged sinister beast that is the media.
This evenings treat of obfuscation and paranoia.
I wonder if the Nobel committee that awarded Al Gore his bogus prize understands the gravity of this disclosure? I’m guessing they have and will be working on an excuse to maintain face. Too late! They were already idiots for Arafat, Carter, and the final straw, Obama.
Hopenchangenhagen. If past performance is any indicator of future results, we can count on Obamao signing on to amy snake-oil the World Government is to present.The evidence sure confirms what many have thought about Al-Gore’s Inconvenient Truth. None of this evidence is making it into the lame-stream media: Al-Reuters, Al-AP, Al-ABC, Al-BBC, Al-CBS, Al-NBC. Al-Huffington Post, et al spins this as 12 year old emails. And, that criminal hackers (cabal of climate-deniers) stole them. Never mind the media revealing any of the damning content exposing the collusion, the fraud. The contents of those emails is off-limits. The hypocritical media are more interested in the lynching of the perpetrators of the downloading, rather than the contents However, had somebody successfully hacked the Booosh Administration’s White House Computers: We know that Al-CBS, etc, would have no problem publishing all content; From an undisclosed source, protected under the 1st amendment. The same treatment would never hold for the Obamaoanation, or its parent organization. Since the info is so damaging to the IPCC, and the UN cause, this information will not be revealed in main stream channels.Watts up with that reasonably rationalizes that the most probable source of the leak was internal incompetence; Plain-old UEA Info. Systems administrative clue-lessness, involving the main webserver; No hacking involved. That the UEA response to the security leak was the taking down its external web server, reasonably suggests that the public webserver was configured to permit access the internal email spools. Duh!! Government intelligence. Closing with: “There’s an old adage, never assume malice when stupidity or incompetence will explain it.”
The Nobel Peace Prize is issued by a nation dominated by frightened leftist idiots. 80 years of statism and welfare spending has so debauched and depraved the population of that country that they cower in their houses as they willing handing over their nation to its imported islamists and soon to be masters. My Norwegian relatives in a town of 25,000 are so scared stiff of the muslim teenage hoodlums gangsters they have invited in to be their future rulers that they will not go about the town’s center after 6 pm.
Actually, Old One, I doth believe the algore-has-no-rhythm faithful are taking a playbook from the Obama/Alinsky cyber army. Why we even had a Brit (so he says) likely residing in gay Paree, inundate our 2nd post on the CRU expose’ with about every distraction from the subject at hand possible.
First he began with stating that FOIA had to be a US hacker because the UK has no “organized skeptic” groups, and that they (UK) are a dedicated Copenhagen leming, borne and bred from childhood.
While continuing to dodge the thread topic of data manipulation for political purposes, the desperate AGW cyber plant then decided that perhaps he could intimidate and distract by pulling all the catch phrases of measurements to bandy about.
Turbo landed on the wrong site, or had the bad luck of drawing the short straw…. Patvann is using him for midnight snacks while combing thru the entire database. LOL
The damage control is starting fast and furious in cyberspace, with the underground psuedo-science minions furiously typing in the blogosphere wherever this stuff is cropping up. They know they have to hide what’s been going on in the back rooms of those entrusted as the primary sources for the IPCC mandate for emissions control world wide. So it’s discredit the news, shift the focus, and attempt to intimidate with”big words”, so to speak.
This, of course, tells me that this is huge news in the “warmer” world. And they are very concerned about how this plays out in the media.
Since the blogosphere leads the MSM by about three days, and now can command they pay attention to what we are discussing, this can’t be glossed over for long. PJ media and it’s vast participation, has earned the power to create the cable talking head news segment headlines – just by a mass buzz discussion.