Breitbart: AG Holder Must Investigate ACORN Or More Tapes To Come During Election Cycle

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Doesn’t get more direct then this from Andrew Breitbart on the ACORN story:

Breitbart: There’s a lot of hypocrisy and the dust has settled for ACORN and at the end of the day they’ve recognized that Eric Holder, the Attorney General, has not initiated an investigation into ACORN after we now have seven tapes. There were five initially that came out, ACORN was defunded by the Senate, was defunded by the House, lost it’s link to the Census; while all that damage occurred, Congress didn’t come in to investigate them, obviously not the Attorney General’s office, and they’ve now realized let’s get back into business because they realized that the dust settled and they were not being investigated, it was Hannah, James, and me who were being investigated, that’s why we’ve been forced to offer this latest tape.

Hannity: Are you saying, Andrew, that there are more tapes?

Breitbart: Oh my goodness there are! Not only are there more tapes, it’s not just ACORN. And this message is to Attorney General Holder: I want you to know that we have more tapes, it’s not just ACORN, and we’re going to hold out until the next election cycle, or else if you want to do a clean investigation, we will give you the rest of what we have, we will comply with you, we will give you the documentation we have from countless ACORN whistleblowers who want to come forward but are fearful of this organization and the retribution that they fear that this is a dangerous organization. So if you get into an investigation, we will give you the tapes; if you don’t give us the tapes, we will revisit these tapes come election time.

Video at the link….

This is in response to the latest video, this time from the LA office….the same one that the LA Times proclaimed would be vindicated.

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Does anyone really think Holder is going to investigate ACORN? Remember, he’s the A.G. who overrode the career DOJ prosecutors and squelched the prosecution of the Black Panthers who weilded clubs outside the polling place in Philadelphia in 2008.

I mean REALLY! If you’re not going to prosecute THIS then you are certainly not going to investigate ACORN!

It’s all the same!

Maybe Breitbart should start leaking hints of the other organizations’ extremely dirty laundry on tape — starting in 2010 primary season.

Little leaks may = death by a thousand cuts. . .especially during an election year.

Looks like Breitbart has the upper hand now. How ironic.

And with the internet where it is today, even if the MSM wouldn’t pick it up, this WOULD get around.
Other than CNN mentioning it a bit, I didn’t see any of the ususal MSM suspect paying any attention to this UNTIL they were investigating the film makers.

Why oh why does the MSM give a group like ACORN a huge pass like that?

You guys just really like lying to yourselves… that’s why you live through a whole web-community dedicated to self deception.

I cant believe you’d let a coked-up charlatan like Breitbart tell you what to believe. Or how you can trust a goon like O’Keefe, with all the glaringly obvious holes dotted across his contradictory stories. Or an ugly whore like Hannah, who didnt even know what ACORN was when she “investigated” it.

Dont worry, when Breitbart goes for his money-shot next year, I think all you tea-baggers are in for a mouthful of a surprise! Keep trailing after your lying muck-rakers, their own day of exposure is coming!

BTW, never trust some idiot like O’Keefe who tries to sabatogue condom use while simultaneaously attacking abortion-rights organizations… it basically just shows how thoughtless & backwards he really is (or else he might have bothered to check wire-tapping laws before editing together a pack of manicured lies… oops, i mean “investigating”)

On that note, you should know 1 more thing… Okeefe is in some REALLY big money, so dont get suckered into giving anything to his “defense-fund”, because that’s a lie too. Jayboy got a grant for at least $10,000 (he lied to his friends when he said it was $30,000) from a VERY wealthy & VERY gay conservative racist named Peter Thiel. So you can shove that $1300 lie back up O’keefe boney, warty, crusty bunghole (it’ll cushion the blow when he finally gets thrown in jail)

Ta ta you poor naive little sheep, see you when your “heroes” are finally exposed for what they really are. It’ll be a good day!

Ha, you are such a raging hypocrite guilty of massive self deception and projection, it’s staggering.
Lefties like you are so mentally ill you actually think you are part of a “reality based” community on your leftist hate sites. That’s called pathological denial and a major trait of the deluded left. The fact you claim it is us that has created a world of self denial proves my point on projection.

Despite the release of tapes proving how corrupt ACORN is, you claim Breitbart is a liar and phony. You provide no proof of this and pile on vulgar attacks which is typical of garbage like yourself.
I’ve seen leftists like you boasting about how you are “free thinkers” on sites like Kos and DUNG all while talking about 9/11 MIHOP/LIHOP, chemtrails, how evil and powerful the Jewish lobby is, and how wonderful socialism is. You all buzz in approval like good little mindless drones. So if you want to see something brainless, look in the mirror.

After you look in the mirror, see your psychiatrist about some lithium, Clozapine, or other anti-psychotic because it’s clear you are in severe need of it.
I’m betting a hateful little coward like yourself won’t come back to this site, especially after Nov 2010.

@Ha!: Thanks Ha! You described the left perfectly!

Hard Right
hi from MARCH 2 IN 2012,
IF you did not exist, we would have to invent you,