Lindsey Graham Utterly Destroys The Obama Administration Decision To Try KSM In Civilian Court

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Senator Lindsey Graham, of all people, destroys Our Attorney General (and Obama) on their idiotic decision to fight this war as a law enforcement issue:

Ann Althouse:

Holder imagines that he can hide inside that “thoughtful” routine that Obama so often relies on, but it is utterly pathetic here. Either he knows damned well what he’s doing and he’s lying or he’s outrageously unqualified for his job. His evasive style is so similar to Obama’s that he makes Obama look worse.

Dan Karipides at Wizbang isn’t buying it. He doesn’t believe Holder is this much of an amateur:

Which unfortunately leaves the second option. That, as Jay Tea suggested earlier, the administration plans to use the trial to go after Bush, Cheney, and the evil-Republicans-that-torture. Perhaps they were still counting on a public environment where such a tactic would be cheered. What Holder was truly unprepared for was anyone questioning the decision in the first place.

Bingo! And there you have it. This Administration is so cocky….so arrogant…they just could not believe that a decision like this would be questioned.

Jay Tea:

You first have to start off with the old truism that “conservatives think liberals are stupid; liberals think conservatives are evil.”

With that in mind, the Obama administration’s actions suddenly make perfect sense.

To them, the trial of the accused terrorists is merely a means to an end. And that end is, to them, a greater justice that must be served.

Some critics are asking questions like “what if they are not convicted?” What would happen if a jury finds — for whatever reason, such as mistreatment of the defendants at the hands of the government during their years of pre-trial detention — that to convict them would be unjust?

That doesn’t matter. The Obama administration is convinced that the fix is in. The conviction is a foregone conclusion to them; they simply can’t envision anything else happening. (As others have noted, these are the same people who couldn’t conceive of Chicago NOT winning the Olympics, or of the Democrats NOT winning the recent gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey — but we’re not dealing with reality here, but the Obama administration’s perceptions.)

So the conviction is in the bag. This is when the spirit of Rahm Emanuel raises its baleful head and repeats the mantra “never let a crisis go to waste.” Since there’s going to be a trial anyway, and the outcome is already gonna happen, what else can get get from it? What other benefit can we reap from this trial? What other enemies — besides these all-but-convicted-and-executed terrorists — can we pummel with this?

Why, of course, the Bush administration and the CIA.

How would a trial like this be an attack on Bush and the CIA you ask?

…the defense raises the “torture” argument. Obama’s Justice Department objects, just strenuously enough to get the whole issue argued before the judge and the press (if not the jury). This gets all the gory, lurid details out in the public, and demonstrates once and for all what evil, malicious, hideous, inhuman monsters Bush, Cheney, and all their supporters are once and for all.

In the end, all the evidence gathered by the “enhanced interrogations” will be set aside and the trials will continue towards their predestined guilty verdicts. And then the real fun begins — all that currently-confidential information is now not only public, not only part of the official legal record, but the Obama administration can claim to have resisted its release and only did so in compliance with the law. At that point, more legal action — civil and, possibly, criminal — can be brought against Bush-era officials, bringing more discredit on the Republican party in general — just in time for the 2010 or 2012 elections.

Which, of course, is the main focus on an administration that viewed the days between last November’s election and this past January 20 as a vacation between campaigns, and has yet to figure out when — or how — to start governing.

Win the fight against radical Islam? Who cares. Keep the homeland safe and secure? Who cares….just win the election baby!.

Just keep power.

That’s all that matters to them….

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Is this simply an example of a stopped clock being right twice a day or is Graham finally beginning to feel pressure from conservatives in his party/state? Graham’s history for inexplicable “compromise” to the detriment of the country on illegal immigration is just one issue that makes today’s performance so surprising.

I don’t trust Graham that much more than Holder but for the time being, he is at least giving the appearance of fighting the good fight.

What a shame we can only count on Graham to do the right thing HALF the time. And let’s not forget he voted to confirm Holder who will go down as the most political Attorney General since John Mitchell during the Nixon years.

so is graham a good guy again?

Despite Graham’s history, he made Holder look like an incompetent fool, who else has stood up to the dufus duo lately.

My question is …. when does treasonous anti-American behavior finally hit a threshold, where those that still love and want this country to survive, say enough?

Or do we just plan to survive as individuals and not think about our children and grandchildren, and those who cannot defend themselves (yet)?

When do those that get it take the bull by the horns and stop this madness at any cost?

Or am I missing something? Do we just “hope” the political process reverses this damage that looks to me like damaging brain cells. They do not grow back.

What should actually be taking place is the impeachment of Obama. There is considerable evidence this man is not a citizen of the United States of America. He is also filling cabinet positions with “radical” Islamic Muslims. Enough is enough with this evil and dangerous president who for nearly twenty years sat “under” his mentor Jeremiah Wright, believes “damn the United States it’s the great Satan. Like the military officer that murder our solders at Fort Hood, Obama is simply another radical Muslim bent on the total destruction of our Republic. This cannot be permitted to continue, and we need taking every legal action available to impeach Obama and rid his appointment of Czars, especially before any further damage is done to the Nation and populace.

ditto r s’chevalier

I am NOT a fan of Graham, but I do agree with him on this point. I think we should get rid of Holder – call for HIS impeachment first and then work on the big-eared won! 2010 is not coming fast emough!

Senator Graham is 100% right-on in this case. Holder comes off as the incompetent bungler that personifies so many other Obama appointees. The Obama and Company agenda continues! From the onset of this administration, is has been clear that Obama has no interest in the continued protection of the American people and way of life, and is working overtime to weaken our world position. The rush to close Gitmo is only one example of his warped policies. If this slime-bag KSM is tried in our court system, it will set a precedent that will never go away!

Avery concerned and upset American.

You know you have screwed the pooch when one of your lap dogs gets up and bites you.

Holder looked like someone had caught him cheating off the person beside him in law school. He figured he could simply wave off any opposition with misdirection and they would buy it. The current administration simply hasnot learned that there are checks and balances built into the system to keep them from doing whatever they want. The question now is when will the RNC start flexing their muscle and bring up all the blocks to this travesty of history being enacted out on the public airwaves.

I think Holder really f-ed up. At the 2:57 mark, he testified that SOME captured people received Miranda warns. Therefore, some did not. Which ones? And why? Discrimination?

He is a JAG after all. Has always been strong on support of the military and security of the U.S. but hangs out with John Kerry and the Climate Bill deal.

He did explain, he wants oil drilling, natural gas, and clean coal to be utilized but should make this point clearly . I turned on him for his RINO ways but he is perfect in his dressing down of this idiot AG we have been saddled with.

What is most interesting to me is a couple follow up items.

P. Leahy (Retard-VT), said that if OBL was captured, he would not need to be interrogated.

Obama said that the decision to trial in NYC was his AG’s decision. What is it about Obama that prevents him from taking serious policy decisions? Does this mean if this trial in NYC goes “pear shaped”, Obama will throw Holder under the bus?

It just astounds me that O would not own these decisions. Just flabbergasted here, folks…

Flabbergasted? With all due respect newguy40, when has this POS ever “owned” anything other than raising his hand to say “present”?

IMHO it is the sincere desire of this regime to see SKM acquitted and freed after dragging the Bush administration, the intelligence community, and the United States as a whole through the mud as much as possible. All of this talk about finding him guilty and never letting him go are fig leaves, they want to be able to say “we tried, but we are a nation of laws (lawyers that is), and had no choice.” It is perfect, through discovery they let SKM load up on intel gathering techniques, slam everyone who had a hand in catching him and getting intel from him, and then sit back on the “moral high ground” and wave as he heads back to Pakistan.

Holder once called me (and all of you) a coward, so I guess I have a right to call him SCUM.

So…….Ozero says……….

“I don’t think that it will be offensive at all when he’s convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him.”

And some lawyer somewhere isn’t drooling over the idea that he can get his client off and make a name for himself because of prejudicial statements made by the President of the United States? That Ozero has already tried and convicted KSM before the trial even starts? That the jury pool hasn’t been contaminated by that statement?

Right. And I’ve got some oceanfront property in Arizona for sale.

Hey! Barry!!………STFU already. We’re in enough trouble as it is.

Holder also had a bit of a problem with Senator Kyl yesterday.

@R S’Chevalier:

All this talk of impeachment. I don’t think incompetence will pass for an impeachable offense. The Republicans only impeached Clinton, the Senate would not convict him.

Look at the make up of the House and the Senate today. If Obama’s mother came back from the dead and said that her son was born on Mars the Democrats would only point to the number of jobs they’ve created in Martian congressional district #99. The point is that the Republicans need to run good candidates with a strong platform that outlines a clear plan to spark an economic recovery (hint: tax cuts) that will impress enough independents to send them back with a majority in both houses. Without that there is no reason to talk about impeachment, even if there were an impeachable offense identified. Who knows? Without his overwhelming majority in the Congress, a beleaguered Obama might decide to work with Republicans in 2011. Whether he does or not, I want him gone on 20 JAN 2013. Until then, Republicans need to focus their attention on winning seats with strong candidates and clear ideas.

One more thing on the Lindsey Graham theme – He was the only Republican (out of 21) on the House Judiciary Committee to suggest censure for Clinton during the impeachment hearings. The little JAG weasel made a great play about how he did not want to damage the country over some sort of extramarital affair. I guess Graham doesn’t think perjured testimony is a problem because as far as I know, it’s a felony and the very reason Clinton was disbarred in Arkansas. Graham did eventually vote for 3 of the 4 articles of impeachment but even back in his days in the House, Graham had an amazing habit of overlooking the obvious.

I don’t trust Graham and would like to see him removed, along with all of the other far too familiar faces that make this Congress the sad and ineffective joke that it has become, either via term limits or by a strong conservative challenger.

“Goober” Graham is feeling some heat, so he throws us a bone once in a while. That’s how he stays in office. Like, when John McCain wasn’t hanging out with Teddy: He would similarly be rational once in a while? Despite the fact that Graham was right this time, he’s wrong most of the time; And, really needs to be replaced. Perhaps also, the leadership of the RNC, for continuing to fund these luke-warm “mavericks.” This nations needs a governance that represents the apparent will of the the people; To replace these royal career politicians with real statesmen, who will adhere to the fundamental principles that made this country great: Un-diluted conservatism! As embraced by Reagan and Lincoln. Now is good: As the modern Democrat Party charges into National Socialism, we need to oust these “Goobers” that are similarly trying to transform the GOP back into the Democrat-Republicans.

Impeachment is not going to happen. This congress is obviously bought and paid for. But, that’s another issue we’ll address next year. Sarah in 2012!