And the evidence mounts:
Authorities have been examining whether Fort Hood massacre suspect Nidal Malik Hasan wired money to Pakistan in recent months, an action that one senior lawmaker said would raise serious questions about Hasan’s possible connections to militant Islamic groups.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., said sources “outside of the [intelligence] community” learned about Hasan’s possible connections to the Asian country, which faces a massive Islamist insurgency and is widely believed to be Osama bin Laden’s hiding place.
Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, would not identify the sources. But he said “they are trying to follow up on it because they recognize that if there are communications – phone or money transfers with somebody in Pakistan – it just raises a whole other level of questions.”
~~~Hasan’s finances have been a mystery since last week, when the Army major and psychiatrist allegedly shot and killed 13 colleagues at the sprawling Central Texas military base. Hasan earned more than $90,000 a year and had no dependents, yet lived in an aging one-bedroom apartment that rented for about $300 a month.
~~~Authorities know that Hasan sent repeated e-mails, starting some time in December 2008, to a radical Muslim cleric in Yemen. That cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, formerly served as imam of a large northern Virginia mosque where Hasan worshipped. The U.S.-born cleric praised Hasan after the massacre as “a hero.”
In January, al-Awlaki told readers of his blog about “44 ways to support jihad” – a term often translated as “holy war.” Many of his points dealt with ways to fund such efforts.
“Probably the most important contribution the Muslims of the West could do for Jihad is making Jihad with their wealth,” al-Awlaki wrote. “In many cases the mujahideen are in need of money more than they are in need of men.”
~~~Colleagues and associates have described Hasan as a loner who voiced his opposition to the wars, including his assertion that Muslims were justified in fighting American troops. Hasan’s family has said he became more distressed as he learned he was about to be deployed to Afghanistan.
“He is a kind of fundamentalist. He thinks a Muslim must defend themselves,” said Golam Akhter, a civil engineer from Bethesda, Md., who said he spoke with Hasan on several occasions at the mosque where they worshipped.
He said he knew Hasan was a doctor but didn’t know he was a member of the Army.
“He used to dress in long dresses just like Pakistanis, and that made me also concerned,” Akhter said. “Usually only the imam uses those loose and long shirts and sleeves. That made me [wonder], being very educated, why he is using the imam’s dress.”
The article notes the contact Hasan made with one radical cleric but fails to note the other contacts:
Maj. Hasan made some of the contacts while visiting known jihadist chat rooms on the Internet, according to one of The Times’ sources, a senior FBI official. He said that several people with whom Maj. Hasan was in contact had been the focus of investigations by the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force.
The other source, a military intelligence official, said those in contact with Maj. Hasan are located both in the U.S. and overseas. The official said they are “broadly known and characterized as Islamic extremists if not necessarily al Qaeda.”
~~~These ties are in addition to Maj. Hasan’s already-reported links to radical Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, who called Maj. Hasan a “hero” on a blog post about last week’s Fort Hood shooting, which left 13 dead and 29 wounded.
The missed connections is obvious now. Why they were missed is another issue which at the end of the day is going to come down to one of the left’s favorites….political correctness.

See author page
But you won’t hear about that from the MSM, and here is why.
They walk among us openly and freely spread their lies…
…and are not held accountable for the evil they inspire.
And, when their evil fruit is ripe, and spews it’s poison and we die, the MSM rushes to their assistance, not ours.
Did Hasan have a security clearance? Wouldn’t it show Foreign Contacts?
Obama is sitting on the intelligence in order to prevent a rush
“to investigate”, uh, I mean “to judge.”Besides, investigators were afraid of being tarred and feathered for even giving the appearance of being “islamophobic.”
UPDATE ; “Radical Imam Siraj Wahhaj said the FBI and CIA were the “real terrorists.””
And, you know, as long as the FBI and CIA allow slime like him to pursue his terror agenda, they are indeed in league with the enemy.
Once again the PC environment created by liberal wacho Democrats. It’s this kind of nonsense that will kill us all.
Diversity IS NOT our strength.
Abolish Cultural Marxism.