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I know global warming is real. My feet sweat constantly and it’s impossible to find the right comfy shoes that will let them breathe properly.

So, if global warming isn’t real, and Obama and many world leaders are pushing for cap and trade type legislation, that means we have a fundamental flaw in a very high risk, high priced scenario that will further the debt load on already poor citizens. But why would our all-powerful and caring leader do that? I know its not about money and paying his friends. Obama promised me, on T.V. that he would be bi-partisan and listen to my concerns. I think that once Obama finds out that the basis for a lot of his current plans for cap and trade are bunk, he will pull the plug immediately. Right? All hail the overlord all hail the overlord all hail the overlord

The Democrats assure you that global warming is real, and they also have a health-care plan to sell you. (Of course, in the seventies many of these same people were claiming that the world was cooling. Now they are hedging their bets and calling it “climate change.”)

Conservatives say that “climate change” is based on junk science, and all we have seen is normal extremes of weather. They also say that while there are problems with health care, we should look at what is causing it to be so expensive, and fix those problems.

So who are you gonna believe?