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Pvt. Francheska Velez was three months pregnant when murdered.

I would like to take the liberty of adding her unborn child to this list.

Oh my gosh.

Prayers and sympathies go out to these fine men and women who were working in their service to the U.S.A. May peace be with your families and may there be some comfort in knowing that so many around you – world-wide – are thinking of you. [Thank you Mike, for posting this, and bringing a personal level of this to all of us.] God Bless You All. Each and every one of you – Francheska Velez [and Baby], Kham S. Xiong, John Gaffaney, Michael Pearson, Amy Krueger, Aaron Thomas Nemelka, Jason Dean Hunt, Russell Seager, Justin M. DeCrow, Juanita Warman, Frederick Greene, Libardo Eduardo Caraveo, and Michael Grant Cahill. Your service to our Country is appreciated in words that cannot be expressed.

With tears… and again, with gratitude and thanks for the ultimate sacrifice that you have made that cannot be said in enough words…

Beth Taylor

This is unbelievable! If this administration sweeps this under the rug and let’s the muslims get in the way of justice for our American Heros, then it is time to speak up!

What the hell are they thinking – lock up weapons on an Army post? Guess this proces what a criminally insane idea this was!

The moron is a traitor and should be tried and executed!

Purple hearts for all those who were killed.

This has me so pi$$ed I can’t even think straight!

ps. What a sniveling, self-serving political idiot we have for a C-in-C. Think what the immediate response would have been from Bush or Palin!!

God bless the families who lost loved ones and those who are injured.

A pox on obama and his team of incompetent sycophants!

I was thinking the very same thing, Aye Chihuahua.

Total death count 14. Not 13.

God bless all the victimes. R.I.P.
You will not be forgotten.

Thanks for posting this Mike.

When you total all the years the older patriots gave and the years pledged by the younger patriots, all gone, dreams of devoting their lives to this country, gone. Taken from their families and our nation by evil that dwells within it.

We could never forget this, another evil attack, a strike at those who not only represent what’s best about our country, the evil took out those that lived it on a daily basis. May God give their families strength and peace.

Now they were saying this morning, anonomously of course, that the Army didn’t move in on him sooner because they were trying to catch a bigger fish. They better get that fish.

More innocent lives lost to Political Correctness.

Hopefully some change will come of this to help keep what should never have happened in the first place. My heart goes out to the loss each family member suffered.

May they all rest in Peace. How tragic and to think that it could have been prevented.

Thank you for the post Mike.


Disgraceful, look what these bastards have done to Amy’s picture. Scroll through this pigsty. These people are here and they know that they will be shielded as long as this administration is in power.

I agree with adding the unborn child of Pvt. Francheska Velez to the list of casualties.

I’ve been so angry with the non-responsiveness of this Admin. I haven’t been able to comment yet on these fine men and women who were attacked on their own homeland. Thank you, Mike, for the photos and the beautiful commentary on their lives.

neapolitano has quickly moved to set-up a special task force in the DHS to “protect muslim from the potential backlash”. I’m sure that’s the first thing shitstain’s handlers thought of when the news broke. To protect his muslim brothers. From the piss poor “statement” shitstain made after he of course smoked and joked with his minions at the press conference to the DHS quickly moving to “protect” muslims scum in this country, they have shown that they could give a DAMN that 12 Soldiers, 1 Civilian, and a Baby were slaughtered by a muslim terrorist. This administration is going to try and sweep this under the rug and their minions in the lame ass media are already downplaying this. They are calling this murdering coward “the alleged shooter”. So, are the dead “allegedly so”? If I was a family member of the fallen, I would hire the best damn lawyer I could afford and not only go after the Army for their obvious negligence but the shitstain administration for creating the atmosphere in this country that allows and encourages muslims to preach hatred and destruction of this country and encourage their followers to kill Americans. This murdering coward had a long history of spewing hatred and advocating violence against our troops while wearing the uniform. Why did he join the Army if he hated America so much? Why was he allowed to join when his faith is completely against what the US Army stands for? How could he swear allegiance to the Flag and the Constitution when he did not believe in them? Did no one EVER question the obvious conflict between what he believes and the mission of the Army? Why are muslims allowed to join the military? They hold the book of lies, the koran, over all other laws. How can they swear fealty to the Constitution and still be considered “faithful”? Why the FUCK didn’t anyone ask these questions? The families of the fallen should go after his family and destroy them financially. I would not rest if it had been one of my family members. I would use all means at my disposal to destroy him and his family. The chain of command from the time this scum was allowed to join the Army should all be charged with murder. I would hazard a guess that since he is alive, he’ll be found unfit to stand trial and end up in some nuthouse somewhere all paid for by the American taxpayer. If the Army has any balls left in the chain of command, they would hang him or put him in front of a firing squad. This is the 5th FUCKING time a muslim has slaughtered our troops while wearing the uniform. How many more AMERICANS have to die because the federal government is so FUCKING afraid to offend the scum of the earth, muslims? This administration has a lot to answer for and GOD WILLING, next year the heart of this country will stand as one and vote these fucking traitorous scum out of power. God help the families and give them comfort. WE WILL NOT FORGET.

This is a gallery of America’s finest patriots.

They were murdered by a Muzlim Terrorist and by the policies of this Marxist Thug who occupies the White House. Hold these patriots close to your heart when you write in the future. Unleash your fury to accomplish all that you can. We are at war, these keyboards are our weapons, they are excellent weapons, use them well. Until the bullets fly over our heads, these are the only weapons we may use. Go for the carotid with every post, we need to work together as a team. A slap in the face stings and sometimes you must deliver the slap; forget about it, we are one voice, the voice of Americans who have had enough. Our mission is too important to worry over hurt feelings and individual pride, think of the mission, the mission! Remember Fort Hood!

Remember Fort Hood!

@Aye Chihuahua:

Add me to your list with JanH and So Cal Chris regarding the murder of PVT Francheska Velez’ child. The number is 14.

I also say thanks to Mike for posting this solemn reminder of the lives and futures lost, the stricken families deprived of their loved ones, and a personal reminder to us all to whom we owe our freedom.

I am no fan of Barack Obama. I simply cannot stand him. I honestly cannot think of one good thing to say about his politics but blaming him for this revolting and barbarous act makes no sense whatsoever.

Allow me to remind you that within a month following 9-11, even with the ruins of the WTC still smoldering, idiots on the most extreme edges of the unhinged left had begun to blame George W. Bush for the perverse acts of blood lust committed by Jihadists sent on a mission to attack America. That drum beat never ceased and in the twisted minds of lefty political hacks, it has become their reality, one they cannot escape and continues to damage the United States to this day. Bush Derangement Syndrome is real.

As we sort out where the failures occurred and what needs to be done to prevent another horrendous massacre, we cannot be distracted by domestic political axe grinding. We had enough of that during the first seven and a half years of this war. I am sad to say it but political correctness preceded Obama by a generation. At this point in the aftermath it would seem that PC fears impacted the Army’s counter espionage and anti-terrorism SAEDA program, if not directly, then at least in an indirect manner that was equally damaging and probably prevented an effective response to early warnings of the threat posed by Hasan. We do not have all the details yet but what we have heard during the past twelve to eighteen hours sounds horrific.

All I am really saying here is that it is possible to demand action, greater resolve, and complete accountability without handing the propaganda victory to those that delight in the murderous rampage at FT Hood. Be critical where it is just and be just where you assign blame.

tfhr you are a voice of reason and I am a hothead. It is hard to swallow when our C in C doesn’t acknowledge the deaths of out soldiers. Consequently, someone like myself wonders why the most obvious behavior of either a jihadist or a complete loony bird was ignored. Is it possible that to speak up against aberrant behavior by a Muslim or a minority in this day and age could be a career destroying move?

Hopefully this will be handled by the military without political intervention. The President made a grievous error in downplaying this attack against our troops, possibly that is why he has decided that he is almost ready to send almost the total number of troops requested. It took all this time to make this tough decision to send 35,000 rather than 40,000. This is a shameful means of placating the Americans who identify with the troops and the armed forces. I think he is playing with fire.

If these reports are true and the murderer’s behavior was ignored, many heads should roll, not just Hasan’s.

tfhr, I appreciate and respect your voice of reason and calm; but there are many who are mad as hell.

Stellar post, Mike’sA. And I’d just like to add that I hope that Jenn Hunt is still with us, and will check in on occasion. For those of you who don’t know, Jenn weighed in with FA sharing her real time anguish and uncertainty while waiting to hear from Jason … only to confirm later he was among those murdered by this scumbag.

You can read her comments on the thread here.

To Jenn, and the rest of the families…. we will not forget our 911 of 2009. And we most certainly will not forget you and what you have all sacrificed for the rest of us.


It is challenging to contain the rage that drives us to lash out but this is a long war and we must choose our targets well if we are going to win.

@Theresa, MSgt (Ret), USAF: Wouldn’t it make more sense for Napolitano to set up a task force to protect Americans from the Muslim crazies instead of the other way around?

Thanks for posting this. Putting faces and bios that go with the names really brings it home. The sorrow and the sense of loss is almost too much for words to express. My heart and prayers go out to all the families of these fine folks.

Napolitano is a terrorist in training as far as I am concerned. Anytime a member of our presidential cabinet says that returning Vets are more fearful than muslim terrorists, I am appalled. She is a traitor herself. I wish she would move to another country and leave ours alone (she can take the whole WH cabinet with her).

my condelences go out to all of the family who lost their loved ones