Will A Diverse Coalition Based On Myths Survive? [Reader Post]

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prometheusBorrowing from a myriad of myths, Obama has ridden the myth phenomenon into the White House. There is an underlying problem with myths, they are most often based on falsehoods, exaggerations, and innuendos. Can a presidency based on myths survive four years? Perhaps we can draw a conclusion if we examine his personal myths with perspicuity.

The Ubermenschen Myth, Obama’s myth designers borrowed heavily from Nietzsche’s concept of Ubermenschen symbolism. In the novel, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, written in 1883, by Friedrich Nietzsch, features Zarathustra the protagonist, who offers his gift to mankind, the idea of Ubermenschen. A literal translation of Ubermenschen from my high school German, translates Uber as over or superior, while menschen would translate to the species of man. Mankind or especially the Middle Class is unaware that a problem exists, let alone that man himself is the problem; therefore, Zaraththustra must convince mankind that man is the problem and that the concept of Ubermenschen is the solution.

Thus says Zarathustra, “I teach you the everman. Man Is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him.”

Using bible verse and prose as a template, Zarathustra proceeds to discredit Christianity and Semitism in an attempt to revise traditional morality. Thus nihilism and existentialism are the precepts of a new meaning of man’s relationship to the earth and rejection of asceticism and spirituality. Rejecting minor details such as a man’s soul being released upon mortification of the body, Zarathustra argues that the soul is merely an aspect of the body. Although Obama spent twenty years in the church of Black Liberation, the emphasis seems to be more towards racism than Christianity. Neutralizing the traditional Judeo-Christian ethics has evolved into a form of secular humanism, with sympathies for Islam, in reverence for a father he never knew, Obama bases his personal and political philosophy on this unexplained and undefined relationship with the earth and the environment in a poorly executed parody of Zarathustra’s quest for a dignified new values of co-existence with the earth. Now with Obama’s pledge of trust and dedication, we the Middle Class are to assume a type of self-flagellating vow of poverty, while the rest of the world is given the chance to participate in the production and marketing that made the US a powerful nation, while disregarding Al Gore’s ascendancy to billionaire status and George Soro’s acquires the wealth he needs to achieve the deity status he craves.

Zarathustra teaches that a new meaning for life will be redefined by new values that unleash a new individuality and an artistic brilliance that will be fine tuned by future generations. The Existentialist must reject standard ideas of academic philosophy, just as Obama has found supposed flaws within the Constitution, in that it is incomplete at best. Thus the Existentialist Obama envisions a new concept of freedom based on a collective individuality of purpose with requisite wealth redistribution. Old ideas of egalitarian modernity are to be replaced by high achievement and artistic brilliance. The phrase “Hope and Change” reflects the promise of high achievement and artistic brilliance tempered with huge stimulus funds to the NEA so that they become propagandists rather than artists. Their artistic brilliance is subverted to reflect the high achievement and artistic brilliance of Obama. Unwittingly, Obama creates himself as a Machiavelian partisan who is trying to crush the egalitarian values of the Middle class and replace them with his own value system, the Obama Collective of Social Justice.

There can be no doubt that he considers himself an Ubermenschen type savior, not only for the US, but possibly for the world. He has stressed his need to redistribute wealth, to take from the wealthy and give to the poor; citing this as one of the fundamental flaws within the Constitution, its fundamental failure to address the basic need to redistribute wealth. Thus he employs the Robin Hood Myth and captures a sycophantic following that is an amalgam of both the poor and lazy. The Robin Hood persona is their only chance for success, thus again the vision of a savior offers an alternative to that ever elusive lottery ticket. Of course they will follow the Robin Hood candidate, what do they have to lose.

Being billed as a great intellect was intriguing in the beginning, yet a few teleprompter malfunctions belied this the first of the myths to crumble. Americans have faith in intelligence; consequently, there has never been a gifted intellect, in the public sector, who felt the need to secure all his academic records. Thus Obama remains an enigma and the question of a free pass from Affirmative Action seems to be a distinct possibility.

The myth of being a gifted writer has disintegrated but for all the most vacuous lemming faithful. First by the analysis of Jack Cashill and later by Michelle’s admission of Ayers duplicity in Anderson’s coffee table book on life with the Obamas, it is obvious that a fraud has been perpetrated and that Bill Ayers wrote the book, Dreams of My Father. This supposition of being a zero at written composition is further evidenced by Obama’s tenure as the editor of the Harvard Law Review, however the position seems to have been an honorary position, because he wrote….nothing.

The myth of a great orator is possibly the only myth with a grain of truth, he can speak well; but only with the aid of a teleprompter, an indisputable fact, after malfunctioning teleprompters exposed a stuttering and dithering speaker.

It is true Obama can direct a campaign audience with skill and whip up enthusiasm bordering on hysteria; yet like Mussolini before him, a population tires of endless campaigns with no tangible results. The Governor races of New Jersey and Virginia confirmed the fact that the public is no longer enthralled with a perpetual campaign.

Basing a campaign on a series of myths with no substance is a dangerous gamble, but to run an administration based on myths with no substance is political suicide. The demographics that are prone to believe such myths based on half truths and innuendos over time and against common sense will lack the courage, intelligence, and integrity to carry a politician through difficult times. To paraphrase Reverend Wright, eventually your chickens will come home to roost.

The myth of Obama as a world visionary and international statesmen has been disintegrating rapidly, since his apologetic attitudes and willingness to negotiate with depots and dictators, without preconditions: while seen by Liberals as an honorable approach, it is regarded as weakness and spinelessness by the international community. Consequently, our enemies laugh at us and our allies are reluctant to trust us.

Epilogue: The concept of an Ubermenschen type Messiah or hero relates at least as far back as the legend of the Greek Titan god Prometheus of the 6th century BC. Prometheus was an ever suffering hero of mankind, who not only created mankind from clay, but gave mankind much comfort in the world. These same acts of benevolence kept him in direct conflict with his boss, Zeus.

His first major infraction was stealing the meat from the gods’ table before a feast and giving it to man; but the final straw was when he stole the fire from the gods and smuggled it to mankind in a fennel stalk. Hard to picture, like Obama posing as an intellectual, but that is the story.

For his benevolence towards man, Zeus sentenced him to be tied to a stake and have his liver eaten by an eagle every day. Eventually, Herakles took pity on Prometheus, released him and what was left of his liver, (some argue that it was the heart, I like the liver story).

Thus Obama’s myth makers have not created a new persona, these Messiah and Robin Hood types who endeavor to save mankind from itself and the whims of fickle gods are over 2500 years old.

With a naïve and intellectually bewildered segment of the population, these same myths can obviously be resurrected occasionally and used to elect a president.

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The gauze and airiness of Obama’s image is just that: image. The reality of the man is becoming more evident every day in his failed attempts to “fundamentally transform” the greatest nation on Earth. High unemployment, massive unecessary government intrusion into the daily lives of Americans and his disdain for the country that afforded him the ultimate opportunity speaks of his pseudo-intellectualism. Add to this yesterdays’ pathetic excuse for a condolence message following the Ft. Hood massacre. His image doesn’t match his campaign rhetoric, and America is starting to question him and his handlers. His actions show him to be self-absorbed, with no true compassion for his fellow man, no reverence for his country or the idea of freedom.

Fiction is fun, but no one wants to read it all the time.

Yes BB, this is a sad tragic episode for America; but especially for the families of the fallen and the wounded who are fighting to stay alive or facing years of recovery over such a senseless act.

I wrote this article before the attack and Obama’s dithering announcement of the tragedy. I can guarantee you that in the future, I will be in attack mode, like the eagle eating Prometheus’s liver.

I have felt this President cared little for our patriots overseas, his announcement confirmed my suspicious nature. I said earlier, that I don’t hate the man, just his policies; he has changed my perspective. The gloves are off!

I strongly believe that Obama is without a soul, and therefore has no conscience nor compassion for anything, or anybody.
His actions are that of an ’empty’ shell, even unknown to himself. His teleprompter speeches are written for him; without that as stated in the article, he no brilliant speaker at all. I never bought into the myth that he is such a gifted speaker, I rather see him as a rabblerouser. Hitler gave geed speeches too, but without telepromptors.
I also never bought into the myth of him being so intelligent; an empty shell, without a conscience can never rpoduce intelligence. There is no there there.
I do however agree, that he is a dangerous narcissist, who will go off into the deep end, should his so-called agenda fall apart. We have seen nothing yet.

The nub of my complimentary, well-reasoned comment was this: We need a new and better counter-myth than just Founders/Framers, as powerful as that can be. A charismatic leader always helps, but a bigger, better counter-myth… that may be key. So friends, cogitate, dream, ask the nearest cat.

Then I looked at that authentication thingie… poof. Another whiskey’s worth of wordsmithing pixilated past packet-switching probability.

S…s…sorry Mr. Wordsmith sir… (shudder) no, no I was not taking your name in vain (shudder)…
I just y’know meant the gerund…. n…n…No sir, you’re all MAN, no, it’s a pa… pa..art of speech, sir. It’s like, uh, a guy named Sawyer might saw wood, y’know? So ‘sawing’. No sir, I’m sure that fine points of grammer don’t compete with the persuasive power of a 12-gauge, but I can tell you where to see the biggest solid onyx bar in the world. (Gulp) Right here in Wyoming, too! Yep. Not a far ride. I ‘m out from back East, with some paleontologists… no, no not Pinkertons! We do science with old stuff. No, older than your Aunt… It’s a bit north of Medicine Bow… must be 6 meters… oh, 7 yards long. Please, c’mon stop pointing those barrels at me. I’ll give you my ‘Maximillian Grossen Especial’ moustache wax… I won’t need it, yours are so fine… but a bit of iodine for the burns where you shot mine off would be welcome… but with this gold Eagle, you might be able to help me look around for old bones, find some quarters for my helpers and the horses, and then we’ll drink!

“How the Paleo-West was Won” , an off-topic response to a cartoon of a blog-author. The big onyx bar is real, as is my use of ‘stache-wax circa 1982. Now I’m E. Hemingway bearded .
I guess I was annoyed that my other comment was zapped, so I riffed, and inflicted fiction.
Fiction happens. Best,GFT

Inge, nice commentary. I like the line about Hitler delivering great speeches without the aid of a teleprompter. I have listened to his speeches in German, he was a great speaker and that was one of the main reasons for his rise to infamy. Obama’s meteoric rise can also be at least partially attributed to his speech delivery. If you compare the speech delivery of these two leaders, I think Hitler is the better speaker. He certainly could fire up a group of people. I am not speaking of content, I am speaking of delivery. Hitler’s speeches were real, without artificial aids, he didn’t read someone’s notes.

Please don’t jump to conclusions, I would have shot Hitler like a mad dog: but the man could give a speech with real animation.

Twiga, I lived in the Big Horn area for a couple of years and have distant family relatives there. I studied archaeology in undergraduate school, so in a way our studies are related. If there is confusion with my call sign, Skookum, it is actually a native name from Northern Canada, it means heavy duty, bull of the woods type. I came by my two nicknames, Skookum or Skook and Loose Horse honestly and I use them with pride. I appreciate your wit and how you can turn a phrase, but we must all maintain a certain level of decorum, I am sorry you have run afoul of the powers that be, rather than harboring ill-feelings, try and direct your emotion towards your prose with tenacity. You obviously have literary skills and creative ability. I encourage you to channel your efforts so that the rest of us can appreciate your skills.

I am a backwoods rustic who tames wild horses and has a fascination for Shakespeare. Now, if you want to humiliate people and leave them wondering, may I suggest reading Shakespeare. He was the Wordsmith of all time. You have the ability to engage in literary fencing, please feel free to come back with wit and sarcasm. I love a battle of wit and prose or verse; but remember you are dealing with a backwoods boy with a minimum of education and intellect.

Inge, you hit hard, I like the part about Hitler not using teleprompters, excellent point.

Sorry about the double comment. I was in the sausage grinder for awhile and then the governor called with a reprieve. In this cyber world it is easy to become lost and bewildered.

On a more humorous note, last night I had a dream that I was eating fried chicken and when I woke up, my pillow was gone and I had feathers in my mouth.

Skookum: I made a bad mistake, common to bad improvisational fiction: I did not establish time and place for my lil’ ol’ parody riff. First line, lede [in journospeak] should have read something like “Wyoming Terr., 1888” I can see that my attempt at humor failed. The bar remains real; your good idea about the Obama-mythos remains real. The question of how we counter it remains real. My bad fiction/parody means little. Best, GFT

Twiga, many times I have attempted original humor, only to find that I was the only one with the depth of understanding to appreciate my humor. Sometimes, I am disappointed with the cerebral capabilities of my fellow man.

Skookum, you’ve got that d+n, correct. How does Frank J. do it? Ii’s not so much a question of pure smarts. Wasn’t it Reagan who said something like “Liberals aren’t stupid, it’s just that so much of what they know ain’t so.” Folksy. but true. And for conservative true American (or he+l, Canadian! Look at Steyn!) freedom and liberty, we need all the ‘bull in the forest’ citizens there are. I will tell you that my nickname of “twiga” was awarded to me by some Kikuyu friends in Kenya. 1973. It’s Swahili for ‘giraffe’. I was 6′ 4″+, say shy of 2 m. I was 18, held in respect I had not earned. I earned it later, by solving some problems with vehicles and logistics.
I have never told this story on the ‘net, and if you can block this from other readers, I’d be much obliged. A bit of mystery can help an aspiring writer, eh?
OK, I stole Old West stereotypes from half-watched, half-rememberd films. And other odd bits. And a really GREAT book, “Rising From the Plains” by John McPhee, geology and history sweetly interwoven, with prose better than you or I can muster.

But we’re working on it… write good posts… hey, maybe a space in the Blogosphere for oneself!

I know Bighorn country a bit; fished it with my father in his last years. We obeyed all Crow Country rules… no beers, cool, but all the garlic on your spaghetti to repel a century’s worth of vampires. What’s it,’ Sally’s’?

My father loved fishing the Big Horn… so much so, that when dieing, he asked that some of his ashes be scattered there. Near Soap Creek.

So we flew 2000 miles, and obeyed. And fished. Rahm Emannuel himself might have said “Don’t let a good fly-fishing funeral go to waste.” We did not.

Oh, and if you are Alaskan, Mexican, from Labrador, Newfoundland, or Ireland, his fisherman’s spirit is also with you.

Skookum. thanks for the challlenge. I may write cr#p, but it’s real.

Say there Twiga, lighten up on yourself. It sounds like you have led an exciting and interesting life. Your African vignette leaves a reader wanting to know more. Your feelings toward your father and the fishing trips are an example of love and emotion. These emotions of your heart and mind are seeking release. Writing is the relief valve for many of us who are overwhelmed with emotion and appreciation for life’s wonders.

Don’t gauge success at writing by the size of a paycheck. Just do it for the sheer joy, your writing will improve, you have my personal guarantee. Not that I am a big time writer, but I will return to writing of the outdoors, when I retire in a few years. About the time we flush Obama through the sewer of obscurity.

As a previous semi-professional writer of all things outdoors, in the days of the Apple II E, when you mailed hard copy to your editor; I want to respectfully take the liberty of offering a suggestion: you are vivid with your use of strong adjectives and that can be used to advantage; however, Hemingway is a writer who can use a minimal amount of words to say the most. Perhaps it would give you a new perspective to study his writing with a analysis directed toward style.

I’ll leave you with a quote by Hemingway, it was in response to an insult by Faulkner concerning Hemingway’s economy of words.

“Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.”

When I decide to adjust my writing style, I will read For Whom The Bell Tolls or The Old Man and The Sea and study the style, sentence structure and economy of words the twentieth century master uses and my writing style will improve. If I want a down home personal style, I read Huck Finn, from America’s grand master. If I want to confuse and humiliate, I study the master of the double and triple entente, W. Shakespeare. He always had a sharp knife and preferred to cut long and deep.

I will think of you and your father fishing in the Big Horns, the next time I cast my fly rod. I love working in Ireland, my favorite place for horses and people.

Skookum: I thank you, for your feeling for my father. Sometimes, fly-fishing can be a prayer.

Have’t re-read any Hemingway in a while; must get Amazon on the stick, those ‘Nick Adams’ stories would be a good start. And I like the idea of ‘adjusting’ one’s writing style. I tend to do web-posts while both hot and lit, in the sense of sort of angry and sort of drunk. That is not very resposible behavior. And the posts produced look worse later. Like mine have here.

Someone wiser in the ways of the Web (Rachel Lucas, maybe?) said something like ‘Sleep on your posts’. Correct.

My favorite novel is Pynchon’s “Gravity’s Rainbow”, so that may help explain both my scattershot style and thinking. Later. Best, GFT

Interesting psychoanalysis of the POTUS, Skookum. Not sure that I would have tread in those waters myself. Nor that I would come to the conclusions that Obama is convinced of his own lofty pedestal status via the propagated myths.

I might offer a counter view, if you’re up for it. I suggest that Obama is more of a thespian rube, so to speak. He may not be able to think or compose on his own, but he knows those who share his political philosophy that can do so for him. When it comes to performing, he can do the job on most occasions. Then again, a monkey performs well with an accordion when handled by an adept animal trainer.

It could be that Obama has been caught in a vicious net by his own misconceptions. ala that political power came fast, furious and easy when using others money, adept speech writers and flashy sets. Hang… even the wrestling world enjoys huge audiences and support by using the power of visual lights and sound. But I do believe the POTUS is learning that governing and responsibility is much harder than campaigning. And this is why he delegates responsibility so readily, and reverts to campaigning for his advisors’ directions so quickly. He is only at home in a “salesman” mode.

But I do notice that he always leaves a back door open…. the way to blame the mistakes that ensue when Congress brings his political philosophy to fruition. This is not a man who accepts responsibility when the results are negative. Nor are such actions the hallmark of a leader, confident in his visions.

Your analysis is indepth… and perhaps beyond the scope of most of us when it comes to classic literature and philosophy on the particulars. But your point is abundantly clear. Yet I still can’t help but feel you give Obama more credit than is due in your psychoanalysis. Frankly, I believe the man to be quite shallow as a human. I believe he revels in the success of the marketing of him as a leader, and I also believe he secretly has moments of panic, knowing he is nothing like the image projected.

He is simply a thespian with a script… willing to be a puppet on the hard stuff for the spotlight and for power. Even so, I believe that as time marches on, he recognizes his inadequacy. It is easy to campaign on lofty ideals. But much more difficult when those ideals are challenged by a reality he has rejected all of his life.

Mata, again your criticism springs like a steel trap. I was able to read this essay more clearly after reading your commentary, thank you.

I meant to keep the idea expressed in the first sentence of the second paragraph, using Obama’s myth designers concept, as a central theme throughout the essay. Needless to say, I dropped the ball later on and ascribed to Obama the ability to manipulate myths.

I personally feel the man and much of his staff are only superficial Marxists, in that they have only studied outlines of Communism: lacking an depth knowledge of Marx, Lenin, Mao and a background of authentic Communist history of the twentieth century. In other words, I place them a few strides beyond the Che T shirt wearing campus Marxists who are at the University to mature and be groomed to become an executive in the family corporation like Ayers, before he overstepped the boundaries of legality.

Yes a thespian with a script is perhaps too liberal a description, a thespian is assumed to be able to play many roles, Obama is more of a character or a one trick pony. Playing the role as an international statesman comes through as a weak and insipid performance, with antics such as bowing to Middle Eastern Dictators and causing Sarkozy to regard him as weak and naive.

Surrounding himself with weak minded “yes men” was one the initial and tragic faults of his administration. Competent advisors could have prevented Obama from incurring many of his mistakes of the past ten months. However, it is doubtful that the man behind the curtain wants competition from a competent and analytical mind: consequently, the administration is weak and of little or no help in navigating the ship of state.

I fear that the next few years will be a series of tragic events that will display Obama’s lack of character and ability. The country will survive despite Obama, although weak leadership tempered with Marxist Ideology has its limits as evidenced in many other countries.

There is a reason the classics survive the tests of time other than to torture lazy college students; the morals, parables, and lessons portray life’s problems and solutions, situations that existed thousands of years ago and yet appear today in our personal lives and in the challenges of our leaders. I use these references as a template for my writing when possible, and hopefully, encourage a reader to expand his horizons occasionally.

Mata, never hesitate to pick up a point from my writing that you feel needs to be exploited. I have no professional jealousy, only envy and admiration for the intellect of the other writers in this blog. I write here as if I were firing over the wall at the enemy, I want expert marksmen around me, admiring the work of others inspires me to try harder.

Good shooting Mata, there is much work, yet to accomplish.

LOL! Actually, Skookum, it wasn’t meant as “criticism”, but as an alternative interpretation of your essay. I see where you got to your point, but I also think… as you, yourself, acknowledge… that once you laid the groundwork, you actually “elevated” Obama to the myth status yourself. Ironic how that “subliminal” myth marketing snuck up on you, too, eh?

And I certainly hope you know I wasn’t tearing apart your piece here, nor attempting to stir up mud. Two people may stand before a Rodin sculpture, and see two entirely different things.

Mata, Mata, I appreciate the criticism. Especially, criticism that helps me see my errors. I haven’t reached the top of the mountain, my goal is to keep climbing. Please, please help me keep my navigational equipment equipment up to specs. I am not a good critic of my own work, let’s say I am prejudicial. I love this stuff, you should never hesitate. I am only a grain of sand on our cyber front, but I take my position seriously and strive to improve. I believe our mission is critical to the success of our movement and the survival of our country and its freedoms. Personal vanity has no place in our mission, it is nothing more than a dried road apple (horse manure) to be kicked from the road. Having editorial help is like firing on the range and having a spotter help you sight in your rifle, it helps a lot, and you are one sharp eyed spotter. (sincere complement)

Oh Mata, when an old time trapper says your criticism springs like a steel trap, that is a major complement. I’d say it’s like a 330 Connibear double spring, good enough for boar beaver or enraged wolverine, an awesome trap that has managed to kill a few trappers in the bush, because of careless handling.

I might sound rough around the edges, but it’s just a different upbringing.

OK, I confess that my “ridge runner” experience is slim to none, but I knew a few old timers from NH in my time. LOL Thanks for the compliment. But I really did enjoy your piece here, Skookum. And I really enjoyed the story of Barb Wire Johnny. In fact, had you not even brought in the un-PC swine flu, I still would have been thoroughly entertained.

Now I’m burning with curiousity as to just what it is you do. You obviously have a literary background… which becomes even more intriguing when combined with the trapper knowledge.

Great piece Skookum! I’ve long argued that Obama is nothing more than a modern day sophist (aka: tongue-for-hire, pseudo intellectual). Ironically, the folks who usually have the hardest time discerning the deception of sophists are intellectuals and the uneducated (both for different reasons).

I admit, I give the guy serious thought, and for as much as I can’t stand to even listen to his voice (which is almost never), I continue to be intrigued by his act.

Inge (#3), I agree almost completely with you. Within my own circle of friends (and the ones I used to have before they wrote me off over my ‘Obama hysteria’), I voiced the following conclusions before he was even nominated:

1. Certainly no sage; at best, IQ 120, maybe smart enough to get into dental school in Kansas. Palin is smarter
2. LAZY, let me say it again, L-A-Z-Y, hmm, hmm, hmm!
3. Totally self absorbed/Starved for acceptance and adulation
4. Obvious Marxist/Communist
5. Obvious Anti-Christian
6. At best average speaker, although does appear to have thespian talent for teleprompter scripts.
7. Passionately pro abortion; passionately anti-American.
8. Not the author of ‘Dreams’

Now that I’ve had almost a year to study the man in office, everything appears to have fallen into place. I have reached one new conclusion and that is this: Obama actually THINKS he’s got it right, and to use Mata’s cool new phrase, WE are the dumb dumbs. After Anita Dunn, I pretty much became convinced that given the backgrounds and lives of those whom Obama surrounds himself with, they all actually BELIEVE that the Marxist/Communist way is the BETTER way for America. Its one thing to be driven by evil, but it’s a totally, far more dangerous thing to be driven by a deranged passion for the “greater good.”

One only need to look at Obama’s upbringing to realize that communism was the only world he ever really knew. I will say that I think he is a good father, as best as he can be, but that makes sense too, especially in light of his own painful void for the one he never really had.

Obama is a sad and dangerous man; I pray for him. The only thing more concerning than the perils of Obama are the 45% or so left in America who can’t see him for what and who he really is. I’ve written before on FA that I believe Obama to be the carefully plucked and groomed, “closer”, knowingly or unknowingly, of the “remaking” of American, skillfully mastered by the far left billionaire power-elites.

Skookum: Mata, Mata, I appreciate the criticism. Especially, criticism that helps me see my errors. I haven’t reached the top of the mountain, my goal is to keep climbing.

Well, you’re head of me, Skookum. I haven’t even puffed my way to the foothills yet!

Ms. pdill: I admit, I give the guy serious thought, and for as much as I can’t stand to even listen to his voice (which is almost never), I continue to be intrigued by his act.

We need to find an alternative to entertainment for you, girl. My suggestion? If you’re ice fishing, don’t be focusing on the ice. The fish you want are found below.

So you caught that “dumb dumb” comment. heh

Point well taken Mata. I’m well aware that Obama is the “distraction” but none the less, fascinating!

Mata, I think you are double fit and on the run, going up those foothills without looking back.

Ms pdill, I like your fighting style. I worked out in the MMA dojos until a couple of years ago and you remind me of the guys who came out using everything to take you down. In the MMA world they called me Poppa Bear because when you grabbed hold of me, they said it felt like you had just grabbed hold of a bear. Great fun, those young guys only cut me slack for the first 30 seconds, then they realized they were in a fight. Great fun. You have the mind of an MMA fighter. Let them have it! By the way, that’s a great big complement!

When I was a boy I was told that anyone could become President of the United States. I am beginning to believe it. Clarence Darrow 1857-1970

This is a remarkable thread, thanks Skookum and all other’s who have contributed.

I had read countless Chicago blogs during the dem primary and had been watching the creation of Obama since his run against Alan Keyes and do believe the myth of Obama was crafted by the Axlerod/Chicago machine. I suspect Axelrod became powerful because he knew the town dirt from sifting through it for years as a reporter and obviously had no problem becoming a player. Axelrod, with the aid of a crooked judge eliminated Ryan giving us Alan Keyes which made Obama the Jr. Senator from Illinois. His primary opponents were also knocked out on technicalities, but what they did Ryan was really dirty.

Credit due to Obama was his ability to latch and hold onto the unethical politicians, dirty judges, lobbyists, Daley’s inner circle and Michelle, she was already there swirling around in the muck. Not only did they create, package and sell the Obama of today, they remade Michelle to complete the package.


Your conclusions were spot on! We have always been sickened by Obama’s abortion stance, he’s been deeply involved with Planned Parenthood since his early days in the State Senate, and yes, passionately pro-abortion.

It is true Obama can direct a campaign audience with skill and whip up enthusiasm bordering on hysteria; yet like Mussolini before him, a population tires of endless campaigns with no tangible results. The Governor races of New Jersey and Virginia confirmed the fact that the public is no longer enthralled with a perpetual campaign.

He mimicked/ borrowed from 20 years of Rev. Wright’s sermons, it was like lightening speed how the cadence of his speeches changed after Wright’s sermons were exposed.

Missy, the first time heard Obama’s name, a news “journalist” asked him a question about Hezbollah, during his Senate run. It was obvious he had no idea how to answer the question and referred to Hezbollah as Hezballoo. I thought to myself, so this guy wants to be in the Senate, oh well he is from the South Side of Chicago, probably Daly’s hand picked man. What can you expect?

Boy o boy, did I underestimate the power of ignorance.

After the election, I thought Axelrod might have been the brain of the Obama Machine. Until he started giving interviews and revealed himself to be only a little more nimble in the brain pan than Obama. He’s able to recite the official position of the party and the administration without stuttering, no matter how inappropriate the response is to the question. Not exactly the mark of an astute thinker and brilliant strategist.

I think that the continual whispering into Obama’s ear is to keep him refreshed as to their position on certain issues. Thus he may be the most important man in Obama’s Politbureau. Although he should have never spoken in public and revealed his lack of judgement and ability to think on his feet.

He should have remained an enigma, at least he could have maintained a level of dignity, no matter how false the illusion.


I’ve done quite a bit of research into who exactly does the “thinking” in this admin.

We have as candidates;

Obama himself.
Obviously no, based on his own non-words and non-deeds.
Nope, he’s the packaging, spinner and advertising guy, always has been. Has no beliefs.
Rahm Emanuel.
Close, but he’s an enforcer, and inner-workings guy. Also has no beliefs.
Pete Rouse
Again, an inner-workings guy. Knows instictively how Congress/Washington works.

There are two people who have the history, the smarts, the connections, the trust, and the belief-structure necessary for Obama to appear cognizant. These two people also have the correct (for Obama) psychological “triggers” for Obama to defer to, for every decision he needs to make.

Valerie Jarrett, and Michelle.
Obama has at various times hinted at this, and they are the only two people who have had his ear for lo these years since his early days. In fact Valerie came with Michelle as a package via the connection their fathers had together. They knew each other before they knew Barry.

Everything ever put forth by Obama, has already been put forth by Valerie.

Val has the ideas, and Michelle makes sure he listens.

Yes PV, as I recall from Beck’s show, Jarret’s wealthy industrialist father and Ayer’s wealthy industrialist father were very close in business, social, and Socialist Idealism. After listening to the MO gaffes and her telling the world that her hubby was going to rewrite history, I don’t think she has the brains to blow her nose.

Thanks PV, I am going to be digging on this Jarret woman, digging and gouging!


I don’t think anyone could accuse any within the Daley machine of being gifted with brilliance but they still stay in power and control most of the state.

PatVann’s right, Valerie Jarret does have a strong grip on Obama, she’s definately left her mark on him as far as Iran, but, I think she’s mainly there to be the One’s babysitter. Check out the “Real Barack Obama website, they also have a wealth of information on Jarrett.

They, Axelrod included, Obama excluded, have political street smarts, know how to cover their tracks and bury the bodies, frustrating many for years and years. I bet they were holding their breath over a few Obama fumbles, the media ignored them, I’m sure they were thanked.

As they got Obama closer to the brass ring, other savvy politicos that had left the Clinton organization came on board….they also aquired the MSM, Soros, his decrepid associates, Hollywood, Wall Street, unions and already had every operation under the ACORN umbrella.

Unions infiltrated caucuses, boldly ignored rules, locked/shoved people out, suppressing Hillary votes by intimidating voters. They out did themselves in Nevada, it was all in plain site, but it didn’t matter.

Then came the delegate theft, Emanuel and former Clintonites?

You guys are awesome, it is an honor to work with you. I am a novice. With this “collective” effort from so many diverse backgrounds we are becoming a formidable opponent for the Marxist Front. Without these wonderful little machines from Wall Mart and the internet, our future would be bleak.

We are carrying the fight to O, they are worried of any little mistake, for they know we will grab a hold like an army of pit bulls and rip them to shreds. Let’s keep them looking over their shoulder, it serves to slow the Marxist advance.

We fight the honorable fight and have fun doing it, let’s go to the front and improve our position.