Rush said earlier that he doesn’t believe Obama really cares what happens in Afghanistan…only what the war can do for him, and now the dithering liberal is dithering some more. 10 months wasn’t enough you see:
Axelrod said Obama would announce a war strategy “within weeks.” A senior U.S. official told The Associated Press that Obama has still not yet decided what to do, and it remains unclear whether he will decide before he goes to Asia on Nov. 11.
Here is what Rush said earlier and it’s dead on accurate:
WALLACE: Let’s talk about a couple of the big issues the president is dealing with now — first of all, Afghanistan. You suggest that he is taking all of this time to decide what to do in Afghanistan to keep his left-wing base on board for health care reform.
RUSH: Well, it’s partly that, but I also don’t think he cares much about it. I think once…
WALLACE: Well, come on.
RUSH: No, I — no, see, this is — I know this is going to sound controversial, but I don’t think he cares that — if he — Chris, if he cared about — we’ve got soldiers and their families worrying about what we’re going to do. The general on the ground said we need some more troops.
The policy that he implemented in March he now doesn’t like and is trying to figure out how best to make everybody happy here politically on his side of the aisle and also for his image. Democrats have a tendency to be seen as weak on defense, so he’s battling with that.
But again, if he cared about victory — remember, he said about Afghanistan victory is not something he’s comfortable with, the concept. It reminds him of the Japanese surrendering on the USS Missouri. It made him very uncomfortable.
He wants to manage this rather than achieve victory. He says these things. I don’t know if people actually listen and have them register when he does.
WALLACE: But you say you don’t know that he really cares. Do you at least give him credit for going to Dover, Delaware to honor the remains of soldiers, dead soldiers, who came back from Afghanistan?
RUSH: You know, see, the politically correct thing to say here would be, “Oh, yes, I am very impressed that President Obama decided to go show his concern for the remains, troops who’ve given their lives for freedom in this country.”
It was a photo op. It was a photo op precisely because he’s having big-time trouble on this whole Afghanistan dithering situation. He found one family that would allow photos to be taken. None of the others did.
And of course, when you have a sycophantic media following you around, able to promote and amplify whatever you want, then he can create the impression that he has all this great concern, but the — Bush did this…
WALLACE: Well, no…
RUSH: … but no cameras.
WALLACE: I don’t know that he ever went to Dover, Delaware.
RUSH: No, he went to see the families.
WALLACE: Yes, he certainly went to see the families.
RUSH: But he didn’t make photo ops out of it. The…
WALLACE: Well, but the argument would be that it was political of Bush not to be seen with the coffins because he was trying to hide it, hide the cost of war from the American people.
RUSH: Well, I have the benefit of knowing George Bush a little bit, and I — I — I’ve seen him cry talking about missions that he’s ordered. I think he has a great, profound, deep respect for the families of all military personnel, and those who have died…
WALLACE: But I don’t disagree with that…
RUSH: … and I — he’s not going to use them.
WALLACE: But you don’t think that Barack Obama has a profound respect for our soldiers and the families that are giving the sacrifice?
RUSH: Chris, throughout the Iraq war, it was Barack Obama and the Democrat Party which actively sought the defeat of the U.S. military. They convened hearings and accused General Petraeus of lying. They said the surge would not work.
Harry Reid stands up, waves the white flag — this war is lost. Jack Murtha is out saying our Marines at Haditha are guilty of rape. John Kerry is accusing our Marines of committing terrorism acts by going into the homes of Iraqis at midnight in the dark terrorizing, looking for Al Qaida or whoever was there.
Yeah. I mean, look. I hate to be honest with you here, but I do question their commitment to national security. I question their commitment to the U.S. military. They’ll put their political survival and their political power being gained over anything else. They’ll use anybody and throw anybody away in order to achieve it.
Full interview of Rush with Chris Wallace below:
Friend, please consider linking It seems to have a similar take as you.
*takes a breath*
*Hugs Marine son, because he’s home for a week before cultural training*
*moves away from the keyboard*
Waffles, Eggs, Bacon, More Ammo, More Replacements, More Air Support and a Will to Win BEGGED from the Pretender in Chief…Nope, He is shooting hoops and Pretending…and Jacking off at fooling America while Troopers fight and die.
Presidents Lead. Pretenders wipe their backsides on America and do Photo Ops. Heroes fight and die.
America at War and The Boy Pretender Shoots Hoops, Campaigns and could care Less.
Pissed off and if You are not, the Hell with You!
Thanks so much for the link to the video and the transcript. I forgot he was going to be on. I loved the interview and I’m going to play some of it on the radio show tomorrow.
Thanks for posting this. Just watched the whole thing and extras at Foxnews. Simply, Rush is the most articulate spokesman the conservatives in the country have. Cuts to the chase and for my money is dead-on accurate.
I do wish the interview had not gone down the personal road with Rush. I don’t see them doing this with other guests… but he handled it ok.
It reminds him of the Japanese surrender and makes him very uncomfortable. Why?
As many of you have already heard, Army General David Petraeus fainted during a senate hearing Tuesday morning. He had been asked about Afghanistan drawback plans when he passed out in front of them on his desk. What I wish to know now is; what induced him to faint? Was something said to him to result in some mental distress, was he malnourished, what happened. Most individuals probably could care less, but I really wonder what caused this kind of an event, especially because payday loans definitely won’t be big enough to get him out of trouble if he is in any. General Petraeus should consider going to the hospital and have a monthly checkup.I think he may have a problem with his health that should not be disregarded.
VIVIAN: hi, I hope he’s okay; thoses jobs seems to have intensified pressure with this GOVERNMENT getting scare to loose their jobs, they tend to becomes bullies, toward their peers
It surely not good for the blood pressure going basurk, and keeping his name as no1 killer, in our stress society. bye 🙄
I really can’t understand what is the purpose of this war in Afganistan and what Obama can get as a result. I don’t think that any aim can be reached by means of war. As for me, Obama administration should think about common people and soldiers who suffer and die because of this war and should do everything possible to stop it as soon as possible. Is there no opportunity to make an agreement with no violence? As for me there is a definite way both the governments can negotiate and make an agreement.
[Spam portion of comment removed so that HarrisonG’s remaining words can be used for sheer entertainment value. – Aye]
Very fascinating post.